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Joined: Dec 31, 2015

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #3 Jan 17, 2017

"Then the whispers began to spread, the lies, the hate. Regular men, who'd become suddenly wealthy, began holding public assemblies, selling themselves as the common voice. They gave validation to the people's darkest subconscious fears and secret prejudices by blaming all misfortunes on minorities." I've never had a wild fantasy feel more familiar.

I gambled on this title after reading a couple pages in a preview and it paid off in a big way. Coda has that Don Bluth 80's rotoscope animation quality. Fantasy back then blended the magical with a hint of horror that kept you slightly on edge. This book took me right back to that place in a wonderful new way. I am vested in discovering more of the protagonist. The world is interesting and has me wanting to explore more. This is the best introduction to a new IP I've read in quite a while.

Loki: Agent of Asgard #17 Jan 1, 2016

Another strong issue reinforcing Laura's ethical dilemma. She wears the mantle of a killer who fought for his humanity. To cheapen these "clones" as property is to cheapen herself. I really like how personal this story has been so far. She is fighting for her own humanity. The art continues to be solid and I loved the conclusion of the Taskmaster fight. This issue hit high points with action, character development and levity.

There hasn't been much good that I could say about X books lately, but Cable 150 has the promise of something great. The art immediately took me back to early X-Force, but Malin makes it his own and I dig it. Starting this arc with the externals draws on the X history in an exciting way. This is what I was hoping to get from a legacy book. This team is composed of characters who were all introduced as newcomers, but now have their own histories to follow. Seeing them now as "newer mutants" again just makes me smile. It may just be nostalgia, but I can't wait to see what happens next.

This first issue just oozed Conan.

This issue provides context to this world and characters that elevates it way beyond the amazing visuals and action. I can't help feeling like the buildup of the "God of Whispers" doesn't match the events, however. Things are going well... too well. Can't wait for the next issue!

Star Wars: Kanan #1 Jan 3, 2016
Star Wars: Kanan #2 Jan 3, 2016

I've read many Superman stories and there has always been something missing. The danger he faced never seemed like it was a real challenge, he was just holding back, not yet ready to employ the means necessary to neutralize the threat. This story makes the danger seem very real. His family is the target, his anonymity to help others, even his own weakening body. I love the intimacy of it. I only wish they had left out the jewel plot and super brawl. This felt like regurgitation of the old formula and introduces several unanswered questions. Altogether, this is one of the best Superman stories I've read and I look forward to more.

This was a great first issue to differentiate this book from other Inhuman fare. The art is great. The pacing was good. We are finally learning a bit more of some of the nuhuman cast and who knows, we may actually see an end to the mist in this series... hopefully.

This continues the strong imaginative start of the first issue. The characters have depth. The world is interesting and slightly twisted. It's a fun ride and I look forward to the next chapter.

Conan: The Slayer #2 Oct 29, 2016

This issue looked great and this story is developing into something that could be a lot of fun.

This is the first comic I've read in a long time that elicited emotion beyond what you would expect of the spectacle and chaos regularly presented. The page depicting the crumbling glass panes of our heroine's life was such a beautiful depiction. I hope this team can continue to create these types of moments amidst the fantasy to come.

The art is fantastic and by the end of this book I was thrilled to see what happens next.

This issue introduces a change in art and story telling that will hopefully continue for some time to come. I absolutely loved the art. Combined with deeper insight into what is happening behind the action, this is the first of the new X books to make me feel like the good old days.

I loved the way this story developed. It kept me engaged the whole way through and I really liked the way Laura embraces the Wolverine mantle. That being said, it does seem odd that she is foregoing her own identity. This isn't explained. We are just supposed to accept this as the new status quo.

All-New Wolverine #5 Mar 5, 2016
Cable (2017) #153 Jan 18, 2018

This has been a good sci-fi adventure so far, but the Thing reference doesn't quite play out when there are 5 Cables in the room. I'm looking forward to seeing some X-Force action next.

I liked the twist with Conan's new assailants. Magic in Hyboria always seemed more closely linked to reality than high fantasy. Conan's characterization has been spot on.

Extraordinary X-Men #10 Jul 31, 2016
Extraordinary X-Men #18 Feb 3, 2017

I knew nothing about this crossover before buying it, but having loved these two universes growing up I thought I'd give it a try. I was very pleasantly surprised. Much as I am now older, this is a much more mature story. I loved the action and can't wait to see where it goes. I like the setup for how these worlds are connected. It makes sense for this story gets the ball rolling quickly. Based on this first issue, I think this series is going to be a lot of fun.

This issue is witty, has plenty of twists and is drawn beautifully. The chaotic nature of these characters and the story does make it a bit difficult to follow at times.

Star Wars: Kanan #3 Jan 3, 2016
Star Wars: Kanan #4 Jan 4, 2016
U.S.Avengers #1 Jan 19, 2017

The promise of a reunion between Rogue and Gambit made me recall some of the magic found in X-Men stories throughout the 90's. I was disappointed in the outcome, but I thought it was done well. This looks like the beginning to a good arc. I seriously hate Red Skull all the more now.

I liked the compassionate portrayal of Laura in this issue. We aren't provided much reason to care about these clones, but it is easy to understand Laura's immediate investment. However, it seemed like a cheap way to propel her into the next conflict.

While there is a great deal of conceptual reuse in this series, along with the grandstanding that Cyclops fell victim, I like that in this all new all different world we still have something that binds us to the old. There are flashes of awesome in the action sequences and Lemire takes pauses to provide intimate windows into his characters. Overall, this first act was slow to start, but leaves me with hope for an extraordinary future.

Extraordinary X-Men #11 Jul 31, 2016

This series has been fun and surprising from the start. I wish there was a different resolution for Adam's fate from the previous issue, but it played out nicely in the grand brawl occupying the majority of the issue. I wonder what other tricks Lion-o will pull out of his sword.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #5 May 7, 2017
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1 Jan 6, 2016

The art in this book continues to be stunning. The plot in the elf war thickens. I just hope that the Odinson is able to resolve the internal conflict and thereby reclaim his place.

This issue traverses a lot of ground from start to finish and definitely leaves some gaps along the way. The political setup serves its purpose to place nuhumans in harm's way for Crystal's group to take action, but it seems cheap. The art continues to look great. Hopefully the next issue provides an interesting chapter to this story.

Cable (2017) #151 Jan 18, 2018
Cable (2017) #152 Jan 18, 2018
Doctor Strange (2015) #5 Feb 10, 2016
Extraordinary X-Men #4 Jan 26, 2016
New Challengers (2018) #1 May 21, 2018

I'm not a fan of the "...5000 years in the future..." device, but this seems to be what is currently in fashion for story telling. 7 leave and 6 return. Now there will be something in every issue illuding to another character who just might be the one to die. Ewing has been all over the grand scale lately, but my favorite stories of his were in Loki. They had grand elements, but were personal. I hope he brings that kind of balance to this series.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #3 Apr 10, 2016

I did not read the previous series that introduced Jane as Thor and as such have many questions that detract from this story. The art is beautiful and captures moments well. I just wish that I cared more about Jane as Thor. I found myself more on the side calling for her arrest. The character is very busy... doctor, cancer, senator, Thor, fugitive, warrior. Complexity is good, but it seems a bit much.

I am enjoying the setup for what is sure to come and the art continues to be a strong selling point for this book. I really hope that elements of Loki from Agent of Asgard make their way into this book. I really enjoyed Loki's development/rebirth there. It will be disappointing if he is simply back to his old ways.

U.S.Avengers #2 Jan 23, 2017

I'm not particularly looking forward to Secret Empire, but I did enjoy the mental joust between Cap and Roberto. This has been a fun series and continues to be.

This is the first decent story from this series in months. I actually liked the Domino story. Are we going to see an X-Force revival? They've been close a couple times, but I'd love to see the original team back together.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #1 May 7, 2017
All-New Inhumans #3 Feb 8, 2016

I completely agree with Ambaryerno's review. I actually thought I had missed something and tried to find the events that are continually referenced in all of the X books. That aside, I do like the look into Scott's psyche. This has been the one thing keeping me interested, particularly with some of the exposition from Old Man Logan in EXM. I would love to see them back together since neither were part of the schism.

I have really enjoyed this take on the young Scott. I couldn't imagine having to step out from your own shadow, for whatever it is that Cyclops did. As good a start as this arc had, however, the ending is disappointing. I don't read comics for a dose of reality, but this was too much to bear.

It seems odd that that this mess of a setup is meant only to provide some spotlight on Falcon. I'm actually as surprised as he was that he is allowed to lead. If not for the fantastic art, I'm not sure I'd have any interest in this book.

I wanted to like this book more than I actually have. The creative team is good and DD has had some positive momentum. I have been a fan of Ron Garney's art, but the look of this book is just different enough to throw me off. I do think it fits very well with the content and it's growing on me. The villain, however, is difficult to take seriously. I am interested to see where it goes with the reveal in this issue.

I like how this story has developed, but if not for the involvement of Colossus I'm not sure I'd keep reading. As the story improves the art seems to get worse.

This ending felt rushed. There was ample opportunity to explore emotion and background in the dimension spanning sequences, but instead we are set upon this frantic race to a final conclusion that was mercifully short though jarringly abrupt. Overall, I enjoyed this series, but I wish it had ended with the same bang on which it started.

This issue didn't advance anything from the first. When I got to the last page I felt surprised that it had ended. I think the reader understands the current situation. I'd like to see how this develops, but I'm not willing to sit through a multitude of subtle rehash before getting there.

I don't understand the need to include the Hellfire Club here, but I guess it does play on the premise of this book. I just wish they had actually used some of those characters. Each week this book feels like a X-Men scavenger hunt that ends with no winner.

After being introduced as the new Wolverine it's nice to see Laura start to reveal her own identity. The rest of the issue fell flat and Strange was underused as a plot device.

I would have liked this story a lot more if we were given any reasoning as to why it occurred. The mystery with Beast is being dragged out like Cyclops' secret betrayal and while it was fun it advanced nothing. I enjoy the focus on young Scott dealing with his new reality. This book is best when focused on character development, but we didn't even get that.

One more issue with no explanation of events, just more looming danger. I liked the setup for the cost of magic in this issue, but I'm not sure I like the lighter portrayal of Strange in this series. I can understand Aaron's take with Strange. After being around "crazy" long enough one is likely become a bit crazy. I just wish the character development was done in a less chaotic setting. Marvel has exhausted the "end of the world, universe, magic...etc" scenario. I really had to roll my eyes at book death.

Like most of Marvel's new series post Secret Wars this one throws the reader into the action with no information or back story. The action has been good, but it all feels so contrived for this specific pairing of characters. I will admit, though, the last several pages are pure Deadpool mania.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 Jan 18, 2016
The Totally Awesome Hulk #2 Jan 18, 2016
Uncanny X-Men (2016) #2 Jan 26, 2016

The scavenger hunt continues and we lose again. Exodus is totally wasted in this issue. I've been patient for something redeeming to come from this book, but that is now at an end.

I have loved some of Gerardo Sandoval's art. The cover totally had me sold, but I didn't like the McFarlane-esque take on the symbiote. It didn't feel right and neither did the story. The "twist" of a bad man and a good symbiote didn't change the dynamic enough to be interesting. I'd really like to see some character development or at least a challenge to the Hero/Villain ethos. This pairing could be interesting in that regard.

From characters to backgrounds I really don't like the art since Ramos left. The weirdworld setting seems to have been left with no real impact and considering everything that Nightcrawler has been through, while the events in this book are tragic, I don't see why this would have left him near catatonic.

The art caught my attention initially, but is inconsistent throughout. I've always liked this character, but this issue seemed to try too hard to humanize her after the events of civil war 2. It ended up feeling very average and ultimately uninteresting.

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #1 Jan 17, 2017
Ultimates (2015) #1 Jan 6, 2016
X-Men: Gold (2017) #2 May 7, 2017

The word "crisis" appeared enough in the prelude books to worry me about any chance of understanding, much less liking, this series. The opening with Mongul came out of left field for me and made no sense within the story. That said, I've only read the Dark Days prelude, none of the core titles. The use of metal seems way over the top, like a forced meaning for a bad acronym. The dark universe idea, demonstrated through turning over the multiversal map was laughable. How does Batman not know that the journal was planted in his own house? I was really hoping this would be a good jumping on point for all things DC, but this story is not that. The art is mostly great, but it's difficult to get through an issue.

Royals #2 May 7, 2017

I was excited for this X book because of the cast and promise of doing things a bit differently. However, this story just fell flat along with the characters. Despite the action being portrayed, I felt like each panel was really static. These two issues combined left a poor first impression.

This portrayal of Laura is so different from that in All New Wolverine. If they are building a multiple personality plot for later down the road, then they're doing a good job. Of the two, I definitely like this one less. If these X-Men will ever be a team it's going to take something huge to pull them together. I liked the initial look into Scott, but it seems like we are now going to get these ill fitting segments into each of their psyches. If this is the case, I'd much prefer intimate stories that focus on the characters without all the chaos in the background that thins what is actually delivered in each issue.

Dark Days: The Casting #1 Oct 1, 2017

It's disappointing that such vibrant art is paired with dismal characterizations. Loki is back to his old tricks and Jane is lost in delusions of grandeur. On the bright side, there was mention of an Odinson book on the horizon in this issue's fan mail. Can't wait!

The main problem with most of Marvel's core heroes is that there really isn't any sense of danger or challenge today. Bruce Banner has always battled with the Hulk, which is mentioned here, but Amadeus seems to have mastered his new persona in three issues. Where internal demons fail, so do external in this issue. This book seems to have adopted the Marvel cartoon philosophy and is just flash with an attempt to cash in on all the great stories and lore that have come before.

This series has started by jumping the shark at the heart of the universe. This team acquired knowledge and power that is completely off the scale. I was originally excited to see how Galactus would play into this series, but this is a bit much.

I have to say that I do not like time travel stories as they tend not to play by any rules. It is an overused gimmick these days. Beyond that, though, this issue brings to a head a confrontation that is underwhelming in its conclusion. I love to see Black Bolt unleash his power, but it makes the whole thing seem all the more trivial. The best thing going in this series so far is the tenuous interaction between Black Bolt and the Torch.

Dark Days: The Forge #1 Oct 1, 2017

Three books in and we have the same regurgitated psychiatric profile that we started with. Even the introduction of Hellcat doesn't advance our understanding or empathy for our fallen heroine. The pacing in this series is ruining what started as an intriguing premise.

Marvel counters declining sales with overpriced issues stuffed with filler. Just say no.

I wonder if Marvel is now trying to make its readers hate the old guard after the initial backlash from dethroning them, why else would you remove a fantastic artist from the final book in an arc? There were so many questions following Secret Wars. I read issue after issue hoping for some glimmer of something worthwhile, only to be let down at every turn. The reveal here is weak and makes no sense given the outcome of the God Butcher storyline. Worst of all, though, after a 5 issue tease not only does nothing happen, but they're introducing yet another imposter. If the plan was to turn readers off of the original characters, job well done!

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