It's rare to have a really good backup, last one I remember was Shazam by Geoff Johns
Public enemy number 1: BATMAN! Public enemy number 2: Bruce Wayne?! When both Bruce and his alter ego are implicated in the same crime, the cops have some questions - and the Dark Knight is going to have to think quick or risk his identity being exposed to the world! But law enforcement isn’t the only entity hunting the Bat-the titanic MR. WORTH is ready to use all his money and power to see Batman six feet under!
Featuring not one, but TWO additional epics! First up, “3 minutes” explores the early days of Lucius Fox’s introduction to the world of Batman. Then, in “exclusive”, the Gotham Gazette’s own Deb Donovan runs down the power players in Gotham City! more
Mariko Tamaki continues to deliver one of the smartest Bat-runs in recent memories, as the gritty underbelly of Gotham comes for Bruce Wayne. Read Full Review
Oh, you'd better believe that Detective Comics #1037 is highly recommended. Read Full Review
Bogdanovic delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout this issue. The story is filled with awesome detail and the action is exciting and visually thrilling. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #1037 continues to challenge Batman's detective skills as he finds himself wanted for the murder he's trying to solve. The Huntress and Oracle provide the highlight of the issue as they assist Bruce. The back ups could be stronger this issue, but it's great that DC is doing back up stories at all. More Huntress, please! Read Full Review
Detective Comics continues to be the best of the books in the Batman universe. Tamaki's skills at putting together remarkable stories in both the main story and backups make for an overall wonderfully connected story that fills in questions as you go from one story to the next. I for one am not upset that Tec has returned to twice-monthly shipping. Read Full Review
Props to Mariko Tamaki for trying something different with Batman, as this storyline has been a hoot. Read Full Review
Nguyen has quietly established himself as one of the definitive modern era Batman artists. He gets how to create a mood with his art that fits the dramatic storytelling of Batman and it remains a strong marriage of artist and character universe. Read Full Review
The new creative direction remains entertaining and adds so much to Bruce Wayne's world while expanding out Gotham and its citizens in many ways. Unfortunately, a problematic artist has come aboard causing the book to lose some of its very uniquely stylized look that had been established in prior issues. The addition of backups continues to allow for more characters to get the spotlight as the past and present of Gotham and Batman grow in intriguing ways. Read Full Review
Good, solid, enjoyable chapter in the ongoing crime drama, though the big explosion scene in this issue is a bit too much for everything else around it. Read Full Review
The art is outstanding, but the writing takes a dip in quality. For me, that's not a deal-breaker yet, because I still think that the creative team can course correct, but if the writer and editor continue to go down this road, they might run into trouble. The backups are fun little additions to the book, but they are by no means must-read stories. Read Full Review
Although I do miss Mora on art, the art is still excellent. For the story, I don't know whether to love Mr. Worth for being such a psycho or not because a man born into money and who has everything he's ever wanted would not go and do that himself. I do like the idea of Bruce being under investigation for murder in a new community that he's found, but it's been poorly executed the last few issues. And the parasite thing seems unnecessary. Read Full Review
I have really enjoyed this run so far it's written very well and is steeped in the detective aspect of Batman. The end of the final story also raises some interesting questions and makes me wonder what is coming down the line. Terrific book
Bogdanovic art is truly amazing. Good issue overall.
Batman's biggest obstacle in getting this one solved quickly is a really big man with a really short temper (And a fashion sense about 110 years behind the times). Worth just can't seem to think before he acts. He's definitely a case fit for Arkham.
The backup stories were slow and meaningless, but better than any of the other pointless supporting stories in this blatantly obvious scheme to rise ALL DC books to $5 apiece soon so far. I didn't care much for the story from the past because it's just plain confusing to me, because I'm used to Licius Fox not knowing Batman's secret back in those days, but considering the way DC history has been twisted like a 50-mile-long Pretzel over the last 15 years I'm not the least bit surprised either. Bottom line, Forget the backup stories. NO ONE thinks they're worth the extra buck. more
Main Issue - loving this arc so far, Tamaki's killing it rn, 8.5/10
Exclusive - great premise, boring execution, 7.5/10
3 mins - great idea and execution, 9/10
was decent, Clayface story is the main story that I enjoyed. and Lucius Fox story is pretty neat.
Bruce being falsely accused of murder is not new, but it's played in a nice way here.I'm really liking the main story but the backups aren't adding too much to the main story, it doesn't really bother me because I'm not spending money on this, but if I were, I would be pissed.
The main story is a lot of fun. I really do think this is so much better than the Batman title. It's paced much better and it doesn't overstuff *everything*. The backups are fiiiiine but not the best. It really is a trend with DC's new publishing initiative. They charge you extra for the story you want, and as thanks, give you mediocre extra pages you don't want.
It's rare to have a really good backup, last one I remember was Shazam by Geoff Johns
It's so up and down in quality, honestly. I don't think the backups are worth it, and I hope this trend goes away.
A short, notable, if messy piece of a larger narrative surrounding Batman. Probably the loudest voice here is Gotham calling back to Snyder. There's a hunger that acts through different forces of people. That angry father Worth appears to be more furious somebody messed with his family title than his own daughter's death. I'm really starting to like that reporter Deb, she doesn't just follow the outrage, she tries to find the source and make the absolutely best guess.
Finally the most controversial part, fans will be a little annoyed that Lucius Fox gets a retcon in his working relationship with Batman. Especially since he's been echoing critics of Batman when before he's always been supportive of Bruce and the Bat family even before meeting Robin. Granted there's some wiggle room and the way its presented makes Lucius' decision very believable. more
I liked Tamaki's script in the prior issues of this arc. The parasite & Worth's blowing up a police station with impunity felt like now it's jumping the shark. The artwork was a step down also from Mora. The backup stories I don't care about, just give me my dollar back.
" Justice !"
So far, I really like this run. This chapter was kind of uneventful, but not totally. We got to see insane Mr. Worth in action, completely blinded by rage and that was fun. He is simple, but quite intriguing as a character for me and clearly the highlight of the main story. Also I liked the idea of Bruce being captured by the police as a suspect. It was logical and it was cool to see how Bruce tries to handle this situation, but I would have liked if he stayed in prison for longer, because I felt that this had potential for more exploration. Also the whole issue felt really short.
I quite liked the side stories too, but although there were some questionable things, that I am sure would rub some people the wrong way.
In "3 minutes" we get a look into Batman and Robin in their early days and more precisely a look into the people behind the curtain, that help them: Alfred and Lucius and how they perceive it. Lucius's portrayal is one of those questionable things, I talked about, but overall I really enjoyed this little story and the commentaries it provides on Batman and Robin. The dialogue was good, Alfred was awesome(it's great seeing him for a first time in so long in such a good light) and beside all, I liked the contrast between him and Lucius. One serving as the insiders voice of why Dick needs to be Robin and the other as outsider's voice on how weird all that is for a normal person with a different experience . The story is definitely worth it and shows some great understanding of Batman, although I was kind of bummed out by the way the conversation ended.
The other story "Exclusive" also was nice. It was cool to see such a different perspective of a critical reporter, although at times it got over the top. I get her point, but I feel like it could have been expressed better.
A step down from #1036, but still enjoyable. The main gripe that I have with it is that the main story felt rather short, just going from scene to scene, and left me unsatisfied even if it raises some interesting developments such as Bruce's arrest.
The art is still good, but I do prefere Mora's work over the team here.
This issue has two backups, with mixed results.
Exclusive is the better of the two. It features Bruce's new reporter neighbour. It presented in a neat fashion with a fitting atmosphere and to the point. A fun little backup story.
3 minutes I'm not very fond of, solely because of Lucius Fox. It feels disgenuine, simply there to retcon his character to justify the character transplant he has gotten recently. Beyond that, I find the art less then stellar though it was nice seeing Alfred again.
What they've done to his character is make him less heroic and more 'dirty' and also changed his belief in Batman. Where he once was a strong supporter of Bruce and his cause, this issue retcons him viewing the Bat-family as a cult. His morale compass has also been affected. If I understand correctly from a conversation with a friend, he was willing to use bribes and blackmails to keep Jace Fox out of prison in the Next Batman E-series something the traditional Lucius Fox would’ve never done.
Well now we have a killer parasite that came out of ... we don't know but I imagine that in the next few numbers we will know.
I don't know, it's not bad, but it's not great either.
The art is not as good as the previous ones, it is about respecting Mora's art, what was good for him, maybe a little carefree, but now Bruce seems homeless and it does not come to mind why a person with bearing is so careless, isn't like he was looking for food in the garbage.
I'll wait to see what happens.
The main story was ok, not as strong as the beginning.
Exclusive was also ok, but 3 minutes was really bad, the way DC is changing Lucius is terrible and boring
Inconsistent to the degree of laughter. His mysteries are so vague, so bad, without any logic.
Garbage. I guess ticking the right boxes off is more important than sales at this point...
Absolute shit, I couldn't care less about Tamaki's ramblings, just get her off the book and put Tomasi back, he was at least decent, Tamaki is ridiculously bad.