• MATT MURDOCK completes his shocking tale and must live with the ramifications of his actions.
• And as DAREDEVIL he must soldier on in the face of the heartbreaks and burned bridges.
• All this leads up to a brand-new chapter for Matt, and a fight truly unlike any he's faced before!
Rated T+
I was glad to have Garney back on art duties. He has the noire feeling Daredevil needs. Soule's writing is stellar. He has weaved so many of his storylines into this one issue without crowding it with over explanation. It is a simple but yet epic reason for nobody to know Daredevil's secret identity. Read Full Review
For now, however, Daredevil is back to his old self. Walking away from Kristen and pissing off Foggy, with his identity unknown our vigilante is back to his old tricks taking the fight to organized crime in New York. Now if we could just get him out of that black costume. Worth a look. Read Full Review
This was a perfect issue. Satisfying explanation for Matt's identity being secret again while also delivering an absolute gut-punch moment AND demonstrating a thorough understanding of what makes Matt tick. Bravo Mr. Soule, bravo.
Such a well-written story. The explanation of how Matt’s identity became secret again is satisfying and makes a lot of sense, the parts with Kirsten were heartbreaking, the way Soule tied-up some of the earlier plot-points with Elektra was really well done and the conversation with Father Jordan was beautifully written. An incredible arc! This one was very important to me considering it is essentially undoes all that came before it, but if there’s a way to do something like this, this is the way.
Father Jordan is the goat.
Matt polishes off his confession with a satisfying explanation of how he regained his secret identity and turns at last to his future. Though there are few surprises left in the plot (with one big exception), the characterization throughout this issue is great. It feels like a well-fitted capstone on top of the title to date. Though I'm not a big fan of Ron Garney's art - he'll always be filed under "similar to Frank Miller and JRJR yet not as good" in my mind - I can recognize he's served up some excellent layouts here.
Soule did the impossible: He somehow explained how Daredevil’s identity is a secret again without time travel or something controversial. He somehow found a satisfying way to do it and I know that was a hard task. One of Marvel’s best titles right now
Not really the gigantic conclusion I was originally expecting at the beginning of the arc, but it was a wonderfully told story. I really liked the confession aspect of him explaining how his secret identity was put back in place. The conversation he has after his confession with the priest really makes Matt think about what he is doing and put's in to play his plan going forward. I look forward to the next arc. This whole daredevil run has been solid.
Garney is back on the art but it is cleaner now than it was on #17, which is good. It's a somewhat tragic way for Matt to move on, but it totally makes sense.
It's not One More Day, and I know they joked about that in a previous issue -- but goddamn if I'm not pissed off by Soule undoing Kirsten and Matt's relationship.
Waid's run showed Kirsten could be a grounding teether Matt could grasp at when his depression would flare up, and I loved that... Jeezus, this just pisses me off!