Autobots vs. Deceptions vs. is already devastating Seattle, but none of them are prepared for how it will end.
Transformers #18 is a masterclass in setup and payoff that truly stands as a testament to what makes this series so wonderful. Read Full Review
The big bombshell for Transformers 18 is a massive spoiler that absolutely will turn the tide with this battle of the Autobots and Decepticons. Whose side are they on to tip the scales? That would be telling, and that reveal is well worth reading the issue and its jaw-dropping cliffhanger. Read Full Review
Transformers #18 is an epically impactful final chapter to the third story arc of this series. This comic book is the definition of must-read. There are so many things that will be talked about with everything that goes down in this issue. It all further drives home the fact Daniel Warren Johnson and Jorge Corona have made this the best comic book on the market right now. Read Full Review
A knock-down, drag out brawl of an issue that exceeds all previous spectacle this comic is known for. Read Full Review
This book is a godsend. Never a bad issue.
Read this book.
There’s alotta reprints for issues 1-6; hunt them down and enjoy a glorious first arc.
I didn’t love the 2nd arc as much, but that’s to be expected. They opted to lay groundwork, and that forethought pays off swell in the third arc.
If you don’t jump in now, then you’re bound to regret it. DWJ is so hot right now.