Secrets of the Sacred Ring revealed! Void Rivals finally puts the "energon" in their corner of the Energon Universe!
This is one of the best issues of this run so far for me. Springer is delightful and a blast to watch in action. Darak and Solila are a great pair and bring a little comedic relief without being silly. Now that I have that little slice of Transformers lore that i've been waiting for, I'll be biting my nails in anticipation of more. Transformers fans should not be missing out on this series! Read Full Review
Void Rivals #10 has a strong cliffhanger that reinforces why this has been such a highly enjoyable read since its inception. Read Full Review
If there was ever an issue that brings the entirety of the Energon Universe together thus far, it is Void Rivals #10. Yet, I still can't believe it took me this long to give an issue in this series a perfect score. At the wait is over. Read Full Review
Void Rivals #10 could go down as a monumental issue for the series. It delivers massive revelations about Darak and Solila, making the connections within the Energon Universe stronger than ever. Readers keeping up with the shared universe should not miss this one! Read Full Review
The mix of tension between the strong action and drama surrounding our lead characters shines a light on how great of an artist Lorenzo De Felici is. The way Felici choreographs what Robert Kirkman writes to happen gels incredibly well. Read Full Review
This issue is a total hoot as the Transformers are brought even deeper into this series, and a lot of lore is teased all at once. Read Full Review
Void Rivals #10 is an action packed, plot heavy issue that does an excellent job using its art and nuance to establish a firm lore that feels well earned and befitting of the franchise. Read Full Review
A pretty cool twist and some excellent world-building this issue. Read Full Review
Void Rivals #10 is the highlight of the second arc so far. It begins the payoff and wait for what has been a slow go of a story. It's implications are massive and will reverberate across all three lines of comics. For fans of Transformers, this looks like one that'll be a must get. Read Full Review