Joined: Oct 25, 2016

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Pseudnik reviewed Lois Lane #1 Jul 3, 2019

No story to speak of. Lots of clumsy political posturing. More of the weirdly dysfunctional Lois and Clark relationship from the Bendis books. Dreadful art. Good luck to anyone who is planning to struggle through another 11 issues of this.

Lois Lane #1

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: Jul 3, 2019

On the road and out of Metropolis-and carrying a secret that could disrupt Superman's life-Lois Lane embarks on a harrowing journey to uncover a threat to her husband and a plot that reaches the highest levels of international power brokers and world leaders. Critically acclaimed and best-selling author Greg Rucka and master storyteller Mike Perkin...

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READ RUMBLE - Jul 3, 2019

Calling someone an ‘asshat’ because they have a different opinion than you is wrong. Pseudnik has a right to their opinion and they didn’t personally attack someone. Frankly, Bendis’ Lois and Clark relationship to me seems odd and out of character, so I stopped reading supe and action, but will give this a try due to Rucka. I think most people know Rucka is a pretty political guy and it will show in his stories, so I’m assuming this is what they meant by ‘political posturing’

BloodyIgor - Jul 5, 2019

Yea this start out seeming to be good but quickly turned to garbage.

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Psycamorean reviewed Punisher #5 Dec 22, 2018

Man, Matthew Rosenberg's run on Punisher has been great and this issue continues the trend. We get plenty of Punisher being Punisher, with some darkly humorous moments. Nick Fury Jr. being a conniver is always welcome. Punisher is way too good right now.

Punisher #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Dec 19, 2018

•   Alone and hunted, Hydra gets its tentacles around Frank.
•  The price for all Frank's recent actions comes due.
•  The ending of this issue changes the entire game.
Parental Advisory

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Jason Gomez reviewed Punisher #5 Dec 19, 2018

best issue so far

Punisher #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Dec 19, 2018

•   Alone and hunted, Hydra gets its tentacles around Frank.
•  The price for all Frank's recent actions comes due.
•  The ending of this issue changes the entire game.
Parental Advisory

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READ RUMBLE reviewed Punisher #5 Jan 4, 2019

This series pulls no punches. It’s just off the charts non stop action, twists and cameos galore. The art is great as well. Not one page or panel in the entire run has been wasted or felt like filler. Hands down one of my favorite books right now.

Punisher #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Dec 19, 2018

•   Alone and hunted, Hydra gets its tentacles around Frank.
•  The price for all Frank's recent actions comes due.
•  The ending of this issue changes the entire game.
Parental Advisory

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READ RUMBLE dropped Deadman (2017) from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Deadman (2017)

"Journey into Death" part one! When we last left Deadman, the true story had barely begun! Deadman's death was unsolved, and his fate was intertwined with that of his parents and siblings. Even the Dark Night Detective couldn't solve the mysteries of Boston Brand's fantastic secrets! Now, Batman is back, confronting Deadman about who was really beh...

+ LikeComments (18)
myconius - Nov 25, 2018

ohhaimark, check this one out if you ever get the chance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ohhaimark - Nov 26, 2018

Alright! That looks good. I have a lot to read right now, but I’ll get around to it eventually.

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DDJamesB reviewed Punisher #3 Oct 27, 2018

Daredevil punisher team up. Check. Awesome action. Check. Great portrayal of Frank. Check. Return of a classic villian. Check. Great art. You already know.

Punisher #3

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Oct 24, 2018

•  The Punisher attempts to escape his attackers, but they follow him into New York's subways!
•  Frank's nearly overtaken when the protector of Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil, joins the fracas.
•  But Daredevil wants to put Frank down just as bad as the mercenaries do!
Parental Advisory

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Psycamorean reviewed Punisher #3 Oct 26, 2018

This issue has basically everything you'd want from a Punisher comic.

Punisher #3

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Oct 24, 2018

•  The Punisher attempts to escape his attackers, but they follow him into New York's subways!
•  Frank's nearly overtaken when the protector of Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil, joins the fracas.
•  But Daredevil wants to put Frank down just as bad as the mercenaries do!
Parental Advisory

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READ RUMBLE reviewed Punisher #3 Nov 1, 2018

This series hasn’t slowed at all since opening pages of first issue and that’s freaking cool. Have no idea where this is going, but it’s a helluva good time - especially this issues surprise ending. Art is awesome as well.

Punisher #3

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Oct 24, 2018

•  The Punisher attempts to escape his attackers, but they follow him into New York's subways!
•  Frank's nearly overtaken when the protector of Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil, joins the fracas.
•  But Daredevil wants to put Frank down just as bad as the mercenaries do!
Parental Advisory

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READ RUMBLE reviewed Books of Magic #1 Oct 27, 2018

I found this dull and is it me or do the faces look drawn...weird? Something aboutt the Tim’s face is drawn I didn’t like. Not too much to this issue....especially compared to how dense The Dreaming was.

Books of Magic #1

By: Kat Howard, Tom Fowler
Released: Oct 24, 2018

From the SANDMAN UNIVERSE #1, it's the return of Neil Gaiman's magical morality fable in an all-new series written by Kat Howard (Roses and Rot, An Unkindness of Magicians) and drawn by Tom Fowler (DOOM PATROL)!
Timothy Hunter may be destined tobecome the most powerful magician in the universe, but he's still a London teenager, and having magic...

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Psycamorean reviewed Action Comics #1004 Oct 25, 2018

I think this is horrible and completely antithetical to the previous run.

Action Comics #1004

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Oct 24, 2018

Superman confronts Lois Lane and wants answers: Where is Jon Kent? What happened during Lois' trip into space with Jor-El? Why didn't she contact the Man of Steel when she returned? And most importantly, does she still love him? Or is the world-famous reporter looking to let Clark Kent down easy? Lois and Clark's relationship gets redefined in this...

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RBL reviewed Action Comics #1004 Oct 24, 2018

I have to admit, the story in this issue improved. It's gone from abhorrently bad to just dull and uninteresting. Progress was made!

The plot-holes present in this story that remains lackluster have never been more jarring than with a Lois Lane who would leave her son without second thoughts with an individual, who I reiterate for what feels like the nth time, WAS AN ENEMY of theirs the more

Action Comics #1004

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Oct 24, 2018

Superman confronts Lois Lane and wants answers: Where is Jon Kent? What happened during Lois' trip into space with Jor-El? Why didn't she contact the Man of Steel when she returned? And most importantly, does she still love him? Or is the world-famous reporter looking to let Clark Kent down easy? Lois and Clark's relationship gets redefined in this...

+ LikeComments (3)
RBL - Oct 25, 2018

Not sure where it fits in current continuity but as far as I know it might be, there are stories that at least tie-in to Dr Manhattan’s prescence in the DCU

PeteRick - Oct 25, 2018

All i know is that is set one year in the future!

READ RUMBLE commented on this:
waltgator93 reviewed Action Comics #1004 Oct 23, 2018

While the story does nothing to progress the story arc, we get Clark and Lois reconnecting to only have Lois tell Clark that they need space to do their own thing but aren’t broken up. This issue feels like I missed an issue or two. Bendis still does not have the voice of Lois right.

Action Comics #1004

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Oct 24, 2018

Superman confronts Lois Lane and wants answers: Where is Jon Kent? What happened during Lois' trip into space with Jor-El? Why didn't she contact the Man of Steel when she returned? And most importantly, does she still love him? Or is the world-famous reporter looking to let Clark Kent down easy? Lois and Clark's relationship gets redefined in this...

+ LikeComments (13)
PeteRick - Oct 26, 2018

Yeah,you're absolutely right, guess we'll have to wait two years to read another decent story, i'm not purchasing this crap!

PeteRick - Oct 26, 2018

Or wait until the sales fall

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PeteRick reviewed Action Comics #1004 Oct 24, 2018

I don't get why anyone would like this, bendis was the worst thing that ever happened to superman fans!

Action Comics #1004

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Oct 24, 2018

Superman confronts Lois Lane and wants answers: Where is Jon Kent? What happened during Lois' trip into space with Jor-El? Why didn't she contact the Man of Steel when she returned? And most importantly, does she still love him? Or is the world-famous reporter looking to let Clark Kent down easy? Lois and Clark's relationship gets redefined in this...

+ LikeComments (5)
RBL - Oct 25, 2018

I’ve been calling bendis’ run crap from the start of the Man of Steel mini, so speaking for myself, I wouldn’t bother making other accounts when I consider the reviews I write to be enough.

PeteRick - Oct 25, 2018

Hahaha are you sure this guy is not from FBI, man who would've bother to create other accounts, what for.. To atack bendis, i'm just giving my opinion here, and i don't need different accounts to prove my point, that he sucks as a writer; and don't be ridiculous, i wouldn't waste my time since he doesn't even know that i exist, and i don't hate him, he's a good and kind man, but he writes shit, and i'm speaking on my behalf!!

READ RUMBLE dropped The Shadow/Batman from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

The Shadow/Batman

The World's Greatest Mystery. The World's Greatest Detective. They can barely stand each other, so how will they possibly deal with the World's Greatest Evil? What legacy can two of the world's most enduring icons of justice leave once they discover an ancient evil has been living inside the world they protect for centuries, attached to its heart. ...

+ LikeComments (3)
READ RUMBLE - Oct 21, 2018

I liked it. It was fun.

myconius - Oct 21, 2018

ah! excellent! i can't wait!

READ RUMBLE dropped Kill the Minotaur from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Kill the Minotaur

Athens lost the war to Crete. Now, they pay tribute to King Minos by sacrificing their best citizens to his unearthly labyrinth. Conspirators believe Theseus can be the hero they need to end the mad king's bloody reign...but no one on this world has ever encountered anything like the savage minotaur.

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READ RUMBLE dropped Nightwing: The New Order from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Nightwing: The New Order

NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER is the story of a future world without "weapons"-where superpowers have been eliminated and outlawed. The man responsible? None other than Dick Grayson, a.k.a. Nightwing, now leader of a government task force called the Crusaders who are charged with hunting the remaining Supers. But when events transpire which turn the Cru...

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READ RUMBLE dropped Ragman from their pull list Oct 18, 2018


After a failed mission to raid a tomb in the Israeli Desert, war veteran Rory Harper is plagued by the death of his partners. As Rory battles his guilt back in Gotham City, he discovers that what was in that tomb has followed him home, and it's about to change his life. But as Rory begins his journey, an evil is invading Gotham City, and it wants w...

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READ RUMBLE dropped Batman: White Knight from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Batman: White Knight

In a world where Batman has gone too far, The Joker must save Gotham City.
He's been called a maniac, a killer and the "Clown Prince of Crime" but "white knight"? Never. Until now...
Set in a world where the Joker is cured of his insanity and homicidal tendencies, The Joker, now known as "Jack," sets about trying to right his wrongs. First ...

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READ RUMBLE dropped Southern Bastards from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Southern Bastards

Welcome to Craw County, Alabama, home of Boss BBQ, the state champion Runnin' Rebs football team...and more bastards than you've ever seen. When you're an angry old man like Earl Tubb, the only way to survive a place like to carry a really big stick. From the acclaimed team of JASON AARON and JASON LATOUR, the same bastards who brought y...

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READ RUMBLE dropped Superman (2016) from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Superman (2016)

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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READ RUMBLE dropped Mera: Queen of Atlantis from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Mera: Queen of Atlantis

From the pages of AQUAMAN comes a brand-new adventure starring Mera, in her own title for the first time ever! As the brutal Atlantean Civil War rages, Mera must keep the peace between the surface world and Atlantis as its newly anointed queen in exile. But when Aquaman's brother Orm, a.k.a. Ocean Master, learns of his homeland's fate, he'll stop a...

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READ RUMBLE dropped The Gravediggers Union from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

The Gravediggers Union

DEADLY CLASS co-creator WES CRAIG launches a new series with art by rising star TOBY CYPRESS (Omega Men)! The supernatural world has gone crazy! The apocalypse is coming, and only the Gravediggers Union can stop it! How? Well, first their leader Cole has to find his estranged daughter. But is she the one behind the apocalypse? Wild comedic horror w...

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READ RUMBLE dropped Realm from their pull list Oct 18, 2018


NEW SERIES! Fifteen years ago, our world was overrun by creatures of myth; orcs, dragons, and other nameless horrors threw the entire planet into total chaos. Today, the shattered remnants of civilization must fight just to survive in a deadly new era of violence and mayhem. While a powerful sorcerer marshals his forces, a group of warriors embark ...

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READ RUMBLE dropped Action Comics (2016) from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Action Comics (2016)

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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READ RUMBLE dropped Aquaman (2016) from their pull list Oct 18, 2018

Aquaman (2016)

"THE DROWNING" chapter one
Black Manta returns, and as Aquaman attempts to broker lasting peace between Atlantis and the surface world, his greatest foe engineers a plan to destroy everything and everyone the undersea hero loves.
THEY SAID IT: "I'm excited to draw a vast undersea world with all the visual flourishes of fantasy and science f...

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READ RUMBLE rated Cemetery Beach #2 Oct 18, 2018

Cemetery Beach #2

By: Warren Ellis, Jason Howard
Released: Oct 17, 2018

Mike Blackburn and Grace Moody are trying to get out of the middle of a secret colony on an unknown exoplanet while trying not to make any noise.  It's not working out like that. And the Outerfamilies of Second Stage are waiting for them. Utopia is kind of murdery.

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READ RUMBLE added The Wrong Earth to their pull list Oct 13, 2018

The Wrong Earth

AHOY Comics launches with a biting superhero satire! On one world, Dragonflyman and his sidekick Stinger enjoy a life of adventure. On another Earth, the Dragonfly hunts criminal parasites like a lethal exterminator. But what happens when these two heroes change places? By Tom Peyer (Captain Kid, Hourman) and Jamal Igle (Black,...

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RBL reviewed Superman #4 Oct 10, 2018

This is gonna be my shortest review yet.

The first page of this comic can be used to describe this whole issue, nay, the whole volume, perfectly. The first statement in this comic describes the Phantom Zone as the Nightmare Dimension where Krypton sent its worst creatures, criminals, and GARBAGE. That last statement is exactly what this volume continues to be, the pile ever growing with more

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

+ LikeComments (26)
RBL - Oct 12, 2018

Thanks, man. Nice to see someone else appreciates that book, it's really good mix of espionage, sci-fi action. Would really like to see a few more titles in that line, but so far it's going strong.

READ RUMBLE - Oct 13, 2018

I agree with your analysis RBL and actually I just dropped both Superman and AC from my pull list.

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DarePool53 reviewed Punisher #2 Oct 6, 2018

I don’t give many books a 10, but this issue just hit all the right notes for me. I can understand why Kudranski’s art is divisive, but I absolutely love it, and it’s ably supported by the inks and colours.

I didn’t want this issue to end and I’m now counting down the days until I can get my hands on issue #3. Really hope Rosenberg/Kudranski get a lengthy run.

Punisher #2

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Sep 26, 2018

Punisher no longer has the War Machine armor, but he retained his newly acquired taste for big game, and he's hungry for more. However, the paths to such perilous pursuits are fraught with dangers bigger than any Frank has faced before, and this lone wolf could use otherworldly help on his way...

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READ RUMBLE reviewed Punisher #2 Oct 10, 2018

Cool friggin’ book. Best action in a comic I’ve read all year and the cameos were awesome. Just a bad ass book and its only on issue 2.

Punisher #2

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Szymon Kudranski
Released: Sep 26, 2018

Punisher no longer has the War Machine armor, but he retained his newly acquired taste for big game, and he's hungry for more. However, the paths to such perilous pursuits are fraught with dangers bigger than any Frank has faced before, and this lone wolf could use otherworldly help on his way...

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