Daredevil #18
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Daredevil #18

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Chris Samnee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 2, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 24
8.8Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

• The final chapter in the Autobiography of Matt Murdock is written by someone who may surprise you.
•  Not everyone survives this phase in Daredevil's life.
•  Find out who lives, who dies...and who is changed forever.
Rated T+

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Tyler Olson Sep 8, 2015

    In the end, DAREDEVIL 18 is a gem of a comic. It encapsulates everything that makes Daredevil a terrific character, and throws it all into one single issue which is a feat in and of itself. Read Full Review

  • 10
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Sep 4, 2015

    Waid, Samnee and the rest of the Daredevil team have managed to stick the landing and deliver the perfect ending to their run. A run that has proved that accessible storytelling, a fun tone and a creative team who love their characters are the perfect ingredients for modern comics. With so much negativity thrown around these days, its important to show that modern superhero comics can still stand among some of the all time classics. This Daredevil run has been an honest masterpiece, and with the team promising to stick together on a new Marvel project, the future certainly looks bright. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Flip Geeks - Norby Ela Sep 6, 2015

    Daredevil #18 is the culmination of Mark Waid's four-year revolutionary run on the character that is now enjoying some resurgence in popularity these days, like Marvel's Daredevil TV series on Netflix. He closes his Daredevil tale nicely so that Charles Soule can have a clean slate on this handicapped (but superbly enhanced) attorney. Matt's profile is done, as what Waid originally intended and delivered. Samnee and Wilson's respective illustrative executions are equally exquisite and undoubtedly consistent all throughout up to the ultimate splash page that will become their artistic signature (and a love letter as well) on the guardian of the night. Thus, Waid's Daredevil will surely elevate as one of the most essential Daredevil runs ever. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 4, 2015

    It's a smart, dynamic and often touching story, with stunning art. In other words, just another issue for this team. If you haven't been following this series, you've been missing something very special. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Sep 7, 2015

    Mark Waid and Chris Samnee cap off their run on Daredevil, and what a cap it is. There's tension both narratively and visually, culminating in a vicious, bloody fight between our key players, and there's even room for some deep moments of characterization, featuring insights to the character that we rarely have seen before. If you look closely, some elements of the story arc are glossed over, but it's in service to the stronger features of the book" an epic throwdown between Daredevil and the Kingpin, and the epic feels between best friends. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Jesse Peterson Sep 7, 2015

    So thank you Mark Waid. Thank you Chris Samnee. Thank you Matthew Wilson and thank you to the rest of the creative team. I have loved every page of this run, and I will continue to go back and reread it. Whoever is on Daredevil next has big shoes to fill. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Sep 3, 2015

    Waid, Samnee, Wilson, and all of their other collaborators have created a truly legendary version of Daredevil, and Daredevil #18 is an excellent capstone to their accomplishment. It manages to walk the fine line between spectacle and catharsis, providing a fine ending to this last adventure and, more importantly, addressing the thematic core of the series. In these final pages, Daredevil lands exactly on the point of why it has mattered so much for so many comic readers, and why it's likely to continue doing so for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Sep 4, 2015

    Daredevil #18 is both an action-packed and emotionally affecting installment. Perhaps the most surprising thing about this issue, which extends to Mark Waid'sentire run, is that it is affecting throughout the wide breadth of the emotional spectrum. There is anger, fear, sadness, and elation.In the end,Waid, Samnee, and Wilson have put Matt Murdock and his supporting cast in a place where the next creativecan thrive going forward. While this may be the end, it is just the beginning. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 5, 2015

    Bringing all of the players together, wrapping up all the loose ends, and doing it with style… Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Jake Troxell Sep 2, 2015

    Interested in a Daredevil t-shirt, hoodie, hat, or other sweet accessories? Check out the huge selection over at SuperHeroStuff.com. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Sep 3, 2015

    This marks the closing of the Waid & Samnee run. The ending is a full circle on what it means for Matt's identity to be public for himself and those around him. Waid and Samnee truly made Daredevil work in a new setting, with different villains as well as with familiar ones. This issue was a good close to this volume and for once leaves Matt in a good place. Although revenge is certainly going to be coming for him from a multitude of people. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Latest Pull - Thomas Harbaugh Sep 3, 2015

    Minor gripes aside, Mark Waid's finale to his four year Daredevil Saga is still worthy of the cover price and your time. If you've been following since Waid first took over, it'll be a bittersweet read for sure. Thankfully we have another highly capable writer, Charles Soule, picking up the character later this year, and plenty of reason to revisit Mark Waid's incredible run again and again. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Book Herald - Matt Lehn Sep 7, 2015

    Despite a few momentary bumps, Waid and Samnee's finale sticks to landing. Pumping out close to sixty consistently well-met issues in just over four years is no mean feat and a track record anyone can feel proud of. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 2, 2015

    This final issue has a few too many villains for its own good, which calls into question whether Kingpin should have been brought into the picture in the first place. But all that really matters is whether Waid and Samnee are able to wrap up the long, sad saga of Matt Murdock in a way that does justice to the character and remains true to the core of their run. And this issue doesn't disappoint in that regard. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 8, 2015

    Daredevil #18 capped off Mark Waid and Chris Samnee's run on this franchise in excellent fashion. Just like their entire run, Waid and Samnee went for a different type of Daredevil ending, one in which saw the character finally get a "happily ever after." The entire set-up leading into this finally made Daredevil finally coming out on top even more rewarding as a fan of the character and this run. While I can't immediately say where Waid and Samnee's run ranks amongst all the Daredevil creative team runs it was excellently executed and something all fans of the Man Without Fear should put on their reading queues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Sep 1, 2015

    As an ending to a series that has been mostly great, the book feels a bit lackluster at the end, but is still a fun wrap up. As a whole, this series has solidified itself among the essential Daredevil reading lists and Daredevil #18 does nothing to tarnish that. It has its faults but overall is a solid read for DD fans salivating over the set photos from Netflix's Daredevil season two (I am one of you). Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Sep 8, 2015

    Incoming writer Charles Soule and artist Ron Garney will have enormous shoes to fill when Daredevil relauches. Waid has shuffled the deck with Matt Murdock, but hes also left DD and associates in relatively stable positions as characters. Soule will be able to tell almost any kind of story he chooses. Daredevil #18 is a nice cap on a great run by Waid and Samnee and while its not their best work, it hits a lot of the right notes as a send-off. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Sep 3, 2015

    Waid and Samnee take the opportunity to summarize what his Matt Murdock has been about and cement their era's place in the character's history, one that uniquely and confidently stands alongside the other eras in the half-decade history of the Man Without Fear. "Daredevil" #18 is a fitting sendoff and leaves a clean canvas for the next era of Matt Murdock to begin. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 2, 2015

    Overall, Waid's run will be missed and Daredevil fans will wait with baited breath for Charles Soule to return Matt Murdock to the mean streets of New York City. The finale doesn't do ol' Hornhead enough justice, but this run is definitely one of the greatest of all time. It's a reminder that the superheroes that we love are almost infinitely adaptable with a strong enough creative team behind them, and that there's no such thing as a bad character. Though the finale reads like the creative team was told their time was up, it still does a nice job of closing the book on this run. I don't think we'll see another like it for a long time, but the reverberations of books like this one as well as Matt Fraction and David Aja's Hawkeye will be felt on generations of aspiring creators to come. Read Full Review

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