X-Men: Gold #1
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X-Men: Gold #1

Writer: Marc Guggenheim Artist: Ardian Syaf Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 5, 2017 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 29 User Reviews: 48
7.7Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Xavier's dream comes full circle as KITTY PRYDE takes the reins and assembles a squad of the most iconic X-Men to fight at her side. STORM. COLOSSUS. NIGHTCRAWLER. OLD MAN LOGAN. PRESTIGE. They are X-MEN GOLD! And they're on a mission to be Earth's finest heroes, even when that means defending those who hate and fear them. Brought to you by an all-star creative team of Marc Guggenheim (X-MEN, S.H.I.E.L.D., television's Arrow) and Ardian Syaf (BATGIRL, SUPERMAN/BATMAN, BRIGHTEST DAY), a new beginning for the strangest heroes of all starts here!
Rated T+

  • 10
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Mueller Apr 5, 2017

    X-Men Gold kicks off this X-Men renaissance with a bang, and for longtime fans or those who lost touch, this is the book you've been hoping for. It's time to give the X-Men another chance. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Comic Crusaders - Robert Anderegg Apr 7, 2017

    X-Men Gold #1 is what fans have been waiting for. No crazy events. No end of the world circumstance. Just heroes being heroes when needed and enjoying down time when they can manage it. This is called "Back to the Basics" for a reason. I hope to see much more one on one moments between characters and unique usage of abilities and meaning behind the perpetual motion that is being a superhero team. As for this comic specifically though, I'd say it is a great start to what could be the best X-book in years. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Word Of The Nerd - Stuart Ringwalt Apr 17, 2017

    My hope is that people read the issue, and got the message, regardless of what happened, but my fear is that, after the controversy, fewer people picked the issue up with the intent of actually reading it. If you are one of the readers who was considering jumping back on to the X-Men, but got scared off by the events surrounding Syaf's art, I recommend reading it anyways. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Apr 5, 2017

    At the end of the day X-Men Gold is just that GOLD. It's everything we have been asking of Marvel and a great start to a new day for our mutants. Long time X-Men fans can breath a sigh of relief that things are getting better, and the road to ResurreXion is taking us back to a time where the X-Men were great, but in a fresh new way with all new stories. Don't miss out on this amazing book because the adventure is just beginning. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dusty Good Apr 6, 2017

    This book is the perfect place for new fans to join, a great place for old fans to come back, and a X-book that many fans have been waiting years for. Hats off to Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We Got This Covered - Tom Bacon Apr 5, 2017

    X-Men Gold #1 is a superb issue, blending nostalgia and a desire to look to the future. This is a very promising start for the 'ResurrXion' era! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comicsverse - Justin Gilbert Alba Apr 5, 2017

    At the very least, even a cynic will be satiated, but I can also guarantee that if you're open to the infinite possibilities X-MEN GOLD #1 sets the stage for, a part of you will instinctually know you're reading X-Men history in the making. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Logan Dalton Apr 6, 2017

    In X-Men Gold #1, Marc Guggenheim, Ardian Syaf, Jay Leisten, and Frank Martin show that they can deliver on the flashy action as well as the quiet, usually angst filled character moments that are the reason why I and others fell in love with this franchise. Honestly, I was sold when Kitty Pryde said To me, my X-Men and then progressed to phasing a giant skyscraper through the ground. This is the best she has been written since Jason Aarons Wolverine and the X-Men. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    NerdEnt.Net - Flame Hawk Dec 31, 1969

    For a comic that says it wants to move forward it really spends a lot of time getting back to the 90s. ResurreXionis taking the right steps to draw back the bloated Marvel universe that needs to be trimmed down. There are many things to enjoy from this issue like Kitty trying to become the next Xavier despite some setbacks. The story seems to be written before, although Guggenheim makes references noticing it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    On Comics Ground - James Portis Apr 7, 2017

    Again, its hard not to go into this book with high expectations because of all the torment the X-men have gone through because of movie rights that shouldnt affect comic books. The stories not bad but its average. The only really intriguing parts are the growth that characters have gone through like Storm, Kitty, and Rachel especially. Though the random hate for mutants again thats justified by oh they have different genes so lets hate them is so odd. Especially nowadays with a million and one metahumans, and Inhumans running around daily. It just seems weird. Hopefully this series goes from average to amazing because right now, its what Marvel needs to honestly secure my money. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Apr 4, 2017

    This first issue feels like a return to the classic X-Men I grew up reading decades ago with a mix of action and humor but most importantly reminding us that these though these characters have extraordinary powers, they're very much human. Welcome back my X-Men! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    We The Nerdy - Aron Pohara Apr 10, 2017

    X-Men Gold is a good introduction for the new readers that have not picked up an X-Men book lately while also being good for old readers that have not become too jaded with the status quo. It's those in the middle–the jaded readers who do not like all of the major changes to this property–that will be hard to win over, but if X-Men Gold can sustain a continuous run, it has a chance to grab them too. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Apr 5, 2017

    X-Men Gold #1 is everything you should want as we are finally moving forward rather than taking steps back. This story fills us with hope and the joy in what it means to be an X-Man once again. What it also means to be a mutant without falling to an extinction level event. They are facing similar problems, grounded problems, familiar foes, everything about this was a call back to what was lost along the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Apr 8, 2017

    X-Men: Gold #1 is exactly what the franchise needed to show that it is returning to what made the X-Men such a beloved franchise. Marc Guggenheim showed great care to develop a layered story for the X-Men, with each cast member getting ample character development time. Though I wasn't excited when ResurrXion was announced X-Men: Gold now has me looking forward for what comes next for the franchise. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Kat Calamia Apr 6, 2017

    Overall X-Men Gold #1 brings a nostalgic feel needed for the X-Men franchise, while also presenting a freshness through Kitty's leadership. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Apr 6, 2017

    X-Men Gold is a book that might have given some fans a bit of hesitation initially, but those fears should be put to rest after this first issue. Guggenheim has brought the X-Men back to their classic storytelling roots and done away with all the dreary circumstance. The art couldnt have been better and the entire crew knocked it out of the park. X-Men Gold has the potential to be a juggernaut. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 6, 2017

    I do think getting back to the basics is a great idea - but it would be nice to focus on the action, the friendships and the fun, and less on the broken hearts, the failed relationships, and the eternal cloud of racism that hangs over every "X" book ever. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joe Glass Apr 5, 2017

    X-Men Gold is a fantastic leap in the right direction. For so long, the X-Men books have been about survival, which has not worked well with the core allegory of mutants and what the X-Men are. Finally, this book is less about survival, and more about living. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Black Nerd Problems - L.E.H. Light Apr 7, 2017

    This is a on-ramp issue for what will probably be an on-ramp story arc. You know these characters and their powers, but maybe you've never had the guts to take the plunge and read a comic with decades of history. Believe me, I feel your pain. This issue is for you. If you've been wanting to start reading X-Men, buy this comic and jump into the deep end of the pool. If you've been reading all along, this is more of the same. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Apr 6, 2017

    This is a solid debut, and one worth checking out. I cannot wait to see how it continues to blossom. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 5, 2017

    It's clear that Marvel still has a ways to go before the X-Men franchise achieves comic book greatness again. However, X-Men Gold #1 at least feels like a step in the right direction. The new series doesn't have enough new elements and ideas to balance out the heavy nostalgia trip, but the focus on Kitty Pryde and the '90s-worthy visuals do strike a chord. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Apr 5, 2017

    This is a good start, but the creative team still has a long way to go. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Apr 6, 2017

    It's the same fight that Charles Xavier led the X-men into back in the days before civil rights was more than just a hashtag. Kitty Pryde and her revamped, revitalized team of X-men, one of which is her ex-boyfriend, carry on that fight in X-men Gold #1 after one too many interludes. It gives hope that the X-men are back to doing what they do best, provided nobody gets sterilized again. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Apr 7, 2017

    It's not bad. Nor is it good. I am interested to read the next comic, which is what the goal of the comic should be, but it better prove it's worth quick or I'll drop it like I've dropped every X-Men comic over the past five years. This can be could good. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Branden Murray Apr 10, 2017

    X-Men Gold#1 brings a more classic group to the forefront, in an issue filled with enoughcallbacks to please any easily satisfied X-Men fan who's seeking a nostalgia trip.So far though if you're looking for something with more of a fresh feel to itinvolving this group of much maligned heroes some of the future books may bemore up your ally. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Beat - Alexander Jones Apr 5, 2017

    Comics fans might say they want a back-to-basics approach with the X-Men, but this issue in particular doesn't take enough risks. There's not enough development in this issue pushing the franchise forward and showing what's next for these characters. This team of X-Men so closely resembles the Claremont and Cockrum/Byrne X-Men team that readers might be tempted to dismiss X-Men Gold #1 as a cover band playing the hits. Guggenheim and Syaf need to convince fans that the X-Men are still Uncanny. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Jason Segarra Apr 4, 2017

    Despite its flaws, X-Men Gold is still a fun read. As a huge X-Men fan I feel like I may be more harsh on the book because I want it to be great. There's potential here, but I feel like the creative team would do better trying to create something new, rather than relying on familiarity to tell their story. It feels like a book built on safe choices (particularly that last panel "surprise return") rather than a series built on a good idea for the future, but hopefully with some space to breathe Guggenheim can bring something unique and different to X-Men Gold. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 8, 2017

    The first proper issue of the new X-Men relaunch tries way too hard with the classic tropes, while doing nothing to indicate new ideas or directions. Lackluster main characters, an odd array of weird story choices and subpar art bring the whole relaunch down. Read Full Review

  • 3.2
    Multiversity Comics - Benjamin Birdie Apr 7, 2017

    The current status quo for our favorite mutants is in many ways inescapable, so in some ways it was inevitable that "X-Men Gold" #1 was bound to disappoint. But things don't have to be this bad, do they? I don't think anybody asked for this, but everybody got it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    EdNothIng Oct 20, 2019

    Um começo primoroso pro que viria ser uma run beeeeem mais ou menos

  • 8.5
    So Marvelous Jun 7, 2018

    In my opinion, X-Men Gold #1 was brilliant. It has been probably the best X-Men book in years, and that's because the characters. I love how characters are portraied here, and I'm really interested in see how they develop. The villians were well presented too, and I love how mutants are facing the hate, trying to be heroes, just like the old days!
    A very good start for a promising series!

  • 8.5
    The Villain May 1, 2017

    I really enjoyed this return to form for the X-Men. I like Kitty Pryde as the leader and it feels like most of the characters get an opportunity to shine this time. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes.

  • 8.5
    LucK Apr 7, 2017

    Now... it locks righters have something to do with X-Men. This book doesn't proved fot itself. There was a sense thats nothing going on with X-Men since almost 10 years ago. No mutants, no new original character, no plot to improve but just to burn. The X-Men are fighting with themselves for so long that everything that they represented during so much time was corrupted and fragmented. Its always good to see a good mood with good writer but I want creativity and Marvel letting the writers do that with X-Men.

  • 8.5
    supercoolyeah Apr 5, 2017

    I'm just happy to see the X-Men aren't playing the whoa is us card. IT'S REFRESHING! Sometimes, you do really need to go back to good team book basics. I love the mix of characters. The Nightcrawler/Storm moment was sweet. The Kitty/Prestige scene was cute. It was overall a great solid team book. Syaf is surprisingly well for this book and I can't wait what Guggenheim has in store for us!

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 8.0
    Spock's Brain Apr 11, 2017

    It's a bit tough to judge this issue objectively with the Ardian Syaf controversy raging; I wanted to dislike his artwork here more than I did. But this was a surprisingly refreshing X-Men comic. It doesn't tread new ground in any way, but is comfortable and hits some pretty good character notes. Kitty phasing an entire building was a neat concept, but isn't portrayed artistically in an interesting. The now-departed (after 2 more issues) Syaf did a good job, for the most part, except showing he has no idea what softball is or how it's played. Is that cricket? Is that what cricket looks like? Guggenheim's voice is pretty solid here, though Storm's angst over the fate of the Inhumans made me role my eyes (please...no more Inhumans...please!). more

  • 8.0
    MKW69 Apr 7, 2017

    Better than X-men Prime but not great. I'll give it a shot.

  • 8.0
    kfc902 Apr 7, 2017

    Good start. Love the art and also there is a nice compressed version of the Xmen history from beginning to now to get you up to speed.

  • 8.0
    Joe Apr 5, 2017

    Alright, as the title says, this is a return to basics, and so far it seems to be a solid return. Guggenheim seems to have a good handle on everyone, I like Kitty as leader, and it seems to be setting up a simple, solid plot for the next Story. However, I hate how Marvel is still trying to pull the "Inhumans are perfect angels that did nothing wrong, and the Mutants are horrible aggressors" bull. Still, solid book, excited to see what happens next in this and the other X-Books.

  • 7.5
    ModestMoonMan Aug 4, 2017

    Not a bad start. It's nice to see the X-Men enjoying a game of baseball again, rather than being involved in some world-ending event with the Avengers/InHumans. The make-up of the team is okay. I feel like Old Man Logan has worn his welcome though. How many different comic series is he a part of now? Either way, interested to see where this series can go.

  • 7.5
    RustonLF Apr 19, 2017

    There are some promising relationships that show in the writing, but this debut hardly makes a lasting impression. Time is spent trying to regain nostalgia instead of a hook that will leave you wanting to see where the team goes next. One of the major flaws that always bothered me is how humans can love so many heroes in the Marvel universe and still hate mutants simply for being mutants even though they hardly have physical differences (with the exception of characters like Nightcrawler). This trope is relied upon when a mother scolds her child and tells her to stay away from the mutants who just saved their lives. Hating them simply for being mutants. It makes little sense, but I suppose is part of the X-Men stories. Putting all that asid more

  • 6.5
    Synthozoid Apr 8, 2017

    It's fine, not great. Recycling the prejudice theme for the billionth time. I like the 80's lineup of characters. I like the tension between Kitty and Colossus. Giving Rachel the new name of "Prestige" is the worst idea ever. 5 bucks for 5 minutes of reading is hard to justify. If you are going to emulate Claremont's work from the 80's, try using at least 20% of his word count.

  • 6.0
    CrazyforRAMU Oct 31, 2017

    Kitty Pride's Central-Park-based mutant team looks to be headed for very familiar storytelling ground. Anti-Mutant organizations, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, yadda yadda yadda. This story arc is called "back to basics" and this issue is the introduction that any good X-Men fan could write given that title and this roster. The quest for a "classic" approach to the X-Men is looking a bit boring so far, unfortunately. I feel like a more daring, more talented writer than Marc Guggenheim could have delivered more than just potential. The story of artist Ardian Syaf getting canned for tucking prejudiced references to Indonesian politics into this issue's art is way more interesting than anything the script has to offer.

  • 6.0
    Jack's Yattering Apr 7, 2017

    SCORE: 5.9

  • 6.0
    OHardy Apr 7, 2017

    Quite a bland story. Apparently, back to basics means mutant softball. I give the book points because the art is good. This is what I have a problem with, and why I only give the issue a six: The relationship between Old Man Logan and the rest of the cast. All of the characters act as if Old Man Logan is an old friend, someone they've known for years. They are comfortable around him and treat him like he is Wolverine. But he is not the Wolverine they have known for years. Their Wolverine is allegedly dead. Old Man Logan is from another dimension/timeline, and in that other "world" he killed the X-Men. The cast of this book should treat Old Man Logan like what he is: a mutant they just met, who looks like a dear, dead friend, and happens to more

  • 6.0
    thecomiccookebook Apr 5, 2017

    This book plays it safe and I think it makes this very mediocre. Nothing new happening to the mutants here so if you want to read about classic characters who don't change, this is the book for you. Ardian Syaf's art is very bland and Guggenheim writes the characters fine, just nothing to give the book that extra oomph like Morrison, Whedon or Claremont.

  • 5.0
    daddyT Apr 6, 2017

    on the cover: 2 x-men I don't like. 2 x-men I don't care about. and 2 x-men I don't know who they are. the first panel: "why does the world hate and fear mutants?" sigh.. same old crap.

  • 1.0
    Adam Anderson Apr 8, 2017

    This comics is bad. The art looks good in individual panels but the characters still stand around most of the time doing nothing. STATIC. But the 'writing' is worse than bad, it's TERRIBLE. How did Terrax get here? I don't know. Why is he here? I don't know. What does he want? I don't know. But what is worse, the 'writer' of this comic book CLEARLY believes that the answers to these questions DON'T MATTER! After all, the only people who buy 'funny' books are illiterates who never learned to read, so stupid things like character motivations and logic are unnecessary and meaningless in Marvel Comics in 2017. Why are the unstable molecules of Kitty and Storm's uniforms torn but not their skin? I don't know. Why are the X-Men grouped up like si more

  • 10
    haniballecto Apr 9, 2017

  • 9.0
    sebastianorellana95 Apr 6, 2017

  • 8.5
    J.J.E. Aug 13, 2018

  • 8.5
    Tex8285 Oct 11, 2017

  • 8.5
    Dtkantek May 24, 2017

  • 8.5
    CesarCastanha Apr 6, 2017

  • 8.5
    Khan/Murdock Apr 5, 2017

  • 8.5
    JAC8285 Apr 5, 2017

  • 8.0
    Dones Feb 10, 2023

  • 8.0
    jmprados May 30, 2017

  • 8.0
    JVV May 16, 2017

  • 8.0
    heraldofmarvel Apr 19, 2017

  • 8.0
    JBL Reviews Apr 5, 2017

  • 8.0
    Jabberwocky_Superfly Apr 5, 2017

  • 8.0
    xreader1407 Apr 5, 2017

  • 7.5
    JCP Jan 20, 2018

  • 7.5
    Roseandberg Oct 26, 2017

  • 7.5
    Yippeekiyay Apr 12, 2017

  • 7.5
    MPLSrobit Apr 10, 2017

  • 7.5
    FT Metler Apr 9, 2017

  • 7.5
    TheFallenKing13 Apr 6, 2017

  • 7.5
    EDiakota Apr 5, 2017

  • 7.0
    iPodwithnomusic Feb 12, 2018

  • 7.0

  • 7.0
    CKaefe Sep 28, 2017

  • 7.0
    Mac May 7, 2017

  • 6.5
    Comix4fever Mar 5, 2018

  • 5.5

  • 4.0
    BloodyNinja Apr 5, 2017

  • 1.0
    Cbrstanley Oct 7, 2017

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