As a horde of the galaxy's most fearsome killers descend upon the X-Men, help comes from an unexpected direction: across the border! ALPHA FLIGHT fly into action again - though at what price? And can even Canada's hardiest heroes turn the tide?
Rated T+
Overall, X-Men #12 is a fast-paced and action-packed issue that delivers on its promise of a thrilling team-up. It's a must-read for fans of the X-Men and Alpha Flight, and it effectively sets the stage for a climactic battle. Read Full Review
Diaz delivers thrilling art that matches and enhances the thrills of the story. The action in this issue is beautifully done. Read Full Review
X-Men #12 ends the two-part adventure with big action and energy. Jed MacKay's interlude between complex melodramatic arcs and crossover events is more entertaining than the grand designs of the X-Office. MacKay would do well to do more stories like this one in the future. Read Full Review
While XMen #12 impresses visually and with its energetic fight sequences, it ultimately serves more as a transitional piece than a standalone, deeply engaging story. Read Full Review
X-Men #12 isn't going to shake anything up or change the status quo, but it also doesn't want to. It's a fun little adventure, but that does come at the expense of some odd character decisions and a lack of depth. Read Full Review
I never thought this series could get even worse, but apparently it could. From the story, to the dialogue, to the art, this was abysmal.