• MATT MURDOCK has a bold new plan to eradicate crime in New York City using the massive power of the LEGAL SYSTEM!
• But does this mean he'll have to give up being DAREDEVIL?
• GUEST-STARRING Luke Cage and Echo!
Rated T+
This was a very fast read but absolutely riveting. It feels like John Grisham just set up a super hero court case. I feel like this is going to be an epic story, that may have an affect on how the legal system deals with super hero involved court cases for years to come. This is also a very good jumping on point. You only need a rudimentary understanding of Daredevil to be able to follow the story. Read Full Review
Daredevil is still a Marvel staple that has helped maintain hold together its stable of titles. Charles Soule and Goran Sudzuka are a good team, and hopefully the hits will keep on coming. Pick this one up. Read Full Review
Having finally explained the nature of Matt Murdock's sudden clean slate, Charles Soule continues to put that premise to immediate use. His latest does a great job of combining two of his strengths " dynamic superhero action and engrossing legal dialogue " into one efficient package. Read Full Review
Not the strongest start to a story arc I've ever seen in my life, but even when it's frustrating, Daredevil remains compelling. And me gusta the art mucho. Read Full Review
I can't even wrap my head around how much I'm enjoying this run. I had such low expectations going in cause everyone seems to think this is one of the weakest Daredevil runs in the character's history, but I'm finding so much to love in every issue. Soule's writing is so good, his dialogue is sharp, the story is meticulously crafted, well-planned out, and brilliantly executed, and the art has been consistently solid since the beginning. If the quality of the rest of the series matches this, then this may actually end up being my favourite modern Daredevil run.
This comic has it all! A cool team up, high stakes and somewhat of a cliffhanging ending. I like the premise of this arc and I am really interested to see where Soule takes it, considering his background in law. Matt Murdock is ready to take the next step in his war against crime! Sudzka has always been solid on this title so far and his art is great for street level heroes. The stakes are high heading into next issue.
I did like Luke and Maya teaming up with Matt again, reminded me of the Bendis days. Anyways, the story itself, which is Matt trying to end all crime in the city as a lawyer and as Daredevil, seemed pretty uninteresting to me. It’s basically that time when Matt became Kingpin in Bendis’ run, but this time he’s wearing black, so I guess it’s different
A legal drama bombshell is set off with a rather forgettable villain-foiling. Luke Cage and Echo lend a hand so that Daredevil can get a d-list mook arrested and try some new legal trickery on him. This arc has strong "wow, this is epic" potential, but this opening gambit is not going to be the highlight. Charles Soule deploys some nice pacing and artfully conceals his future plot points to give us a solid twist ending. Goran Sudzuka's art is competent but doesn't even try to jump the bar into memorability. To rate this issue above average requires a touch of charity and a lot of faith in the writer's scripting skills.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
The end of all crime in NY! Because the legal system! Um, yeah, Matt...let's get serious. This issue was kind of not great. I found the idea of Matt dancing around acting out action scenes for Echo to be a bit ludicrous. Not really a super-fan of Sudzuka's art, especially after Garney. Can't say I'm exactly looking forward to this plotline.
The stunt with Echo is pretty stupid, but I guess it is an excuse to write her in. I like the concept of setting a court precedent, let's see how it goes.