A NEW CASE KICKS OFF WITH A GRUESOME DISCOVERY! CASE 02: The Voice of the Tower, Part I There is a strange tower in Gotham City where the voices of the living and the dead echo. Its inhabitants are in a standoff with the police--with one officer dead and another held hostage inside, a riot seems all but guaranteed...unless Batman can navigate the building and save the missing police officer. But what the Caped Crusader discovers is that the people of the tower are following the direction of a single, strangely familiar voice that thrums throughout the building...and the voice wants blood.
Diving into the past of Batmans detective days can be a challenge. Watters, Sherman and the team put together a near perfect start for the latest case. Excellent writing builds the foundation for a mystery. The incredible visuals of Sherman evoke a throwback mod-esque feel that gives this tale a unique presence. Trust me, you dont want to miss this. Read Full Review
'Batman: Dark Patterns' #4 is an exceptional piece of comic book storytelling. Even if the story is a little light on plot and character depth, there's no denying the outsized impact of the incredible art by Farrell and Sherman. It's beautiful, propulsive, and creative in equal measure. The issue serves as the perfect jumping-on point for the series, and if future instalments are half as fine as this one, you'd be crazy not to hop on board. Read Full Review
The second arc of Batman: Dark Patterns starts out strong. Echoes of the world building from arc one are built upon using a wildly different style of story. The Attack the Block, Dredd and The Raid formula of a single location we see Batman thinking on his feet, exploring his crime fighting style from a new angle. Read Full Review
Despite continually strong artwork from Hayden Sherman and colorist Trona Farrell, the opening of "The Voice of the Tower leaves the reader feeling like they're starting to listen to a great band's difficult second album. There are, of course, plenty of tracks left for the group to turn things around. Read Full Review