Tony Stark, the genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, has lost it all: his wealth?his fame?his friends. But Stark doesn't realize he still has so much more to lose, especially when the assassins start to come for him! It's the beginning of the end, as the Golden Avenger must fight for his life and find out what it really means to hit rock bottom. Join Gerry Duggan (X-MEN) and Juan Frigeri (AVENGERS) as they take Iron Man to the darkest corners of the Marvel Universe yet!
Rated T+
The Invincible Iron Man #1 is the perfect jumping-on point for new fans of Tony's exploits, while still respecting the long history in which past readers have invested themselves. Our 10/10 review. Read Full Review
The Invincible Iron Man #1 is an explosive start. Duggan's run begins with a bang, and the energy manifested by that will hopefully inform the rest of the series. There is a streamlined nature to the comic, with Tony Stark basically having the armor on his back and nothing else. It's an Iron Man adventure in the heart of the Marvel Universe, borrowing the best the world has to offer with cameos and mysteries galore. Read Full Review
Luckily, for fans of Tony Stark, Invincible Iron Man #1 from Duggan and Frigeri strikes the perfect balance between a complete reinvention and redundancy. The story is a fresh take on the beloved Avengers while staying true to his roots. The fact this creative team is able to balance the two ends in a flawless manner is stunning, making this one of the most impressive Iron Man debuts in recent memory. Read Full Review
Invincible Iron Man#1 features brutal shocks while leaning into Tony Stark's resolve in a story that draws you in and keeps you invested in the character. A thriller that puts you in Tony Stark's head, Iron Man fights beautifully against the pressure of a constant and unknown threat. Read Full Review
Overall, Invincible Iron Man #1 is a fun debut issue which gives a fresh remix to this very familiar character. The story by Duggan is exhilarating. The art by the creative team is remarkable. Altogether, a story that will have readers find their excitement for this character renewed. Read Full Review
Frigeri delivers some great art on every page of the issue. The action is visually thrilling and I love the visual world of the character. Read Full Review
Invincible Iron Man #1 is a great start that does an excellent job of balancing what has been going on with what's to come. It should continue to hook and excite long time readers while acting as a perfecting starting point for new ones as well. Read Full Review
Invincible Iron Man #1 is a great start that does an excellent job of balancing what has been going on with what's to come. It should continue to hook and excite long time readers while acting as a perfecting starting point for new ones as well. Read Full Review
Overall, this story is a mix between Trading Places and Minority Report (in the premise, not the futuristic precog stuff) with a weighted slap of almost every bad characteristic of Tony Stark you can think of wrapped up in one comic. If Duggans point was to make the character be at one of his lowest points, hes certainly succeeded. But, whos behind all of this, and why? For someone to go through all of this, there must be some serious hate involved. As of right now, Im intrigued and think its worth sticking out for a six-issue arc to see how this irons out. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review
After the explosive finale of the Cantwell run, Tonys still down on his luck, now staying in a bit of a dive, as he tries to rebuild his life from financial ruin. Someones out to get him, but with no proof, who could be pulling his strings? Is it someone we know, or someone completely new? Lots of questions, and some great art gave this book a boost. Hopefully these two can capture a Tony we havent seen in awhile: the fun version. Read Full Review
The Invincible Iron Man #1 is a serviceable start to a new run starring Marvel's quintessential playboy after he's fallen on hard times. The pacing, plot progression, and dialog are excellent, and the art team delivers a gorgeous set of visuals. However, kicking off a new run with Tony Stark hitting rock bottom feels like too-familiar territory, so it remains to be seen if this series is worth continuing. Read Full Review
The first issue of Cantwell's run wasn't even two years ago and it might as well have been the 17th century, but the big changes feel intentional and deliberate. Read Full Review
Solid, if depressing start to a new Iron Man series. A lot of big story elements are set up, especially our main character's potential growth. Read Full Review
In Gerry Duggan's search to tell his own version of Demon In A Bottle he creates an immediate exit point as soon as The Invincible Iron Man #1 ends. The entire story felt like repeating a bad cycle you thought you escaped from but somehow find yourself stuck in yet again. The only saving grace was the solid artwork by Juan Frigeri. But even good artwork can't save a story that leaves you with a feeling of not wanting to read more. And that is exactly what happens with the writing in The Invincible Iron Man #1. Read Full Review
Great first issue. I love the idea of Tony writing his autobiography. The first couple of pages is giving you a rundown of everything you need to know about Tony’s past. This narrative device makes you feel the weight of Tony’s history. He’s been through a ton of shit over his 60 years that isn’t acknowledged enough. Also using the CliffNotes style where he’s editing, deleting and re-wording as he goes, gives you a glimpse of who he is and how he operates. He’s a tinkerer who is, again, using his past to shape his future.
I have to commend the creative team for pulling off a reset where new readers and old readers will be pleased. The first couple of pages retracing Tony’s life makes this run feels like a continuati more
Wow that was terrific! I absolutely loved how it was written. It read so smoothly for me I could really hear that Tony stark voice in it. I found myself really fascinated with the story and loved the artwork as it seemed to fit the feel of the story perfectly. It's pretty much exactly what I hope for in an iron man story. I thought this sounded good but it certainly exceeded expectations for me. I'm really looking forward to the next issue!
A nice debut issue for this series that does a really solid job of establishing Tony's current situation and mindset. I will say that I wasn't a huge fan of some of the dialogue here, with one example coming when Tony's eating outside of his destroyed apartment complex, but I didn't hate it or anything. Other than relatively small gripes, this was good stuff and I do like the idea of Tony's narration coming from an autobiography he's writing. Plus, Frigeri's art is good throughout. All things considered, this was a good read that makes me believe this has the potential to get even better.
Solid first issue with potential to go to really cool places. We'll see.
Pretty good start.
Cantwell's Iron Man was reflexing on Tony's actions a bit too much at times. Duggan does it too but also injects some comedy in the process which works better for Tony's character over all.
As long as Duggan doesn't try to get Emma Frost and Tony together I'm on board with this story.
Strong first issue. Very much a tone-setting book, with a sense of familiarity to the reader. Really liked the narration in this issue, as well as the ensuing threat Tony's going to be facing in the upcoming issues. Looking forward to reading more.
What are the other demons besides the bottle?
Iron Man returns in the new volume, giving a very personal touch to the character. He puts on the armor against a villain, but the biggest fight in this edition is internal. Tony has already lost everything, but it seems that there is someone who wants him to lose even more, those around him.
It's a well-told story. The art is strong, Tony has a consistent and appealing voice, and though the pace is slow, that allows the issue to hit every base in the Iron Man saga from his origin to what he was up to last month.
So why am I slotting this in the very bottom of "good comics" territory? Well, for all the storytelling talent, it's not particularly novel. This feels like off-the-shelf Tony in an off-the-shelf situation, dealing with off-the-shelf Iron Man problems.
It *is* good enough to get me to stick around and see if this volume gets distinctive over time.
(Cover Date: February, 2023)
I hoped that this „tony is broken” “everybody hates iron man” “riri is better” approach would end by now. But Gerry is a great writer, so this can go somewhere.