J.J.E.'s Profile

Joined: Aug 13, 2018

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RBL reviewed Superman #11 May 15, 2019

This issue only works if can shut your brain down to read it. The overarching “story” continues to be asinine and senseless and certain events it depicts are so ridiculous it can’t be taken seriously.

generic alien continues to be a third-rate villain with motivations that cannot be kept consistent, while the turn of events regarding the encounter shown in the issue are just pure more

Superman #11

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: May 15, 2019

Named one of the best books of the year by Paste Magazine, Comics Beat and others, the Unity Saga continues! The drama of the House of El tears the galaxy in half as Superman and his son are forced to confront his father about the secrets of Krypton in front of the gathered heads of the galaxy. Superman makes a bold choice that will forever change ...

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Spacey Medicine reviewed Superman #10 Apr 30, 2019

I think my favourite thing about immensely traumatic multi-year torture sessions with a man who looks exactly like your father but psychotic is how they absolutely do not impact you in any way mentally.

Superman #10

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Superman and Superboy venture forth into the cosmos to stop Jor-El before he tips the galaxy into utter chaos. Also, Superman would like to have a word with his father about what happened to his son. All this and the fate of General Zod. "The Unity Saga" continues in the pages of SUPERMAN, named one of the best superhero comics of 2018 by Paste mag...

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J.J.E. liked this:
Psycamorean reviewed Superman #10 Apr 13, 2019

This series is so inconsistent in characterization and plot, but the quality is consistently trash.

Superman #10

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Superman and Superboy venture forth into the cosmos to stop Jor-El before he tips the galaxy into utter chaos. Also, Superman would like to have a word with his father about what happened to his son. All this and the fate of General Zod. "The Unity Saga" continues in the pages of SUPERMAN, named one of the best superhero comics of 2018 by Paste mag...

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J.J.E. liked this:
RBL reviewed Superman #10 Apr 10, 2019

Not the worst issue of the run so far, but that’s saying little considering it’s been decidedly subpar from the start. Does little to generate any interest in what follows and what it does answer is done in an unsatisfactory fashion. Couple that with general nonsense bendis has to add and it’s a mediocre issue.

Unstable person is still unstable, now with added time travel woes. Jo more

Superman #10

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Superman and Superboy venture forth into the cosmos to stop Jor-El before he tips the galaxy into utter chaos. Also, Superman would like to have a word with his father about what happened to his son. All this and the fate of General Zod. "The Unity Saga" continues in the pages of SUPERMAN, named one of the best superhero comics of 2018 by Paste mag...

+ LikeComments (2)
egonnn244 - Apr 14, 2019

I'm going to play the devil's advocate and quote Jor-El "the black hole - that grabbed US". He clearly states that both of them got caught. It's never stated that they ended up in the same place and time. It's clear to me that Jon had the misfortune of ending up on Earth 3 before Anti-monitor had his way with it and Jor-El ended up somewhere and somewhen else. It took time before he fixed his ship and figured out where his grandson is.

RBL - Apr 14, 2019

His assertion that his grandson ran away remains completely unfounded. Stating the black hole grabbed them also does not explicitly mean that both were taken into it, just by the fact that the ship they were was caught in its pull it’s already valid.

J.J.E. liked this:
RBL reviewed Superman #9 Mar 13, 2019

I sure made a good call to expect nothing from the appearance of the Crime Syndicate last issue, because that’s what was delivered!
This issue was pointless, had little substance, as much filler as the “Knightmares” arc happening on Batman.
Do not purchase this issue, in fact I daresay don’t even read it, it’s not worth the time:

The best part of the issue is Superma more

Superman #9

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Mar 13, 2019

The secrets of the house of El are revealed as the Unity Saga continues! Traveling through space, young Jon Kent has faced everything the universe could throw at him, but after an accident sends him and his grandfather Jor-El across dimensions, the new Superboy comes face to face with a terrifyingly evil version of his own father: Ultraman and his ...

J.J.E. liked this:
waltgator93 reviewed Superman #9 Mar 13, 2019

This story how Grandpa is “crazy” seems to be getting out of hand. Unfortunately any respect you had for Ultraman is going out the window as you read this issue. Artwork is about 7/10.

Superman #9

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Mar 13, 2019

The secrets of the house of El are revealed as the Unity Saga continues! Traveling through space, young Jon Kent has faced everything the universe could throw at him, but after an accident sends him and his grandfather Jor-El across dimensions, the new Superboy comes face to face with a terrifyingly evil version of his own father: Ultraman and his ...

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RBL - Mar 13, 2019

Artwork is about the only thing the title has going for it, the writing is certainly subpar.

J.J.E. liked this:
PeteRick reviewed Superman #8 Feb 13, 2019

Can we switch doomsday clock characters and put bendis there, cause i think he has far more chances to destroy the dc universe than dr.Manhattan; and i would love to see the character that he's writing kick his ass!!!

Superman #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. See what changed Superbo...

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J.J.E. liked this:
RBL reviewed Superman #8 Feb 13, 2019

Everyone is apparently dumb as rocks in this issue, and this next Shyamalan-esque twist just allow the writer to crap on an entire other universe. I can’t but imagine Earth-3 will end up worse this time around that in its last appearance, in which it was destroyed.

More detailed review to follow later today.

Superman #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. See what changed Superbo...

+ LikeComments (2)
PeteRick - Feb 15, 2019

I don't think bendis will undo the aging thing regarding jon

RBL - Feb 15, 2019

He said he’s committed to the change so that’s feasible. He has not delivered on anything he promised fans, beginning with a good story, so why would he start now?

J.J.E. liked this:
Psycamorean reviewed Superman #8 Feb 16, 2019

I'm never going to be able to get around how, in order for this story to work, characters have to act completely out of character. If I had to give this anything, it's that the scene between Jon and Jor-El at the beginning had some good moments. And the cliffhanger was cool, as a spectacle. I don't know why it's happening, but hey, it's the Crime Syndicate!

Superman #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. See what changed Superbo...

J.J.E. liked this:
StoryFox reviewed Superman #8 Feb 14, 2019

It’s marginally better than the last issue, but the previous issue was a train wreck, so that doesn’t say much.

There’s some good moments here, like the first pages with Jon and Jon-El talking about their places in the universe. It’s interesting and explores their characters. However, things quickly went downhill from there. Narrative is inconsistent at best (Superman randomly h more

Superman #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. See what changed Superbo...

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J.J.E. rated Superman #8 Jun 11, 2019

Superman #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. See what changed Superbo...

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J.J.E. liked this:
Spacey Medicine reviewed Superman #7 Jun 3, 2019

What is the point of any of this? I have never liked Jor-El being back and I like all of this even less. Lois is suddenly a garbage parent, Jon is suddenly a garbage teen, and this comic is unsurprisingly garbage.

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

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J.J.E. liked this:
EDiakota reviewed Superman #7 Jan 17, 2019

Can Tomasi comeback to Superman

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

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J.J.E. liked this:
Jon Wayne reviewed Superman #7 Jan 16, 2019

This is what some might call a f*ck you five. Only reason it's not a 1/10 is because of the art and the brief warm fuzzy feelings I got when

Bendis is completely ignoring both established Rebirth continuity AND his own continuity established in his other Super book. He has spent 19 issues now doing what exactly? Split up the SuperFam for no apparent reason except to age up Jon Kent, an more

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

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Superheroes for Hire - Jan 17, 2019

Well you see he had to tell the story in this series, so that he could screw readers of both series with bad plots.

J.J.E. liked this:
SnakeWilson reviewed Superman #7 Jan 22, 2019


Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

+ LikeComments (2)
ohhaimark - Jan 22, 2019

Wow. Never before has someone summarized my thoughts in such a perfect, concise way. Great review :)

SnakeWilson - Jan 23, 2019

haha what a story mark

J.J.E. liked this:
ohhaimark reviewed Superman #7 Jan 18, 2019

No good/bad review for this one. My thoughts on it can be summarized in one emoji:💩

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

+ LikeComments (10)
myconius - Jan 23, 2019

i'll bet they wouldn't just stop at Jon. they'd off Lois too, just to be edgy. check out the latest Superman Walmart comic.

Darkseid24 - Jan 23, 2019

With Jon I would be fine, but not with Lois. Thanks I will, but there is no Wallmart close to me.

J.J.E. liked this:
TatteredVelvet reviewed Superman #7 Jan 16, 2019

Any hopes I had that this will make sense are gone now.

Superman’s decision to let his wife and kid leave with Jor-EL, and Lois’ decision to leave Jon with Jor-EL makes even less sense due to the “shocking reveal ” that’s not really a shocking reveal. Not to mention Lois reasoning for leaving Jon behind and not telling Superman she’s back is not properly explored or expl more

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

+ LikeComments (7)
Superheroes for Hire - Jan 17, 2019

I dropped the series and Action Comics after the AC issue where Lois plays dumb about living a fake marriage. Bendis clearly didn't want to write about a functionally married Superman or about a fun-loving 10 year old son of the world's most recognized hero. And Lois for all her strong character was shown to have no care for either husband nor son. And to boot, Jon is now going to have to fit in with a universe he's now 7 years too old for. I'm out till a new team.

TatteredVelvet - Jan 19, 2019

Agreed. It hurts to say this as a lifelong Superman fan, but I'm strongly leaning towards dropping these books as well. The books have been staying in my to read pile longer and longer because I dread what I'll see next.

J.J.E. liked this:
Psycamorean reviewed Superman #7 Jan 16, 2019

This is really bad. The whole issue and story depends on us not knowing Jor-El is bad. But he is. We've seen it. Why is it a shock to anyone? Why did Lois leave her son with this clearly evil character after one mission? Even if he wasn't evil, that's some garbage parenting. This is so dumb because it contradicts all that Rebirth Superman/Action Comics strove to do. That whole era can be described more

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

J.J.E. liked this:
RBL reviewed Superman #7 Jan 16, 2019

Tl;dr I did not think it would be possible for bendis’ writing to get worse on this book, he proved me wrong. Please save yourself the physical pain it will cause on your eyes and do not read it, buying it would be far too much and contribute to one of the worst books out there.

On to the actual contents now, so know spoilers will follow:

Issue ends on another “big twist/ more

Superman #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 16, 2019

It's the moment you've been waiting for: the shocking return of the son of Superman! A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever!

+ LikeComments (1)
ohhaimark - Jan 22, 2019

Outstanding review. I especially liked the part about physical pain to your eyes… I definitely experienced that.

J.J.E. rated Superman #11 Jun 11, 2019

Superman #11

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: May 15, 2019

Named one of the best books of the year by Paste Magazine, Comics Beat and others, the Unity Saga continues! The drama of the House of El tears the galaxy in half as Superman and his son are forced to confront his father about the secrets of Krypton in front of the gathered heads of the galaxy. Superman makes a bold choice that will forever change ...

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J.J.E. rated Superman #10 Jun 11, 2019

Superman #10

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Superman and Superboy venture forth into the cosmos to stop Jor-El before he tips the galaxy into utter chaos. Also, Superman would like to have a word with his father about what happened to his son. All this and the fate of General Zod. "The Unity Saga" continues in the pages of SUPERMAN, named one of the best superhero comics of 2018 by Paste mag...

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J.J.E. rated Superman #9 Jun 11, 2019

Superman #9

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Mar 13, 2019

The secrets of the house of El are revealed as the Unity Saga continues! Traveling through space, young Jon Kent has faced everything the universe could throw at him, but after an accident sends him and his grandfather Jor-El across dimensions, the new Superboy comes face to face with a terrifyingly evil version of his own father: Ultraman and his ...

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #11 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #11

By: Sina Grace, Robert Gill
Released: Mar 7, 2018

• After the shocking events of last issue, Iceman is on the trail of a powerful new mutant that can't get his abilities under control...
•  Will the Xavier Institute have a new student or will Iceman do the unthinkable?
•  Kitty's offer still stands: Is Iceman ready for his own team of X-Men?
Rated T+

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #10 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #10

By: Sina Grace, Robert Gill
Released: Feb 7, 2018

•  With the X-MEN trapped in the Danger Room, it's up to ICEMAN to protect the Institute and the students from DAKEN!
•  Will having Omega-level powers be enough to go against an activated APOCALYPSE SEED?
•  Are Bobby Drake's students ready to fight and protect the mansion?!
Rated T+

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #9 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #9

By: Sina Grace, Robert Gill
Released: Jan 3, 2018

is packing up to move to Los Angeles, but DAKEN has plans for him and the X-Mansion!
has Wolverine's son been training Iceman's former student for?
to see some of your favorite merry Marvel mutants in this epic, all-out brawl of an issue!
Rated T+

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #8 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #8

By: Sina Grace, Robert Gill
Released: Dec 6, 2017

Iceman vs. Iceman Part 1
•  Iceman and his younger counterpart must team up...
•  ...against their parents?!
•  The Drakes have discovered the existence of the young, time-traveling Iceman. But what are their true motives with this meeting?
Rated T+

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #7 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #7

By: Sina Grace, Robert Gill
Released: Nov 1, 2017

•  The original Champions have re-assembled!
•  Will they be enough to protect Los Angeles from a swarm of rogue, haywire Sentinels?
•  Even in L.A., all eyes are on Bobby - how will he fare as a leader?
Rated T+

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #6 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #6

By: Sina Grace, Robert Gill
Released: Oct 4, 2017

ICEMAN, one of the most powerful mutants within the Marvel Universe, discovers his powers and his outlook on life evolving. He needs to lead the charge with a team who stand proudly by his side in the war to "protect those who can't protect themselves." Hercules, Ghost Rider, Black Widow, Darkstar, and Angel re-unit...

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #5 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #5

By: Sina Grace, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Sep 6, 2017

• Doing everything he can to avoid having a heart-to-heart with his parents, ICEMAN dives into super hero work. But he knows the approach of the truth is unstoppable...
•  Luckily for Bobby Drake, there's another unstoppable force barreling toward him: THE JUGGERNAUT has returned!
•  But this is one alibi that might just be a dea...

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J.J.E. rated Iceman #4 Aug 13, 2018

Iceman #4

By: Sina Grace, Edgar Salazar
Released: Aug 23, 2017

• Iceman is still learning to be comfortable in his own skin.
•  And he's about to run into a man who's perhaps TOO comfortable in his!
•  The X-Men's coolest operator is about to learn a thing or two from the Son of Wolverine himself, DAKEN!
Rated T+

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