Minister Dulin demands loyalty of his son. Darak's time in Zertonia has called into question where his allegiances lie. Is a war brewing in Agorria? Will it pit father against son?
What a fantastic issue! More Transformers lore! A new threat to the galaxy! Character arcs all moving forward! There were so many things to like about this issue. Kirkman takes us on a wild ride in the past and takes things to a complicated place in the present! De Felici produces some of his best panels here. Pacing may have slightly suffered with world building and little action, but the intrigue and revelations were a lot of fun! Read Full Review
Void Rivals #17 reveals the true purpose behind the Sacred Ring, setting things up for an intersecting and satisfying future for the Energon Universe. Read Full Review
Void Rivals 17 provided some major insight into the big, underlined secret that's been lingering since the series' debut. What it lacks in action it more than makes up for with bombshell revelations. Don't miss out on this one. Read Full Review
Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici are at the top of their game with Void Rivals #17. The discoveries made in this issue set the stage for the next big things that will be going on in this series and sibling titles. The way that is done creates even greater excitement for the future of the Energon Universe. Read Full Review
A very dense issue as Kirkman digs deep into franchise lore to do something immensely exciting and new. If you're a Transformers fan, why the hell aren't you reading this book? Read Full Review