The return of the villainous CONSTRICTOR means trouble for WOLVERINE - but more than LOGAN could possibly realize. What's wrong with Constrictor, and what does it mean for Wolverine's future...and past? The secrets of Saladin Ahmed's plot hinted at in issue #1 take on new meaning in this key issue!
Rated T+
This is a Wolverine comic, that any and every Wolvie fan should pick up. It's classic Wolverine with layers of storytelling, and a new obstacle he'll have to overcome. The friends and foes showing up have been classic yet different, creating a familiar yet new story. Read Full Review
Wolverine #4 is another contrived excuse to get Wolverine to fight an assortment of Adamantium-enhanced villains. Saladin Ahmed's coincidence-laden script gives Wolverine plenty of fighting fodder, which gives the average reader what you would expect from a Wolverine story, but the plot could use more effort. Read Full Review
Interesting issue, curious where the Adamantine plot goes, otherwise another good issue. Ahmed's characterization of Logan is great.
I'm not sure where this "Adamantine" thing is going, but it's an aspect of Wolverine that hasn't been explored in this way before so I'm interested. The art was quite good and so was the writing.
Good issue. Cóccolo's art looked great throughout, especially when Lady Deathstrike was infecting Constrictor, and Ahmed's story continues to be interesting and compelling. The plot of Wolverine facing Constrictor was solid and entertaining. Furthermore, the Wendigo storyline continues to be the strongest aspect, writing-wise. I'm glad to see that it looks like Leonard will be sticking around for a bit.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
Ahmed continues to force highly unlikely events to unfold to further his plot, logic be damned, and has Logan play doctor Phil in between.
We are Venom... I mean we are Adamantum...
The writing is lacking in this issue and it just feels like one Macguffin after the next just to forward the story. The artist is still doing good but must be getting tired of the story as well because some panels are just not doing it here, not like the details and beautiful work of issue #1 and #2.
This whole Adamantum thing or whatever is a common theme in Venom and now even Ultimate Black Panther with it's "anti-vibranium" concept. And you can see advertised on issue #5 Wolverine and the others possessed by the Adamantum. It should have said on the advertisement.
We are Adamamntum... Oh shit here we go again...