The first year of the hit ongoing Geiger series ends with a nuclear showdown! As Geiger fails to take control of his explosive power surges, he must finally face the other Glowing Man! But this radioactive counterpart has a secret weapon that could destroy everything. Plus: Junkyard Joe and Nate the Nuclear Knight continue to uncover the secrets behind the Unknown War.
Geiger wraps it first year with another dynamic issue with some great characterization, solid action and an intriguing payoff to one of the bigger ongoing storylines. No need to worry the excitement and fun with Geiger hasn't even begun to cool off. Read Full Review
GEIGER #12 is a fun, thrilling issue when Geiger's training to control his power goes horribly wrong. Geoff Johns's script delivers plenty of fun and games, and the developments in this issue promise intriguing plot twists in the future. Plus, Gary Frank's artwork is next-level gorgeous Read Full Review
Gary Frank continues to put us right in the middle of the action and the emotions with some great angles and intimate framing. There's a moment when Geiger goes full on nuclear meltdown in a beautiful disaster type of way. The design of The Glowing Woman shines in the fray as an awesome compliment to Tariq's. Read Full Review