AT LAST, THE STUNNING CONCLUSION OF THE BOOKS OF KORVAC! Tony Stark must face Michael Korvac once again, and once and for all. No cosmic powers, no allies or henchmen, and no...armor? This is the very end of a very long and very rocky journey; Tony's going to have to get by on his own blood, sweat, and tears. For the first time in his life, he's all out of ideas.
Iron Man #19 is an unexpected conclusion. Instead of ending this gigantic story arc with a bang, it fizzles out with a whimper. But that does not mean it is not incredible. The dialogue and character resolution in this comic are intelligent and feature mature themes that are dealt with intensely but sensitively. Cantwell and his artistic collaborators have proven that a 19-issue arc is not only possible, but it can be done effectively and successfully. Read Full Review
This issue proves that the "House of Ideas" is at its best when it focuses on the profound and complicated ones, and that it can use them to create genuine magic. Read Full Review
Cafu delivers some impressive art in the issue. With the story so focused on these two characters, Cafu manages to give the art a sense of realism that complements the story and the characters. Read Full Review
There's one good thing to say about this story: it brings the exhausting "Books of Korvac" to an end, and that at least opens the door for something else to happen. The cover tells the tale — the greatest threat to Tony Stark, if not the Marvel universe as a whole, just might be Tony Stark. Read Full Review
I only am really reading comics on the MCU app so rarely review anything as it’s at least three months old by the time I read it. But this, this is a perfect comic- great restrained writing and nuanced art. I just loved it and feel I kind of have to write a review just because sometimes shouting into the void is worth it when you’re shouting about something you love.
This was perfect Iron-Man storytelling
Thus the finale to the long drawn out Korvac arc.
I have to say, I like that Tony and Korvac didn’t have a massive brawl and he was able to defeat him with words, to the point Korvac killed himself. That’s good subversion.
However….this run is still a steaming pile of garbage. Idk how Cantwell can show he can write Tony well and then give the most ooc characterisation the next issue. There’s a few good gems like this issue, but the majority was badly executed.
It annoys me Cantwell has single-handedly destroyed all of Tony’s relationship so the only person he has left is Hellcat- his self insert.
For the love of god, no more substances storylines. I’m tired of them. This one focused more
This is probably the best comic I've read in a long time.
Nearly flawless ending to this sobering and quiet, almost intimate Iron Man story.
This is Tony... a man given the powers of a God, vs Korvac... a man given the powers of a God. Both are in street clothes. In an empty street in the middle of the night.
Its genius. Ill remember this one for a long time. You must read this series if you've ever been any sort of Iron Man fan.
Fotra admit. This was a good issue. Honna rw re reas tgia wholw series
It's speedy (I've heard of beat panels, but *multiple beat pages*?) and it's subtle, and at first glance, it could be easily dismissed as underwhelming.
But it's drawn with gorgeous detail and realism, which certainly helps (particularly in the silent beats). And when I look closer, I can see great confidence and restraint in the script. The things it does do, it does flawlessly, and this feels like an appropriate end to the Korvac story -- not flashy, but natural and real in a way that's a lot harder to do than it looks.
There were parts I really liked. There is something about this whole Korvac story, that leaves me scratching my head at some of the issues in this series but, it has its ups. My main gripe is just how he defeats Korvac. It's a scenario that is overplayed.