Civil War #1
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Civil War #1

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Leinil Francis Yu Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 22
7.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

The Civil War never ended. Welcome to the Warzone, where six years of non-stop battle between the forces of the Blue and the Iron have split the nation down its center, utterly transforming it. In a world of new alliances and strange enemies, President Tony Stark and General Steve Rogers meet to make one last attempt at peace.

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Jul 9, 2015

    Not taking a single step back from the original Civil War story, Civil War #1 is everything readers want. Like most of the Secret Wars tie-ins, this introductory issue sets up an exciting world that fans will be welcoming with open arms. Whose side are you on? Anti- or Pro-SHRA? The debates from 2006 will no doubt return after this issue's relase. The only difference is: with six years of new developments, do you still side with the same faction? (Captain America till' the day I die!) Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Jul 13, 2015

    Soule is a perfect fit for the Civil War series " the scripting gets right to the point without taking for granted the scope of both sides. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jul 8, 2015

    This first issue is interesting, not only because of the different approach that it takes to the Secret Wars crossover, but also because of the fundamental questions which the original crossover posed, questions to which there are no real easy answers, and they are also the questions which underlie much of the public discourse in politics at the moment, especially in the USA. The nuances are here as to deeper questions, and while it doesn't exactly get around to addressing them, they are still there. This issue thus borders on something a lot deeper, while still giving an engaging story to get into. It might not be the best overall tie-in thus far to Secret Wars, but it definitely one of the most thought-provoking, and deserves to be placed at the head of the pack. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jul 10, 2015

    This issue is a great way to kick off the new series, with its action-packed war zones and internal turmoil. The Blue is suffering from lack of resources and The Iron is suffering from overpopulation and lack of space. It’ll be interesting to see how Rogers and Stark work this all out together—if they do. Who’s to say what Captain America has up his sleeve for Iron Man to face? How will he end the war? How will Stark colonize his people afterwards? You’ll have to keep reading the series to find out! Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Stuart Conover Jul 10, 2015

    Going into ‘Civil War' I wasn't expecting much and even if I had been Soule and Yu would have surprised me and put a smile on my face. These two have taken a concept I didn't think would fit well here and created a story and world which might just be the main ‘Secret Wars' story I want to be following until the 616 Universe returns to something a little more familiar to us. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that there seemed to be no true tie-in to the larger ‘Secret Wars' plot. A great comic and one that I'll be quickly picking up the next issue for. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Alex Nader Jul 13, 2015

    Soule and Yu deliver a strong first issue that doesn't waste time spinning its wheels. Yu's art is beautiful as always and this feels like a true sequel to the originalCivil Warcomic. Hopefully, future issues will develop a consistent plot and, maybe, FINALLY allow Peter Parker some family time! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers Jul 9, 2015

    I really enjoyed reading this, and the art by Yu was just so good as usual. Revisiting these characters, and seeing them dealing with an "unending" civil war, rather than the w=one we read in 2006-207, is very neat. But the omission of the larger picture, and no references to Doom or anything else tied to Secret Wars left more questions than I wanted from this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Paul Ramos Jul 9, 2015

    Soule's script is straightforward, but there are some panels that dialogues are deemed verbose. Yu's illustrations are improving as the years pass by, particularly women, though the teeth are somewhat distracting to view. He becomes a sort of minimalist but fused with his hyper-kinetic brand of his yesteryears. Alanguilan's inks are toned down for the better since the setting is, well, daytime, so goes to Gho's colors that blend well with the surroundings. Overall, "Civil War #1: Whose Side Are You on?" is a good start of the possibilities on a long protracted warfare on ideologies and the actual costs for both parties in superhero fashion. There are more to explore here, and Soule, Yu and Alanguilan will offer us more to come". Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Jul 9, 2015

    Civil war continues the hitting streak that Marvel has been having with these minis. Even if you werent a fan of the original story, I would urge you to check this out to see these creators doing great work. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Jul 9, 2015

    Civil War is a great ‘What if?' tale if the question you ask is ‘What if the originalCivil War never ended and was also far more depressing with loads more death?'. You don't need to be readingSecret Wars to enjoy it, and the writing and art are both very solid. Check this out at your LCS or digitally. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jul 9, 2015

    Civil War #1 is a quiet caution against extremism, and both men's arguments should feel familiar to anyone who pays attention to world news. It's a purposefully ugly comic book, and it won't be to everyone's taste, but there's no denying the quality. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Jul 8, 2015

    The book has little to do with its "Secret Wars" status and is actually confusing in that regard, considering the whole of the United States and other nations exist within the confines of this section of Battleworld. It's fine, though, as there's plenty of story to tell without those explanations. Ultimately, because this series works as a sequel to "Civil War," a reader's enjoyment will be based on how they felt about the characters in the original, because they behave in very much the same way here. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jul 15, 2015

    Secret Wars Civil War #1 was a solid debut issue. If Soule can crank up the emotional side of his story then we could end up getting a real treat of a story. Soule certainly gave me enough in this issue to get me to come back for more. This is quality writing and I think that anyone who enjoyed the Civil War big event will also enjoy Secret Wars Civil War #1. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jul 8, 2015

    Charles Soule and Leinil Yu tell an emotional and intriguing war story but only if you can suspend so much belief. Inconsistencies and vast jumps in logic hurt the story whether or not you care that it undermines the original comic series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan Jul 10, 2015

    Lenil Yu somewhat saves the issue with his pencils. The big superhero battles give Yu plenty of room to stretch his muscles a bit. There are a few places where Yu loses detail if someone isn't the focus, and there is only instance of it hindering the panel. Sharpe's face suddenly disappears when Steve and Tony sit down, creating a humorous panel that wasn't supposed to be. The issue's main twist feels oddly stiff, and without little reaction from Tony or Steve. It just happens and that's it. Gerry Alanguilan's inks keep Yu's pencils from seeming untamed at points. I forgot how awesome Iron Man's Extremis armor looked, then Yu and Alanguilan reminded me. Sunny Gho's colors are good, especially when the spandex hits the fans in the opening pages. Once we hit the desert though, there isn't much of a color pallete. Not Gho's fault though, as that's the desert. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 8, 2015

    It's disappointing for me to write a review like this, because on paper, this should have been a slam dunk. Charles Soule and Leinil Yu revisiting the most popular Marvel storyline of the past decade? Sign me up, right? But unfortunately, this opening salvo feels more like a failure to launch - there's too much navel-gazing and not enough action, making these political debates feel academic rather than visceral. There's too much distance in this nearly post-apocalyptic world for us to truly see Civil War as an allegory anymore - instead, this is one battle that seems to have lasted well past its welcome. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 8, 2015

    This is without a doubt a boring read because it doesn't actually do anything but showcase a grisly backstory and two bickering old men. It also fails to make one care what will happen next, a decidedly important task for a first issue. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Jul 10, 2015

    Civil War could be one of the more disposable tie-ins. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    All-Comic - Lido Giovacchini Jul 9, 2015

    The worst thing about Civil War is how much it insults you as a reader. So much of the comic is made of hand waving and contrivance born of the assumption that no one will question it so the comic can get away with it. It lacks the strength of conviction or affecting ideological issues of the original and is completely devoid of the imagination and charm that has elevated other Secret Wars tie-ins. Its just a mean little comic hoping youll be so dazzled by its ham-fisted and simplistic approach to political discourse you wont realize it doesnt make any sense. Read Full Review

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