Brandon Griffin's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Kabooooom Reviews: 85
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Overall, Booster Gold/The Flintstones Special #1 is not the strongest crossover offering, but it isn't a terrible experience either. The biggest problem with this book is thatThe Flintstones has been so phenomenal that seeing them take a backseat to Booster Gold, even for one crossover story, is unsatisfying. Fans of Mark Russell's ongoing series may be disappointed but Booster Gold fans will likely enjoy this issue.

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As a whole,Jessica Jones has been an enjoyable run. This issue doesn't particularly hit the ceiling readers were hoping for, but it certainly maintains the floor. It's well worth a read, despite the underwhelming sense of familiarity. There are more interesting things happening away from Jessica's shattered home life; which makes it easy to stay on board.

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Soule and Garney are becoming as crucial to Daredevil as Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo were to Batman during the New 52. In Daredevil #17, they only scratch the surface of the big lingering question about Matt's identity. It's an appropriately timed break from the main story being told. This issue digs into what makes Daredevil who he is; it's effective and not overly complicated. I can't wait to see where we go next in "Purple Part II"!

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Getting the gang together is always how team books begin. Steve Orlando and company make it feel fresh and definitely earn the trust of readers who pick up JLA Rebirth #1. Batman certainly has a full plate so far in this Rebirth universe, and I wonder how that will affect his relationship with this newly formed team? A team that could seemingly blow itself apart at any moment!

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Every Star Wars title Marvel has released so far has been great, tapping into what fans would want out of each adventure. This misses the mark completely, putting readers through a carousel of cringing and eye-rolling. Instead of hitting the internet to complain about Marvel "forcing" diversity down your throat, why don't you share with them how horrible this book is. This is clearly a half-ass cash grab given to someone who knew how to make a pitch but clearly can't deliver.

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"I Am Bane" promises to be an unforgettable Bat-Family story without feeling too much like Detective Comics. Tom King has introduced and accomplished so much already in just 16 issues. DC has struck gold with King, like Snyder before him, and they better not let go. Batman #16 is a perfect comic book " and I don't hand out perfect scores very often but on my personal scale, you really couldn't ask for anything more.

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Jason Aaron made a brilliant decision is using these journal entry intermissions as a way to take a breather from the main story in Star Wars. Each one has been wonderful as he fills in the time gaps of the Star Wars canon. And with more being written and released almost every week, being a Star Wars fanatic in this day in age such a fulfilling experience.

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All-Star Batman #6 is a directional shift in every way, and one that works on every level. Teaming up with Jock for this story was a brilliant decision, recognizing eachothers' strengths and how to insure this story reaches its full potential. If you're a person who (somehow) didn't enjoy the first arc because of Romita's work, put your money where your mouth is. Plus, who doesn't love a great Mr. Freeze story?

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This issue is a good start to a promising arc; Williamson introduces themes worth exploring. He avoids letting this “Rogues Reloaded” feel too familiar without taking away the excitement of a classic foe returning. The art team has done wonders so far with villains and their Rogues look delightful. I cannot wait to see them in action! The Flash #14 is a perfectly slower-paced reintroduction to a classic handful of villains. New readers should be intrigued and not feel lost, while longtime fans should be delighted to revisit a bit of Flash history before it zooms ahead.

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Inhumans Vs. X-Men #2 is a fine comic book and the satisfaction of mutants dominating Inhumans is massive. Despite the great efforts by everyone involved with this book, it's hard to shake the feeling that Marvel has forced this event on its readers. There's already a crossover fatigue, a hero versus hero fatigue, and a mistreatment of X-Men fatigue. Inhumans Vs. X-Men is the light at the end of the tunnel, and at least the creative team is digging in and delivering a good comic book – even if we all just want to move on.

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U.S.Avengers is off to a good start. The usual Marvel skeptics should be pleasantly surprised at how much fun they have with this one. DC Rebirth's success has forced Marvel to step up their game and this book is a perfect example of that. It's Marvel focusing on what separates them from DC and showcasing their strengths. Al Ewing and company deliver a wonderful introduction. This may just find itself at the top of my Pull List next time.

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All-Star Batman #5 stays on course. Both the story and the art continue to make this a must-read for all Bat-fans. Scott Snyder clearly cares about this cast of characters and the legacy they leave behind. Hopefully he'll be working with Batman for a long time to come.

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Amazing Spider-Man #22 is another solid chapter in a story that has so far delivered on its promise of being a true clone conspiracy. Slott brought back a long dead, controversial but favorite character and made him into a villain who both readers and Spider-Man are willing to sympathize with. This is comic books done right.

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Daredevil #14 is superhero comics at their best; every panel of every page is crucial. I cannot recommend this series enough. It's earning its place among the longtime character's essential reading. If you haven't read the 13 issues leading up to this, do yourself a favor and go back, it's well worth your time. Daredeveil is easily one of the best comic books of 2016.

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Do yourself a favor and read this arc, and then spread the word to your comic book enthusiastic friends. New Super-Man is my pick for most underrated comic book of 2016 and deserves more attention. Gene Luen Yang has taken a very different approach to the most stereotypical superhero model and created something beautiful. Character introductions don't get much better than this.

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Sam Alexander is a great Nova, but the greatest will always be Rich Rider. The two of them together is a dream come true and this is positively an example of Marvel having its cake and eating it too. Nova #1 could have have been a forced affair, but this issue will leave readers with exactly what they want: the best of both worlds at once. Hopefully, this series builds on what was established here and can become one of Marvel's strongest titles.

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If you're like me and want nothing more than X-Men comics to be great again, I think brighter times are ahead. In the meantime, I recommend going back and rereading Morrison's New X-Men or Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and not wasting your money on Death Of X.

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While it isn't a crucial issue of the series or story, it very satisfying to see Scarlet Spider face-off against the Kaine of another world, even sporting his 90's villain costume. Still, Amazing Spider-Man #21 is a forgettable installment in what has been an otherwise great story. Don't let this hinder you from continuing to read Clone Conspiracy, as Slott can still definitely still deliver. Just not this time with an issue that seems like an afterthought.

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Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures should continuously provide a delightful nostalgia trip for those who grew up with Batman and the Turtles in the 90's. It'll also provide readers with a look into the current running TMNT series (which is pretty great every time I catch it). This perfect coupling of two worlds strikes gold again, and I hope this series goes on for a very long time and touches upon every rogue available in both Bat & Turtle universe alike. It's the best Saturday morning cartoon that never aired.

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Marvel NOW's Avengers #1 may not be a perfect comic book by any means, but there is plenty to look forward to. I'm willing to cut Mark Waid a break (but he's on a short leash). The Kang story arc could be pretty cool with him seemingly murdering the children versions of the Avengers. However, if that doesn't do anything for you, the best part of this comic is the preview section in the back which provides readers with a sneak peek at a handful of future stories to come. Despite this lackluster introduction, I'm still really into this lineup of Avengers and will most definitely be reading this series.

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Green Lanterns has already been one of the strongest books to come out of DC Rebirth, this next story arc is poised to push this series even further. With Humphries creating compelling new characters, on top of already making Baz and Cruz fan favorites, this could easily end up as an essential Green Lantern read for years to come.

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Infamous Iron Man #1 is a confusing mess, but is that due to poor writing? Or is it due to Marvel completely dropping the ball on scheduling? I'm leaning more towards poor scheduling because I think Bendis has a plan with all of his books surrounding Civil War II. My guess is that Marvel decided not to listen to their star writer and went ahead with the release. Either way, this comic is not very good. Other than the perfect opening scene and the decent cliffhanger reveal at the end, there isn't much to take away from this issue. I'm not even going to get into Ben Grimm being a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. Hopefully, the next issue can find something to draw readers in and clear up the confusion. (In the meantime, long live God Doom.)

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Every issue of All-Star Batman has been impossible to put down, and leaves readers with an undying need to know what's going to happen next. This truly is a combination of talent that perfectly delivers what every Batman fan could want in a tale for the ages. This is a perfect comic book in a perfect comic book series.

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Nova #11 is a great sendoff from this creative team and an important chapter in the character's history.

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The crazy train keeps rolling and All-Star Batman #2 doesn't even come close to taking a step back. Instead, readers are strapped to Batman's side (along with Two-Face) as he treks along the perilous route laid out for him. I'm also really pleased that Snyder revisited the current state of Duke and his parents, being that he's the one that put them there in “Endgame”. All-Star Batman #2 is another tour de force for this unrivaled collection of creators. If you aren't reading and collecting this series right now, you are going to regret it.

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Justice League #4 is a noticeably weaker installment, following three exciting trips into the trial-by-fire team building our heroes find themselves in. It's hard to ignore the feeling that this whole effort may have been rushed in one way or another. Perhaps it's the first victim of the double-shipping effort by DC? All that being said, this team has earned itself a long enough leash to let this one disappointing issue go. It could have been way worse, but it most definitely could've been better.

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Amazing Spider-Man #17 does an exceptional job at getting readers to buy into the hype surrounding Dead No Moreand does so without being cheap or lazy. This issue stands on its own as a great read and how it fits into the much bigger picture should have readers begging Dan Slott for more. The only concern going forward is that the characters dying and being resurrected as easily as occurs here eliminates any threat or weight the story might possess. I have faith, however, that Dan Slott & company can deliver the Spider-Man masterpiece that everyone is hungry for.

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Six issues into “Rise Of The Batmen” and it proves to be a well-crafted story with a killer plot that's littered with twists and action galore. Yet when Tynion takes a second to let things breathe, he somehow continues to keep the momentum high and further the stakes. Detective Comics continues to be a must-read series for all Batman fans as Tynionand team deliver on all fronts.

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Kingsway West isn't a perfect home-run when it comes to an introductory issue for aseries, butit is a really entertaining book. It definitely does the job in introducing its themes, characters, and setting, giving readers more than enough reason to check out issue #2. The overall attitude is acreative blend of the magic and Western genre. Greg Pak's vision for this book is big and bright, and I very much look forward to seeing this universe unfold.

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Still, though Walker does a brilliant job fitting them in without over doing it, I still prefer them to be on their own. While Power Man & Iron Fist #7 was still as good as the six preview issues, the forced inclusion into CWII knocks it down a tiny bit from what was going on before and what will hopefully continue after. Regardless, this is one of the best comic books on the shelves each month and everybody should be reading it.

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Black Hammer #2 continues to set the pace for the series: a very dark team with a subtle heart laying just beneath the surface. Jeff Lemire's vision for each character is quite clear but still readers know almost nothing about them. The mystery behind each future story unfolding will be the driving force behind this book's success. The only concern readers may have is the lack of action, but this isn't that kind of comic book. The action explodes when necessary, but we're here more for the characters and story. I have faith in Jeff Lemire successfully navigating the mine field of comic book tropes doing a book like this, and I can't wait to see where he takes us.

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This is a pretty great issue of Action Comics, and the story and art do plenty to keep readers turning pages and coming back for the next issue. Superman is fun again and speaks right to the hearts of comic reading dads everywhere. As long as we start getting some answers, this book is surely headed in the right direction.

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Tom King and company have really got a good thing going with their fresh take on Batman and the city he protects. Readers will find themselves completely immersed in the harsh realities of Gotham City, as Batman finds himself racing towards a problem he certainly doesn't already have a solution for in his utility belt. While Detective Comics has been focused more on the other members of the Bat-Family, fans will have a steady bi-monthly Batman book focused on the caped crusader from here on out.

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Doctor Strange #10 is a wonderful conclusion to the exciting “Last Days Of Magic” arc; twists and turns accompanied by breathtaking art make this a fun, easy read for both dedicated fans and new readers. At the ten issue mark, it's safe to say this series is going in the right direction and forging all new territory for the characters. Now is the time to pick this series up and absorb it as the Marvel Studios movie is right around the corner.

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Nightwing #1 is a comic book that will no doubt grab readers' attention and hold it, a flawless introduction to the new series. Whether you enjoyed Grayson or not, are new to the character or a longtime fan, this book is an exciting read. Tim Seeley was clearly the right choice, his voice for Nightwing is absolutely perfect.

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After giving Daredevil #8 a perfect score, I swore to use that as the template to which I rate comic books, with that issue being almost impossible to match. What I didn't count on was Charles Soule not only following that issue with another heartfelt hitbut that it would also be plucking all different heart strings. If you aren't reading Daredevil right now, you are missing out on some seriously fantastic storytelling.

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Amazing Spider-Man #15 was a fantastic comic book; the perfect amount of time spent on this story arc and we are done with Regent for now. People choosing to ignore this series for the time being are foolish, these books are fun and beautiful. Regardless, there are no excuses now as ASM #16 is the beginning of “Dead No More”, I for one am very much looking forward to some clone action; and curious to see if Dan Slott is up to task!

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Overall Spider-Man #5 is a good comic book, it's got it's problems with consistency and artistic choices but it comes together nicely. Bendis set himself up with plenty of potential drama for his beloved Miles Morales and his adventures as Spider-Man; now he just needs to make sure he isn't too distracted elsewhere to deliver.

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This was the worst entry of the best series of an overall lackluster group of X-Men comic books, but there is hope for out favorite mutants. Once this “Apocalypse Wars” nonsense is over and the writers no longer have a gun to their heads, hopefully readers will be treated well for their loyalty to those who carry the X-gene. If I weren't already heavily invested in this force-fed affair to tie into a mediocre movie, I would have skipped this event entirely.

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There seems to be a lot of this going around lately in the current era of comics, and Jason Aaron and company are churning out a very iconic take on the Sorcerer Supreme and the world(s) he lives in. A new angle on the character, giving him a depth previously unseen, accented flawlessly by an art team who are having loads of fun and playing to their strengths. The last page of this issue features Doctor Strange's version of “I'm Your Huckleberry“, setting up the big finale in issue #10. There are real stakes here, not just for Stephen Strange, but for the entire world of magic, and I cannot wait to see where it goes.

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Tom King's Batman #1 is everything that it should be and even more, which should sink its hooks into anyone who picks it up. With DC double shipping and readers getting a new Batman book every week, there may be a fear of over saturation. That doesn't seem likely, however, with this book tipping the scales into an overwhelmingly positive start to the new era of Batman comic books.

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Civil War II #2 felt more like the first chapter of a different story, not a continuation of what started in issue #1. Not to say that this Hulk plot doesn't seem interesting and crossover worthy, it's just that we were already invested in what was going on at first and now there is this; all of which still doesn't feel much like a Civil War yet. I still have high hopes for the remainder of this event, and all the glorious tie-ins. It's just that this issue in particular does not live up to the giant crossover event issues we've been treated to in the past – especially ones written by Bendis. Civil War II #2 is not an awful issue, but it is a book that's dragging its heels and already changing direction; still, it's nowhere near enough to keep me from reading Civil War II #3!

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The first issue of Spider-Man's solo adventures during Civil War II leaves readers anxious to see not only what will happened next to our web-headed friend, but how it will affect his role in the crossover event and which side he will find himself on. Not only is Ulysses a blank slate as a character in this universe, but to readers as well since he has literally done nothing but show up and have an ability. This issue provides the first insight as to who Ulysses is and why he's worth our time and money, and if he's all right in Peter's book so far, he's alright in mine.

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This creative team will end up being as important to Daredevil comics as Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have been forBatman. In a series that has already hadsome of the best Daredevil to come out for a long time, this issue stands as being particularly brilliant. Whether or not you care about the character at all, Daredevil #8is a perfect example of what comic books are all about. This is what a perfect issue feels like.

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There isn't much humor to Civil War II #1, other than a few quick lines, which sets the tone right for what's to come. Bendis is taking this story very seriously and with the stage is officially set, readers will be invested once they get through this hefty first chapter. All the makings of a well done crossover event are present and the gravity of how this will affect every character involved is laid out masterfully. There's little doubt that Marvel is going to use this to shape the landscape for the universe in the coming years. The only question going forward is of course… whose side are you on?

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Spider-Man #4 is no home-run, but it's a good comic book. This issue spends so much time in that frustrating lunchroom scene that's almost as relieving for readers as it is for Miles to finally get out and swing around. By the the issue reaches the final page, nothing has happened other than a promising set up to the next story. It's entirely possible Bendis is simply working on too many books at one time and this time Spider-Man had to suffer a bit; regardless, we'll be back for Spider-Man #5.

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Amazing Spider-Man #12 is a blast, a hilarious and action packed issue that Spidey fans will surely enjoy. With these issues coming out seemingly every other week for the past month, this issue continues their streak of excellence. While the art starts dragging, it picks up and delivers by the end. Regent showing his face is exciting, Ghost's attack wasn't for nothing. It seems like Slott is on the right track with this series going forward and that's great news.

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Emotions aside, there is nothing I could find about this issue that wasn't exactly what it should have been. These two will likely work together again – it would be a travesty for them not to, and DC is in no position to change things that work. Their run on Batman is untouchable and will be remembered as one of the best eras for Batman comic books. As this issue serves as a thank you to Batman, Gotham, and all of us fans… let this review serve as a personal thank you to both Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.

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Dan Slott and company deliver another sold installation of Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4. It's not perfect, but it is undoubtedly huge classic comic book fun that most readers will certainly enjoy. Like I have been saying for months, all of the stuff we've been waiting for is right around the corner with Osborn and Octavius throwing their hats back into the ring. Knowing that, I am very satisfied with the transition from Zodiac to what lies ahead. Slott isn't the best at closing out a great story concept, but this time he took a decent concept and executed the story and its ending brilliantly.

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Nick Spencer does a fine job keeping things interesting within the guidelines of this crossover event, while also tackling a significant character's return to form. I cannot wait to see how the other heroes react to Steve being back as Captain America and how he fits into the world again. And for that reason alone, this issue is well worth the read.

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I really loved this book, I had faith in Slott and this team to come back and hook readers right back in after a lackluster effort last month. Amazing Spider-Man #10 still isn't perfect, but it's damn near close. Slott is still figuring out why this is different and how that different can be great without it not feeling like Spider-Man. Regardless, I am more than willing to stay along for the ride if issues like this keep coming.

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It should shock no one who picks up this book that it is absolutely perfect – Scott Snyder is everything Batman needs right now. Those of you discouraged by whatever atrocious mayhem we're forced to sit through during Batman Vs Superman this weekend, should find solace in the fact that at least somewhere Batman is getting the treatment he deserves.

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Overall, this is a wonderful Iron Man tale, a very interesting and exciting beginning to another chapter in Stark's history. Bendis takes a big ambitious stab at altering the image and makeup of Iron Man, and I for one cannot wait to see how it unfolds.

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I really want to love this series and for the most part I have, but the common takeaway from the past couple issues has been an empty feeling, leaving me expecting something more. I'm actively rooting for Slott and company to turn things around, I believe they will do it, it's just never fun knowing you're in the dud zone when your hopes are so high.

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Invincible Iron Man #7 isn't perfect, even though Bendis writing Stark is, but there is room for improvement in the dialogue involving supporting characters. Outside of that little negative, the issue overall is a big win for me, I love what is happening with the character and I look forward to seeing how long MJ sticks around. I also really hope Bendis doesn't break my Spider-loving heart and attempt to make MJ and Tony any sort of romantic item; but if anyone were to do it with any chance of me not hating it immediately, it would be Bendis.

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Charlie Soule hands in another great issue and has me (a big DD fan) in particular buying in completely. Daredevil trying to defuse a bomb, listening to Steve Rogers' color based instructions to no avail because he is blind, forcing him to grab his escaping target off the roof to do it for him is everything I love about Daredevil all in one scene. For that moment alone this issue gets a perfect rating, but everything else outside of that perfection is also absolutely on par.

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There is fun to be had in Amazing Spider-Man #8, it is a Spider-Man book after all, just not to the degree we were expecting. In no way does Amazing Spider-Man #8 discourage readers from continuing with the series – if anything it promises readers that much more is in store now that these loose ends are tied up. A lazier than usual effort from Slott that's propped up by brilliant art and the promise of excitement is better than no Spider-Man at all.

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Spider-Man #1 is well worth the wait and only another entry into the “why it's awesome to be a Spider-Man fan right now” file.

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Overall, Uncanny X-Men #2 is another solid entry and its story is continuing to build towards something bigger. Hopefully, that ends up being a huge Inhumans versus X-Men crossover event, but until then, readers can enjoy chemistry of Magneto's team. The only thing holding Uncanny X-Men back from being absolutely perfect is that missing element – that one opposing voice within an X-Men team that usually makes their comics so electrifying.

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Hickman wrote us the masterpiece that we readers had hoped for. There may be minor damage to its lasting appeal due to the Marvel universe going forward before its conclusion, but Secret Wars will definitely be remembered as a must-read for any Marvel fan.

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Amazing Spider-Man #6 fires on all cylinders, gearing readers up for the first big story arc of this new and exciting run. Slott always starts off his biggest ideas in great dramatic fashion. Sometimes they don't pan out so flawlessly by the end of them, but that doesn't take anything away from the stimulating beginning. Hopefully, Slott has learned from his previous missteps and this direction for the character was molded in a way that allows him to tell a tale that finishes on par with its start.

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Uncanny Inhumans #3 is a glorious shake-up of the Terrigen fueled monarchs, an explosive and colorful read. These are new paths these characters are on, the threats come across heavy, and the art adds necessary depth. This story will most likely play a huge part in what will happen in the world of Inhumans for years to come, and none of us can predict what's around the corner.

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Overall the book is average, there isn't as much care for the “why” and more of a focus on the “who”, but there's definitely room to improve. Regardless, it'll be worth keeping up with All New, All Different Avengers because there is a lot of promise. This collection of characters is a fresh new group ready to take on Earth's mightiest challenges. There is enough to keep readers interested for now, and how long that lasts is up to the creative team. Hopefully, Marvel has more story around the corner once the meet and greet is over.

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The rest of Daredevil #1 is the beginning of what will be Matt's first court case in this new series, which is directly linked to the new villain revealed in the conclusion. All the new elements mesh extremely well with what makes Daredevil one of Marvel's best characters. Things are not what they seem and the cliffhanger sets up one hell of a story to unfold. Everything about Daredevil #1 is absolutely astounding, the previous series was a fun and different take, but this feels like it belongs on the shelf among Brubaker, Bendis, and Miller's classic takes on the character.

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In the end, Darth Vader #13 is only one sub par book in a vast collection of really good recent Star Wars comics. Vader Down #1 was the beginning of an exciting showdown to kick off an epic adventure. Hopefully, Vader Down #3 picks that back up and this sad entry can be quickly forgotten. This issue wouldn't look so bad if the other Star Wars comics weren't so satisfying, but a mere five pages in and readers will see that Darth Vader #13 is obviously inferior.

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Secret Wars #7 may pale in comparison to the other six entries in this series, but it's still worlds above most comics coming out right now. Marvel is onto something with the way they are concluding and introducing these two worlds of canon. There would be cause for concern with the execution if Jon Hickman weren't at the helm, connecting these two major Marvel chapters together splendidly. With Secret Wars #7, readers are given a chance to catch their breath before the big finale; which cannot come soon enough.

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The future of this book hopefully takes us to new places like it's supposed to and not a rehashing old characters into new roles just because they were gone for a while. Overall, Amazing Spider-Man #3 a pretty fun read, and there are enough pros to forgive the book's cons.

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What was a promising looking group of heroes in the "unity squad", turned out to be nothing worth anybody's while. Wasted opportunities, overloaded with unnecessary elements, and drenched in uninspired characterization, this series will be a tough sell to die-hard Marvel fans who read this entry. Hopefully, they can turn it around going forward, but they are certainly off to a terrible start.

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This book is fantastic. Slott clearly has his heart set on being remembered as one of the most innovative Spider-Man writers of all time. Whether or not he had this planned all along, or was just lost for a bit before coming up with this concept; one thing is for sure, this new Spider-Man really is Amazing.

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There isn't a single negative thing that can be said about the six issues of Secret Wars thus far. Marvel should never let this creative teamsplit up or leave – they do wonders for their characters and the worlds they inhabit. If the final three issues are on par and deliver a worthy finale, this crossover event could easily be one of Marvel's all-time best.

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Star Wars #9 is another extremely enjoyable and fun ride back to before the Empire struck back. Everything Star Wars and Marvel has done together so far has been exactly what we wanted. My fingers are crossed for an eventual appearance by Dash Rendar (Shadows Of The Empire) but I will try not to get my hopes up too high. Star Wars #9 is yet another stellar addition to this already amazing series. As with everything Star Wars that Marvel has put out, this is a must for Star Wars fans everywhere.

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Shattered Empire #1 lives up to the standard set by other high-end expanded universe titles of the past. A great introduction to what will hopefully be a wild ride as readers see how the end of The Empire transitioned into The Force Awaken‘s ominous First Order. This comic is a must-read for Star Wars fans, especially those who know exactly how many days there are between now and December 18th.

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As an ending to a series that has been mostly great, the book feels a bit lackluster at the end, but is still a fun wrap up. As a whole, this series has solidified itself among the essential Daredevil reading lists and Daredevil #18 does nothing to tarnish that. It has its faults but overall is a solid read for DD fans salivating over the set photos from Netflix's Daredevil season two (I am one of you).

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Without spoiling anything, there isn't much else to say other than this book is hysterical, well written, and an all-around hit. Hank Johnson has the potential to become a Marvel fan favorite if they decide to go further with this series. Hank Johnson Agent of Hydra is Marvel tapping into a whole new genre of profitable books and characters by making fun of themselves and super heroes in general. If Hank Johnson Agent Of Hydra was to become an ongoing series, it would easily become one of my personal favorites.

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Those who favor DC Comics or another publisher over Marvel should give Secret Wars and other works by Hickman a try. No matter how deep their allegiance, they won't be able to deny the brilliance and excitement of these stories.

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Renew Your Vows has so far lived up to the expectations placed on it by web-head fanatics. Although it's taken a different route than many expected, it is a welcomed return to many Spider-Man elements that have been missing from some of Dan Slott's more recent Spidey work.

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A heartfelt love letter from die hard fans for die hard fans, Star Wars #7 is a must read for any enthusiast. Not only an interesting peek at what Obi-Wan was up to all those years, but a touching tale about a man's struggle to accept his duty as he transitions into a "forgotten relic." Reminiscent of the times your heart smiles whenever Jim Gordon interacted with a young Bruce Wayne, and truly a great book.

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Uncanny X-Men #35 is a good read and one that benefits from a writer who really cares about its characters. Bendis and his team take us on an emotional roller coaster in just 19 short pages. And it's rare for a new character to gain such appreciation and be given such depth in just a single issue. Goldballs is the star for sure, but all seven members have a lot to offer. This is a team of mutants that much can be done with, and Uncanny X-Men #35 will have fans genuinely excited about their development.

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The same could be said about the book in its entirety – Inhumans: Attilan Rising is not bad by any means, it's just not great. This issue pushes the story along effectively enough and places both opposing forces right in each other's faces (with one side clearly having the upper hand). In the end, Inhumans: Attilan Rising #3 will be easily summarized in the introduction to the next installment, and though it's not exactly a waste of time, it definitely isn't the most exciting time we've shared with the Inhumans.

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Not taking a single step back from the original Civil War story, Civil War #1 is everything readers want. Like most of the Secret Wars tie-ins, this introductory issue sets up an exciting world that fans will be welcoming with open arms. Whose side are you on? Anti- or Pro-SHRA? The debates from 2006 will no doubt return after this issue's relase. The only difference is: with six years of new developments, do you still side with the same faction? (Captain America till' the day I die!)

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As action packed as it is thought provoking, from beginning to end Secret Wars #4 has it all. Both visually stunning and with an epic story to end all epic Marvel stories, this is event is another home run.

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Waid isn't wasting an opportunity to be creative and shake things up. Some of the new things that have happened to Daredevil still take some getting used to, but there is nothing wrong with unorthodox progression. Heading into this series' finale, this is all new territory for our beloved blind lawyer and all we can do now is hope the ending is as ambitious as the ride so far has been.

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Readers will continue to find what they enjoyed about this team from the previous four issues well-represented here. Minor issues in art and a certain member of the team not living up to his name won't stop Uncanny Avengers from being worthy of your time.

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Turning through the pages of this book is like an adrenaline rush orchestrated by both the visuals and story itself. It may only have been less than a year since the often overused Wolverine met his maker, but with stories like these, he is more than welcome back.

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As a whole, this issue was excitingly written as it was beautifully presented. If Magneto #19 is any indication of how Erik Lehnsherr lives out his final moments then it is a fitting end to a beloved character.

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