"Path to Doom" part five! With his family's safety hanging in the balance, Superman confronts Doomsday to finally bring the beast's destructive rage to an end. To save his wife and son, Superman must overcome the monster that once killed him, or die trying!
What have we learned from this issue? Well mysterious hooded narrator guy has a posse of guys with hoverboards and could have gotten involved at any point saving countless lives. Also" um yeah nothing that's it. Just more fighting. Yawn. Read Full Review
Good action and emotion with solid visuals. This issue may be starting the reveal of the DC Universe's Rebirth. I'll absolutely be coming back in two weeks for more. Read Full Review
Dan Jurgens has brought new life to Action Comics, and every issue has helped re-establish the prestige of this vaunted title. Read Full Review
Lex, left behind to guard Metropolis when Superman and Wonder Woman went off in pursuit of Doomsday, finds himself aided by the unseen Superwoman. Clark calls Luthors attention to the crashed vehicle from which the singleminded behemoth emerged, and the super-suited scientist is unable to explain the composition of the craft. Read Full Review
Once more the issue is packed with a huge brawl as the villain and heroes demolish the countryside. It is big and loud and somewhat glorious in its action sequences, reminiscent of the original Doomsday where page after page was bonecrushing punches and devastating attacks. Read Full Review
This is a pretty great issue of Action Comics, and the story and art do plenty to keep readers turning pages and coming back for the next issue. Superman is fun again and speaks right to the hearts of comic reading dads everywhere. As long as we start getting some answers, this book is surely headed in the right direction. Read Full Review
Another fine issue from Action Comics, which continues a strong run with this arc, truly making the most of having a powered up Doomsday back wreaking havoc, and it manages to balance both plenty of action (as you'd expect) and character points which continue the journey of everyone in Superman's orbit. The way the issue ends, too, will leave you very excited to see where the story organically develops next. Read Full Review
The Superman team continues to deliver action and excitement and has me interested in Superman for the first time in a very long time. Here's looking forward to the next issue and see if some of the mystery is finally revealed. Read Full Review
Superman is getting better, and throw in a good ending with a decent bit of intrigue and he's slowly becoming his old heroic self again. Read Full Review
While I ultimately enjoyed this issue by itself, the main issue with the arc so far has been Doomsday. While I actually do enjoy the character, the problem with him is that he lacks any real character. His motivations are simple and he has very little personality, leading to arcs where the rest of the cast needs to be even better than usual in their characterization to make up for the gap. Unfortunately, I don't believe that this has been happening as much as it needs to this arc, which leads us into a situation where, unfortunately, while the book may be quality, I am simply waiting for the arc to end so that we can get into something with a bit more meat. Read Full Review
Although Action Comics #961 is much of the same, we do get some payoff as Mr. Oz finally makes a move, setting in motion a cliffhanger that hints at what's to come. With several of Rebirth's biggest mysteries lingering in this title, it's time to get on with it and live up to the full potential of what this book can truly be. Read Full Review
Please, Mr. Jurgens, can we be done with Doomsday and get to solving some of the mysteries? Who is Mr. Oz? Who released Doomsday? Will Superman and Luthor become allies? Who is this Clark Kent that is not Superman? I know this is Action Comics, but the questions raised have far more potential than Superman vs. Doomsday Round 17. The interpersonal relationships continue to be the aspects of this book that are the most exciting and answering those questions will bring about some resolution to this the best part of the drama. Read Full Review
While we may be leading to something in the next issue of this series from the events here, it seems like too little too late at this point because even with a new development added here, it's still the same old song and dance that we've been dealing with since the renumbering of this series. On top of that I also didn't think that the art was as strong as it's been previously and while I've been hoping for something to change here, the art wasn't what I was talking about. Read Full Review
I love how Tyler Kirkham and Stephen Segovia's art recaptures so much of the DC house-style " which had received undue derision in recent years " while nevertheless maintaining wholly unique flavors of their own, and yet, aesthetics aside, Segovia's art certainly contributes to the derivative and often uninspired storytelling which has plagued Action Comics throughout Path of Doom. Read Full Review
There's nothing really wrong with this issue, but not enough happens to satisfy. Read Full Review
I still think Action Comics is on the path to being a really solid book, and overall the tone of all the Superman titles have vastly improved since bringing back the pre-New 52 Superman, but at this point, the storyline needs to stop treading narrative water and begin resolving some of the plot points it has introduced, or at the very least inject some twists into these events. That looks like it's in the cards, and I'm hopeful that next issue will see things moving forward. Read Full Review
Action Comics #961 is another dull chapter in a very stagnant story that cant end soon enough. Read Full Review