I also enjoyed the art, (at times) but it was wildly inconsistent and kind of took me out of the ending fight sequence. Always enjoy a good Aunt May story though. I agree 7/10
• You know what's annoying? Having to save J. Jonah Jameson's life.
• Sure, he's been on Spidey's side for a little while, but that's after YEARS of him making Spider-Man's life a living heck.
• I feel like this amount of responsibility should come with even more power.
• Anyway, who, other than most of New York, would want to punish J. Jonah Jameson?
Rated T
Chris Bachalo's stunning art is a brilliant complement to the tone, plot and dialogue of this issue. Read Full Review
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14 saves itself from being just another typical filler issue thanks to Spencer's creative character development and Bachalo's insane pages. I wouldn't recommend skipping this one; it'll undoubtedly have importance down the line. Read Full Review
An enjoyable issue that further sets up the next big storyline, albeit with rushed art and story details Read Full Review
A dense issue of Amazing Spider-Man, packed with bits of continuity, big feelings, and payoffs to plot threads that have been dangling since the first issue. This series continues to have a narrative construction that calls back to times when stories werent written for trade, and its refreshing. Read Full Review
Nick Spencer is firing on all cylinders when it comes to Amazing Spider-Man, and this issue in particular is the perfect launch for a brand-new story arc. Read Full Review
The villains are the big selling point in Amazing Spider-Man #14, but the art isn't always up to the task. Read Full Review
After the last couple of issues lacked luster, Nick Spencer is eagerly moving into the next major story forAmazing Spider-Man. This issue highlighted Spencer's talent for character work, and despite some minor quibbles, was an overall solid book. Read Full Review
While this title continues to be all over the map, this arc signals more forward direction. Besides that, Spencer piles on stellar dialog and Bachalo makes the case he should be permanently on this title. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #14 is a solid read, even if it has to fight some considerable narrative drag. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #14 does a good job progressing the series into its next major story arc in the form of "Hunted." Adding in some strong character work by Nick Spencer helps in creating a compelling narrative for this story arc. That makes it even more disappointing that due to Spencer's reliance on a lot of exposition and the story not working to the strengths of Bachalo's art style Amazing Spider-Man #14 isn't as great as it could have been. It's still a solid issue that just misses reaching its full potential.Amazing Spider-Man #14 Review Read Full Review
This is a weird one. There’s progress, but at the same time the story is meandering. There’s not as many endearing character moments that have made the series shine thus far. I don’t know what else I can say about the art. 95% of readers won’t like it. All in all, Amazing Spider-Man #14 is easily the weakest issue in the series. Oh, and who in their right mind is buying this cliffhanger? Nobody. Only serious fans of Spencer’s run should pick this up. Read Full Review
This book has an identity problem and the back and forth nature of Nick Spencers narrative is starting to get to me. I do like that it is rarely boring, but its also rarely must-read material either. The art might take regular readers a bit to get used to as well and in the end, this is just another okay issue in an overall okay run. Read Full Review
There are some real issues with storytelling as well. The fight scenes are poorly choreographed and clumsy looking. During a family fight amongst the Conner's, Peter doesn't look shocked embarrassed for his host but just calmly takes a drink. At least MJ and Mr and Mrs Conners look upset. In one panel Kraven's spear knocks off Arcade's hat but in the next it has magically pierced it. I don't get it, I loved Bachalo's work in Dr Strange last year but this… Read Full Review
I absolutely adore Chris Bachalo's art in this book, its outstanding. The story was pretty good and flowed well with the art, i really like this personnal take that Spencer is doing with these characters, the action is always it bit toned down for introspective writting about these characters, these next few issues seem to focusing on aunt May, im assuming its gonna end well, since Hunted is starting next, really excited for that. Overall this was a very good issue!
This was good! I don’t know what to tell you, I liked it!
Nice Aunt May moments and acknowledging the current Connors family situation.
Another great instalment, this time with Chris Bachalo delivering some absolutely incredible artwork.
This was more of a filler issue, but the overall plot does progress. This issue was all about the characters, so if you like the characters, you'll like this issue. The art is heavily stylized and I know some people may dislike it. For me, it can be hit or miss, but it worked fine here.
Bachalo.- You love the guy's work or you hate it.
Knowing the story you can see this issue as one more story in the road to "Hunted" event.
It was ok. We're stretching these stories a bit too thin.
Art was too inconsistent. Other than that it was a nice little issue.
There was some decent Aunt May sub plot, but overall it felt a bit empty and although the art is nice, it doesn't feel like Spider-man.
I also enjoyed the art, (at times) but it was wildly inconsistent and kind of took me out of the ending fight sequence. Always enjoy a good Aunt May story though. I agree 7/10
Pretty okay one. WOuld be better if Bachalo's art wasn't so sloppy. It's been better in past, but right now it was mediocre at best, and too often pretty bad.
Messy art does distract from the story...
Bachalo's stunning art just about salvages an awkwardly paced and written in-between issue.
I cannot get properly engaged with the story when the art is beating me over the head on every page, screaming, "this is CHRIS BACHALO'S Spider-Man! Accept no substitutes!" Except this issue's serving of art IS a substitute; this is exactly the wrong way for a fill-in artist to distinguish himself.
-I like the art. Not great, Bachalo was way better with Jason Aaron's Dr. Strange, but still good. Also, is it just me, or does the way he draws Peter make him look like a girl?
-I really liked the Doctor Connors dinner scene. It was sad, and interesting.
-Aunt May's storyline was my favorite part of the issue. They did a great job with her character, and she is compelling.
-Nice to see Taskmaster and Black Ant again. Love those guys.
-I'm slowly losing interest in the Kraven storyline. I feel like it's been carried on too long, which was the purpose, but I'm bored now because of that.
-I was very confused at that ending. It felt rushed.
-That one panel of Ryan Ottley's art in the middle of a page filled with Bachalo's art was just jarring. The two different art styles really clashed. more
Issue progressed what has been going on but unfortunately that was only half the issue. Other half felt meaningless. Unfortunately as well the art was very crappy, the panels with Peter, Lizard, and Rhino were some of the worse panels I have seen in weeks maybe months! Getting tired of seeing these Kraven teases that are not leading up to anything.