Batman #138

Writer: Chip Zdarsky Artist: Jorge Jimenez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 4, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 49
6.9Critic Rating
5.3User Rating

+ Pull List

THE GOTHAM WAR CONTINUES! Batman is on the ropes as the Gotham War heats up following a shocking betrayal! It's father versus son, teacher versus student in the knockout fourth chapter of this brutal war. But who is really pulling the strings in this explosive event? Thousands of years have led to this moment!

  • 10
    Comic Watch - Dustin Gebel Oct 3, 2023

    Batman #138 continues to prove there is a power story buried in the core of Gotham War, and it takes a perfect synthesis of character and canon to achieve. Zdarsky elevates existing Bat-lore and twists it into something new, using pitch-perfect characterization to do so. While the writing is superb, it's the art and coloring that add the gold to the breaks in the pot. Jimnezs linework and Moreys palettes bring elevated action and twisted expressions to the issue, pushing this book from street level to tragic in the classic sense. The fights on the street and oaths in the night give the issue a fantastical quality that sells the high drama of the story. Batman #138 restores a lot of lost faith in the crossover and proves there can be beauty in the broken. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 3, 2023

    In the grand scheme of Batman and in-canon developments, seeing how Zdarsky disassembles the character is getting exhilarating. It may be painful to see him fight his sidekicks, but it's happening due to Bruce going solo and refusing help, which could lead to new and exciting stories. For a character over eighty years old, that's a rare thing, and this is a series to keep an eye on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 7, 2023

    The characters are raw, the emotions are high, the action is awesome and this story is really moving at a high gear. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Oct 3, 2023

    This is a brutal story, not just for the no-holds-barred fights between family, but for how ugly it is when Batman actually abandons the code he's sworn to protect. This almost feels like a deconstruction on the stereotype of "Batman as lonely grim warrior, and it's a bit uncomfortable to see at points. But this is turning out to be a far more emotionally-driven storyline than I was expecting from the solicits. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Max Byrne Oct 3, 2023

    Batman #138 tightens the screws on Batman. It leaves him in a place where his allies are non-existent, his methods have become truly questionable and his mental health is spiraling further downwards. Whilst there is a lingering chance at the end for Bruce and Selina to re-align their philosophies, events are due to take a darker turn before they can get better. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Oct 3, 2023

    Batman #138 is a sign of something significant. Now, actions are being taken that cross lines, which might mean there is no going back. And whilst the heroes are busy scrapping in the light, far too many villains lurk in the shadows. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Oct 3, 2023

    Jimenez delivers fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the way Jimenez frames characters and how he crafts action to enhance the suspense of the story. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerd Initiative - Ken M. Oct 3, 2023

    With his latest move, the Dark Knight crosses a line that even his closest allies question. Zdarsky, Jimnez and the team construct a memorable chapter with incredible artwork and writing. Gotham City is barely holding it together with a story that cant be passed up on for New Comic Book Day! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Get Your Comic On - Neil Vagg Oct 3, 2023

    Batman #138 is another solid entry in The Gotham War event. This has been my favourite issue so far. The stakes are high, the emotions are even higher and everyone has something to lose. Where do we go from here!? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Oct 3, 2023

    Batman #138 is a beautifully drawn and colored issue, and it's easily the best issue in Gotham War so far. That doesn't spare it from being a story wrapped in tenderness and heart between Batman and his family, while simultaneously suffering from a dumb overarching plot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Oct 3, 2023

    The twist and big reveal is superb. It might be enough to salvage The Gotham War, but there's a realistic concern that the damage done to Batman might be too much for Zdarsky to overcome. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 4, 2023

    Batman #138 isn't bad overall, it just could be so much more. There's an emotional ride that really works but the comic, and story, can't keep things focused on the simple aspects that really stand out, and instead takes things to another level adding in elements that don't need to be there for a good story. Savage's actions could be a whole other storyline. Instead, Batman #138, and “Gotham War” as a whole, feels like an interesting concept where more plotlines keep getting added and diluting what makes it stand out. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Oct 3, 2023

    Batman #138 does not fix any of the problems with Gotham War. If anything chapter four further highlights all the problems with this crossover. The entire Batman Family conflict caused by Gotham War is just poorly executed. Though at least with the Vandal Savage and Batman of Zur-En-Arrh developments there are a few positives take aways from this chapter. That along with Jorge Jimenez great artwork saves Batman #138 from being another bust in the Gotham War crossover. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Oct 2, 2023

    Batman #138 is a bizarre fever dream of nonsense storytelling. Zdarsky creates one plot development with a "black box," and then jumps to another plot development with another "black box." Then Vandal Savage shows up to take over the world. What is happening? Somebody send out a search party for Chip Zdarsky because he might not be okay. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 4, 2023

    Batman #138 continues the Gotham War with more Batman deconstruction and, sadly, more Bat Family destruction.  The core concept of this "war" was flawed from the start, so why not add more nonsense into the mix?  That's what Chip Zdarsky does with a laughable move by Vandal Savage and worse.  While I could use event fatigue as a reason to avoid Gotham War, I don't have to go that far...Skip this issue and all of Gotham War because it is a horribly written story! Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Oct 3, 2023

    I've said what I had to say. The premise doesn't work and as a result the entire story falls apart. This month, we get a bunch of pointless fight scenes, albeit rendered beautifully by a stellar art team. But DC needs to up their game, because this just ain't it. Like I said in the intro, I strongly recommend that you keep your money and spend your time doing something else instead. Read Full Review

  • 2.0 - Nicole Drum Oct 4, 2023

    This issue, and rapidly this whole title, is just not worth the read. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Screaming Enigma Oct 5, 2023

    While this crossover has not been my absolute favorite by any means, I think the amount of hate it's getting is a bit unwarranted. It's pretty much a given that Jimenez's art is fantastic. When it comes to the story, of course it can be better. However, it's not absolutely terrible like some will have you believe. The interactions between Bruce and Dick are really good. While I thought the parts with Vandal were interesting, it felt a bit disconnected from the rest of the story at times. All things considered, while I did enjoy this issue, this hasn't been my favorite story and I'm getting ready to move on from Gotham War.

  • 7.5
    derbycomics Oct 3, 2023

    I will fully admit that I have started to disconnect individual issues from the atrocious “Gotham War” storyline in my own mind. That plot has reached the point of being nonsensical, so I’m choosing to disassociate from it and judge individual titles on an issue by issue basis. Jorge Jiménez steals the show flexing his artistic muscles (I wish his very real life ones too, seriously he is gorgeous ripped) in this issue, with heart-pounding action sequences featuring various members of the Bat Family. Chip Zdarsky continues to pull back layers which reveal Bruce’s actions are the result of Batman of Zur-En-Arrh being control. What first appeared as a step too far for the Caped Crusader is becoming more understandable and, frankly, it more

  • 7.0
    sawright20 Oct 4, 2023

    This goes without saying, but Jimenez’s art is superb. He is perhaps one of the all time great Batman artists. I haven’t been as disappointed in this event as others, but it’s losing me a bit. There are aspects that I really like, others that I really don’t, and some others that have been introduced in this issue that have me concerned.

    Batman’s behavior is purposefully out of character, so I don’t consider that a valid criticism. Zur and his attack on the concept of the Bat-family has been set up quite well from the beginning of Zdarsky’s run, and it adds some interesting drama. What Batman has done to Jason is diabolical, but it’s supposed to be. Tim and Damian also seem pretty in character, and I especially lik more

  • 6.0
    Loafy Trophy Oct 12, 2023

    While I can appreciate elements of Zdarsky's run, I gotta say that his take on Batman so far is not my cup of tea. Zdarsky's take is the closest thing we've ever gotten to Frank Miller's Batman in main continuity. He's a loner, a bully and completely driven by the mission. I get that Zur is in control and Bruce has been pushed past his breaking point but so much of this issue comes off as mean-spirited, particularly when it comes to Jason. Besieging him with fear is the kind of plot development that feels just a little too difficult to walk back from once this is all over.

    On the positive side, I think Zdarsky handled the rest of the Batfamily really well and the issue accurately portrayed the devastation Bruce is causing his al more

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  • 5.5
    Afre Oct 4, 2023

    Jimenez was amazing here, we can all agree on that. For his art alone, this would get an easy 10/10, accompanied with great coloring.

    However, the script here is just... not good. I like the parts with Dick and Bruce, and Zur-En-Ar taking very drastic measures is shocking.

    But as an event, this storyline is not. This is mostly action and this "event" hasn't really gone anywhere in 4 issues. It's a chore to read otherwise, if not the art.

    And it's disappointing. I'm a huge Zdarsky fan and I had such huge hopes for this one after his Daredevil run. But about 14 issues in and I'm not completely sold.

    Zdarsky seems to be more interested in setupping his future arcs or writing about Zur-En-Ar than he i more

  • 5.0
    Mout Nov 7, 2023

    There is some good here, but Chip is going too far

  • 4.5
    TheObserver Oct 3, 2023

    Halala... action, surprises, emotion, it's all there... but it doesn't fit. trying to deconstruct Batman (again), there's not much left of DC's great, ultra-capable hero. He's in pieces (again). You'd think it was a contest. Or it's in the brief. Who can best scuttle Batman's psyche (again)? Chip Zdarksy sure can, but why? There was a time when Batman was there to serve the story. Now, he's the story! all the time. At once the narrator, the villain, the victim, the reason, the cause, the consequence, the center of it all. There's no more hero serving his city in the shadows, no more genius. There's an ogre with shaky sanity (again and again) who is the alpha and omega of all storytelling. If you look closely, there's no story. more

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  • 3.5
    cincyfan Oct 7, 2023

    I have to say I'm a huge collector of batman books both batman and detective and know there are going to be different takes on the character some of which aren't going to work for me. That being said though I want to find that missing piece that makes me think oh I see this was all misdirection I haven't found it. Zdarsky is one of my favorite writers his daredevil was amazing as was Spider-Man life story but this is a complete mess it seems. I understand that is just my opinion chip zdarsky is a phenomenal writer so I have faith this will all come together but yikes. I was so excited for zdarsky to take over batman unfortunately I am having doubts now. I keep rereading the issues hoping to find that missing piece or keep hoping the next is more

  • 3.5
    wakizashireviews Oct 3, 2023

    Batman used to be an essential buy for me. Not anymore.

    I was excited when Zdarsky was announced for this book and I thought his run started really well. More fool me. Jorge Jimenez is wasted on this comic.

  • 3.0
    fzanca Oct 11, 2023

    The art continues to be great, but as for the story, Chip needs some therapy if he thinks anyone is buying the Gotham War as anything but a comedy. Even in light of this whole Zur thing, Batman and Damien are correct. Crime is still occuring, even if it's simply a rise in burglaries against the rich. Even that's not true, since in Nightwing and in Batman & Robin (which are both in continuity) violent crimes are still ocurring. This is not only out of character for Batman, but it's out of character for every character being written - and I use that term lightly. Not to mention that Catwoman and all of her cronies are ESCAPED CONVICTS! Why is no one hunting them to take them back to prison? It's all just stupid.

    Check out my comic more

  • 3.0
    daspidaboy Oct 8, 2023

    As a huge Batman fan, I got to say: This is a load of dog shit right here. I dont know what's going on with chip Zdarsky, but this is not an event that is good at all. I cant believe I'm saying this, but I prefer James Tynion Iv and Joshua wiliamson's batman run more than this.

    Batman actually trying to brainwash and do mind tricks on Jason Todd is frankly too far. I get the whole Knight Terrors event as well as Zurr En ahh persona making Batman do this, but it still feels wrong. Nightwing saying he sides with Catwoman completely is weird. He's literally my favorite DC Superhero, so this event ruined him.

    Remember Pre-Flashpoint Batman was against mind control during Identity Crisis when he found out the Justice Leagu more

  • 3.0
    darkknight of steel Oct 3, 2023

    Such a weak book i dont like this type of stories using zur as an excuse to let batman do whatever the hell he wants even putting a failsafe into his son it was like really painful to see jason like that in the end and well we saw another time how catwoman just trusted sb in a week and that guy turned out to be traitor since catwomans new run she can been nothing butba totall fool but how we salvage this?? Instead of writing her in character we just make batman worse what a novel approach this event has been one of the worst events ever it litteraly contains the oposite of every thing peoole want they want batcat together well they are fighting for the dumbest reason the want batfam to be a family we see how fractured they are such a disapp more

  • 3.0
    Quinn Oct 3, 2023

    No, just no. Batman is pure evil using mind control techniques to control Jason despite the fact that when JLA did that to Catwoman via Zatanna he quite rightly opposed it. The family can’t stop him and the subplot is now immortals gather to turn Gotham immortal or some such nonesense. Any plot that can’t be made into a Batman movie is bad. You want sci-fi or magic with Batman, see him in the Justice League.

    Meanwhile Catwoman is surprised that Bruce opposes her kinder, gentler crime wave. This arc of stories is well drawn but clearly shows DC doesn’t know what to do with Batman and family. Just keep making nuts and have family in turmoil for good reason.

    That’s been the problem with Batman. Writers write thems more

  • 2.0
    KiryuMajima28t Oct 2, 2023

    So the mainline batman book from DC is currently the worst batman book available. Got it!

  • 2.0
    ItsJess Sep 30, 2023

    I'm at a loss for words as to how terrible this book and this event is. It's almost impressive.

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  • 1.5
    ResearchReader Oct 3, 2023

    This issue is an aberration of batman and his family. The 1.5 is for the art as it is good as always. The story gets a 0.

    Now onto the review. Chip is a failure, no other way to put it. I don't know how it happened but this feels like the end half of Tom Kings batman run (at least he got to 50 issues before he totally destroyed it... Chip got to like what... 15?). He has destroyed Batman for the rest of his run. I feel sorry for the person after him who has to clean up.

    But Researcher how is it that bad? I hear you ask. Well lets go over some utterly damaging things done in this issue.
    1) Batman reprogramming Jason. Hey you know how Zatanna reprogrammed a r*pist after being pressured by the league to do so and Ba more

  • 1.0
    Lions Oct 4, 2023

    Esto es un asco, resultado de un montón de escritores mediocres que no quieren leer

  • 10
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  • 10
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