Cable #152

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Jon Malin Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 13, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
7.0Critic Rating
4.7User Rating

•  The Externals are dying one by one, but Cable's assembled the strangest team of mutants from throughout time to put a stop to it...
•  Longshot! Shatterstar! X-23! Armor! Blink! Doop! What makes them so uniquely qualified to answer the call?
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Paul Smerdon Jan 2, 2018

    The butterfly effect, or rather, the idea that one tiny choice is a cataclysm for a whole new future, is the premise of this arc. It's interesting to see how Cable will make it through these issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Watch - Robert Struble Jan 2, 2018

    Brisson flounders a bit as he breaks a cardinal rule of stories involving time travel. And still no Blink! The story itself is fun but as a whole, it lowers the overall quality of the arc. Cable may be on his last leg unless we can get something amazing next issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jun 23, 2018

    Cable and company zero in on what looks like a big bad, I guess. Ed Brisson's script tells a functional story but completely fails to offer disinterested readers a reason to care about any of this Externals business. The words in this issue do nothing to stir passion, and the art is actively painful. Jon Malin has two modes: questionably competent Liefeld imitation, and definitely-not-competent rough sketches of too-small characters. Mr. Malin was allowed/encouraged, for reasons beyond comprehension, to block out most of this issue in the second mode. The result is entirely too much of "the somnolescent adventures of five color-globs that look vaguely like Cable's team and Doop," and reading it is quite a chore.

  • 3.0
    Dylan1978 Dec 15, 2017

    At some point you have to start wondering why this comic is being made. 90's nostalgia? The plot is simple but also rather pointless. Characters being plucked out of points in time where it's not clear if they should even exist yet. And let's get to the art. It goes at it's best of being inconsistent to at times making you have to squint at the page to figure out what's going on. Characters at times look like nothing more than colorful blobs with arms and legs. The apeing of Liefield's style is unapologetic but also laughable since I don't see many people screaming "I want more Rob Liefield comics!"

  • 3.0
    SloboSOY Dec 14, 2017

    And their I leave ...
    So now anyone but us can understand Doop ? Ok that's not what cross me.
    That the stupidity to have Cable & Selene team search separately for the answers. To have Longshot talking of Blink (From the Exiles) when her haircut make certain that's the 616 version. Not cool because I love the Exiles. For having all this dumb, weird & awful part with Gideon (The monster only make me doubt about brought this issue).
    I'm done for good with cable. And 13 year ago for good sakes X23 didn't exist.

    Cover - Fun but awful in the same time. And not very related to the story. 0/2
    Writing - That was good at the starting of this issue. But after that ... 1/3
    Arts - Strangely Cabal wasn't the worst part more

  • 7.0
    Mac Jan 18, 2018

  • 6.0
    Psycamorean Oct 18, 2018

  • 6.0
    Jason The Dude Jan 10, 2018

  • 4.0
    tonpas1989 May 22, 2021

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