After a chance meeting with billionaire Bruce Wayne, Elmer Fudd's obsession quickly escalates into stalking Batman through the dark alleys and high-class social settings of Gotham City. Welcome to Bat Season! And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Tom King and artwork by Byron Vaughns.
This is the best issue of all the DC Comics/Looney Toons crossover specials. The creative team as a whole does a perfect job of blending these two worlds together, and leaves you wanting more. Batman/Elmer Fudd turned out to jot only be a good crossover, but a great Batman issue period. Read Full Review
Tom King and Lee Weeks give us a re-imagined version of the Looney Tunes in the DC universe by throwing them in the dark streets of Gotham and showing us they truly are timeless. Read Full Review
Overall, Tom King has delivered an exceptional story in Batman/Elmer Fudd #1. I had so much fun with this issue. Unique, mysterious and exciting, the book blends Gotham City with the Looney Tunesworld in a noir style that should please any fan of comic books. It's Batman season. Shhhhh. Read Full Review
One part brilliant pastiche of noir tropes, one part pretty funny backup story. Never did I think that Batman and Elmer Fudd would (or even should) ever cross paths, but oh my was this a phenomenal entertainment. King and Weeks' work on the main story is so good that it would get high marks even if it weren't such a perfectly executed high-concept. The backup is a little more loose, but it's still a grand time with some big laughs. Just based on pure enjoyment this is one of my favorite comic issues in a long time. It's twuwy memowable. Read Full Review
I am completely floored by how great this special is. The funniest thing about this issue is trying to suggest it to a friend and knowing how crazy you're going to sound saying, “So Batman and Elmer Fudd face off, right?” When we talk about real rap raw from our favorite hip hop artists, the same can be applied for writers and artist in the comics industry. I have no problem saying Tom King and Lee Works are on a real storytelling raw level that needs to be recognized and credited. Read Full Review
Rather than stick a bunch of anthropomorphic animals into the story, Weeks evokes them while giving them human form. The Bugs Bunny character in the first tale has the head shape of the rascally rabbit, and his teeth, but is undeniably human. This is a big risk. If it didnt work, it would have felt awful. But each of the Looney Tunes characters who show up in the first part are easily recognizable, despite not looking anything like they do in the cartoons. Such re-imagining is a hallmark of a talented artist. Read Full Review
Batman/Fudd is a wildly imaginative cross-over and one of the best hard-boiled detective stories in years. It comes strongly recommended. Read Full Review
If anything this story could fit into a Batman comic of the 80's, with Fudd's more human frame contrasting against the crime machine that's Batman, it's a world filled with the sorrow and gallows humor that comes from a bleak world and it's one that Lee Weeks is perfectly suited to bring, with the help of Lovern Kindzierski's rain-drenched colors. Point being though is that this is the Batman comic you both need and deserve. So get it. Get it now. A comic like this only comes once in a blue moon. Read Full Review
Writer Tom King saved the best for last with this special. He really knew how to blend the two universes into one that actually could work in the monthly adventures of the Caped Crusader. Read Full Review
Lee Weeks' art is as subtle as a shotgun blast and equally effective in blowing one's mind and popping one's eyeballs. Weeks plays the tone of his gorgeous art completely straight, there are no real sight gags to speak of, but that doesn't matter at all, the work is so beautiful and emotive a gag would be about as effective as a one-legged man in a scooter race. Read Full Review
DC truly saved the best for last with their DCU/Looney Tunes crossover specials. Batman/Elmer Fudd is a gleefully absurd mash-up of the two franchises, one made all the more ridiculous by the fact that it presents itself as a completely serious and gritty noir tale. But as goofy as this comic can be, it also treats its two leads with a huge amount of care and gravitas, resulting in a crossover the delivers on multiple levels and somehow emerges as King's best Batman comic to date. Read Full Review
The more cartoonish backup with art by Byron Vaughns andCarrie Strachanruns a few of its jokes into the ground, but has a hilarious Calendar Man cameo. However, it's a nice relief after in-your-face crime noir with a side dish of lisps and hunting metaphors. Read Full Review
This issue had me cracking up and kept me invested in the story. Batman seemed a little out of character with his one-liners, I could have done without that, but I understand why they did it. It just wasn't my cup of tea. This is a must-read for comic and/or Looney Tunes fans, so make sure you pick up a copy from your local comic store! Read Full Review
Tom King pokes fun at both the Bat-mythos and his reinterpretation of Looney Tunes, presenting a darkly comic crime-ridden tale. Read Full Review
My favorite in the crossover series so far. Tom King delivers in spades, art by Lee Weeks is solid, execution is excellent. Warmly recommended. Read Full Review
Overall, I really liked this story and the new take it had on the Looney Toons characters within the Batman Universe. King proved he can write dark noir stories without pulling from a lot of Gotham-centric themes. Although maybe not the most kid friendly story, it nevertheless paid homage to a collection of Looney Toons characters and their usual motives (although slightly darker here) which I enjoyed. Read Full Review
If a comic can make me laugh and think at the same time, then it's a comic worth buying. Rush out, get this, and read it. It plays up to King's strengths and I wholeheartedly recommend it. Ignore the back-up, the Fudd/Batman story is worth the price of admission. Read Full Review
Batman/Elmer Fudd #1 is a perfectly paced comic book that every DC Comics fan should purchase and read right away. Everything from the character development to the action worked incredibly. Tom King and Lee Weeks did an excellent job bringing Elmer Fudd and the rest of the Looney Toons to life and integrating them into Batman's world. Read Full Review
A little bit of Fables mixed with a Noir tale seems like anodd combination for what comes out to feel like a fun and refreshing take tothese Looney Tunes DC crossovers. By far the best of the one-shots to thispoint. Read Full Review
Batman/Elmer Fudd #1 is a joy to read as Tom King manages to find a sweet spot between grit and goofiness, resulting is one of the most enjoyable crossovers I've ever read. Read Full Review
Tom King and Lee Weeks make the most of an offputting concept in this moody one-shot, successfully reinterpreting Bugs Bunny's baby-faced nemesis into a grizzled Gothamite. Read Full Review
King, Vaughns and Strachan end Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1 with an 8-pager done in a traditional, kid-friendly style which illustrates the efficacy of the simple, danger-driven storytelling the Tunes are known for. It's a nice homage to the source material and when the tonal shift does occur on page 32, don't close the book just yet. Elmer Fudd is on the loose and wabbit hunting season is still open Read Full Review
It ain't wabbit season here, because the Bat and the Fudd reign supreme. Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1 is a picture-perfect noir tale that deserves your time and attention. Read Full Review
It's almost scary just how easily King and Weeks transform Elmer Fudd from being the straight man to Bugs Bunny into a dark, complex and cunning character. Turning Elmer Fudd from a joke into the star of this comic, King and Weeks use these cartoon characters to tell a story about crime, love, and revenge without having to change who these characters are. Read Full Review
The DC/Looney Tunes crossovers have been a ot of fun to read and this one is by far the best one. The juxtaposition of these two characters to the noir backdrop just works and works well. Read Full Review
As a full package, this is the weirdest must-read story that DC Comics has published in years. But the important part of that sentence is MUST READ. Seriously, go check it out. Read Full Review
As a full package, this is the weirdest must-read story that DC Comics has published in years. But the important part of that sentence is MUST READ. Seriously, go check it out. Read Full Review
The old adage "never judge a book by its cover" rings absolutely true in this case. Hopefully, this creative team will work again soon because they clearly have creative chemistry that pays off in spades. This is a comic that has no right to be as good as it is. Read Full Review
Overall, Batman/Elmer Fudd works as a joke at the expense of noir films and Batman by way of Looney Toons. Its not laugh out loud funny, but its amusing. Read Full Review
Elmer Fudd: Year One isn't a comic anyone in their right mind asked for, but it's what we were so close to actually getting. And it was so close to actually working. Too bad close only counts in curling. Read Full Review