Mickey Smith's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerd Initiative Reviews: 121
8.7Avg. Review Rating

Artistically speaking, characters and colors were simple. To make things worse, the panel layout really made this drag. Simple blocks on every page, with wavy lines to represent moments in Synch's mind. The whole thing felt rushed and nothing more than filler for the larger conclusion to come. Synch was definitely the star of this book and really established him as a cornerstone for what's to come.

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Despite a couple of odd story choices I still enjoyed the book overall and I think if your a fan of action movies, like me, you will too!

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The pacing of this issue was a the biggest problem for me. There was some heavy dialogue involving lore dumps that were interesting, but seemed to bog down the story. Steve Rodgers is so interesting in this though. He tries his best to relate to the residents of The Front Door, but he just comes off like the weird one and it's a lot fun. Skinz was a fantastic addition to group of mutants with some wild abilities, and the penguin in the desert was a very surprising part of the story.

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I think Hellverine is off to a nice start. This issue focused on building foundations for what was to come, while still injecting action and conflict into the narrative. I was worried at times that I might get bored, but then something would happen and keep the pace up. I feel like this book will get better the further we get as Percy is really building some interesting plot points that could pay off big.

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As someone who has kinda gotten tired of the Moira MacTaggert schtick in the X-Men universe, and welcomes the soon to come retcon, I have to say that Dead X-Men #1 went above my expectations. Time travel can get really convoluted, really quick, but this book did a great job of laying everything out straight forward. There would obviously be some context needed for anyone picking up this issue, but I feel like this could be a good jumping off point for interested readers.

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This issue was a action packed fight from beginning to end. Big werewolf action full of teeth, blood, fire, and haymakers! It was a lot of fun to read but basically, it was a filler issue. We learned more about what the power of Lycana is all about and that Charlie's fate is pretty bleak if she continues on. There was a ton of foreshadowing and set up for what's to come.

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This first half of this issue was super heavy on dialogue and backstory. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be a bit hard to get through. Once we get the squad on their mission the pacing picks up and things seem to flow easier. I thing this book has some great potential going forward. Once things get complicated and the squad members start diverting from their main objective, it's gonna get fun. I say it's worth picking up issue two to see a little more of how the story unfolds!

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The Displaced is a fascinating study on the psychology of survivors. Guilt, ambition, and loss of identity Al factor in to these peoples motivations. I believe that this causes the pacing to be a little slow, and there's not much action until the end of the issue. However, the story is still fascinating to see Emmett, Harold, Gabby, and the others react in different ways to this supernatural phenomenon they are experience together. The art is heavy and grounded all while still feeling ethereal in a sense at times. This issue may have been giving us a lot of information and showing us character development at the expense of action, but I still think it's a great read.

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I'm not gonna lie, Lucifer was making some strong points. The opening act was fun and campy. The fight with Lucifer was big and intense. The descent into Hell was beautiful and horrific at the same time. There's a lot of good in this issue, but ultimately felt like a filler episode. Lucifer's monologue, however awesome, still drags down the pacing a bit. This issue was good enough and I'm still enthralled in the series overall.

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With the series coming to the end, issue 5 provides us with a satisfying conclusion. Steve Orlando does a fantastic job of character development and fun, dramatic dialogue. This issue does suffer a bit in the pacing department. We're compiling a huge battle with a lot of moving parts into one book, with a lot of dialogue. However, everything that happens makes sense and gives a us closure on many levels while still leaving the door open for more!

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“They” say honesty is the best policy. Honestly, by initial thoughts were that I was getting into a campy, surface level story cartoon with nothing of real substance, just fun. Do you know what else “they” say? Don't judge a book by it's cover. After a second reading, I found myself in the deep end of the pool and I'm not sure how I got there. David Dastmalchian is a great storyteller. Jerri is so much more that jokes and monsters. She's a real person, and she's written with care.

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As I've said in my previous reviews of Dead X-Men, Steve Foxe is running on all cylinders. This book has been a breath of fresh air from all of the X-Men drama going on. These characters are rarely featured on prominent teams, some may even be regularly ridiculed by readers, but here in this book, they work. Foxe has the voices for these X-Men perfectly in tune, and the fun adventure through time and space has been a blast. I'm almost sad to see it end in the next issue.

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Not a bad follow up to the exciting first issue of this series. I'm in love with the Manga/anime style that's being used to bring Popeye to a new generation. The story continues to ramp up and grow to a universal size in scope. No bar fights or sea stories for Popeye in this one. He's fighting what is essentially Gods now! The pacing in this one suffers a touch in Jeeps very dense explanation of the Source Beings, but other than that it was a fun read!

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This was a great finale that helped cement this as a really fun and fascinating Ghost Rider story. Parker Robbins and Johnny Blaze both had an awesome finale to their character arcs and Mephisto was the icing on the cake. I absolutely loved Johnny's conversation with Zarathos and his inner dialogue made for some engaging storytelling.

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The characters are awesome and I love the whole tone and theme of the issue. It feels nostalgic with a new fresh story. The issue as a whole does lag a little in the pacing department. The gala wants to give more depth to some characters and the setting, but ultimately bogs down the story a touch. Beautiful artwork adorns each panel. Small details, lighting, and action sequences make for an engaging experience.

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When I read the list of artists, I honestly thought that I was going to have to “bring the hammer down” on this issue. In a surprising twist I found myself immersed in the lore and the various character motivations. Never did a change in art style take me out of immersion, in fact, I found myself more engaged. An issue of The Immortal Thor without the titular character is tough, but the subject matter remained interesting. This was a filler episode as AL Ewing takes an issue to set up future story threads. I am excited for what's to come.

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Phillip Kennedy Johnson continues to build on an interesting narrative involving the Hulk. It's so much fun to see these monsters and eldritch horror creations that bring a fresh feel to the Hulk.

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Overall, this issue was a fun read. The art really kicked it up a notch. The story itself was more of a rest stop on the way to a much bigger confrontation. It was good to see Bruce acknowledge all of his mistakes, but the way Hulk was playing with him felt so sadistic. The closer Hulk gets to The Eldest the more he is changing for the worst. When the finally clash, I think it will have a fantastic payoff.

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To put into simplest terms, this is the science fiction version of Homeward Bound. Athos, Porthos, and Lovely provide a lot of heart and comedy that lightens up the dark and sort of depressing tale of the humans traveling the stars. Jesse Lonergan's artistic creations are fresh and interesting, somehow increasing what makes these animals so relatable. The action scenes raise the stakes and goes from enjoying comedic tropes to feeling pride in these three as the battle the unknown to find their guardians. I highly recommend this for anyone interesting a light hearted, fun story that doesn't take itself too seriously.

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Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a stellar example of taking a really big, outlandish idea and making fun and easy to follow. Ellie's powers make perfect sense and bring some really cool dynamics into the mix! I throughly enjoyed her journey into her past as well as her blazing a path to her future.

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As the final issue in the series, the action is turned up to eleven as conflicts are resolved. Wanda gets a big upgrade that was really amazing. I loved seeing Pietro get over himself, be vulnerable, and just be real with Wanda. He truly loves his her and that really shined through in his own special way. There are definitely some set ups for Scarlet Witch's next series, that looks to continue the efforts of the still mysterious big bad in this book. The art work has been consistently great and it continues here.

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Rainbow Rowell has been putting Jen through the ringer, and this issue is no different. It was absolute pleasure to see the way she works through She-Hulk and Jack of Hearts relationship, especially in this issue. This issue as a whole had a really face pace to it, with the dialogue between Jen and Jack slowing things down, but not in a bad way. For a final part to this arc, it really kinda felt like a filler episode though. Regardless, I'm excited to see what's next for this power couple, and I really hope we get to see more of Ganymede in the future!

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As stated by so many others, Somna is a perfectly balanced book. Issue #2 continues the trend of mixing two well executed art styles with 2 different realities, telling one cohesive story. That to me is a feat in and of itself.

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Solid story telling and action packed art give this issue all of the little things a comic book needs. Both are a lot of fun to read and leave me wanting to know more. For some, these little side stories from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters may not be in your realm of interest, but for hardcore fans, this series is where it's at! The stakes are high, the dialogue is good, and the art is engaging and fun to follow.

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The majority of this was filler, but the action kept the interest high! Waltz and Burnham move there stories along at great pace, while letting the characters breath and develop. The artwork in both are worthy of praise. Area 51 is clean and rich with color, whereas Casey Jones is more gritty and fantastical. Mutant Nation is definitely worth the time of TMNT fans that want to see a deeper universe.

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The Goon: Them That Don't Stay Dead is nothing complicated or emotionally gripping, but it is just plain fun. It's over the top style of story telling is wonderfully campy and entertaining. Fans of detective noir and classic cartoons will delight in Eric Powell's style and tone.

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This is series has been a lot of fun so far. There's so much to think about and so many visual cues that add to the mystery. As The Six Fingers fleshes out the killer, The One Hand continues to make Ari Nassar a more interesting character. It was great to see them briefly interact through the wall in this issue. There is so something so massive in this story, entangling so many parts of each character and their environments. When this all resolves I feel like there's gonna be a huge “AH HA” moment where everything aligns.

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The Principles of Necromancy is perfect for anyone that enjoys body horror. Images can be jarring at times, but no matter how grotesque, I find myself unable to look away. I hope the introduction of Eloise is going to be a driving force going forward. There's no telling where Jakob ends up next and what he's creating has me wanting to continue following this story.

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Venom War: Zombiotes brought us a story and genre that feels very familiar but is fresh and fun. With the gritty Gothic art work from Juan Jose Ryp is combined with the fun, action packed story by Cavan Scott, we get something that will exceed your expectation. I can't make you get over Zombie and Symbiote fatigue, but I can tell you that this one brings a quality to it that focuses on telling a good horror story. I may not be sold on the rest of the Venom War story line, but this one will keep me interested!

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Issue #1 kicks things off with the “Eventuality” AKA The King in Black addressing the reader and offering them 5 questions. The Eventuality is simply a hand engulfed in flames, remarkably similar to that of Venoms hand, and explains what it is to the reader. In essence, it is the ultimate result of every single Eddie Brock that bonds with a Venom symbiote. It is an all knowing, multiversal presence. “What if Eddie Brock isn't Venom?” it proposes, and we lead into our first tale title “Kiss The Ring”.

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Gary Frank continues to put us right in the middle of the action and the emotions with some great angles and intimate framing. There's a moment when Geiger goes full on nuclear meltdown in a beautiful disaster type of way. The design of The Glowing Woman shines in the fray as an awesome compliment to Tariq's.

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This issue of Annihilation 2099 brought a lot of depth to Dracula 2099 and set up something that could be much bigger going forward. His character development was handled really well and the angle of the societal issues was a great tool for that. To see Dracula in a tough spot in which he had to use strategy was also fun and engaging. The artwork did a fantastic job or merging a futuristic space environment with elements of horror. Eaglesham's work on Dracula in his emaciated form was gruesome and cool. I'm not sure where the story goes from here, but I'm definitely invested!

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I've been on this book since the first issue and it hasn't managed to lose my interest yet. Issue 5 is the beginning of new chapter of Briar's overall story arc, so new settings and situations are being established. That can sometimes make for slow pacing, but the dialogue between Briar's friends feels real and authentic. What really surprised me this issue was the well times jokes. I found so many moments to be hilarious, all while not losing the serious tone in the background of this story. This a story that absolutely grabs you and keeps you in the moment, while still building something larger in the background. I love it and I can't wait to see what happens to this merry band of misfits going forward!

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Briar has been a mainstay for my pull list since the beginning. Sleeping Beauty is a story that never really took off outside of Disney, but Briar is an excellent “What if?” version of the tale. It does seem to be taking them an awful long time to get to the focus of the journey, Grendrid, but I have enjoyed the story along the way. There were some emotional moments in this issue that felt earned and the cranes provided a delightfully fun plot device. All in all not a bad chapter to the story!

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Overall a great way to start a new Flash Gordon story. Motivations are clear for Flash and his abilities are put on full display. It looks like this one is going to be action packed and a roller coaster of fun. Flash Gordon hasn't looked this good a long time!

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Issue 4 is another building block on the way to a confrontation between The Hood and Johnny Blaze. There are some awesome kills in this issue, as well as some fantastic art panels that really stood out to me. Benjamin Percy is a great writer for Ghost Rider, as I feel he really understands to the wants and needs of these characters.

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The horror element to The Incredible Hulk continues to grow and expand. I absolutely love these dark and disgusting issues. The body horror is turned up to 11, which I believe fits so well into The Incredible Hulk's vibe. It's also interesting to explore more of the Hulk/Banner relationship on and emotional and psychological level. To see them both exist at the same time and interact rings on some heavy moments. After they work together and defeat Sumanguru, we get the next piece of the puzzle to saving Charlie. I'm totally invested in seeing her saved and what that will mean for The Hulk and Banner.

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After we wrap up this chapter of The Incredible Hulk, we get 3 more short stories from other Hulks to celebrate 800 issues! It seems as they have slight connections to this current run, but mostly stand alone. Each has a unique creative team and seem to act as previews for future titles. This includes a run in between Brawn and Hulk, an adventure from She-Hulk, and a real intriguing story for Red Hulk.

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I wasn't sure what to expect after the previous issue of The Incredible Hulk so I kept my expectations low. Where Johnson could have easily went into filler, he transitioned perfectly into another big bad all while furthering Charlie's story! Overall, this was a great issue of balance and pace. New things are happening, while old things breath. All of the threads are still there and they seem to be pivotal to the stories to come!

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Long Cold Winter is vibe. I love it, I really do. The story at the moment is very simple and predictable in nature, but I find that is the charm of it. It helps that the characters keep you invested and I know there will be some surprises along the way. This was great set up. The artwork alone makes this great pickup. You could honestly take the dialogue out completely and still follow along with what was happening! But it helps that Buddy Beaudoin's letter work compliments the artwork and character styles. I think this is one of those books to keep a look out for going forward!

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What a cool set up for the story to come. Characters are established, a deep world's foundation is built, and the story is set in motion with more to come. I absolutely love the look of everything and the story idea as a whole. I'm a sucker for noir and cyberpunk, so this book is for me. A hard boiled detective in over his head, plus a neon futuristic world, and set it in the 90's on the Moon? That's worthy of read.

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This issue takes on the task of laying out a lot of questions that will need to be answered. With such a big conspiracy formulating, it will effect this whole world in some way. You can already see a fork in the road being built that Schwinn will have to choose from. I know there's a lot of politics to unpack in this one, but I'm going to wait to see more before diving into that bag of cats. For now, I'm going to keep enjoying the beautiful art and following the story threads to revaltions!

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I must confess that I find myself a little biased towards this story because of my love for film and history. Cool gangs, brutal violence, a giant man eating crocodile mutant…the list can go one. Tieri is setting up a really fun tale of gang politics and how someone like Sabretooth fits into it as an enforcer. It'll be interesting to see how he develops as a chaotic force in an organized world.

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What can I say about this book that I haven't said about the previous two? I'm in love with the art work. It feels like a classic style with much more detail and rich vibrant colors. The story has been so much fun and dramatic. Pietro is a blast to read. He's cocky and hilarious. Wanda is absolutely beautiful and so powerful, to the point that she's spending a lot of time holding back. I find myself still intrigued by what the letter from Magneto said. What would Wand think Pietro couldn't accept? The Wizard started out as your stereotypical, mustache twirling villain, but grows into something deeper with each issue. If the trend continues, issue 4 should only continue to impress.

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This was a great set up issue that will definitely propel us into an action packed adventure. I really like where Moses is going with the family aspect of it all. The characters he has established and hinted at will have a big impact on what happens. The artwork is well executed from the largest of set pieces down to the smallest of details. The colors take it all to the next level! This one could evolve into something special!

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The One Hand has been a slow burn thus far, but this issue really made me feel like things are about shift into overdrive. Laurence Campbell and Lee Loughridge have proven to be masters at building the aesthetic of this world and bringing it to life. The character of Ari Nassar gets more and more complex as we learn just how simple he really is. It's a fascinating development, really. I'm so ready for him to see the big picture. Each issue has felt like a tease, but I just know when the curtain falls its gonna be one heck of a ride.

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I enjoyed this comic and I really like the idea of seeing the story develop from the other side of the coin. Dan Watters gets us into the mind of a serial killer without giving us everything in the first issue. Sumit Kumar's art pulls me into the world he's building, and helps build character by making Johannes seem almost different in a way from everyone else. I did enjoy The One Hand more, but that's a person bias there. I really loved the dark Neo Noir feel of that book, whereas The Six Fingers has a lot less of that. All that said, the idea of reading a story from a killer and the detective trying to catch him makes both of these books worth picking up!

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This story continues to bring a sense of adventure and magic that can e found in some of my favorite childhood films. The characters interact with each other in unique and relatable ways. As fantastical as all of this is, everyone still fells grounded and down to earth. The artwork is the hot rod to the driver of the story. Olivetti creates masterpieces is almost every single panel. Feelings of awe and so much artistic inspiration pops off the page. As a whole it feels familiar and yet completely new. I'm definitely looking forward to the conclusion of this series!

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I'm living the journey of Violator, and it's good to start seeing the more sadistic and playful version of him once again. If anything, it can't get a little on the nose at times, but it's all in good fun. Violator's character arc is well executed, and to see a bit of warmth still left in his heart is intriguing. The artwork is a horror fans dream. The over stylized deformities of Violator in his meat suits will leave you with some powerful imagery. The colors of that will give it a lasting effect. This series continues to build and evolve in a wonderful way!

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Robert Kirkman is building a slow burn here, but it's not without its fair share of fun, action packed moments. Void Rivals is a piece of a bigger puzzle, and quite a sizable one at that. It takes time to world build on this scale, complete with some seriously intricate lore. Not everyone will be down for that, but I can say that this issue is paced extremely well.

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This was the perfect introduction to The Herculoids for those that are unfamiliar. It was a simple and straightforward narrative that gave us all the information we needed. We were introduced to new characters and given a refresher on familiar ones. The story moved a good pace and the artwork felt organic and honored the original. If you were a fan of the cartoon you'll be pleasantly surprised. If you know nothing about The Herculoids, you'll be introduced to a fascinating world that captured the imagination of fans like myself decades ago!

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The One Hand's conclusion left me in awe. I'm going to be thinking about this one for a while. It was almost frustrating for a good portion of this issue as I was ready to scream at Johannes myself to tell me what was going on. It turned out to be a slow burn, and in the end I still needed a moment to process. It ended up being a great part of a fantastic whole. The artwork will inspire works to come. I'll comeback at some point and reminisce at how wonderful it was.

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Jesse Lonergan continues to think outside of the box in his designs for these abstract worlds and beings. Everything feels so fresh and interesting to the eye. You can't help but spend time on each panel, adsorbing the different dimensions and the intricacies of each new world that the three animals travel through. Everything presents a new angle and art style. Honestly, Lonergan is putting on a clinic and demonstrating a wine variety of art theory and history.

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Speaking of the mutant chase, that was a great sequence! Kim kicks up the action with a high speed chase. Each panel fell like an animation cell. If you were to cut the out and form a flip book, I imagine it would animate the scene in a thrilling way!

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Steve Orlando is on fire right now and Annihilation 2099 just stoked them flames to an inferno! This was honestly a blast to read. I was completely immersed into The Last Nova and Dracula Rising was the perfect introduction to what I fell this whole series will lead to. I love this short stories where creators get to test the waters and push the boundaries of what they can do and what Marvel will allow. I'm very intrigued to see where they go from here!

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I love this series so far. He gives me a lot of Terminator, Mad Max, District 9 types of vibes. Fans of action and sci-fi movies will really dig this. It hits all of those plot points and themes that we love about those genres. That may be the bigger picture, but's there's also a really good underlying human story that feels important as well. Pacing does suffer a bit in this one with a lot of internal dialogue from Cable. However, beautiful artwork keeps us engaged in the moments!

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This book was a blast from beginning to end. So much is done in so little time without rushing. The story is a well oiled machine that's a treat for the eyes as well. Huge action sequences are balanced by some moving and thoughtful dialogue. These characters all get a chance to show off their abilities and help build this fantastic world!

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Conquest 2099 continues to evolve into an amazing space epic. Vampires, Spider people, superheroes, all find a way to make for a dynamic story. Characters and their motivations drive the story. Big sweeping battles are engaging and exciting. The more I see from this team, the more I want. This is one of the best series nobody is talking about!

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Issue one was a great intro to this world and beginning to this story. I'm loving the brutality and horror medium involving the cutest of cartoon creatures. The Lamb is a great protagonist that was fleshed out and given personality and drive. There was more to it than just being a killing machine granted power by an evil power. The cast of surrounding characters were also fantastic and just fun to read. I'm excited for the next issue!

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I want to yell from the mountaintops how much I love this book. The story is packed with action, beautiful prose, and artwork that pushes the narrative and raises it to new heights. I found myself one moment on the edge of my seat excited for happens next, the next, feeling emotionally engaged at what has happened and what's going to happen. The layout of the pages is fantastic, making it a pleasure to the eyes. The pacing is balanced. Flashbacks and explanations don't drag the story and add the appropriate amount of information without any huge lore dumps. I know that I'll be reading this one over and over again for years to come!

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Popeye Was Made For Anime Action!Williams gives us plenty of action in this issue through flashbacks to this stories being told, and the current battle they end up having to fight! The issue kicks off in the middle of the battle and circles back around to what happened to get there. Characters move with purpose and in such a dynamic fashion that the excitement and tension begs the reader to follow to the next panel and then the next! To top it all off, the colors are so vibrant and rich. This is where I think the anime and American cartoon styles blend so well.

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This one was a ton of fun! I've been in and out on G.I. Joe comics, mostly in on the Energon Universe, but this issue showed me what I've been missing! The action was bad-ass and the art made me feel like I was watching a movie. With so may story threads to pull on, I still felt engaged and extremely fascinated by all of it. Highly recommend this one to G.I. Joe fans and action movie fans alike.

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As Geiger continues to unfold in this universe, it's clear that as a character he contains a lot of layers. As we peel those back and see different angles of him, he only becomes more intriguing. Also, the world around him can feel so big and yet grounded at the same time. He's a seriously heavy hitter as far as powers go, so to see someone really put him in harms way is great. I'm really excited to see how this confrontation with The Electrician unfolds!

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This really is a lot of fun to read if you're into vigilante philosophy and noir styles of stories and art. The Green Hornet is flawed in so many ways and I feel like we're seeing him at a low point right now. I also feel like things will come to a head with Miss Fury eventually, which should be fun. Big, campy characters make this fun and the gritty style makes it even better. Beautiful art and a fascinating story make for a great comic book!

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Helen of Wyndhorn continues to be a masterpiece and a stellar bit of storytelling. Issue 4 really ramps up the action and adventure and pulls out that part of us that longs for the mysterious and fantastic. The character depth of Helen and even her grandfather is explored and put to us to view, interpret, and judge. Ever stroke, every color, helps propel the narrative forward and keep us enthralled. This is a book for those looking for something special, that goes beyond the superhero universes. If that's you, don't delay, pick it up!

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Matt Wilsons bright, flat colors are reminiscent of the whole masters of the art. It feels so classic and old school, and yet much more nuanced and detailed. It truly is the best of both worlds. Each character has a color scheme that separates itself from the other. Everything contrasts so well lifting the characters and the action off the page.

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The Immortal Thor continues to be well written, beautifully designed book. Al Ewing has crafted an amazing story, commenting on modern social issues in a different and unique way. It's almost surprising that the publisher he works for allows him to go as far as he does. Ewing is commenting heavily on the greedy, capitalistic society that rules the social world. Corporations will do anything, no matter how silly or embarrassing, to get your attention and keep it for the purpose of selling you something. Ewing isn't necessarily reinventing the wheel here, but he's definitely found a way to streamline it!

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I've already said it, but I'll say it again, I love everything about this book. Johnson is crafting an intriguing horror story with Marvels biggest, scariest character right in the middle of it. The creatures he's come up with are larger than life, elemental horrors that can do more than physical or mental damage. They can attack the psyche. Not only that, Hulk has someone he actually wants to protect. These factors bring stakes to a character that is otherwise invulnerable. All that said, this issue has the two most important things in comics going for it: It's fun to read and it's fun to look at it.

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Overall, Into The Unbeing has me locked in and starving for more. The use of real science with physical anomalies and unnatural environments make everything feel grounded and familiar while also alien and almost supernatural. The characters also feel real, tangible, and relatable. There is something so much bigger brewing underneath all of this and it's going to be a pleasure to watch the layers being peeled back to reveal it all.

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So much more to explore in this issue and yet, still not a lot of answers. I'm ok with that. I like a slow burn. In issue one we got a lot of Hildur's backstory and POV and in this issue it was all about Zara. I'm wondering if Selba and Abby will get this treatment in the coming issues. The artwork in this book is a horror fans dream and the character development is top notch. I'm eagerly anticipating issue three!

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Hayden Sherman's art is still driving this book. His designs for the inside of this giant organism look biologically accurate, while still looking like an alien world. With the characters traveling down the esophagus with gnarly teeth, the body horror levels rise. When they encounter a weird deer like creature, they flee to the veins, where they swim right into the chest cavity. It's here that all of the horror environments are balanced by a beautiful scenic view of a giant pair of lungs. Sherman is blowing me away with these beautiful, eerie views of the internal human anatomy. Ms. Frizzle, eat your heart out.

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Between the writing and the artwork, this book has been consistently good. This may have been my favorite issue so far in terms of characters. Each of them are fascinating and deep, but Abby brings a new dimension. She is the first one who has seemed intentionally deceptive and whatever happens next will be big. As the stage gets bigger and stakes continue to grow, it will only prove to be gripping climax!

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What a great story! I missed the first issue but that was quickly remedied after reviewing this one. Dastmalchian has a masters touch to writing a well balanced and nuanced script. The characters shine while the machinations that drive their actions hides out in the open. The artwork is beautiful in its brutality. Action packed battles highlight cool weapons, movements, and intense standoffs. I'm diving into the rest of this series and you should too!

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This issue was full of action on important plot development and yet it moved so seamlessly. Dastmalchian is a master of letting crafting a story so well that it just feels like a natural flow of events. Nothing feels forced. That makes this issue like all of the others a pleasure to read. It helps to have the artwork of Fede Mele and Ulises Arreola on the pages as well. Dynamic action, tense horror and gore, and beautifully executed fire effects keep the eyes engaged! For history buffs, for fantasy fans, and for fans of action, this series is a no brainer!

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Tri Vuong is an excellent story teller whether it be with words or with pictures. Making LEGO seem emotionally deep and dramatic can be a challenge without sound and acting, but he finds a way to bring you into the fold. It's also not all serious and gritty. There are few light moments that made me laugh out loud, seamlessly woven into the story. Tri walked you carefully through the first half of the book, but has you running with joy in the second half. This one is worth checking out for fans of good storytelling. For more info on this story and Tri Vuong, be sure to check out our interview below!

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This issue was great from beginning to end. It was action packed and the stakes are were high. The character development of Athos, Porthos, and Lovey is perfect, with the way they work together being the highlight of it all. The pacing of this issues was great too. It was quick and action packed, with a couple of brief moments to explore the character development, none of which caused a lull in the movement of the story. It really all reminds me of the phrase “well oiled machine”.

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This issue picks right in the middle of the action that ended the previous one. Lovey, the French bulldog had been shot down by the “Klangers” as they call them. It's here that we see Athos attempt to make a quick decision, convincing the fiercely loyal and brave Pathos to leave Lovey behind, so that they can find Doc and return with help to save Lovey. But in retreat the suffer injuries of their own and lose consciousness.

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The artwork is phenomenal. Fabok and Anderson have created a new world that feels relatable to our own with subtle changes that make in feel ever so unnatural. It's a thin line that they walk with grace. I believe Rook's solo debut was a resounding success, and this science fiction, Mad Max like story is the beginning of something extraordinary!

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Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk has been a pleasant surprise so far! This really is one of the best miniseries that Marvel has going right now. Frank Tieri is taking a character that has been very one dimensional in the past and giving him so many layers. Great character work all around. The artwork grows with each issue. The grittiness of this world fits Sabretooth perfectly. I'm excited for the conclusion after the huge reveal at the end of this issue!

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So far issues one and two have been action packed. The pacing is moving fast, but in an appropriate way. Steve Orlando continues to keep me engaged with his amazing character writing, especially Quicksilver. The Wizard is a great villain, but I'm still curious as to who is pulling his strings. The art from Lorenzo Tammetta and Frank William is progressive yet still feels classic. I love every page. This is one of those books that tends to fly under the radar for whatever reason. It's a shame though, because it's a beauty that deserves the spotlight!

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The colors, without question, make the art of Somna move and drive the emotions felt by the characters and the reader. Lee Loughridge, Dee Cunniffe, and Tula Lotay continue to dominate this area of expertise in comic book artwork. Color palettes are curated with care and intention. The simplicity and harshness of earthy tones in the real world drive home a feeling of cold monotony, yet it still looks beautiful and begs to be explored. The soft, bright, cool tones of the dream world give off a warm glow, enticing you to step into the panel. As I read I feel as though I could touch it, feel it. It's inviting but in a dangerous way.

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This may be my favorite issue of the series thus far. There's a lot of action, some moments of reflection, and really great character growth. These stories were paced really well and Rus Wooton's letter work is immersive as always! I'm interested to see where all of these characters go now in the overall TMNT universe!

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Fero Peniche and Luis Antonio Delgado do such a great job of capturing that grounded, gritty feeling you get from early issues of TMNT with a polished touch. Honestly it really reminds me of graffiti in a sense. The artwork feels like it takes inspiration from street artists.

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It can be hard to find the words at times while reading Nightwatcher. In a fantasy world, everything feels so real. That's kudos to Juni Ba. Characters shine so well and carrie the action, pacing, and plot with purpose. The art stays gritty and based in harsh reality, using certain aspects of nature to convey characteristics and purpose. All in all Nightwatcher continues to shine in a dark world. This one is relevant and can't miss!

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Fero Pe and Luis Antonio Delgado continue to bring a striking and beautiful grittiness to the pages of Nightwatcher. The monstrous design of the Nightwatcher is so intimidating and borderline horrific, yet a glimmer humanity keeps it slightly innocent and curious.

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I'm loving the premise and the character development already. This massive catastrophic event switched something in Emmett and Gabby that made them grow in a matter of pages. Everything story wise is executed with a real sense of building to something even bigger, and that's exciting! Add on top of that artwork that gives off a feeling of familiarity and movement, and the colors to elevate that to an emotional response and we've got a real chance at something special developing!

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What Eric Powell does exceedingly well is balance. The story can have high stakes, danger, and horrific imagery, and yet it's funny and cartoon in a way that brings it a light hearted feel. That same tone matches up with the art work. Zombies go from silly and stupid, to menacing and powerful. This issue really took what the previous issue started and ran with it, all while building a new layer. I feel like things are gonna be challenging for The Goon and he'll have to make some tough decisions in the future. The Goon is a great read for me and I highly recommend it to any fans of horror, Noir style stories, and Looney Tunes.

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I'm constantly impressed as I go from panel to panel. The pacing of the story great, and the story continues to impress. As Kim slowly builds out the lore and the world in subtle ways, the action keeps moving and The Mermaid reveals more of who she is and what she is capable of. It's a slow burn story moving page to page like a freight train and reminds me so much of Japanese Manga, but with so much more visual depth.

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I was intrigued by issue #1, but issue #2 really pulled me in deeper. Ram V is pulling me into this city and the character of Ari Nassar. The art gets the best of marks. Between Laurence Campbell and Lee Loughridge, I find myself part of this world. I can feel it, smell it, hear it. This truly is an example of how synergy between every creator can make something real and tangible. Between this and The Six Fingers, there's a story like no other being constructed here and I don't want to miss a single panel of it.

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The Seasons presents a solid issue #2 that doesn't lose the momentum of its debut. It's still mysterious and fun. Remender builds the sisters out so well with their individual mannerisms and personalities. All of them actually seem so different that it will ultimately cause a lot of conflict. However, I am excited to see how Remnder plans to bring them together in unison. Also, visually striking artwork that feels familiar and safe seems to be making us feel safe before they pull the rug out from under us. I'm excited to see what's in store! Do you feel the same? Leave a comment!

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The Writer is a great opening issue for what proves to be a fun and exciting adventure. It reminds me of some of the great stories like Indiana Jones, National Treasure, or The Adventures of TinTin that take us on an adventure full of action while also rooting itself in history, compelling lore, and legends. Ariel Olivetti makes it even better by providing artwork on each panel that could stand on it's own as a work of art.

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Another victory for the Transformers team! The issue is Packed full of action, emotion, and important story points. The fight pacing moves like an “Astrotrain” and the occasional moments on Cybertron gives ua a moment to breath. It balances well. The biggest reveal of all comes on the final pages. DO NOT MISS IT. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse for the Autobots or Earth for that matter, DWJ cranks it to 11. Something big and special is brewing and I can't wait to see it.

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What a great way to kick off this 6 issue series. The retelling of of Lucifer's forces rising up and being cast out of Heaven was a pleasant surprise. Marc Andreyko puts us in the place of Baziel. The character feels so relatable and as the journey unfolds, the reader feels every doubt, every question, and every moment of confusion. The detailed and extravagant artwork by Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson immerse us in the world of Heaven. It is a fantasy world full of angels and grandiose battles and the reader feels every panel of it. I didn't think I would be as up on this issue as I believed, but it's going on the pull list!

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I can't say enough good things about this series so far. Cool, brutal artwork compliments a fascinating and entertaining story. It feels like a horror version of Quantum Leap! Issue 4 takes us on a heck of a ride through Russian history with sex, violence, and a ton of lost souls! We can see Violator disassociating from Earth and humans more and more. He's a hilariously horrible Anti-Hero at this point who is falling further into the “Anti” part. The various art teams continue to impress and I can't wait to see what they come up with next!

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I had a lot of fun reading this issue. It's well balanced via story and art. I've been so ready for something big to happen and this honestly felt like a penultimate issue of sorts. We're getting so close to world changing event. This issue does a great job of setting pieces in place and giving a couple of “HOLY CRAP!” moments. Void Rivals has felt like a great game of chess from the beginning and we are getting really close to a checkmate!

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I've been invested in Marvel's horror side of comics as of recently and I haven't been disappointed yet. Werewolf by Night has been a charming run and issue 7 puts us at the lowest point for out heroes. The stakes are high, the plot is intriguing, and the character development has been steady. Art work continues to be a big seller in this issues. Is a well rounded experience that I would recommend to those fatigued by the main roster characters.

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Paranoid Gardens is really making it a point to explore the subconscious as it works to process some sort of trauma. The madness that can come with that is the battle at the forefront of this story. This issue ramps up the paranoia and fear as Dr. Zerc seems to be done playing games and gets straight to the point. It seems like each character is fighting for emotional survival in this world and the uneasiness of that is ramped up by the artwork. This is a journey that may seem kooky on the surface, but deep below many wheels are turning with precision.

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This was a wild ride that kept giving me surprise after surprise! I was honestly apprehensive to where this was going, but I'm sold! Crazy fun action compliments the interesting story being told. Saretooth shines in character, as opposed to just being a killing machine. The gang dynamics are great. The historical references make for added adventure. All in all a great book front to back! What did you thing of Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk #3? Let us know in the comments below!

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I've loved every moment of this new story set in the 2099 world. Issue 2 takes on a tour of Araneo and the aftermath of Domus Draconum. Every panel highlights the brutality of the Araneons, the passion of the Vampires, and the tenacity of the heroes of Earth. The conflict between Nova, the X-Men, Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman make their end of the story hum with a purpose. To see the action between the Vampires and the Araneons was also quite a treat. This will be a battle that will take us on a roller coaster ride of excitement and I can't wait for more!

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I'm loving the direction this story is going and the artwork feels dynamic and fresh. As the Cult of the Lamb continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how Ratau and Nana's dynamic evolves. Also, how will The Lamb deal with people not worshipping it. As they increase in power, what new atrocities will they be willing to commit?!

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Scoot Snyder's story telling goes into so much depth without bogging down the pacing. Bohdi is a character with so much going on, he's so complex and real. The horror elements shine and twist at the end is the perfect exclamation point to the series. One of the hardest things in writing to do is to end a story. I see some of the best in the business fumble it all the time, but not Snyder.

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This issue was a page turner. I was taken back by images, consumed by the characters emotions, and intrigued by what was going to happen next. I've been loving this series as a whole, and I believe this is the best issue so far. Anita has been a fascinating character to see evolve and the Tetza showcase an amazing, unique beast every issue. This one is huge for the sci-fi and anime/manga fans. I don't think it should be missed!

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I'm love what I see thus far. This is classic Dick Tracy with a pretty new paint job and some upgraded parts. The characters are fleshed out and explored, but not in an exhausting way. Everyone grows through action, not tons of exposition. There are little to know narrative boxes which is great. Dialogue and actions drive the story. It's very cinematic in that way. It's my opinion that the art of any Dick Tracy book is the cornerstone of its success. Geraldo Borges and Mark Englert are off to a great start. If they can keep this momentum, the sky is the limit for this series.

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This series continues to take us on a rollercoaster of emotions. Ever character feels so tangible and authentic. Tom King puts us into their shoes, giving us a full range of their emotions. Bilquis Evely emotes that writing in away that you can't help but feel in a very raw way. Every line, every movement, with purpose and feeling. From colors, to pencils, to writing, this issue is in its entirety, beautiful.

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What Fede Mele and Ulises Arreola do with the artwork in this book is a sight to see. In issue three we have less action and more character interaction. This allows for them to focus more on set pieces and setting the scenes for what's to come. Fede masters his depth of field here with some really great panels of close ups and wide shots, giving us a true feeling of the scale of things. Arreola keeps things cool, dark, and grounded throughout most of the issue. This lulls us into a sense of peace yet uncertainty until the biggest piece on the chess board is activated. When violence and mayhem ensue, everything brightens up with red and orange and a sort of terrifying luminance.

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I think this is the best issue of the series so far. The depth of the world and the story begin to line up where this series arc is going. The big bad villains and their motives are becoming more clear. Nightwatcher is learning some hard lessons and ends up in a tight spot with a dangerous cliffhanger for the next issue. It may seem easy to deduce where Ba is going, but ultimately their are still plenty of threads he could pull on going forward.

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What a fantastic issue! More Transformers lore! A new threat to the galaxy! Character arcs all moving forward! There were so many things to like about this issue. Kirkman takes us on a wild ride in the past and takes things to a complicated place in the present! De Felici produces some of his best panels here. Pacing may have slightly suffered with world building and little action, but the intrigue and revelations were a lot of fun!

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What a fantastic beginning to the story of Conquest 2099. Steve Orlando continues to flesh out the 2099 universe. It's so much fun! Most people would think that this is just a recycled use of well known entities, but it truly feels like something new and organic. I'm excited for more and if you love Marvel comics and are looking for something different, you will love it too!

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The illustrations could stand on their own, but it's the colors from Dave Stewart that bring it all to life. With a title like “The Dawnrunner”, it's awesome that Stewart would use colors relating to just such a thing. Oranges, yellows, pinks, purples, and reds dominate the palette. When it comes to the interior of the Mech and the private life of Andro, a colder set of colors dominate. I love going back and forth between them all, showing a contrast and depth to the world, and in relation the story.

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I try my best not to hand out 10's, but I honestly feel like Dawnrunner is going to consistently pull them out of me. This story is fun and emotional. It's also fascinating thanks to the lore and world building by Ram V. I'm neck deep into this world and I just want to keep swimming further out to sea. I'm enamored with the Tetza and what they really mean for Earth. I can't wait to see the Iron Kings square off with them as they get bigger and stronger. I want to know how Anita will be effected by Takeda's mind creeping into hers. There are so many strings to pull on and none of it feels overwhelming.

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This was the perfect conclusion to the heart of the story that Ram V was trying to tell. It hit all of the emotional high notes for me. On top of pulling you heart strings, the action is exciting. I found myself trying not to cheer out in joy at certain moments during the battle. It had all of those awesome moments you see in an anime fight when someone unlocks a new level of power! Each and every story thread gets wrapped up very nicely and leaves the reader feeling satisfied!

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This is a great debut for Jumpscare! I'm heavily invested in what comes next! My first thoughts were that Allie was something akin to Harley Quinn. She is in attitude really, but she's so much more! I love the horror genre painted across the story of a super hero. Bunn develops his characters with ease and with great pacing. Luckert paints a beautiful, blood splattered story over soft pastels and cool greens and blues! It's an well rounded blast to read from cover to cover!

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Orlando understands these two characters and writes them into a real family relationship that can have strong bonds, and still be a little toxic from time to time. It's all elevated by the artwork of Tammetta and William. The faces and body language could write a story themselves, and the colors by Frank lift it all off the page and drive home the characters emotions to the point that it connects directly with the reader.

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This issue was a certified banger and I can't wait to see the final showdown between SG and Zorak. Pepose creates a rich and deep history for this world in only a finite amount of space. His understanding of this world and its lore shows and he passes that passion on to the reader. The art team takes that passion on puts it to the page in every single panel. The colors are vibrant and playful while not risking too much of the seriousness of the settings. High marks all the way around!

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What a fun ride this issue was! The stakes are high, the action is dynamic, and the characters are captivating! David Pepose continues to revive Space Ghost and pull him back into the ranks of the greatest superheroes of all time. Pepose is not alone in this either. Jonathan Lau's and Andrew Dalhouse's artwork is beautiful, exceptional, immersive…there's too many adjectives to list.

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Big panels, big swings, big close-ups, and big emotions drive this issue to new heights. Juni Ba, Fero Peniche, and the rest of the creative team are hitting their stride. I wasn't sure where this series was headed at first, but issue #5 put a big smile on my face and I'm excited for what's next!

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Look, I'm not out here throwing out 10's just because I like it or because I may be obsessed with this series. The Last Mermaid is riveting, beautiful storytelling. Derek Kirk Kim has pulled inspiration from so many different mediums (Comic-books, anime, manga, animation) and created his own amazing piece of art that feels so new and yet familiar. I am on the edge of my seat while reading, while also being in awe of the imagery of each panel. It feels so cinematic. I wish it would run for a hundred issues, but I know this best stories have an end. I can't wait to read issue 4 and you should hop on it while you still can!

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I'll be honest with you, this has the potential to be one of the best of the year. There's a great mystery/horror story brewing underneath a beautiful outer shell. The pacing in this issue was perfect. Dialogue and exposition were kept to a minimum, allowing the characters to show us who they are. This felt a lot like the great comic strips I used to read as a kid in newspapers. The Seasons is an instant classic!

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With each and every issue I've made it a point to praise Ariel Olivetti for his extraordinary artwork. I think I've bestowed every single flowery, positive, expressive adjective that one can on an artist of his talents. That being said, the master strikes again!

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Violator: Origin has been such a pleasant surprise thus far. As someone who has found himself a bit “Spawned Out” lately, this story has been a breath of fresh air! Violator's journey is captivating and each stop on his timeline brings an engaging tale. From the art style to the writing, it feels like Violator is in the best hands he could possibly be in to flesh out his backstory! I can't wait to see more!

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This is one of the best issues of this run so far for me. Springer is delightful and a blast to watch in action. Darak and Solila are a great pair and bring a little comedic relief without being silly. Now that I have that little slice of Transformers lore that i've been waiting for, I'll be biting my nails in anticipation of more. Transformers fans should not be missing out on this series!

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