IRON MAN VS. IRONHEART! The assassination attempts on Tony's life continue as a familiar foe returns to take him down. It'll be up to Iron Man and Ironheart to stop him?but what secret is Riri Williams harboring from Tony? And will this change their relationship forever?
Invincible Iron Man #2 is a great issue powered by the personality of its heroes. Iron Man and Ironheart in a comic together is a great combination, the mixture of confidence, experience, and a reverse student/teacher relationship brings an uneasy tension throughout the issue. Duggan has laced the series with mysteries and avenues for adventure, with glorious art from Frigeri and Valenza. Read Full Review
Frigeri delivers some great art in the issue. The battle with the Living Lazer is great and I love seeing Iron Man and Ironheart fight side by side. Read Full Review
Pick up Invincible Iron Man #2 for the ongoing adventures of Tony Stark having a really bad time as someone attempts to ruin his credibility. Considering Iron Man is no longer rich, losing public opinion might be the worst of it...until you see that cliffhanger. Invincible Iron Man pays homage to the past while building up a mystery worth investing in. Read Full Review
While making Tonys life a living hell isnt something new, the new team of Duggan and Frigeri are making it light with some fun dialogue and gorgeous art to look at. All signs point to a crossover with the X-Men book (that Duggans also writing), so this should prove to be interesting. Read Full Review
Invincible Iron Man #2 quickly puts more fuel on the fire for Tony, incorporates two new characters into the story, and provides little clues as to who might be behind all of this. However, the pacing is perfect, there is just enough action to keep fans interested, and the mystery is still involved enough to make Invincible Iron Man #2 worth the buy. Nevertheless, readers are going to need some type of clues soon or at least a stellar plot thread quickly to keep fans interested. Yes, the pacing is fine, however, readers will need something tangible soon or they may walk. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review
Good, quality, well-rounded superhero comic, with an especially fun villain encounter in this issue. Read Full Review
Just two issues in and Gerry Duggan has already spun a masterful whodunnit as Tony Stark and Riri Williams have a quick team-up as they work to find who's impersonating Iron Man. Read Full Review
Some of y’all need to chill…
Is ‘Tony at his lowest’ are common troupe? Yes. So is Peter being broke or Daredevil being depressed. It’s not that deep.
Story wise I’m enjoying this:
- Good Tony characterisation
- Riri playing a prominent role in this run (which is very rare for marvel legacy characters)
- A mysterious, interesting villain that’s fucking with Tony behind the scenes
- Good usage of IM’s villains i.e. I like that Living Laser wasn’t just a 1 page mook and has his own role in this story arc. He showed a little bit of growth in implying to team up with Tony to take down the enemy, but is still a full blown villain.
Dumb cover. Dumb ring upgrade. Otherwise good read.
A good follow-up on the events of the previous issue. Frigeri's art is still nice throughout this, though Duggan's writing is the strongest part of this book, in my opinion. I did like the more comedic aspects of this one, with Tony proposing a new battle cry and such. The ongoing story remains fairly intriguing as well and I hope we learn more about that soon. It seems we will with how this one ended.
Will riri face responsibility for the MANDARIN RINGS DAMMIT?
It's well-crafted in both words and art, but the main story just doesn't get a hook in me. Tony Stark on the skids--how many times have we seen that over the decades? And how much progress on that story does Tony actually make in this issue?
I'm much more interested in the B-Plot starting up around Ironheart. I guess the storytelling is strong enough to carry me along until we learn more about that.