Ultimates #1
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Ultimates #1

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 33
8.3Critic Rating
7.8User Rating


The ultimate superteam comes together to find and fix problems beyond the limits of the infinite! From cosmic forces lurking on Earth to what waits on the outside of the omniverse – the impossible is where they start! And what’s more impossible than ending the threat of Galactus, the devourer of worlds... forever?

  • 10
    PopOptiq - Terrence Sage Nov 11, 2015

    The comic comes to a close with Blue Marvel and Captain Marvel making small talk before being attacked by the source of their mission. The cover spoils our big guy and he's (pun intended) drawn to the most accurately sized scale since Jack Kirby first drew him. The pair comes to the “Devourer of Worlds” not as enemies seeking his destruction but, in an almost car salesman manner…want to help him with his problems. The last page will no doubt catch readers off guard even with Blue and Captain Marvel's faces looking on with nothing but determination. Al Ewing, Kenneth Rocafort, and Dan Brown have struck gold with this first issue. Every team member has something to do, no panel nor page was wasted with the most bombastic colors that have seen thus far in a rebooted Marvel title. The Ultimates solve the ultimate problems and together they solve the case of what a first issue should be. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 11, 2015

    THE ULTIMATES may not be the book fans of the 1610 Universe expected, but it is easily worth the read. This is a pretty cool concept which places heroes on the offensive, so they can save the Earth in the future. It's a very different but very cool book. However, the opening is a bit of an info dump that can be a bit overwhelming. Regardless, this was a great first issue and I highly recommend checking it out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Nov 12, 2015

    A difficult concept for a first issue, but so brimming with ideas and grace that it is hard not to be enveloped by it. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Nov 12, 2015

    .Creatively, Hickmans New Avengers usurped Miller and Hitchs Ultimates as the definitive Avengers story. If, instead of suffering for sharing the same name as the later, Ewing and Rocafort can garnish comparison to the former, theyre off to a promising start indeed. Its far from perfect, but theyve brought me from almost not buying the first issue to definitely purchasing the second. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 14, 2015

    A well-drawn story, pulling together a group that seems naturally suited together, and a very surprising ending make for an entertaining read. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 11, 2015

    Ultimates #1 sets the foundation for what this series stands for going forward. We know the team, we know the state of the individuals and their motivations, and we know the overall team mission. There is a lot to look forward from this team that in one issue shows a lot more promise than most of the other team books either released or to be released. Diversity was a big appeal for this title, but honestly at this point it is just a well written and drawn series constantly evolving. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Nov 11, 2015

    Once your past all the super science, or at the very least used to it then this just might be in the top two for the team books marvel is currently putting out. The characters gel brilliantly, the art makes every page engaging and when Ewing isn't bogged down trying to show the super science changes of the MU he's really able to let loose and lift the characters into a high pace world of action that's as far of the ground as you can get. After all who doesn't love a good space super hero story? Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Rainbow Hub - W.B. Xavier Nov 12, 2015

    Kenneth Rocafort's art here looks wonderful. I know he is an accquired taste, but his stylized work here really fits, especially for characters like the Black Panther and Galactus. The detailing on those two in particular looks awesome. Ultimates is probably one of my most anticipated titles of the relaunch, and I'm not disappointed. I cannot wait to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Nov 11, 2015

    The Ultimates #1 is a great debut issue that gives those of us who love the grand-scale threats a lot of hope. Ewing handles this team of titans nicely and the final page got me really intrigued for what this team is going to have to handle down the line. This comic is already a bit outside the box, which I like a lot and there are many indications in this first issue that Kenneth Rocafort is going to go a little wild at points and the results will be stellar. I'm definitely in for more Ultimates and I recommend this to anyone who enjoyed Hickman's work in the Marvel U. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Jay Mattson Nov 14, 2015

    The beautiful artwork by Kenneth Rocafort coupled with Ewing's more clear and concise narrative makes Ultimates #1 a fun read that brings super-science down to a digestible scale that informs a lot more about the Marvel universe than readers might expect. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Comicsverse - Sean Bartley Nov 14, 2015

    THE ULTIMATES is a very different book than each of the other AVENGERS titles on the stands today, and it succeeds largely because of that. Al Ewing focuses primarily on introducing us to his characters with this issue, but the various points at which we meet the cast aren't necessarily that interesting, nor is it clear how they fit in to the larger narrative. The promise of this series that it will deliver something that we can't find anywhere else coupled with its diverse cast and the incredible art from Kenneth Rocafort makes this a book to watch, and arguably the best AVENGERS book Marvel is publishing right now, though unfortunately that isn't saying too much. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 11, 2015

    The Ultimates #1 is a comic with great characters and fantastic artwork that has potential to get really exciting with its big concepts and huge scope. However, the exposition-fests cause the pacing to really drag the first issue down and prevent it from getting as exciting and thrilling as it should have been. Combined with the fact that the issue is mostly just setup and doesn't really get going until the end, you are left with a good comic instead of a great comic. Overall, I would still give it a recommendation regardless, but I hope that it improves significantly and becomes the comic it's meant to be. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 12, 2015

    This series should appeal to fans of Jonathan Hickman's recent Avengers run. It's more sci-fi flavored and focused on high-concept storytelling. The mission statement, after all, is "Ultimate solutions for ultimate problems." Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Nov 17, 2015

    I'll give the comic some points for trying new things" from the line-up to the modus operandi to the sheer scale of it all. This isn't just Marvel Comics' version of Wildstorm/DC's The Authority or anything. This is truly a cosmic team, complete with some philosophical-slash-metaphysical implications about the nature of reality-slash-storytelling. However, there really isn't one central story to serve as medium for any of these neat little things, resulting in a series of vignettes as characters tell each other about it all. Again, it's basic first issue expository stuff, which then relies on the art to keep things visually interesting. The figure drawing is a bit stiff, but the layouts and shifts of perspective are done with artistic flair. It's all intriguing enough to keep reading, especially with the promise of having no one less than Galactus as a focal point. Comics, I say! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Nov 17, 2015

    My own feelings aside, Rocafort's art and general style has its fans, so I'm certain Ultimates #1 will hit many a sci-fi sweet spot. Ewing and Rocafort have assembled a great team and the series is moving in an exciting direction. Unfortunately, the art does not appeal to me. I'm a bit let down, but still curious for next issue. Read Full Review

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