Final issue! When a member of the expedition team is irreparably wounded, the two remaining scientists must find a way to survive. As they trudge through hellish tunnels filled with waist deep mire, their ultimate survival comes face to face with an unconscionable problem... What do they do about the team's dead weight?
Between the writing and the artwork, this book has been consistently good. This may have been my favorite issue so far in terms of characters. Each of them are fascinating and deep, but Abby brings a new dimension. She is the first one who has seemed intentionally deceptive and whatever happens next will be big. As the stage gets bigger and stakes continue to grow, it will only prove to be gripping climax! Read Full Review
If you thought this series was weird, wait until you read Into The Unbeing: Part One #4. The creatures, the artistry, and the utter doom these characters go through only increase. I'd read 100 issues of this series, but alas it's the end of part one. Read Full Review