Detective Comics #1042

Writer: Mariko Tamaki, Matthew Rosenberg Artist: Viktor Bogdanovic, Max Raynor, Darick Robertson Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 25, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 36
7.1Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

+ Pull List

Batman rampages through the underworld of Gotham! Driven to a violent madness courtesy of the Jury’s “Vile” serum, the Dark Knight crushes bones, makes a scene, and gives costumed vigilantes in Gotham a very bad name. But will the Jury’s plan backfire? Can a violent rage-machine packed with money, weapons, and an insatiable bloodlust possibly end well for Mr. Worth and his Jury? That giant plunge from a building might be the answer... Backup: Countdown to Task Force Z: Part Two! When Red Hood shows up in your apartment, you know you’ve done something drastically wrong. Jason Todd teams up with Deb Donovan to uncover the mysterious more

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Aug 24, 2021

    Sometimes a second feature will overshadow a lead, and this is what happens in Detective Comics #1042. That's not saying that Tamaki, Bogdanovic, Hernriques, Bellaire and Bidikar did a bad job, but rather Rosenberg, Raynor, Rodriguez and Leigh matched them batarang for batarang and pulled a little something extra out of the utility belt as well (no, not Bat-Shark Repellent!) You can't go wrong with this issue! Might as well pick up the whole run while you're at it! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Aug 24, 2021

    While it was a strong story overall, the villain never quite meshed with the world of Gotham City. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Aug 24, 2021

    Bogdanovic delivers some beautiful, visceral and gorgeously detailed art throughout the issue. Raynor delivers some great atmosphere in the second story. Both artists craft visually compelling stories with wonderful detail and style. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 24, 2021

    Detective Comics #1042 has a nightmarish wrapup to its A story that gets the job done, but feels a bit thin. The B story, however, is excellent, and should have fans excited for what Rosenberg and Raynor bring in the next chapter and beyond. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - James Attias Aug 24, 2021

    Detective Comics #1042 delivers an explosive challenge for Batman that concludes a story that's been building all year, and starts down a new path that's definitely piquing my interest. If you love great writing, great art and great comics, then this issue comes highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS Aug 24, 2021

    I really can't say enough about the art. Mora has become one of my favorite artists (especially when he has a horror element to work with like he does here) and I love seeing his work in Detective Comics. This issue is action-packed and also just a fun stand-alone. If you didn't read any of the arcs you'd probably want to read the whole thing. In the end, the wrong villain lived and the wrong villain died. But I'm glad that it was a swift ending to (what feels like) such a long-drawn-out story that left so many things unanswered and I'm looking forward to not having them answered so we can (hopefully) move on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Theodis Wright Aug 24, 2021

    It's time for Fear State, and it will be interesting to see Tamaki's take on the event spear-headed by James Tynion. And with the news of Tynion's departure from Batman, it will be interesting to see if she can take the reins of the universe. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    COMICON - Scott Redmond Aug 30, 2021

    After nine issues, the opening salvo of the new Detective Comics run comes to an ending that is a mixed bag of results. Solid character work and really great colors and lettering save what could otherwise be a mostly middle-of-the-road and lackluster conclusion while showcasing some hope for what might come down the line. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Aug 24, 2021

    Its not ideal when the secondary story is better than the main one. Red Hoods latest adventure is entertaining, but the finale of The Jury is underwhelming. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Christian Hoffer Aug 25, 2021

    Honestly, this is probably the weakest Detective Comics in recent months. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Aug 24, 2021

    The main story isn't well-written or paced. The backup feature is all right, but because DC has already given out too much information about Task Force Z, the mystery doesn't really work anymore. Story-wise, this just isn't a good comic. Bogdanovic and Bellaire's work is beautiful, though, but does their quality work alone justify spending $5 on this comic? I think that's the question that you have to ask yourself if you are on the fence. After all, with such a high price point, the quality of the story-telling needs to be on par. If it isn't, then that's going to be one tough sell. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Psycamorean Aug 28, 2021

    I liked this conclusion a lot. I'm ready to move on, though, I just wish it wasn't Fear State that we were moving on to. I really just do not understand the people who read this and think Mariko Tamaki wants to "destroy Batman" or replace him. I don't know which Comicsgater you're watching, but stop, because they're pulling that literal shit out of their ass. The backup is nice, but I'm still not convinced about Task Force Z.

  • 9.0
    cincyfan Aug 28, 2021

    I continue to love tamaki's run. I was loving this conclusion until one little hiccup for me. Without giving any sort of spoiler it was when batman made contact with vile. Maybe as things further unfold it will clear up my concern we will see. There were some really amazing looking panels in the detective story as well. The backup story is really good as well I am definitely intrigued by all the developments there. I am beyond excited for fear state even though it will be the final James tynion batman story which is heartbreaking to me I have loved every second of his batman justice league justice league dark and detective runs during which he has become my favorite writer on one of my favorite characters. The question is who will take over more

  • 8.5
    UxasIs Aug 31, 2021

    Detective Comics - 8/10

    Road to Task Force Z - 9.5/10

  • 7.5
    TSMack Aug 31, 2021

    I thought Mandy's story & Bog's artwork were both good. Batman's willpower saves the day in the end. The story with Red Hood was interesting. Overall, not a bad issue.

  • 7.5
    Fracadactyl Aug 24, 2021

    This wasn't the best thing to end on. Sure there were plenty of thrills to be had with all of the activity, but it feels like everything wrapped up for Fear State.

    I liked the Deb Donovan and Red Hood dynamic a little better. Jason's going into using more creative sources to tackle cases Batman's too busy with. But it's good to see that Deb has her limits, she actually feels like a person than a stereotypical journalist chasing a good story. Which is also why she feels so vulnerable to who Red Hood's tracking.

  • 7.5
    Tempra16v2.0Turbo Aug 24, 2021

    É gritante a queda de qualidade de uma edição desenhada pelo Dan Mora para o Viktor Bogdanovic.
    O trem desse run descarrilhou a muito tempo, ainda sim me agrada ver a Helena em ação e ajudando o Batman, me lembra os anos 90 e começo dos 2000.
    Eu não tenho nenhum interesse em um backup do Red Hood.

  • 7.0

    The death of Vile was probably for the better. He was getting old and so is this Dr. Who reject parasite. I know we have a few more issues of it ahead, but at least Fear State will only last a couple of months, not another year.
    It's nice to see some of the old threads lately. I hear the yellow circle is returning, so it was a good start for its return. Some blue in the outfit is also another good feel of nostalgia. Detective is alas getting the short end because in reality it's simply the better of the 2 regulars, which has been the case numerous times over the years. Especially now when the regular Batman is full of poor characters, flimsy cliche and forced to carry backup stories featuring the lamest Deadpool rip-off of all time.t l more

  • 5.5
    Loafy Trophy Aug 30, 2021

    The Mora art is doing most of the heavy lifting on this title right now. The parasite/Hugh Vile thing never really worked for me and has always struggled to hold my interest. I'm hoping we get more into the Gotham high society stuff that was teased at the start of this run because it's far more compelling to me. The backup was pretty good and I'm really liking the Deb Donovan character. Not sure that I'll pick up Task Force Z but the little tie ins have me more curious than I previously was.

  • 5.5
    Raging Rainbow Aug 25, 2021

    Reviewing the conclusion to the Jury storyline in Detective Comics. The story came to an end, and yet I don't feel we got anything remotely resembling a satisfying conclusion.

  • 5.0
    Stormwrath Aug 25, 2021

    Main book: Terrible writing and plot, but the art is better than I expected, Bogdanovic did really well in this issue

    Task Force Z: Its kinda good, I want to see what happens next

  • 5.0
    Merlyn Aug 24, 2021

    5 for the Red Hood story, get Tamaki off the book already.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 4.5
    SenpaifenixJäger Aug 24, 2021

    A horrible conclusion to open the Fear State and then say goodbye to Batman-Bruce.
    The backup story was much better than the main one but I think Rosenberg does not develop the characters, but repeats them, I see a lot of similarity between this Red Hood and his Grifter, apart from the insistence that Red Hood look like Daredevil, I imagine that it is because of his great admiration for ChinpZdarsky that he usually gets into conversations where he is not called, serving as a lawyer and praising his writing in an exaggerated way, just Zdarsky who takes things much more relaxed.

    The Red Hood costume is just awful, and it's because they seem to want to copy Dexter Soy's ideas a lot but not match them, I don't understand why more

  • 3.0
    pterodactyl Aug 27, 2021

    Horrible writing that of Tamaki, who wants to destroy such an emblematic character as Batman. DC I don't understand you.
    I could explain what Rosenberg is trying to do with Red Hood, the young man swallows like a horse, damn I think it's cheaper to educate a retarded child in Harvard than to file Jason, I did not find it funny or that he really exemplified the character, I'm afraid that Rosenberg likes to make silly characters such and such as Grifter. I hope that in the next series he will improve his writing.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    Bats44121 Sep 16, 2021

    And THIS is why I am giving up on DC Comics' Detective Comics.

    DC Comics writer Mariko Tamika on Batman: "mariko tamaki @marikotamaki· Sep 8 After two weeks off, it's back to Batman and mayhem. Admittedly, I missed torturing these guys."

    When it is written by someone who enjoys "torturing" the Batman, they have lost the plot. Literally.

  • 10
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