Civil War II #2

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Marquez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 15, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 55
6.1Critic Rating
5.9User Rating

Two issues in one month? Hell yes! As the Marvel Universe reels from the events of the first issue, Tony Stark decides to take matters (and the law) into his own hands and declares war on the Inhumans. But not everyone agrees with Tony's perspective and they are willing to die trying to stop him.
Rated T+

  • 9.3
    Project Fandom - Nina Perez Jun 16, 2016

    While I like that the teams will have to deal with the very thing Tony was worried about, I do find it a tad suspicious that Ulysses had this vision " especially because Tony made it a point to mention that Ulysses' own biases could affect how he interprets what he sees. Can Ulysses be trusted? We shall see. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 15, 2016

    Essentially ending with two major cliffhangers, this issue continues to bring the summer event goods. It progresses the story just enough and the art is detailed and effective. The thought-provoking story is good too, and we once again see a war brewing toward some major clashes. Unfortunately a scene change makes it unclear how things have changed by the end and the only certainty is that more conflict is coming. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    411Mania - Rob Bonnette Jun 23, 2016

    I'd call this a good issue overall. The action was mostly limited to the first few pages, but the rest wasn't boring. We got some explanation as to how Ulysses' powers work, which of course leads to further questions as to how Danvers got him to cook up the vision of Thanos to set up the ill-fated mission of issue one. We also got a hint that while Rhodes is indeed dead and gone She-Hulk is not".for now. The advertised throwdown between factions led by Stark and Danvers didn't really get much closer to happening " there are seven more issues so we might have a few more to wait for that. For now the main beef is between Stark and the Inhumnans with Danvers' Ultimates/Avengers mashup team serving as mediators. I liked this issue, but it was a bit of a step down from the first one for me. I don't feel yet like they're going to be keep this up for seven more issues without throwing in some obvious filler but for now so far, so good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Jun 21, 2016

    Civil War II has come in for a little flak since it started, with some arguing that it's just a cash-in on the latest Captain America film's popularity and could be a weak sequel to one of the biggest stories in Marvel Comics history. Whilst it's hard to argue against those points, this is still an intriguing story with potential. However, is it worthy of being a Civil War event? Right now, no. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jun 15, 2016

    The sheer amount of characters on a page never feels busy when mantled by the genius that is Marquez, who pays a stupid amount of attention to each and every hero to make sure they all have their chance to shine. Don't get us wrong, the story is progressed in Civil War II #2, but it's not huge in terms of scale. Hopefully the next few issues manage to push it along at a better pace, without rushing it… We're not asking for much,honest… Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Jun 17, 2016

    However, seeing that Ulysses abilities are still changing and unpredictable means that this story could change a lot a couple issues from now. We're just one bad incident from allegiances being tested once again. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Jun 15, 2016

    Overall, this issue is an improvement, but unfortunately not by much. Many of the problems with the plot and interaction of the characters persist in a manner that betrays the set-up for this event and where the lines are drawn. Im not sure where the story is going, as some of the plot elements feel rushed and hollow, but I do have hope that every part of this story can be woven together. The art however continues to astound and amaze, ultimately helping to digest the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Comicsverse - Ben Wasserman Jun 19, 2016

    Overall, CIVIL WAR II # 2 shows potential, which it meets at several moments throughout. Unfortunately, it's just moving too slowly. As an Iron Man story, it was fine, but as the second issue in a major Marvel storyline, it was just decent. Not terrible or poorly written, but not as good as the first issue (which I really enjoyed). Here's hoping that the series manages to patch up these flaws by next month's issue and give us an amazing series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 15, 2016

    Two issues in and the series is focused too much on emotion when it'd have been much better off putting that off to focus on the debate of how to stop crime that's the core of the series. While it covers a lot, in the end, the second issue continues to leave the event series' debate shallow at its core. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 16, 2016

    There's still time for this series to take off - but so far, it's been slow going. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    411Mania - RobF Jun 23, 2016

    This Civil War lacks the impact that its predecessor had but in the end it may be a better story. It's been a slow moving tale but it looks like it's picking up steam. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Doug Zawisza Jun 17, 2016

    Civil War II #2 is a visual spectacle that really wants to be more. Brian Michael Bendis uses twenty-two pages to move characters towards the edge, while David Marquez uses the same amount of space to draw magnificent pictures. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Jun 23, 2016

    Civil War II #2 serves up what looks like the prime point of conflict, but it should have done more to differentiate the varying sides of the series' main argument. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 16, 2016

    Given that this is technically the fourth Civil War II comic Bendis has written now, it's disappointing that the story is still in such a nascent stage. This isn't a civil war so much as "Everybody is mad at Tony Stark." Tony's characterization is sound, and the visuals in this book are downright fantastic, but those qualities aren't enough to give this Civil War sequel the spark it needs. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Bud Young Jun 28, 2016

    In the end, if it's a good story I'll change my tune. I liked the first Civil War even though it destroyed Reed Richards character in the process. But two issues in, my hope is dwindling. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Jun 17, 2016

    Ultimately though, the great portrayal of Stark, strong character interactions, and phenomenal art are not enough to elevate this comic to greatness. The conflict feels too weak for something that wants to be so big. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Jun 16, 2016

    What isnt diluted is the issues last page. Marvel has removed Bruce Banner from the current Marvel slate of books; theyreplaced Banner with Amadeus Cho and have presented some fun adventures featuring this totally awesome Hulk. So when Banner returns in one of Ulysses visions, that return has a huge punch. Im not sure if this story beat is the reason why Hulk was taken off the board but if it was, bravo; thats some impactful, long-form storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Matthew Mueller Jun 16, 2016

    Overall It gets things from point A to point B, but the trip isn't necessarily smooth. The developments are promising, though, and should lead to an interesting third issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdist - Blair Marnell Jun 15, 2016

    Civil War II #2 was stronger than the first issue, although the story itself remains the central weakness of the book. Stark may be having a mental breakdown, but what's everyone else's excuse for acting out of character? Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven Jun 16, 2016

    What are people dying for if it only truly affects one or two people. This is supposed to be a Marvel-wide story, but it just doesn't feel like one. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jun 16, 2016

    The leads of Civil War II are barely holding on as sympathetic leads, and aside from a great scene of Medusa and Carol connecting as leaders and women and Bendis' doing his level best to keep Karnak in step with Warren Ellis' take on the character, Civil War II #2 is Earth's Mightiest Heroes at their worst, hiding behind half-baked masks of grief and responsibility. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 18, 2016

    The art is out of this world, sure. But the story leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not even sure what everybody is 'civil warring' about. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Jun 16, 2016

    Brian Michael Bendis is nothing short of a talented writer. No one can deny his addicting dialogue and character moments, however sometimes he digresses from the narrative drive in favor of those scenes and Civil War II #2 is no exception. Tony Stark's actions are genuine but create a black and white conflict in this chapter and choosing sides isn't an issue given the execution. There isn't any sense of danger or urgency within the story until the very ambiguous ending. It inadvertently fails to draw in emotional weight or investment. The dialogue is spot on and the artwork is beyond stellar but those aren't the most important parts of an event comic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jun 16, 2016

    There is absolutely no way that I could ever recommend anyone plunking down $5.00 of their hard-earned money for literally nothing substantive at all in return. The cover price is half of a month's subscription to Netflix! You would be much better off spending money on Netflix than purchasing Civil War II. You certainly get far more bang for your buck. It just is not even close. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - John McCubbin Jun 16, 2016

    Civil War II #2 was plain disappointing. Moving the story forward at a stagnant pace, the creative team deliver very little for the $4.99 cover price, with some poor development choices not helping matters. That said, the artwork is simply astonishing, easily being the highlight of this event so far. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Jun 15, 2016

    Civil War II is disappointing because it's every bit the soulless cash grab fans have expected it to be. I really wanted to like this, I'm a Marvel fan at heart and love the event spectacle as huge dumb popcorn entertainment. Compared to an event likeSecret Warsthough, which featured so much planning, huge moments and genuine emotion, something like this is just a real punch in the gut and symbolizes everything Marvel are doing wrong right now. There's little to no build up, a ridiculous price of entry and a lack of any distinct character voices other than Bendis'. It's his writing at his worst and that's incredibly disappointing to write. Everyone behind this book is capable of producing much better work, but when this will sell regardless, why even bother? Save your money on this one folks, there are far better comics more worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 22, 2016

    Two issues into the event, the sides are slowly being drawn but the issue of what exactly they are fighting over still feels ill-defined (especially compared to Marvel's first Civil War) or what Tony risks a super-powered war for here. And since apparently none of the Avengers have ever read or watched science fiction they are completely unprepared for the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy as Ulysses' latest vision suggest the Hulk will destroy the Avengers. But by sending Danvers after him has Ulysses just caused the events to occur (where no intervention on the heroes' part might have let Marvel Comics' big green brute slumber)? Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jun 15, 2016

    The second issue of Civil War II is a bit of a letdown. While the first issue didn't blow us away, there were some interesting developments. Issue #2 doesn't live up to the hype, and while it does offer up some incredible and colorwork that keeps the issue interesting. The high stakes this book presents just don't feel that high. We'll see how the rest of this story plays out but this is just a bit of a letdown. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jun 16, 2016

    Even the superb art of David Marquez can't save the issue from being just irritating. The worst thing is that I can easily see a few tweaks to make me care so much more about the central dilemma, and to make the actions of the characters more well-defined and better motivated, one that carries with it emotional heft of friendships betrayed and genuine idealogical differences. For all its flaws, the first Civil War series did have those qualities. But Civil War II #2 is ultimately sound and fury, and it signifies nothing but spectacle for its own sake. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Jun 16, 2016

    Civil War II #2 felt more like the first chapter of a different story, not a continuation of what started in issue #1. Not to say that this Hulk plot doesn't seem interesting and crossover worthy, it's just that we were already invested in what was going on at first and now there is this; all of which still doesn't feel much like a Civil War yet. I still have high hopes for the remainder of this event, and all the glorious tie-ins. It's just that this issue in particular does not live up to the giant crossover event issues we've been treated to in the past – especially ones written by Bendis. Civil War II #2 is not an awful issue, but it is a book that's dragging its heels and already changing direction; still, it's nowhere near enough to keep me from reading Civil War II #3! Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 15, 2016

    If iconic blockbusters were an easy thing to do, rest assured that Bendis and Marvel would be churning them out on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, we don't live in a world where every idea is a winner - but I can't help but think that between Civil War II and Avengers Standoff, it might have been better to rein in the writers involved until a more coherent storyline could have been churned out. Right now, there's none of the thematic or dramatic weight of the original Civil War in this sequel, which is quickly burning off the initial goodwill from its zero issue and its Free Comic Book Day Special. I hope Civil War II can turn itself around and find its own voice, but at this rate, this series' biggest casualty might be its own narrative consistency. Read Full Review

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