o Another classic Spider-Man villain gets pulled into the most soul-shaking Spider-Man story ever. You won't believe what you read, and it will break your heart.
32 PGS./Rated T+
A gripping story that is beautifully complemented by stunning art, coloring, and lettering. Read Full Review
The wow needle is at 4 out of 10. I'm sorry, but the art just really took the excitement out of it for me. If it would've been consistent, it would've been a different story. It gets the job done, but that's about it. Read Full Review
The Amazing Spider-Man #53.LR is an action-packed update that shows the Sin-Eater's zealous nature before dipping into Peter Parker's worst nightmares. Read Full Review
The Spider Family heads into Peter Parker's dreamscape to save the web-head as "Last Remains" gets more complicated. Can great artwork and quippy dialogue save a convoluted plot? Read Full Review
The art is pretty solid, but I do feel there is a step off. I loved the front half by Vicentini. His work is very sharp and clean, and there is so much depth and dynamics to be found in his action pieces. He does a great job at selling just how brutally fast Morlun is. Miyazawa’s half, following the Order of the Web in Peter’s psyche, is presented in a much more traditional layout. The cliffhanger is a standout page, making excellent use of a perceived field of depth. I think the Spider-Folk can look just a little wonky in some instances, but I can’t complain about too much here. Read Full Review
The Fallen Order storyline has been the most beautifully written Spider-man story that I have looked forward to weekly in a long time. This issue was kind of weird cause though it has lots of action, but it slows down the momentum of the previous issues. Read Full Review
While not as crazy as some of the more recent issues, this does have plenty of things to note. Specifically, Peter's Astral Plane being littered with Back in Black/One More Day callbacks. You've got Jake Martino, the sniper that shot Aunt May, you've got Kingpin, who hired him, you've got Aunt May herself as a zombie and you've got a Mary Jane demon. If they don't fix One More Day during this run, I'll be very shocked. They just keep referencing things, more and more explicitly. It's part of the plot now, no more innuendo. And that's exciting.
Another great issue!
It is good. Not as good as I hoped it would be, but good nonetheless.
" This place didn't always look this way. Something else has been here. Something porwerful--and evil."
I don't know. This feels like a completely different story. It's not as creepy as the Kindred tale and the Sin-Eater & Morlun arc looks basically useless. You can almost skip this entire issue.
Sin-Eater has his moment with Morlun and Dr. Strange shepherds the Order through Peter's dreamscape. Once again, the reader who doesn't know her OMD details is ☠️☠️☠️☠️ out of luck. If you ARE familiar, the dreamscape conflict is pretty cool. The oversized art team doesn't do the visuals any favors, though.
The weakest in narrative and art. I get what they're hinting at but we're stretching this sucker to death. Not necessary as this can be done in 2-4 extra pages in regular ASM. The art change mid book took me out of it too so that's unfortunate.
This one really didnt accomplish anything new but did show how sin eater got morlun and thats about it.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue: 53.LR
“Last Remains: Fallen Order” Part IV
Publisher: @marvel
Writer: Nick Spencer &
Artist: @federico_vicentini_artist , @takmiyazawa & @inkerscott
Colorist: @mmenyz & @erick.arciniega
Cover: @marceloferreirahq & @davcuriel
Letterer: Ariana Maher
The Last Remains event continues with this tie-in issue. Peter’s friends, the Order of the Web, were possessed and turned into demonic puppets by the sadistic Kindred and were terrorizing the city. In order to save his friends, Peter struck a deal with Kindred that would lead to him sacrificing himself. Now freed from Kindred’s control, the Order of the Web have teamed with Doctor Strange in order to save Spider-Man. Together, they enter the astral plane in hopes to find the very demon that possessed them and save their friend. Meanwhile, the Sin-Eater believes that the Order of the Web have been possessed by sin and plot to destroy them.
After being teased for a couple issues, Morlun finally gets utilized. I truly enjoy how brutal he is. However, his appearance was brief and short lived. When the Order of the Web and Doctor Strange were in the astral plane, I thought it was pretty cool that they battled people from Spider-Man’s life that seem have been transformed into evil entities. I do wish that these tie-ins would have more involvement with Kindred. He’s been teased for two years, I want him in the forefront as much as possible. As far as the Sin-Eater, I look forward to his confrontation with the Order of the Web. I really enjoy the artwork and Marcio’s color work is definitely one of my favorites in the industry today! This event has been a good read thus far and I look forward to see what happens next!
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5)
Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of the Comic Book Club of Instagram
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