Punisher #4

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Paul Azaceta Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 13, 2022 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 24
5.7Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Frank Castle is determined to use the ninja warriors of the Hand to end his war once and for all. But the world's newest and deadliest dealers in wildly powerful arms, the Apostles of War, are proving to be the Punisher's toughest foes yet. And that's not to mention the assassins Lady Bullseye and Lord Deathstrike who've been hired to expose the Punisher as a pretender to the throne of the Beast.

  • 8.5
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - mrgabehernandez Jul 13, 2022

    Punisher #4 builds the stakes, amps up the brutality, and plants seeds of doubt for a possible game-changing issue in the series. The pacing,m character-building, and drama are set on high, but the jarring shift between two radically different art styles leaves a sour taste. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Jul 13, 2022

    PUNISHER #4 was probably the weakest issue of the series so far. Extra information not pertinent to the development of the story cluttered a majority of the issue simply to hammer home the point that Frank is indeed the legit Mighty Fist of the Beast. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 13, 2022

    Punisher #4 is a step back for the series, making the lead character seem unsure and untethered from anything that's going on. He's the lead character and yet after reading this issue it's made abundantly clear he's not in control of anything. The creators are trying to create mystery, but after four issues, it's not so much mysterious as it is confusing. It's hard to root for a character who, after reading this issue, seems like a man with no understanding of who he is or where he's going. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Jul 13, 2022

    Punisher #4 is at a strange precipice. The story is getting very interesting, as what Punisher and the Hand want to achieve are starting to differ in their destinations. The final part of the comic in particular completely alters the direction the story was heading in, making me nervous for the next issue. But the art is getting monotonous and lacks variety in events. The entire comic needs to maintain momentum or else it risks grinding to a stop. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Jul 13, 2022

    It reads as sophistry and dresses up hollow pretensions of violence in a cloak of grand possibility that has already warped far too many young men killing for the sake of killing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Screaming Enigma Apr 21, 2023

    Another great issue for this series. This starts and ends by showcasing the different viewpoints Frank and the Archpriestess have, which is conveyed well through the ninjas who survived their encounter with Ares in the previous issue. Speaking of the Archpriestess, I enjoyed her conversation with Ares as well. The two of them both want Frank to be a certain way, but it seems like neither of them are going to get exactly what they want. As for Maria, her content in the series continues to maintain my interest, but I think she needs more development going forward for that to keep going. Overall, really entertaining stuff.

  • 8.5
    Gizmo Aug 2, 2022

    I was wondering when the Hand would overstep Frank's boundaries... Punisher's got to punish, doesn't matter who, it's his thing.

  • 8.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jan 8, 2023

    The story takes a dramatic twist here, and I like it. Is it because the author's opened a loophole that can re-retcon away most of this volume's contentious changes? Well, yes. Partly.

    But I also suspect there are more layers to this onion. If that Archpriestess is manipulating Frank so deeply, this moment of rebellion against the Hand may just be another manipulation.

    One big twist in who the Punisher is and what he does? I don't like that. But *many* twists that leave him questioning his identity and his mission? That, I can get behind.

    It helps that the storytelling remains excellent. The art is gorgeous. The nuanced present panels and the chunky flashback panels start getting intercut faster than ever b more

  • 8.0
    Hex Aug 23, 2022

    I think that the Punisher isn't much more than a mass murderer with a seriously selective set of morals but some of Aaron's dialogue is pushing it even for me. Everyone knows who the Punisher is and what he does, he really doesn't need to jam it down people's throats. It's still an intriguing story but it's getting a little heavy handed in the characterization presented AT Frank. Even he seems taken aback by some of the high priestess' definition of his mission. She's a zealot. Like all zealots, she doesn't appear to have lasted for long. It seems like Frank is back.

  • 8.0
    Jawsh Jul 28, 2022

    Much enjoyed this issue over the rest, with the groundwork laid out, Frank now appears to find himself a little more. Punisher #4 also continues a trend with Jason Aaron, as in to say, "F$#! the gods".
    And PUNISHER will be no God by the series's end.

    + LikeComment
  • 7.5
    fzanca Jul 16, 2022

    The art in these issues are great. I liked that Ares thought of Punisher as a disciple and that this would come down to a battle between the two of them. I also like that priestess is finally gone. She was annoying the hell out of me. I like that she didn't understand him and that led to her demise.

    I don't like what Jason Aaron is doing with Maria. Her dialogue makes her sound like an idiot. I understand that she's disoriented, but her dialogue is likened to a 10-year-old. Come on, Jason. Once he kills the priestess, he's in a position to take it all and go after Ares, ending all war and violence (in concept), instead, he takes Maria and runs. That doesn't;t sound like the Punisher at all.

  • 7.0
    Kenjamin Dec 19, 2024

    Story: 3.5/5
    Total: 7/10

  • 7.0
    DDJamesB Jul 14, 2022

    I think there were things to like in this issue. I like the idea of them teasing that the retcon is actually a lie. I just don't like the constant yapping about Frank being the ultimate killing machine. Like we get it.

  • 7.0
    drackula Jul 14, 2022

    Who is Punisher truly? Is he only pure tool of war? Or there is something mystical? This issue was slowburn but with great cliffhanger. I hope that next issue will be action rollercoaster.

  • 6.0
    Bionder Jul 17, 2022

    This issue was a bit better than the previous issues by Jason Aaron, but this storyline is getting even more confused by each issue. The latest "revelation" kind of cleared up what is going on but we still don't know what is going on with Frank.
    Frank continues to be a third person in his own comic, not only we don't know what is he thinking and especially what is his purpose in this run.
    The art was pretty good as always but so far good artwork cannot save this run if it's not properly written, and so far, there are many loose ends to cover up and no clue how to cover that up.

  • 10
    hasanturkoglu Jan 19, 2023

  • 10
    Bruno Mael Nov 7, 2022

  • 9.5
    ComiczLover Jul 14, 2022

  • 9.0
    Psycamorean Jan 12, 2023

  • 9.0
    Jason The Dude Dec 10, 2022

  • 9.0
    Krakoa Foreva Jul 14, 2022

  • 9.0
    Jason Gomez Jul 13, 2022

  • 8.5
    Alias12 Oct 29, 2023

  • 8.5
    SnakeWilson Jul 13, 2022

  • 8.0
    Drasek83 Aug 28, 2023

  • 7.5
    Radar Aug 8, 2022

  • 6.0
    iPodwithnomusic Jul 20, 2023

  • 5.5
    ComicWorm May 29, 2023

  • 1.0
    Enygma Jan 28, 2025

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