With Spider-Man now DEAD, it's up to the X-Men to win the day and save the universe. But why are they fighting EACH OTHER?!?!
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Cradios claimed that Juggernaut didnt possess as much power as a scion of Cyttorak. Yet the X-Men helped Juggernaut defeat the scion. Perhaps Cyttorak also aided him. Whether on Earth or in the Crimson Cosmos, Juggernaut stands in Cyttoraks presence. Unlike Cyttoraks children, Juggernaut talks with his god as he battles his friends in Amazing Spider-Man #68. Deaths. Theirs is an unshakable bond forged by mutual needs and a reminder of why dedication to our careers often threatens and injures our family. Read Full Review
What did you think of the issue? Be sure to comment your thoughts below, or reach out to me on social media! Read Full Review
While this issue may puzzle traditional Spider-Man fans with its offbeat narrative detour, its engaging art and solid construction make it a worthwhile, if unconventional, read. Read Full Review
The Amazing Spider-Man #68.DEATHSis largely disposable but momentarily fun as a bonus chapter in this ongoing Spider-Man saga that will be more satisfying for those invested in the current status quo of everyone's favorite wrecking ball, the Juggernaut, or those with a deeper love for Mark Buckingham's classic penciling work. Read Full Review
The fact this couldn't be integrated into the main story of "The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man that is ten issues long is even more telling to how stretch many aspects have been. Read Full Review
Juggernaut fights the X-men who are possessed by the Blight, but he won't hurt them and makes it clear to Cyttorak that he doesn't care if he takes away his powers, because since the day he has friends his life has improved.
This issue focuses on the X-men getting everything ready for the next issue where Peter must return as the champion of planet Earth or he will continue to lose allies. It is a filler issue for the main plot.
Each page is a masterpiece, it is impressive how delicate and perfect each of the strokes is, where they play with textures, the details of the hair, the changes of environments, it is a mesmerizing comic. The expressions of the characters contribute a lot to the dramatic con more
Besides a good fleeting moment or two, this book was not for me. Just not something we really needed. It's extra money to read a juggernaut story.
art is the only saving grace
Buckingham's art is amazing. Everything else is pointless filler that doesn't offer anything to ASM.