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Joined: Nov 22, 2020

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All-Star Superman Vol. 1

Apr 18, 2021

All-Star Superman Publisher: @dccomics Writer: @grant.morrison Artist: @frankquitelyofficial Colors: Jamie Grant Superman is dying! After stopping Lex Luthor's plan to destroy a research mission orbiting the sun all is well… or so it seems. Superman is now super charged by the Sun thanks to Luthor's true plan. His cells supercharged with solar radiation, the man of steel is slowly exploding cell by cell. Superman/Clark knowing this, sets out on a year long farewell. In this book we see Superman confess his secrets to Lois Lane and Clark Kent has a true one on one with Lex Luthor who is on death row for his crimes. Luthor respects Clark and wants the world to know that he was the one that killed Superman. Superman faces challenges along the way affecting people's lives for the better. Luthor escapes from prison with a serum that grants him Superman-like powers. In his last act of heroism, Superman stops Solaris, Lex's ally, from destroying the earth. However, the damage Solaris has done to our sun cannot be undone. A dying Superman stops a power crazed Luthor and tells Lois he loves her right before flying into the sun. Superman, now a solar being, works the machinery to keep the sun alive. From sun eating monsters, a journey to the planet Zibarro, evil Kryptonians, time traveling, and an amazing fight with Parasite. Also you get to see as much of Kal-El as Clark both who are at peace with their fate. Grant Morrison fires on all cylinders here. The way the book has Clark seem so relaxed as to what is going to happen really makes this book stand out from the rest of superman's books. The action is loud but the dialog is quiet with a somber feel to it. This along with Frank Quietly's fantastic art to give this book a truly Silver Age of comics feel. This comic really is what the death of Superman should be/been. But most importantly, All Star Superman reminds us of one thing. Superman may not be everyone's favorite superhero but he is the best superhero and this book proves it! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mechagmk of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!


Mar 4, 2021

BRZRKR Issue: 1 Publisher: Boom Studios @boom_studios Writer: Keanu Reeves & Matt Kindt @matt.kindt.for.real Artist: Ron Garney @rongarneyart Colors: Bill Crabtree @billcrabtreecolor Letters: Clem Robins Covers: Rafael Grampá @rafael_grampa ; Alessandro Vitti @alessandro_vitti BRZRKR is the story of an immortal warrior offering his services to the United States government as the ultimate soldier in exchange for answers surrounding his eighty thousand year life. But more than the answers surrounding his being, his ultimate desire is that which all others fear, mortality. From ripping out a man’s rib to stab another in the neck with or tearing a man's arm from his body, our soldier holds nothing back to achieve success. But when a young boy is killed before his eyes, memories of his own parents and birth begin to stir. I had been looking forward to this book since the moment I heard of it last year and it did not disappoint in the slightest! The writing is excellent and had me hooked from the get go. The artwork is amazing and so detailed, which is perfect for the incredibly violent tone. I’m beyond excited to see where this story goes and hope to learn more of his past and how he came to be. This will hands down be the best book of 2021. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1 Hardcover

Jan 26, 2021

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The IDW Collection Volume 1 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writers: @kevineastmantmnt , @tomwaltz1 , @bobby__curnow , @brianmichaellynch & @erikburnham Artists: Dan Duncan, @santolouco_art , Franco Urru, Andy Kuhn, @valerio_schiti , @mooncalfe23 & Charles Paul Wilson III Colorists: Ronda Patterson, @fabiomantovani1970 , @billcrabtreecolor , Claudia Scarletgothica, Ilaria Trauersi & @jayfotosstudios Cover: @danduncanart Letterers: @cloverrobbie , @robutoid & @cosmow In this first volume of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles published by IDW, co-creator Kevin Eastman has returned to write this new reboot origin story along with Tom Waltz. This volume collects the first twelve issues of the new ongoing series plus the Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Splinter Micro-Series one-shots spliced in between. In this first volume, we see Eastman’s vision fantastically come together for our beloved heroes. The personalities of the characters have remained faithful to the way we grew up with. I love the reincarnation aspect of the story and the artwork is absolutely amazing. The cover is absolutely stunning as well. This is a fantastic first volume that fully delivers the nostalgia. It is great for longtime fans as well as new readers and is absolutely a must own for any collector. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 2 Hardcover

Feb 1, 2021

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The IDW Collection Volume: 2 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writers: @kevineastmantmnt , @tomwaltz1 , @erikburnham , @sleeplesscosta , @benmepstein , Barbara Randall Kesel, @paul.allor , @joshuawilliamson & Mateus Santolouco Artists: @santolouco_art , Andy Kuhn, @mikeshenderson , @kittycoffeekitty , Paul McCaffery & @benbatesdark Colorists: Ronda Patterson, @goldnfrog , @angienessyo , John-Paul Boue, John Rauch & Joao “Azeitona” Uieira Cover: @danduncanart Letterers: @robutoid & Tom B. Long The second volume of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, published by IDW, collects issue numbers 13-20 of the ongoing series. It also contains the Casey Jones, April, Fugitoid, Krang, Baxter Stockman Micro-Series and The Secret History of the Foot Clan mini-series. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been given a new mission. However, Shredder stands in their way with a plan of his own. Meanwhile, General Krang unveils his own master plan, which puts the Turtles face to face with one of their mightiest enemies. This gorgeous hardcover had a lot of elements at play here. The Neutrino war, the Krang war and of course the history of the Foot Clan. This is yet another great addition to Eastman’s reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The artwork from cover to cover is absolutely phenomenal. The illustration in the war panels was stellar. It’s hard to say what my favorite part in this book was but I do want to highlight the history of the Foot Clan. It was great to learn that part of the Ninja Turtles which added more depth to them. This volume offers an emotionally charged and action packed book that any fan would absolutely love! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 3 Hardcover

Mar 3, 2021

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The IDW Collection Volume: 3 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writers: @kevineastmantmnt , @tomwaltz1 , @bobby_curnow ,@jasonciaramella , Bryan Lynch, @erikburnham , @sleeplesscosta , @benmepstein , @benbatesdark , Dustin Weaver, Dan Duncan & @paul.allor Artists: @santolouco_art , @davewachter , @mooncalfe23 , Andy Kuhn, @mikeshenderson , @csmitharts , Charles Paul Wilson III & Ben Bates Colorists: @rleep3 , Sophia Campbell, Heather Nunnelly & Ian Herring Cover: @danduncanart Letterers: @robutoid , @cloverrobbie , @cosmow & Tom B. Long This third volume of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, published by IDW, collects issue numbers 21-28 of the ongoing series. Additionally, it collects the Old Hob, Alopex, Karai, Hun, Bebop and Rocksteady, and Shredder Micro-Series one-shots, as well as the 2012 Annual issue. Violence and carnage rage across the city as Shredder's master plan unfolds. When tragedy strikes the Turtles, the must band together and work as a team as they put family first. Allegiances are shifting and the Turtles must formulate a plan to fight back against Shredder and the Foot Clan. This book was heavily action-packed and fun-filled throughout. This collection is definitely the most intense jaw dropping story-arc thus far. I am now three hardcovers in and the IDW TMNT collection has been fantastic so far. This is a great new take on the characters as well as honoring the original series we all love. The artwork continues to be stellar and this cover is absolutely gorgeous. TMNT fans need to be reading and collecting these hardcovers! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #2

Feb 20, 2021

TMNT: THE LAST RONIN #2 Publisher: IDW @idwpublishing Writer: Kevin Eastman @kevineastmantmnt Peter Laird @peterlaird1 Tom Waltz @tomwaltz1 Artist: Esau Isaac Escorza Ben Bishop @bishart Colorist: Luis Antonio Delgado @luis_the_colorist Samuel Plata Letterer: Shawn Lee @robutoid April reminisces about the night of her engagement to Casey and how a joyous occasion was taken from her as the turtles are ambushed by the Foot Clan which leads to Splinters death, which in turn sets Raph to seek revenge, brutally killing members of the Foot until he makes his final stand against Karai. While in the present Michelangelo is introduced to April’s daughter Casey and shares that In order to restore his family’s honor, The Last Oroku must die. This was a great second issue to a great series so far. Giving Raphael a proper send off which showcased his brutality and anger was heartbreaking yet fitting for his character. While Michelangelo’s flashback after his family’s demise was beautifully taken over and drawn by Eastman was a perfect touch to the storytelling. I’ve been more then impressed with the direction the creative team has taken this series and look forward to where they go from here. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

That Texas Blood #6

Dec 4, 2020

That Texas Blood Issue: 6 “A Brother’s Conscience: Part 5” Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Chris Condon @christophcondon Artist: Jacob Phillips @jacobphillipsillustration Randy Terrill returned home to Texas and now he would never leave again. Unaware that Sheriff Coates already received a full confession from Sara, Randy delivers the money owed to Teddy Kutner as well as justice for his brother Travis’ murder in the form of execution. The epic conclusion of That Texas Blood’s first arc is wrapped up and truly lived up to its namesake. In the end, Travis could not avoid his demons and we are introduced to the next series antagonist. I can’t wait for this series to return. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Undiscovered Country #10

Nov 29, 2020

Undiscovered Country Issue: 10 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Scott Snyder @ssnyder1835 & Charles Soule @charlesdsoule Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli @giuseppe_camuncoli & Leonardo Marcello Grassi @leonovels Colors: Matt Wilson @fatheadwilson Cover: Andrea Sorrentino @andreasorrentinoart Destiny comes calling for Unity. The city finds itself under siege by manifestations of the Destiny Man following his attempted assimilation by the city’s defenses. Dr. Jian is able to repel the attacks by assuming control of her citizens. Chang, who had experienced assimilation himself, shockingly exclaims that Unity’s goals are a thing of beauty. Meanwhile, Ace and Valentina explore the outskirts of Unity and discover a recreation of the Capitol Building. Once inside they discover hundreds of brains strung together through Unity technologies. All feeding energies into a strange cocoon containing the true and horrific Dr. Jian! All I could think of while reading this is that Unity reminds me of the Borg. And then when you discover the true Dr. Jian, she’s basically a zombified version of the Borg Queen! Awesome, I love it. Dr. Jian looks like the thing of nightmares! This whole series has had the best artwork I’ve seen in comics in a long time. I hope at some point in time this whole series is released in an omnibus. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Undiscovered Country #11

Jan 1, 2021

Undiscovered Country Issue: 11 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Scott Snyder @ssnyder1835 & Charles Soule @charlesdsoule Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli @giuseppe_camuncoli & Leonardo Marcello Grassi @leonovels Colors: Matt Wilson @fatheadwilson Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli After discovering the true shocking sacrifices required to sustain Unity, the group chooses to leave it all behind and continue walking the Spiral onward to Aurora and the Shining City. Unsatisfied with their decision, Dr. Jain reveals the group to still be connected to the Unity network. There their bodies shall remain as batteries powering the territory as their virtual beings be used to support Unity and its technologies throughout the world. Shockingly, I think all hope lies within the Destiny Man. How cool would it be to see him join the group on the rest of their journey? I can’t wait to see the artistic design of the next territories. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Undiscovered Country #12

Feb 19, 2021

Undiscovered Country Issue: 12 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Scott Snyder @ssnyder1835 & Charles Soule @charlesdsoule Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli @giuseppe_camuncoli & Leonardo Marcello Grassi @leonovels Colors: Matt Wilson @colornmatt Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli Utilizing Chang’s prior connection to Unity, Charlotte appeals to the sacrificial children used to power the territory, giving them the opportunity to set themselves and the group free. The avatars of the Destiny Man and Dr. Jain go to war as Unity crumbles around them. The physical Dr. Jain allows the group to proceed towards the Spiral in the hopes Unity’s message will reign superior over the other territories. Narrowly escaping the Destiny Man’s utter nuclear destruction of Unity, the group continue their journey of the Spiral and are greeted by a message from Daniel and Charlotte’s parents where they learn of their own mother’s involvement in creating the Sky virus which has ravaged the rest of the planet. Suddenly the group is greeted by another Sam Elgin who invites them to join him and sail forth towards adventure and Possibility. An outstanding conclusion to the series second arc. I love how drastically different each territory is from each other. I can’t wait to see what the Possibility territory has in store for the group. It’s going to be difficult to be patient for the next issue while the creative team takes a small break and returns in the Spring. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fear Case #1

Feb 4, 2021

Fear Case Issue: 1 Publisher: @darkhorsecomics Writer: @matt.kindt.for.real Artist: @tylerjenkinsprojects Colorist: Editors: @nottochabyy & Chuck Howitt Two Secret Service agents investigate a mysterious box known as the “Fear Case.” This case has appeared throughout history and whoever has it in their possession must pass it on within three days otherwise something terrible will happen. This case has been unsolved for centuries and is the oldest unsolved case in history. Agents Winter and Mitchum intend to finally solve the fear case to end its deadly trend. That may prove to be difficult as a psychotic cult and supernatural forces are behind the Fear Case's existence. Not to mention that every agent that has tried to solve its mystery has failed or even gone insane. Dark Horse comics delivers us a new horrific supernatural detective series that immediately captures us after this first issue. Fear Case is an odd mystery, that will have you questioning what, exactly, it could be. This was a great intriguing debut issue that left you wanting more. My only complaint about this book is unfortunately the artwork. At times, the artwork was messy and difficult to tell who was who but it did grow on me as I continued to read. It really didn’t take away from the story much as this was a great start to a new story and I was invested immediately. My only question is, WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!? Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_boolk_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fear Case #2

Mar 3, 2021

Fear Case Issue: 2 Publisher: @darkhorsecomics Writer: @matt.kindt.for.real Artist: @tylerjenkinsprojects Colorist: Editors: @nottochabyy & Chuck Howitt Secret Service agents Winters and Mitchum continue their investigation and search for the mysterious horror box known as the "Fear Case," that plagues those whoever foolishly decide to open it. Their newest lead puts them on the brink of possibly solving the uncrackable case. However, time is not on their side as their time on the case nears its end. They are going to witness first hand how horrific and dangerous this “Fear Case” really is. Wow this issue was FANTASTIC! From the amazing writing to the horrific imagery, this issue definitely has it all. I am now ALL-IN on this story. The rules of the Fear Case are great and it absolutely keeps me on the edge of my seat with every page turn. There’s a reason as to why partners have only a certain time working the case of the Fear Case. Agents Mitchum and Winters are becoming obsessed with it. As am I! What’s in the case!?!? I definitely got tv show vibes as I read through this issue. When this issue ended, I felt like I was seeing credits of a show right when it was getting good! It definitely kept me wanting more! The artwork takes some getting used to but I definitely enjoyed it and it didn’t take away from the fantastic rating this books deserves. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fear Case #3

Apr 8, 2021

Fear Case Issue: 3 Publisher: @darkhorsecomics Writer: @matt.kindt.for.real Artist: @tylerjenkinsprojects Colorist: Cover: Tyler Jenkins Editors: @nottochabyy & Chuck Howitt The latest issue of this new horror crime mini-series follows Secret Service agents Winters and Mitchum as they continue to hunt down the supernatural murder box known as the "Fear Case.” Winters and Mitchum’s time on the case is nearing its end as they only have one day left to solve the unsolvable case. They are not any closer to finally solving the case and both now have different views as to what to do once their time is up. An unexpected turn of events will now further complicate things. Wow! This issue was fantastic! It really went a totally different way than I thought it was going to go! This issue alone proves that no one is safe from the “Fear Case.” Throughout this issue, you can’t help but feel sadness for both Winters and Mitchum. It was the most shocking issue yet! I'm not sure where this series is headed, but I do know is that I'm very excited to read the upcoming issue. I’m just sad it’s ending so soon. The last issue will definitely be a jaw-dropping ending! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book on Instagram for more reviews!

The Recount #1

Feb 10, 2021

The Recount Issue: 1 Publisher: @scoutcomics Writer: @jnthnhdrck Artist: @gaboxelias Colorist: @sunillghagre Letterer: @docletterscomics The President of the United States has been assassinated during his resignation speech following his impeachment. The Secret Service have been infiltrated by terrorists and their message doesn’t stop with the President. They now turn their sights to those who helped him get into power as well as the citizens who elected him. No one knows who is friend or foe. Meanwhile, the former Vice President, now the President of the United States, must prevent the nation from descending into chaos and a civil war. While also attempting to get answers. Wow this was an absolutely thrilling debut issue! The idea of a comic about a divided nation teetering on a new civil war due to political divisions is an extremely risky and bold move with everything that has gone on this past year. With that being said, I was on the edge of my seat with the turn of every page. I absolutely love the premise of this book and it was absolutely mind blowing! I felt as if I were in a movie theater watching everything unfold. The artwork was enjoyable and this cover sends shivers down my spine. This is absolutely a must read! Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram! Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Recount #2

Mar 18, 2021

The Recount Issue: 2 Publisher: @scoutcomics Writer: @jnthnhdrck Artist: @gaboxelias Colorist: @sunillghagre Letterer: @docletterscomics While addressing the nation about his resignation, President Anthony Christensen was assassinated. Vice President Meredith McDearmon has now been sworn in as the President of the United States. As she was addressing the nation about this tragedy, her broadcast was interrupted by an organization called “The Masses”. This organization vows revenge on anyone who helped get Christensen into office. Next on their list is the Electoral College. President McDearmon and Special Agent Barto must move fast in order to save one of the members before The Masses get to him first. Meanwhile, citizens of the United States take matters into their own hands. Wow! This series is two issues in and it’s absolutely mind blowing! This series definitely feels real. This was an action packed issue as The Masses’ message becomes more clear. The corruption within the country has caused all this turmoil and it’s only going to get worse. The changes that The Masses want encourages Americans to attack supporters of the late President and the country is in absolute chaos. The political unrest definitely hits home as The Recount’s bold story takes today’s political outrage and puts it in comic form. The artwork’s tone is perfect for this type of story. This is a comic that needs to be adapted to television or film! An absolute must read for mature readers! Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Recount #3

Mar 27, 2021

The Recount Issue: 3 Publisher: @scoutcomics Writer: @jnthnhdrck Artist: @gaboxelias Colorist: @sunillghagre Letterer: @docletterscomics Special Agent Barto and newly sworn in President McDearmon have finally made it to the White House after a failed attempt to save a member of the Electoral College. Even though they are home, they had an intense night fending off an assassination attempt by soldiers of The Masses. Special Agent Barto must now interrogate the rest of the Secret Service to determine who they can and cannot trust. Meanwhile, tensions rise for the Americans as they blame each other for the nation’s current state of turmoil. During all this, The Masses plot their next attack. The Recount has been an absolutely insane and fantastic series thus far. This series has delivered a world and a premise that feels far too real with everything that has transpired this past year. I look forward to seeing what The Masses do next as well as how the new President responds. As of right now, everything remains out of control with no end in sight. The artwork is perfect for this type of story. This series deserves to be highlighted and needs more buzz around it. It’s definitely a fantastic series that’s worthy of an on-screen adaptation. Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Crossover (2020) #2

Dec 11, 2020

Crossover Issue: 2 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Geoff Shaw @geshaw Colors: Dee Cunniffe @deezoid Letters: John J. Hill @johnjhill Ryan seemingly faces the consequences for his aggressive actions and finds himself before Nathaniel Pendleton, the government director on all things related to the comic book “Event”. Mysteriously given a power dampening gun with a note, Ryan is perplexed to ultimately face his destiny. Comic book writers around the country are turning up dead as Ellie, Otto and their new friend Ava take refuge and learn the shocking truth of her circumstances. Never existing within the dome, Ava and her family were captives in a government-run camp and subject to experimentation. Ellie is determined to expose the camps but Otto pleads with her to abandon her mindset and is rightfully fearful of Ava, as unbeknownst to them she displays a deadly ability. This issue serves to set up the series' initial arc and does a great job pointing our protagonists in their respective directions that will ultimately lead towards each other. I hope that as this series moves forward we learn more about the Event and how and why it occurred. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Crossover (2020) #3

Jan 8, 2021

Crossover Issue: 3 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Geoff Shaw @geshaw Colors: Dee Cunniffe @deezoid Letters: John J. Hill @johnjhill Cover: Geoff Shaw While making their way towards the Dome in an effort to reunite Ava with her family, Ellie and Otto find themselves caught in a police checkpoint. When Ellie notices Ryan, the young man responsible for jump starting the current chaos of their lives, her confrontation with him draws the unwanted attention of the police. The group is rescued away to safety by the timely arrival of the superhero team, the Paybacks. Once brought to the Paybacks hideout, Ava is reunited with her savior! I have no previous knowledge of the Paybacks besides being a Donny Cates book from Dark Horse. I also have never read anything regarding her savior, but I do recognize him. Looks like I have some new reading assignments. This has been a really cool series so far and is a unique idea. The artist team is great. I can’t wait to see who pops up next. It would make my day to have the Dimensionauts from Black Science pop through. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Crossover (2020) #4

Mar 2, 2021

Crossover Issue: 4 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Geoff Shaw @geshaw Colors: Dee Cunniffe @deezoid Letters: John J. Hill @johnjhill Unbeknownst to those on the outside, within the Dome exists a singularity responsible for the giant “crossover” which has become their lives. Madman has already returned Ava’s parents to their home dimension and promises to return her as well. The only problem is that the longer one exists in the real world, your powers start to fade. Otto hatches a plan for the group to retrieve a power artifact from the Event Memorial Museum in an effort to breach the Dome’s perimeter. Madman makes quick work of the security forces standing between them and an ancient mighty sword known as Valofax! However, the group must hurry, as the United States Government has taken action against them by activating the Amalgam Program! Crossover has added so many past books to my reading list. The Paybacks, Madman and now God Country, which is something I’ve totally been meaning to read anyways. This was a great issue with an amazing double page shot perfectly drawn of Madman beating the crap out of security guards with a yo-yo! The activation of the Amalgam Program is sure to have some amazing character designs. Throwing Combo-Man into the background there was pure freaking genius. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Crossover (2020) #5

Apr 8, 2021

Crossover Issue: 5 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Geoff Shaw @geshaw Colors: Dee Cunniffe @deezoid Letters: John J. Hill @johnjhill Following the destruction of a Super Prison, hundreds of misplaced super powered individuals make way towards the Dome, hoping to return home, unaware they are on a collision course with the US military. In the midst of the chaos, the Amalgam’s have arrived and the Paybacks do their best to hold them off. Madman, refusing to leave his friends behind, hands off the mighty sword Valofax to Ellie so that she may continue the mission and get Ava home to her parents. But when they find themselves smack dead in the center of the conflict, Ava reveals the true nature of her abilities and starts killing all who stand in her way. With no one able to stop her reign of destruction and death, Ryan realizes his true purpose in this story as he raises his gun with Ava caught in the crosshairs. I totally forgot about Ryan’s gun loaded with the power dampening bullet. This was a great issue. Action packed and fast paced. I love the difference in which characters from different books or time periods are drawn. This entire series has been so well done. Additionally, all of the cover art has been amazing. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

We Live #2

Nov 23, 2020

We Live Issue: 2 “Jade Algae” Publisher: Aftershock Comics @aftershockcomics Writer: Inaki Miranda @joiiart & Roy Miranda @roy_miranda_rotwang Artist: Inaki Miranda Colors: Eva De La Cruz @evadlcruz.colorist Letters: Dave Sharpe @davesharpemetal Their journey to extraction takes a treacherous turn when the group finds themselves hunted by a vengeful pack of ferocious beasts. Their party slaughtered before their eyes, Tala and Hototo are rescued by their friend Humbo and his ape-like companion, Alice. While playing with some old military tech, Humbo accidentally separates himself from the group causing the loyal Alice to give chase, leaving Tala and Hototo behind. Reunited, Humbo and Alice search for their friends only to find only Hototo’s tail covered in a strange green ooze. This is an amazing book. I’m in love with the artwork and the writing is great. I didn’t expect their guide to be gone so soon. Honestly, I thought he was to be a larger part of the series. I enjoy being proved wrong like that. This is definitely a book that has me excited. A part of me doesn’t even want them to leave with the aliens but rather continue in their exploration of Earth. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

We Live #3

Dec 16, 2020

We Live Issue: 3 “Zeus” Publisher: Aftershock Comics @aftershockcomics Writer: Inaki Miranda @joiiart & Roy Miranda @roy_miranda_rotwang Artist: Inaki Miranda Colors: Eva De La Cruz @evadlcruz.colorist Letters: Dave Sharpe @davesharpemetal Hototo and Tala find themselves captives of a once great doctor with dreams of hope, his mind now lost to the virus which ravaged humanity. Intended as a sacrifice to his experiments, Tala is rescued by Humbo and Alice. The four friends continue their journey to extraction and upon their arrival, much to their horror, they witness the execution of other children like them at the hands of a deeply disturbed religious cult. The artwork in this book is beautiful, particularly this scene of the four walking beneath the starlit sky. The writing here is so smart and captivating that I truly thought we were about to lose Tala and I was worried. I really like this book. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

We Live #4

Jan 23, 2021

We Live Issue: 4 “Extinction Day” Publisher: Aftershock Comics @aftershockcomics Writer: Inaki Miranda @joiiart & Roy Miranda @roy_miranda_rotwang Artist: Inaki Miranda Colors: Eva De La Cruz @evadlcruz.colorist Letters: Dave Sharpe @davesharpemetal With a murderous lunatic cult standing between them, Humbo remote pilots his Hopper armor, creating a much needed diversion for the children to board their train towards the extraction point. However their boarding does not go unnoticed as a group of cultists rush toward their train car. Alice buys the children time as Humbo successfully separates the cars. Refusing to leave his friend behind, the heroic Humbo dives into the separated car to hold off their attackers, buying Tala and Hototo the time to continue their journey. Upon their arrival, the heartless aspects of humanity reveal themselves as those tasked with their safety usher the bracelet wielding children away from the companions to remove them from their ticket off planet. Separated from Hototo and fearing the worst, all hope with Tala is lost as the extinction event begins. Holy hell. This issue was outstanding. Before I even have time to get over my feels of Humbo and Alice, Hototo and Tala face their worst case scenario. I was fearful that this was going to be the final issue and it would all end in disaster. I really love this book. I literally gasped when Humbo refused to leave Alice. “Always together.” Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

We Live #5

Feb 25, 2021

We Live Issue: 5 “The Era of Palladions” Publisher: Aftershock Comics @aftershockcomics Writer: Inaki Miranda @joiiart & Roy Miranda @roy_miranda_rotwang Artist: Inaki Miranda Colors: Eva De La Cruz @evadlcruz.colorist Letters: Dave Sharpe @davesharpemetal The extinction event has begun. Lighting storms rain down upon the Earth as giant insect-like creatures begin ravaging the population. Separated from her brother, Tala looks on in terror as Hototo and the other chosen are elevated high into the air. Their bracelets activate, emitting an almost blinding light, while many of the children are terribly mutated, others are engulfed in a strange cocoon. Suddenly, Hototo and others emerge as adults and lay waste to their attackers, revealing the birth of a new era. Now begins the Era of the Palladions. Years later, Humbo is revealed to have survived the death cultists and approaches the city of Mother 9 in search of Hototo and Tala. That concludes the first arc of one of my breakout hits of the year. This book pleasantly surprised me from the get go. The artwork is absolutely gorgeous and the writing is smart, intelligent and unpredictable. I can confidently say that this is one of my favorite books. I can not express how excited I was to see Humbo at the end. This book makes me happy. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #5

Dec 17, 2020

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 4 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @coloneltonymoore Colorist: @dave.mccaig Cover: @dfinchartist Letterer: @ruswooton After Shane and Rick decided to remain at the camp, Rick and Glenn mount a daring supply run that included guns and ammunition in a walker-infested Atlanta. Now that the camp is armed, Rick and Shane are now teaching everyone at the camp how to shoot. However, it was only a matter of time before their camp was attacked. Surrounded by the walking dead, that time has now come and they must defend the camp. This issue gives us a more in depth look at the characters in the camp and how they came to be with one another. It fantastically displays a diverse group of people joining together and becoming a family. I truly enjoy the tension between Shane and Rick. Even though they both agreed to keep the camp where they are, clearly they both have different viewpoints on the matter. Shane seems to put more pressure on himself to be the leader which might ultimately lead to clouded judgement and decisions. Now that the camp are fighting for their lives, it’ll be interesting to see where they go from here and who truly assumes leadership. Once again, the original artwork of black and white is amazing, but rereading this is full color is simply fantastic and I love seeing all the gore color work pop. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club on Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #6

Jan 6, 2021

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 6 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @coloneltonymoore Colorist: @dave.mccaig Cover: @dfinchartist Letterer: @ruswooton Following an attack by Walkers at the camp, the survivors mourn the death of Amy. If that wasn’t hard enough, Jim has been bitten and fears that he will become a Walker as well. Tensions flare up between Rick and Shane as now with a horrible attack on the camp leaves Rick to further question if it’s the right decision to stay. This issue really has it all. Between death, heartache, jealousy and life altering decisions, this issue will have you on the edge of your seat. The sadness amongst the survivors will definitely get to you. However at the same time, the confrontation between Shane and Rick will have you saying “Holy Shit!” Additionally, it will leave you in shock after their jaw dropping engagement. This issue was fantastic and the added color work truly makes everything pop so much more. I don’t know how to feel after this issue because it truly has it all. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #7

Jan 21, 2021

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 7 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @charlie_adlard Colorist: @dave.mccaig Cover: @dfinchartist Original Cover: @coloneltonymoore Letterer: @ruswooton Carl has shot and killed Shane. His one time hero has turned into a threat when he pointed a gun at his father Rick. Now the group mourn their former leader yet there’s a sense of relief that he’s gone because of how unstable he became. The survivors turn to Rick to lead them to safety. As winter sets in, Rick and the survivors discover that the walkers all around them are the least of their worries. This issue really starts to display Rick Grimes is more of a leadership role now that Shane is gone. We also see the debut of Tyreese in this issue. One thing I enjoy about reading the comics is seeing the differences between the show and the books. In this case, the debut of Tyreese. Additionally, I love how this book focuses more on how the apocalypse is affecting them mentally rather than the danger that is looming around them. One example of that is how quickly it changed Shane as a person. In this issue, that is put further on display in the conversation between Rick and Tyreese and what they have done so far to survive. People change when society crumbles, and not all of them change for the better. This issue we also see a change in artists. However, that didn’t affect anything much as it continues to be fantastic. Especially so with colors now being highlighted in these reprints. I can’t wait for the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #8

Feb 5, 2021

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 8 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @charlie_adlard Colorist: @dave.mccaig Cover: @dfinchartist Original Cover: @coloneltonymoore Letterer: @ruswooton Lori is pregnant in the middle of an apocalypse. Winter is settling in and Rick, and with the rest of camp are desperate to get out of Dale’s RV and to find a more suitable place to live. Their search for better living conditions leads them to Wiltshire Estates, but not everything within this idyllic gated community is what it seems. Issue eight serves as a bridge issue that will set up what is to come. Rick has assumed leadership of the survivors and now takes on the responsibility to keep them safe and find better living conditions. If that wasn’t stressful enough, Lori is pregnant and he questions of the child is even his. Not to mention Dale is in is ear instigating the whole situation. Dale is annoying but adds something more this this story in the form of family drama and gossip then just your typical apocalyptic tale. This issue does well in the form of character developments with Donna and Tyreese. Being a fan of the show, it’s fun to see the differences between the two mediums. Once again, rereading this series in full color is such a joy and makes me further appreciate how great this series is. Another great thing about this is the new covers on the front and the original cover of the issue on the back. It’s awesome to see more artwork from cover to cover. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #9

Feb 21, 2021

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 9 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @charlie_adlard Colorist: @dave.mccaig Cover: @dfinchartist Original Cover: @coloneltonymoore Letterer: @ruswooton Rick has told the group that Lori is pregnant. Under better circumstances, this would have been fantastic news! However, with the apocalyptic world that they are currently trying to survive in, optimism and happiness isn’t a realistic reaction. With a their newborn baby’s impeding arrival, the group is worried about what dangers it will bring. Thankfully, some light sheds on the group as they seem to have found a safe haven in the form of a gated community. Unfortunately, this new paradise isn’t as safe as they thought it was. They must continue their fight for survival. This was a very action packed issue that also contained very emotional moments. The group are fighting for their lives and unfortunately they don’t have time to mourn the ones they have lost. That is what this series has been. A constant struggle to survive. It’s crazy how in less they a few hours, they found a safe haven only to to ripped away by the dangers that loom around them. They were immediately brought back down to earth, or should I say hell. Disaster has struck the group once again, but this time it affects their leader directly. This issue, we see Rick shine as a leader and stay true to his Officer roots to protect the group as best as he can. However, can he still lead when a shocking travesty affects those he loves most? Time will tell. This story is amazing and I’m so glad I get to reread in full color! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #10

Mar 3, 2021

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 10 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @charlie_adlard Colorist: @dave.mccaig Cover: @dfinchartist Original Cover: @coloneltonymoore Letterer: @ruswooton Tragedy has struck the group as Carl has been shot during a hunting mission for the group. In an effort to save his son, Rick is brought to the nearby Greene family farm. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the group struggle with their own personal issues. This tenth issue of the Walking Dead Deluxe, in absolutely stunning full color, introduces us to a whole new group of characters. One of which is tasked with saving young Carl from death after his gunshot. Even though the tragic shooting of Carl is the main focus, this issue does a great job highlighting the supporting characters as well as giving us a solid introduction to the Greene family. The Walking Dead is just full of amazing storytelling from start to finish. One supporting character I enjoy is Dale. He’s such a nosey old man. I love the look of distain Lori gives him after he puts his two sense in about who the father of her child is. The added color to this reread continues to be spot on. I also enjoy the pointing out the differences between the two mediums. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Walking Dead #12

Apr 8, 2021

The Walking Dead Deluxe Issue: 12 Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent Writer: @robkirkman Artist: @charlie_adlard Colorist: @dave.mccaig Variant Cover: Tony Moore & Dave McCaig Original Cover: @coloneltonymoore Letterer: @ruswooton After Hershel attempts to heard a walker into the barn, the imprisoned walking dead escape and wreak havoc among those on the farm. This results in the death of two of Hershel’s children. In a desperate attempt to save the rest of the farm, everyone took up arms to kill the remaining walkers. The farm is as safe as it can be now that the looming threat of walkers has been taken care of. Rick and his people now have a save place to live. Or so he thought. Hershel wants them gone and now Rick and his people must go back into the unknown to survive. My reread of this fantastic series in stunning full color has been so much fun! I love seeing this disgusting walkers in color. The artwork has been so well done with the new added color work. In this issue we see Rick and his people thrown out of Hershel’s farm and are now left to fend for themselves. The conflict between Rick and Hershel reaches its full force in this tense issue. Hershel’s pain drives him to this decision as we see him losing self control because of everything he has lost. We must now see the group struggle to start over yet again. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Men (2019) #15

Nov 25, 2020

X-Men Volume: 4, Issue: 15 “X of Swords; Chapter: 20” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar Colors: Sunny Gho @sunnygho Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Leinil Francis Yu @leinilyu & Sunny Gho While Apocalypse faces off against his wife Genesis to determine the victor between Arakko and Krakoa, Cyclops and Jean Grey appear before the Quiet Council. Based on a dire warning from Cable and unaware that Gorgon had evened the lead, Scott proposes a rescue mission and sealing the gateway behind them forever. Failing to obtain the proper blessings of the Council, Scott, unwaivered, informs those gathered before him that their vote changes nothing and carries forth. Meanwhile, Genesis believes to have the upper hand, but underestimates her husband and suffers a brutal wound. Apocalypse faces Saturnyne, refusing to follow through. Suddenly, Genesis dons the helm of Annihilation once more, declaring that nothing is yet settled. What a great issue. I would have been content if this entire thing was just Cyclops before the Quiet Council. But between him and Apocalypse, this was awesome! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

X-Men (2019) #16

Dec 31, 2020

X-Men Volume: 4, Issue: 16 “Sworded Out” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Phil Noto @philnoto Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Leinil Francis Yu @leinilyu & Sunny Gho @sunnygho The island of Arakko has been returned to this realm. But thousands of years have passed, resulting in Krakoa and Arakko refusing to reestablish their bond. But the question remains, what to do with the daunting population of Arakko? Magneto and Xavier meet with Isca the Unbeaten who explains that no peace exists within her people, but will share their offer of unity with her ruling council, The Great Ring of Arakko. Realizing they need to be at their greatest strength, Xavier and Magneto move to fill the Quiet Council vacant chairs with Jean Grey and Cyclops but are shocked at their refusal. Scott and Jean recognize their greatest role for the people of Krakoa is to stand and defend them as X-Men. With the people in mind, the two decide it best to allow the population to hold elections as to who shall defend them. I have a feeling we are about to see an epic X-Men team roster. I can’t wait. This was a great issue. Hickman’s writing is always solid and Phil Noto’s ary has been amazing. I can’t wait to see more of Arakko and her people, especially the members of the Great Ring. I wonder who will fill those vacant seats on the Quiet Council? To me this was a perfect issue following a major event. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Men (2019) #17

Jan 27, 2021

X-Men Volume: 4, Issue: 17 “Empty Nest” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Brett Booth @brettbooth_comicart & Adelso Corona @adelsocorona Colors: Sunny Gho @sunnygho Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Russell Dauterman @rdauterman & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Xandra Neramani, future Majestrix of the Shi’ar Empire has gone missing. Wishing not to make this matter public, Deathbird enlists the aid of the X-Men in rescuing the young ruler. Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm, accompanied by Cannonball’s wife, Smasher, of the Imperial Guard travel to the Imperial Palace and while telepathically scanning the room, Jean discovers an assassin amongst the crowd. The group locates Xandra but find themselves overwhelmed by the opposing forces. However, Smasher activates a battalion of Smashers in training and turns the tide of the battle along with the awesome power of Storm. With Xandra back on the throne, she thanks the X-Men for their deed and promises a favor to Storm. While I will miss Leinil Yu’s artwork in what is definitely one of the top Marvel books, I welcome Brett Booth’s 90’s inspired vibe. It almost feels like coming home for me, because 90’s X-Men was when I really started getting into comics. I think all these Alien variants are so cool. Makes me actually want a Marvel/Alien crossover! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Men (2019) #18

Feb 25, 2021

X-Men Volume: 4, Issue: 18 “Inside the Vault” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar Colors: Sunny Gho @sunnygho Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Leinil Francis Yu @leinilyu & Sunny Gho Upon the discovery of the return of the Children of the Vault, a special team was dispatched to breach the Vault and report back all knowledge related to their population. Due to their uniquely special abilities and faced with the uncertainty of the flow of time within, Synch, Darwin and Wolverine (X-23) were the ideal candidates for the task. Sooner than later, the trio's presence is detected and the team finds themselves in direct conflict with the Children. The elevated power levels of Synch seem to turn the tide of battle until one of the Children ignites a massive explosion. I’ve been waiting for them to return to this storyline! I’ve always liked the Children of the Vault and have been waiting for a writer to bring them back. The fact that it’s Hickman makes it so much better. Mahmud Asrar’s work on this issue is really well done. Checkout his Instagram page to check out a few shots that he’s recently posted. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Men (2019) #19

Apr 8, 2021

X-Men Volume: 4, Issue: 19 “Out of the Vault” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar Colors: Sunny Gho @sunnygho Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Leinil Francis Yu @leinilyu & Sunny Gho Their mission inside the Vault proved more treacherous than anyone could ever imagine. Due to the flow of time operating differently within, Synch, Darwin and X-23 survived more than 100 years trespassing inside the ever evolving city. With evolution in mind, Darwin is captured and atomized, with his DNA being integrated into the matrix of the next generation of Children to come. With more than a lifetime having passed them by, Synch and Laura remain true to their mission and give everything they have to escape, ensuring the X-Men are able to prepare for the deadly threat which awaits them. That was really well done. Old man Synch totally looks like G.W. Bridge (I miss that guy). While their retcon mission was a success, it's wrapped with entirely negative side effects. Darwin is lost, but more than likely to be resurrected post Vault entrance, but the Children have now been given the key to truly evolve into a greater danger than before. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Dragon Ball Super #1

Apr 8, 2021

Dragonball Super Volume: 1 “Warriors From Universe 6!” Publisher: @vizmedia Writer: @akira.toriyama Artist: @toyotaro_vjump Translation: Toshikazu Aizawa Touch-up Art & Lettering: @gattonepaolo & Chiara Antonella Design: Shawn Carrico Majin Boo is defeated! Time passes and Son Goku finds his life dull and uneventful on earth. Elsewhere, The God of Destruction, Beerus, is traveling from planet to planet in search of entertainment and food. After vaporizing a planet and it’s people, Beerus is reminded of a fighter called “Super Saiyan God.” Beerus sets out in search of this mystery. Son Goku and friends find themselves overwhelmed by The God of Destruction. Through their efforts, the Z warriors uncover the mystery of The “Super Saiyan God.” The Dragon Ball series returns by providing 9 episodes (187 pages) in this volume! Being a life long fan of the series I found myself skeptical of the concept “Super Saiyan God.” Nonetheless, Toriyama delivers by providing building blocks from the past to deliver a new twist for a new generation of story telling. Familiar faces and new characters breathe fresh air into the series opening the world of Dragon Ball into the world of multiple universes! 12 universes to be exact. The martial arts tournament is once again used to center the story, but with delightful intrigue as the tournament is held on a random star placing universe vs. universe! The manga is able to eliminate filler and varying story arcs shown in the anime, allowing for quicker story development. The manga unveils differences in story telling when compared to the anime. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @gonzalezdavidm9090 of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Dragon Ball Super #2

Apr 8, 2021

Dragonball Super Volume: 2 “The Winning Universe is Decided!” Publisher: @vizmedia Writer: @akira.toriyama Artist: @toyotaro.vjump Translation: Toshikazu Aizawa Touch-up Art & Lettering: @gattonepaolo & Chiara Antonella Design: Shawn Carrico Universe 6 & 7 tournament continues! Goku continues to advance in the tournament and fights with a fighter identical to Frieza. The fighter even possess the same transformations and powers! The conclusion of the tournament results in the ultimate prize, The Super Dragon Balls! Warriors from Universe 6 are defeated by Son Goku and friends. These bouts come alive with the art work, serious tone of the fights and playful banter. An unexpected twist leaves Universe 7, Son Goku & Friends, atop of the tournament when their most powerful warrior delivers the final blow to win. However, it’s not Son Goku I’m referring too! Elsewhere, Future Trunks stumbles for his life in his timeline before returning to 17 years in the past in search of help from Son Goku & friends. Trunks reveals the new threat to his world is in fact Goku! Lord Whies and Beerus continue to deliver! Easily my two favorite characters of Super to this point. Sadly, Piccolo has been reduced to a walking punchline. Nonetheless, the humor and action mesh to create effective plot and character development. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Guest Reviewed by: @gonzalezdavidm9090 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Dragon Ball Super #3

Apr 14, 2021

Dragonball Super Volume: 3 “The Zero Mortal Project” Publisher: @vizmedia Writer: @akira.toriyama Artist: @toyotaro_vjump Translation: Toshikazu Aizawa Touch-up Art & Lettering: @gattonepaolo and Chiara Antonella Design: Shawn Carrico Editor: Marlene First Enter “Goku Black”. Future Trunks suddenly arrives from the future to share information of his worlds newest threat. Trunks identifies the threat looking exactly like Goku, but isn’t him! This mysterious warrior has already wiped out majority of the Gods of Destruction and Lord of Lords from the other 12 universes. Will Goku and his friends be able to stop this threat in the future time line?! The return of Future Trunks. What more can I say?! Putting aside my inner child, Toriyama provides a compelling back story for Trunks. An introduction to another new character Zamasu, Lord of Lords in training, is another focal point of this volume as well. We are given further information how Zamasu and Future Trunks tie into the true identity of “Goku Black.” There is involvement from Goku & Vegeta as they go to the future to fight this threat and gain information. I enjoyed the boundaries set forth by Lord Beerus and Lord Whis, as we are given greater look into their morals and principles. I can feel the intensity of the pages every time Future Trunks is featured. It is pure joy to re-experience his character’s presence! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @gonzalezdavidm9090 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Sea of Sorrows #2

Jan 27, 2021

Sea of Sorrows Issue: 2 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writer: @rdouek Artist: @alexcormack Colorist: Alex Cormack & Mark Mullaney Cover: Alex Cormack Letterer: @justin_birch_letters This historical horrific story of the horrors in the ocean continues as tensions amongst the crew is rising rapidly along with their ever growing greed. The sunken U-Boat Bremen contains long lost gold and the crew continue to risk their lives despite technical delays and mechanical failures. Not to mention it’s perched on a shelf in deep dark shark infested ocean. However, that’s not the only danger that looms as a mysterious monster with seductive powers stalks them all. So far, we are two issues into this horror ocean story. I’m really enjoying the tone of this series. The tension amongst the crew is an enjoyable sight as their greed is starting to get the best of them. The danger around the ship constantly looms as the shark infested waters can take them at any second. Throw in the monster stalking their every move, anything can happen at any moment. They are really building up the suspense in these first two issues while just teasing us enough to keep us on the edge of our seats. The artwork in here is great as it feels like I’m watching a movie. Cormack really does a great job with the darkness of the ocean. It adds a lot more intrigue as I find myself looking for more creepiness from panel to panel. I love this cover as well. It really sells that this is a creepy story. I look forward to the next issue. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Sea of Sorrows #3

Feb 6, 2021

Sea of Sorrows Issue: 3 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writer: @rdouek Artist: @alexcormack Colorist: Alex Cormack & Mark Mullaney Cover: Alex Cormack Letterer: @justin_birch_letters Editor: @bobby__curnow Tensions are rising on the SS Vagabond amongst the crew. The disappearances of fellow crew members are starting to drive the survivors crazy with paranoia. However, their greed in an immense factor in what they do next. The treasure they so desperately desire beneath them may not be worth the price of what looms. The tension amongst the crew continues to rise in this issue and I love it. We get to see how far fear and greed drives them. We are three issues in and terror and tension seem to be the theme here and I love it. The slow shadowy horror that looms is intriguing and I can’t wait for it to come to full force. The first three issues delivers massive suspense of the horror that looms. The artwork in this series continues to amaze me. The panels of brutality, darkness and blood is absolutely captivating. The deep ocean work is so beautifully drawn. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Sea of Sorrows #4

Apr 8, 2021

Sea of Sorrows Issue: 4 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writer: @rdouek Artist: @alexcormack Colorist: Alex Cormack & Mark Mullaney Cover: Alex Cormack Letterer: @justin_birch_letters Editor: @bobby__curnow The situation aboard the Vagabond is ready to implode as the crew’s tensions begin to finally burst. Meanwhile, the divers have now discovered the horrific truth about the wreck in their quest for the sunken treasure. While all this is happening, the terrifying siren continues to prey on their minds and flesh! This is without a doubt the best issue in the series thus far! There are so many elements at play at the wreck and on deck that are so well done. Jim is now homicidal on deck and looks absolutely terrifying. Things at the wreck aren’t any better. The artwork here is absolutely fantastic. Every moment of horror was perfectly illustrated! There was some insane visuals throughout this issue that will have you on the edge of your seat while saying, “oh shit!” The pacing of this series is perfect for a horror movie and I can see this series definitely having an on-screen adaptation at some point. If you’re not reading this series, shame on you! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Transformers: Beast Wars #1

Feb 6, 2021

Transformers: Beast Wars Issue: 1 “Savage Landing” Part I Publisher: @idwpublishing Writer: @erikburnham Artist: Josh Burcham Variant Cover: @dannyschoening & @luis_the_colorist Letterer: Jake M. Wood Editors: @tomwaltz1 , David Marriotte & Riley Farmer IDW Publishing is celebrating 25 years of one of the greatest shows in recent memory, Transformers: Beast Wars. A brand new Beast era begins in this issue! In the future, Cybertron is run by the Maximals and the Predacons. A successor to the Megatron name leads a team of Predacons on a mission to obtain a golden disk full of information from Maximal Command and a ship capable of traveling through time in search for a planet with an abundance of Energon. Now it’s up to Optimus Primal and his Maximal crew to step up to the challenge and stop the Predacons. This series serves a Transformer: Beast Wars reboot, as well as a celebration of the series’ 25th anniversary. As a child, Beast Wars was one of my favorite television shows so you can only imagine my excitement when I seen the solicitation for this series! This first issue does a great job honoring the show’s history as well as starting a new fresh jumping on point for new fans. This issue also introduces two new characters to the series for both sides. This story was so well written, you couldn’t even tell they were new as they fit right in with both teams. The artwork from cover to cover was fantastic and remains true to the consistent artwork we have gotten over the years for a transformer series. I’m truly in love with the variant cover as well! Nothing like have my two favorite characters from the show headlining the reboot! Fans of Transformers definitely need to jump onto this series ASAP! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Transformers: Beast Wars #2

Mar 3, 2021

Transformers: Beast Wars Issue: 2 “Savage Landing” Part II Publisher: @idwpublishing Writer: @erikburnham Artist: Josh Burcham Letterer: Jake M. Wood Editors: @tomwaltz1 , David Marriotte & Riley Farmer The Beast Wars have begun! The Maximals and the Predacons have crash landed on a strange new planet. Not only do they have to worry about each other, they must worry about what or who surrounds them. They will soon find out that they are not alone. In order to figure out how to survive the new planet, as well as each other, they have to explore their surroundings while learning about their all new Beast Modes. In this second issue of Beast Wars, we are introduced to a third party to the conflict between the Maximals and Predacons. The early arrival of such a well-known element of the old show is definitely surprising but of course welcomed. It’s definitely a surprise that I didn’t see coming. This issue had little action but it did focus on character development. Seeing the new characters interact with the originals from the show was great and they feel as if they’ve always been a part of the team. I absolutely love the artwork in this series as it stays true to the original television show. This issue absolutely hits you with the nostalgia and fans of the show should be please this far! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Transformers: Beast Wars #3

Apr 8, 2021

Transformers: Beast Wars Issue: 3 “Savage Landing” Part III Publisher: @idwpublishing Writer: @erikburnham Artist: Josh Burcham Letterer: Jake M. Wood Editors: @tomwaltz1 , David Marriotte & Riley Farmer Unbeknownst to the Maximals, Nyx has been captured in enemy territory. Now that the Predacons have taken their first prisoner, the torturing and interrogation will begin. However, other Predacons don’t agree with the way Megatron is going about the situation. Now dissent stirs in the Predacon ranks. Meanwhile, the Maximals disagree on how to go about finding Nyx. The Beast Wars rage on in this issue as we see Nyx tortured for information. I love the focus on Dinobot, since he was one of my favorite characters as a child. The interaction between him and Megatron was great, as it showed Megatron’s wrath as well as displayed Dinobot’s intelligence. The artwork in this series so far has been extremely well done. This cover is one of my favorites so far. One thing I’m not really liking is the lack of leadership in Optimus Prime. It could be just me, but I can’t recall him acting this way in the tv series. Him choosing not to go after Nyx was disheartening and his excuses as to why not to makes him look naive. What are your thoughts? Leave a comment! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

A Man Among Ye #4

Jan 14, 2021

A Man Among Ye Issue: 4 Publisher: @imagecomics @topcow Writer: @snapcracklesteph Artist: @craigcermak Lll Colorist: @johnkalisz Cover: Craig Cermak Letterer: @troypeteri In this final issue of A Man Among Ye, Anne Bonny, along with her crew, take a desperate chance to rescue the man she loves, Captain Calico Jack Rackham. However, this daring mission doesn’t go exactly to plan as pirate queens Anne Bonny and Mary Read, along with their all-female crew of buccaneers, are caught in the middle of a shocking betrayal. This was a great “final issue” that actually leaves us wanting more. It truly wasn’t what I expected and I love it. The artwork throughout was captivating. Having an all female pirate crew is something bold and different as well as exciting. Not to mention the main characters being real pirates. Even though we were given a cliffhanger ending, it was a great way to wrap up an intriguing series that leaves us with a lot of imagination for future stories. Hopefully in the future, we look back to this as their origin story. I look forward to more adventures from this crew. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Alien (2021) #1

Mar 25, 2021

Alien Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson @phillip_kennedy_johnson Artist: Salvador Larroca @salvadorlarroca Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: David Finch @dfinchartist Plagued by nightmares and visions of his soldiers falling victim to a horde of Xenomorphs and an apparent Queen, Gabriel Cruz returns to Earth after stepping down from his role as security chief of the Weyland-Yutani Epsilon Space Station. What he hopes will be a joyful reunion with his son, Daniel, proves to be a disappointment. As Gabriel shares the darkness which haunts his mind with his Bishop android psychiatrist, he remains unaware of the true nature of his visit with his son. After stealing vital data, Daniel and his girlfriend embark on a violent mission to expose the truth of Weyland-Yutani’s activities but are unprepared for the horrors within as the scientists aboard Epsilon refuse to allow the company's secrets to be revealed. Confused and in shock, Daniel and those around him suddenly fall victim to a group of Facehuggers. For the most part I have always loved the Alien franchise. Alien and Aliens to this day are among my top ten movies of all time. To say that I was excited for this series is an understatement. So far I enjoy what I see except for one aspect. I truly hope this apparent Xenomorph Queen is just a figment of Gabriel’s imagination and fears. That is too Star Trek Borg Queen for me. To me the Xenomorphs are better as a wild untamed and directionless killing beast of the universe. But I will face this with an open mind. Salvador Larroca is a great fit for this book, his Xenomorphs are perfect and he does a great job capturing their terror. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Ascender Vol. 2: The Sea of the Dead

Jan 2, 2021

ASCENDER VOL TWO: THE DEAD SEA Publisher: Image comics @imagecomics Writer: Jeff Lemire @jefflemire Artist: Dustin Nguyen @duss005 Letterer: Steve Wands @swandsart Mila, Andy and Effie’s daughter, has joined Captain Telsa and her first mate Helda in escaping the planet after being hunted down and believing her father was killed by the vamps. While Andy who survived the attack is reunited with the now vamp infected Effie who’s hunger has now taken over her mind and body. As Kanto, the Blood Scrapper is introduced not much is known about this mysterious individual besides being the most badass vampire Hunter in the universe. A continuation to Lemire’s epic space Odyssey Descender, flipping the script and introducing us to a universe now enveloped by magic rather then technology like it’s predecessor makes this a compelling, dramatic, heart wrenching story. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Batman (2016) #103

Dec 5, 2020

BATMAN #103 Publisher: DC Comics @dccomics Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Carlos Pagulayan @thecarlopagulayan Danny Miki @koimando Guillem March @guillem_march Colorist: David Baron @myzombies Letterer: Clayton Cowles Cover: Francesco Mattina @francescomattinaart Jorge Jimenez @jorge_jimenez_art Tomeu Morey Batman and Ghost Maker go head to head for the fate of Gotham and Clownhunters life while flashbacks reveal glimpses of their past together. Meanwhile Clownhunter attacks Harley at her apartment but discovers that he’s no match for her. Building up the action while adding new mythos to Bruce’s past and training keeps me invested and excited to see where Tynion plans to take his run. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Batman (2016) #104

Dec 18, 2020

BATMAN #104 Publisher: DC Comics @dccomics Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Ryan Benjamin @ryanbnjmn Danny Miki @koimando Guillem March @guillem_march Bengal @bengalgram Colorist: David Baron @myzombies Letterer: Clayton Cowles Cover: Francesco Mattina @francescomattinaart Jorge Jimenez @jorge_jimenez_art Tomeu Morey Batman wakes up in an abandoned wing of Arkham Asylum finding himself held captive along side Harley and Clown Hunter. Discovering he’s not restrained as the other two, Clown Hunter attempts to kill Harley once and for all for revenge for his parents death at the hands of the Joker. Meanwhile Nightwing heads to Gotham after hearing that the Ghost Maker has arrived who he had only seen once years ago. Explaining to Oracle the complicated relationship that Bruce had with his one time friend on his way to becoming The Batman. I can’t help but praise Tynions run on Batman and this issue is no exception. Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Batman (2016) #105

Jan 16, 2021

BATMAN #105 Publisher: DC Comics @dccomics Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Carlos Pagulayan @thecarlopagulayan Danny Miki @koimando Alvaro Martinez @alvaromartinezbueno_comic Christian Duce @ducechristian Colorist: David Baron @myzombies Letterer: Clayton Cowles Cover: Francesco Mattina @francescomattinaart Jorge Jimenez @jorge_jimenez_art Tomeu Morey Batman and Ghost Maker comes to terms with their past and agrees to work together to save Gotham using Ghost Makers resources while Clown Hunter spares Harleys life who he blames for the death of his parents. Wrapping up this arc before future State takes over, I’m excited for the the new statues quo for the series which Ghost Maker and Clown Hunter looks to have a prominent role with me speculating that they could have a Batman and Robin relationship down the line. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Batman: The Detective (2021) #1

Apr 17, 2021

Batman: The Detective Issue: 1 Publisher: @dccomics Writer: @tomtaylormade Pencils & Inks: @andykubertart Colorist: @comicbrad Letterer: Clem Robins Cover: Andy Kubert & Brad Anderson A terrorist organization wearing white Batman masks took down a commercial flight. This horrible tragedy sends a very personal and deadly message to the caped crusader. This horrific tragedy and message will make Batman leave his normal jurisdiction in Gotham City, to Europe in order to investigate the link of his role in the incident. This was a great start to this mini-series as the premise of this story really lives up to the name of its title. As Batman investigates this heinous crime, he will encounter new adversaries as well as old friends. Tom Taylor has set the stage with this opening issue that contains a great deal of suspense and action. Andy Kubert is one of the best artists in the industry and his artwork is definitely highlighted with this first issue. I enjoy the new look for Batman that we have in this mini-series, as we see him donning a badass trench coat which gives me old school detective vibes. This mini-series is definitely worth a read and I look forward to the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #1

Apr 8, 2021

Beta Ray Bill Issue: 1 “Argent Star: Part 1” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer & Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson @danielwarrenart Colors: Mike Spicer @spicercolor Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer & Daniel Warren Johnson Cover: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman As Asgard’s Master of War, Beta Ray Bill prepares the armies of the mighty city against the coming threat of Knull. Chaos arrives in the form of Fin Fang Foom, ensnared by Knull’s influence. Their defeat imminent if not for the timely arrival of Thor who questions Bill’s inability to hold off the beast himself. Struggling with his inner demons and angered over the feeling of existing purely in Thor’s shadow, Bill leaves Asgard behind him in search of Odin, hoping for him to reforge his mighty hammer, Stormbreaker. This was a very touching and emotional story. My heart goes out to Bill as he struggles with his self worth. I hope he finds what he’s looking for and realizes that his hammer does not make him the man he is. I know this is going to be a great series, as the true villain in need of defeat is what’s going on inside of Bill’s head. Balancing duties between story and art, I'm impressed with Daniel Johnson’s work. The fact that Bill was sitting around watching Hook at one point in the story had me cracking up. I also think this cover by Stegman is great and captures the frightening appearance of Bill so well. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Black Cotton #1

Mar 2, 2021

Black Cotton Issue: 1 “Chapter One: Shot Fired” Publisher: @scoutcomics Writers: @patrickdforeman & @brianhawkinswrites Artist: Marco Perugini Letterer: @franciscozamoracomics Editor: Andrea Lorenzo Molinari Scout Comics brings us a new intriguing story that takes place in an alternate reality where the social order of black and white are switched. Zion Cotton, a black Virginia police officer, encounters a white woman walking the streets at night wearing a hoodie. As he approaches the woman, he is spooked and guns down the unarmed woman. This sends an uproar across the country and riots and protests spread across America like wildfire. Additionally, bringing bad press to the Cottons, an elitist family. Now the Cottons are desperate to make this bad publicity go away by any means necessary. Wow this was a great ambitious and bold debut issue. Scout Comics continues to put out great reads that correlates with what has gone on in America this past year. It’s easy to look at social injustices in America and turn a blind eye. It’s even easier to do when you don’t look like the individuals that are constantly battling things like police brutality, racial discrimination and other social injustices. What happens if the status quo was actually reversed? This book draws you in to experience that possibility. The black and white artwork absolutely makes sense for what they are trying to convey here and it was well done. This is definitely for mature readers and I’m sure this book will have mixed reviews. I personally enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing where this goes. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Black Widow (2020) #4

Dec 7, 2020

Black Widow Volume: 9, Issue: 4 “What Lies Beneath” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Elena Casagrande @casagrande_e & Carlos Gómez @carlosgomezartist Colors: Jordie Bellaire @whoajordie & Federico Blee @toonfed Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Skan Srisuwan @skansrisuwan After fighting her way through a troop of Hydra soldiers and with the aid of Yelena, Natasha and her family seek shelter in an old safe house. Her memories restored, Natasha begins piecing together the circumstances of her new life. Like her, James was abducted and implanted with false memories of a life past. Up until a few weeks prior, all they knew was a pleasant narrative, but miraculously, their child Stevie, is biologically their own. Hawkeye and Winter Soldier arrive to orchestrate a counterattack on Natasha’s abductors when suddenly a rocket strike obliterates the room in which James and Stevie were sleeping. Elena Casagrande’s work here is great. I love how she depicts fight scenes and her ability to perfectly capture emotion is amazing. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Black Widow (2020) #5

Feb 25, 2021

Black Widow Volume: 9, Issue: 5 “The Ties That Bind, Finale” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Elena Casagrande @casagrande_e & Rafael De Latorre @rafaeldelatorre_ Colors: Jordie Bellaire @whoajordie Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Terry Dodson @terrydodsonart & Rachel Dodson @rachesinks Natasha has just narrowly survived the most heinous action ever taken against her. Kidnapped, brainwashed and placed into the perfect life. A loving husband and a true biological child. Now it’s all been taken away and her life will never be the same again. Taking solace in the truth that her family indeed survived the attack but were secretly relocated for their own safety, Natasha must feel the pain of their loss all the same. The conclusion of this story showcases just how strong Natasha truly is. As a parent, your child’s happiness supersedes your own, and to be able to make the sacrifice she did is the ultimate strength. This series continues to have some of the best artwork out there. There is a great double page of Hawkeye unleashing on a group of Hydra soldiers from above. Natasha’s new uniform design looks great and I’m excited for the series return in April. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Chainsaw Man #1

Jan 26, 2021

Chainsaw Man   Writer/Artist: Tatsuki Fujimoto  Publisher: Viz Media @vizmedia   In a world where Devils are real, a young man Denji works to pay off his late father's debt to the yakuza with his chainsaw devil pet Pochita. Doing odd jobs, hunting other devils, and selling his organs, Denji does anything he could to make money and to live his dream of a simple life. After the yakuza betrays them one night and leaving both for dead, Denji forms a contract with Pochita to show him what it’s like to have a normal. Waking up Denji finds a pull tab coming from his chest and when tug chainsaws emerge from his body. Taking his revenge against the yakuza, the Public Safety Devil Hunters shows recruiting him to join and thus starting his new line of work.   Chainsaw Man is better than what I expected with most Shonen Jump manga you get clean artwork, over-the-top fights, and a hint humor, it’s a formula that works to keep us entertained. Chainsaw Man is exactly that but what makes this series stand out is Denji. Shonen characters usually have an ambitious personality with a big dream, but Denji wants for the simple things makes you sympathize with him more. The character designs are basic but Fujimoto’s art is more prominent in his Devils that have a distinctive style alongside very bloody yet hilarious fights. This series is entertaining and I look forward too the anime release later this year. Reviewer: @cayaox of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Daredevil (2019) #24

Dec 6, 2020

Daredevil Volume: 6, Issue: 24 “Truth/Dare, Part: 4” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Chip Zdarsky @zdarsky Artist: Mike Hawthorne @mikehawthorneart & JP Mayer @jpmayer_ Colors: Mattia Iacono @mattiaiacono_colors_ Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 & Matthew Wilson Facing murder charges, Daredevil prepares to answer for his crimes. But before that, he must ensure the people of Hell’s Kitchen are protected and arranges for Tony Stark to purchase the neighborhood. After organizing a plea deal with the prosecution, Daredevil’s plan is suddenly flipped upside down as an unknown buyer beats Tony to the purchase. With the neighborhood's protection uncertain, Daredevil rejects the plea and plans to fight for his freedom, but then detects a faint whisper through the courtroom. Elektra, discreetly whispering, reveals herself to be the mystery buyer of Hell’s Kitchen. With his people protected, Daredevil puts his consciousness at ease and pleads guilty to his crimes. What a cool final scene. Chip Zdarsky has been one hell of a Daredevil writer. And the artist teams throughout this series have been some of the best I’ve seen. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Daredevil (2019) #25

Dec 7, 2020

Daredevil Volume: 6, Issue: 25 “The Red Fist, Part: 1” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Chip Zdarsky @zdarsky Artist: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 Colors: Marcio Menyz @mmenyz Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson Facing the consequences of his grave mistake from inside a prison cell, Daredevil’s solitude is interrupted by Elektra. She and Stick have discovered the means of undoing the Hand, an organization known as the Fist. But in order to succeed, the Fist requires a King and Queen, keeping to herself that in fact, one of which must die. Daredevil rejects her offer and doubts her desires to be anything more than a killer and challenges her to prove him wrong. Finding inspiration from a citizen of Hell’s Kitchen, Elektra aims to do just that and in an epic display of vigilantism dons herself as the all new Daredevil! Elektra’s Daredevil design is awesome! Amazing work all around from this creative team. I would have zero objections if they just left Matt in prison for the next two years and Elektra became the star of this book. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Daredevil (2019) #26

Feb 2, 2021

Daredevil Volume: 6, Issue: 26 “The Black Kitchen, Part: 1” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Chip Zdarsky @zdarsky Artist: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 , Mike Hawthorne @mikehawthorneart & Adriano Di Benedetto @adriano.dibenedetto Colors: Marcio Menyz @mmenyz Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Rahzzah @rahzzah As the all new Daredevil, Elektra suppresses her more callous nature and rises to be the hero Matt Murdock would be proud of. As Knull’s reach reigns terror upon the city of New York, Elektra will stop at nothing to protect caught in the path of horror. Now finding herself face to face with a symbiotic Typhoid Mary, Elektra’s heroism will truly be put to the test. Meanwhile, after discovering a negative personal connection to the prisons warden, Matt reflects upon his current situation. Suddenly the prison walls are breached by Knull’s symbiote’s and while helping to defend the prison population, Matt is assimilated into Knull’s hive. I absolutely love the Elektra/Daredevil design. It is beyond cool. Matt’s Knullified look reminds me of his time possessed by the Beast during Shadowland. I was a little bummed this being an event tie-in book, but it did a great job at still putting the title's main storyline before everything else. Also, as usual, this Alien cover variant is epic! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Daredevil (2019) #27

Feb 19, 2021

Daredevil Volume: 6, Issue: 27 “The Black Kitchen, Part: 2” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Chip Zdarsky @zdarsky Artist: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 , Mike Hawthorne @mikehawthorneart & Adriano Di Benedetto @adriano.dibenedetto Colors: Marcio Menyz @mmenyz Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Despite being assimilated into his hive mind and playing host to a symbiote, Daredevil finds the strength to resist Knull’s influence. Strapping himself into an electric chair and having a fellow inmate hit the switch, Matt successfully frees himself from Knull’s symbiotic grasp. Elsewhere, Wilson Fisk, concerned over Typhoid Mary’s well being, is no longer content sitting on the sidelines as his city crumbles around him. Meanwhile, Elektra, too concentrated on what Matt would do in her situation, finds herself on a losing end of a battle with a symbiotic Mary. Utilizing her own training, Elektra plays possum to Mary, giving herself the needed opportunity to regroup. Matt strapped himself into an electric chair. Holy freaking crap that was awesome. Daredevil has by far been the best King in Black tie-in. As usual, the writing and artwork on this book is the best you’re going to find. Elektra’s Daredevil design is amazing. I love everything about the series. But my favorite part was Fisk showing concern and threatening his staff for standing in his way. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 14, 2021

Daredevil Volume: 6, Issue: 28 “Are You Okay?” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Chip Zdarsky @zdarsky Artist: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 Colors: Marcio Menyz @mmenyz Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Following Knull’s invasion of Earth, Wilson Fisk, Elektra and Daredevil all separately contemplate how their actions affect those around them. Wilson struggles with putting Mary in harm's way and shows deep care and concern for her well being. With so many things out of his control, Fisk decides one thing he can control is the fate of his greatest enemy. Elektra contemplates her place in a world where she must stand up for the weak. Meanwhile, Daredevil’s personal reasons for imprisonments are challenge and he finds his back pushed to the wall when an inmate personally sent there by him commits suicide. Fellow inmate Marcus, sensing his turmoil, sits with Matt to help him cope with the loss when Matt suddenly senses he’s been poisoned. I’ve always thought Daredevil books had the greatest artwork and this series is no exception. The artistic team kills it time and time again. Kind of ironic considering the title character is blind. But I feel like that has always been the case when it comes to Daredevil books. This series has been outstanding since the get go. Everyone needs to be reading this book. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Daredevil (2019) #29

Apr 17, 2021

Daredevil Volume: 6, Issue: 29 “Doing Time, Part: 1” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Chip Zdarsky @zdarsky Artist: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 Colors: Marcio Menyz @mmenyz Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Taking a young girl under her tutelage, Elektra shows Hell’s Kitchen what true strength looks like in her war against the new Kingpin of Crime, Izzy Libris. Elsewhere, Mike Murdock and Butch Fisk make moves to bring down Izzy’s organization from within. Preparing for the future, Wilson Fisk visits a secret lab at Ravencroft where Bullseye has been revitalized to be Fisk’s perfectly controlled weapon. Meanwhile, while fighting side effects of a poison coursing through his body, Matt is led into an ambush. Doing his best to hold off a horde of attackers, Matt falls to a stabbing to the gut. As he slowly fades, Matt can faintly hear the pleased voice of the warden communicating his death over the phone. Every issue of this series has been outstanding. Beautiful artwork and a story that keeps you captivated every turn of the page. I absolutely love Elektra stepping into this role and hope she continues for a good while. Daredevil lost my interest for a few years, but this creative team has catapulted the title back to the top for me. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Doctor Doom (2019) #9

Nov 27, 2020

Dr. Doom Issue: 9 “The Windmills Of My Mind” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ifyoucantwell Artist: @salvadorlarroca Colorist: GURU-eFX Cover: Salvador Larroca & GURU-eFX Letterer: Cory Petit Latverian missiles recently struck the Antilon Project facility resulting in 3,000 casualties and creating an expanding black hole in the Earth’s orbit. Doctor Doom was the prime suspect and was imprisoned. Doom escaped when he found out that the Nation of Symkaria framed him in an attempt to assume leadership. With the help of his allies, Doom was able to prove his innocence and inflict his wrath of vengeance. Now he must turn his attention to the black hole. He is the only brilliant scientific mind left that has any chance of preventing catastrophe and is ready to prove his greatness to the world by any means necessary. This was a great issue. It’s up to Doctor Doom to save all of humankind. Doctor Doom reverts to his classic self as he believes that he and he alone is the only person capable of preventing this catastrophe and refuses help from anyone. I loved the panel between Captain America and Reed Richards as Reed is essentially angry for him not being there and Doom buying time slots on every prime time slot for when the threat has ceased. I loved how Reed got into Doom’s head as it truly displays Doom’s desire to be perfect and better than Reed which also plays into their long history with each other. The cover is fantastic and the artwork is this series continues to be amazing. If you haven’t been reading this series, this issue serves as a great jumping on point and definitely an enjoyable read. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Doctor Doom (2019) #10

Jan 3, 2021

Dr. Doom Issue: 10 “Bedford Falls” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ifyoucantwell Artist: @salvadorlarroca Colorist: GURU-eFX Cover: Salvador Larroca & GURU-eFX Letterer: Cory Petit Latverian missiles struck the Antilon facility resulting in the death of thousands as well as creating an expanding black hole. Doom was the prime suspect. However, the nation of Symkaria in fact framed him in an attempt to assume leadership of Latveria. After acquiring the Ultimate Nullifier, Doom reclaimed leadership and now sets out seal the black hole. In an attempt to seal the black hole, he learns that it is not a black hole, but a worm hole to an alternate reality where he confronts his peaceful alter ego. This final issue of Doctor Doom was a great way to wrap up a fantastic series. As Dooms confronts his alter ego, he sees everything he does not want to become. With every page turn, the fantastic panels displays Doom’s disgust with this reality and ultimately we see Doom at his best, a fierce and terrifying ruler. Leaving us with no doubt that he is no hero. There is no good in him. There never was and never shall be... Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Eternals (2021) #1

Jan 9, 2021

Eternals Volume: 5, Issue: 1 “Only Death is Eternal, Part 1” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kieron Gillen @kierongillen Artist: Esad Ribić @ribicesad Colors: Matthew Wilson @fatheadwilson Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Skottie Young @skottieyoung The Eternals have returned. After being reawakened, Ikaris is tasked by Zuras to release Sprite from his confinement. Now appearing as a young woman, Sprite teleports away to explore this new world with Ikaris in pursuit. After their arrival to Olympia, the duo find themselves the prime suspects in the sudden murder of Zuras. Their investigation of this brutal act brings them face to face with the mad Titan himself, Thanos! This was excellent. I’m not the most informed on the past history of the Eternals, but thankfully I’ve recently acquired the Jack Kirby Eternals omnibus to better acquaint myself. I’m a huge fan of Esad Ribić. His work on Thor and Secret Wars was excellent and is no exception here. I’m really looking forward to getting into a world that I don’t know much about. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Eternals (2021) #2

Feb 11, 2021

Eternals Volume: 5, Issue: 2 “Only Death is Eternal, Part 2” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kieron Gillen @kierongillen Artist: Esad Ribić @ribicesad Colors: Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Esad Ribić Barely surviving his confrontation with Thanos, Ikaris reflects upon a past error resulting in a young man wasting his life. Returning to Olympus, Ikaris’ fellow Eternals wish to await the resurrection of Zuras before taking action towards the Mad Titan, but are shocked to learn the means of their eternal resurrection has been rendered inoperable. Without the Eternal machine functioning, the very Earth finds itself in dire danger and will soon be rendered uninhabitable. While Sersi leads a group to uncover the traitor within their ranks, Ikaris takes action to make amends towards his past mistake. I still need to get caught up on all my Eternals history, but I really like this. Esad Ribić is such an amazing artist, everything is presented perfectly. I just know that this is going to be an excellent series. I had no idea of the true power levels of the Eternals and that potentially, one of them could go toe to toe with Thanos. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Eternals (2021) #3

Mar 14, 2021

Eternals Volume: 5, Issue: 3 “Only Death is Eternal, Part 3” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kieron Gillen @kierongillen Artist: Esad Ribić @ribicesad Colors: Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Esad Ribić While Ikaris’ odd interest in the human adolescence, Toby Robson, garners the attention of the neighborhood, the Eternals continue their investigation into the mystery surrounding Zuras’ murder. Sersi and her group travel to Lemura to confront Thena but reluctantly clear her of any wrongdoing. Suddenly, Sersi receives a communication from Druig informing her of a massacre having occurred at Polaria, the Second City of the Eternals. The fact that I know so little of the Eternals makes this a really interesting read for me. My mind is oftentimes littered with the decades long history of every other Marvel character that it’s nice to be lost in the wind sometimes. This has been a great series so far and I’m really enjoying the story. Esad Ribić’s work had been outstanding as well. I love the shot of Thena overlooking Lemuria. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Hellions (2020) #7

Dec 4, 2020

Hellions Volume 1, Issue: 7 “Whetstone” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Zeb Wells @mzebwells Artist: Stephen Segovia @stephensegovia Colors: David Curiel @davcuriel Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Stephen Segovia & Rain Beredo Following their deaths in Arakko, Wild Child and Nanny have undergone resurrection, but similar to dying in Otherworld, they’ve returned altered. Their return finds them more suited to live in a more harsher environment. Orphan-Maker’s resurrection process is halted, as he requires his suit to suppress his unknown mutant abilities which can not be allowed to manifest for reason which remain a secret. Before the mission can be underway, the Hellions demand answers from Sinister regarding their previous mission but are held off by Revanche. We learn that Revanche’s loyalty lies in that Sinister has found a way to remove her daughter from Apoth (see Fallen Angels). As the team breach a Right facility in search of Orphan-Maker’s suit, they find themselves face to face with former X-Men foe, Cameron Hodge! I never realized that we have no idea what Orphan-Maker’s abilities are and now I am insanely curious. This series continues to crack me up, however I hope they don’t go too deep into Apoth and the Fallen Angels as that series was terrible! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Hellions (2020) #8

Jan 7, 2021

Hellions Volume 1, Issue: 8 “The Grinning Neonate” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Zeb Wells @mzebwells Artist: Stephen Segovia @stephensegovia Colors: David Curiel @davcuriel Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Stephen Segovia & Romulo Fajardo Jr. @evergreenfajardo In an effort to reclaim Nanny’s ship to retrieve a new containment suit for Orphan-Maker, the Hellions find themselves involved in conflict with Cameron Hodge and the Right. Unable to hijack his mind, Empath reveals Hodge as a robot. Denying this claim, Hodge orders the Smileys to open fire upon him, knowing their AI would prevent them from causing harm towards the true Cameron Hodge. Riddled with bullets and the truth, Hodge is terminated as the Smileys thank Havok for freeing them from Hodge’s control. Under orders from Krakoa, Revanche downloads a virus into the Smileys main server, eradicating the evolving artificial intelligence. As Havok struggles with their actions, Nanny embraces a secret discovery, a baby Smiley, now an orphan in need of a nanny. I’m pretty shocked at the act of genocide just enacted here. Especially under order from Magneto, a Holocaust survivor. This reminds me of Xavier ignoring Danger becoming self aware. This is probably one of my favorite X titles as the moment. Zeb Wells’ writing is intelligent and filled with great humor and the artistic team nails it. I want more Scalphunter. He’s been my favorite character, and since he’s spent the majority of his existence being written as a villain, he’s essentially a blank slate for a writer to run with. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for reviews!

Hellions (2020) #9

Feb 3, 2021

Hellions Volume 1, Issue: 9 “Funny Games: Level 1” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Zeb Wells @mzebwells Artist: Stephen Segovia @stephensegovia Colors: David Curiel @davcuriel Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Stephen Segovia & Romulo Fajardo Jr. @evergreenfajardo Jason Wyngarde has returned and has his eyes set upon Mr. Sinister and the Hellions. After discreetly kidnapping their leader, Jason manipulates the Hellions into investigating the disappearance. Through a series of mental attacks, the Hellions are rendered unconscious and delivered to their true adversary, Arcade! I love the tension between Nanny and Orphan Maker. Seems like we are about to see a connection between Greycrow and Revanche, which I really like. I hope this is the violent and credible Arcade of Avengers Arena rather than the regular pushover he’s been written as in many past iterations. Given the tone of this book, I'm relatively sure we’re in for an epic story arc! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Home Sick Pilots #1

Dec 19, 2020

Home Sick Pilots Issue: 1 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Dan Watters @danpgwatters Artist: Caspar Wijngaard @caspar_wijngaard The series opening sees a massive home come to life, seemingly piloted by a young girl, stomping through the streets, destroying everything that lays in its path. Weeks earlier, determined to upstage the latest Nuclear Bastards concert, Ami, of the Home Sick Pilots, suggests throwing the ultimate punk rock show in the abandoned James House. An eyesore of the community, the James House is long believed to have been haunted. Believing the stories to be just that, Ami sneaks inside. The next morning, while searching the house for Ami, her bandmates, Buzz and Rip, are unable to locate her but instead find the Nuclear Bastards. Things get heated between the rivals until suddenly the house comes to life, murdering the Bastards. Elsewhere, Ami reappears in an altered state at a young woman’s condo, seeking items removed from the house years prior. I really liked this book. For one, Dan Waters sure can create some epic band bands. Caspar Wijngaard’s artwork is great. I particularly love the coloring of the purple and blue nighttime sky. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Home Sick Pilots #2

Jan 17, 2021

Home Sick Pilots Issue: 2 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Dan Waters @danpgwatters Artist: Caspar Wijngaard @caspar_wijngaard Letters: Aditya Bidikar @adityabidikar Cover: Caspar Wikngaard Finding herself inexplicably enhanced from her time within the old James House, Ami finds her quest to retrieve the house's misplaced items more difficult than one would expect. A seemingly self aware “lucky” horseshoe refuses to leave its new owner and merges itself to the young socialite. Ami is able to separate the two but much to her shock, the young woman throws herself to her death after being freed from the horseshoe's otherworldly influence. While Ami’s bandmates find themselves in trouble of their own, Ami learns of the existence of six more items she’s to retrieve for the deadly house. I love the artwork of this series. The true form of the horseshoe ghost was a great design and the use of coloring throughout the book is beautiful. I never thought I would be down with a horror book but this totally works for me! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Home Sick Pilots #3

Feb 19, 2021

Home Sick Pilots Issue: 3 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Dan Waters @danpgwatters Artist: Caspar Wijngaard @caspar_wijngaard Letters: Aditya Bidikar @adityabidikar Cover: Caspar Wikngaard As the house continues to send Ami out to retrieve its ghosts, Buzz struggles to accept her disappearance. Refusing to give up on her, Buzz continues to search the old James House and is convinced the building itself is intentionally keeping the two apart. Believing herself to be retrieving the sixth ghost, Ami happens upon something much worse. Meanwhile at the house, Buzz seemingly hears Ami’s cries of help and falls under the influence of the Horseshoe Ghost. The artwork of this series is really special with a great use of color. The design of each ghost is truly unique. This is definitely a cool book worth checking out. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Home Sick Pilots #4

Mar 14, 2021

Home Sick Pilots Issue: 4 Publisher: Image @imagecomics Writer: Dan Waters @danpgwatters Artist: Caspar Wijngaard @caspar_wijngaard Letters: Aditya Bidikar @adityabidikar Cover: Jamie McKelvie @mckelvie Finding Ami succumbing to the power of a ghost, the James House dispatches an empowered Buzz to even the score. After rescuing Ami, she and the spirit of the James House learn that they aren’t the only ones out there hunting ghosts. Forced to abandon Buzz and return to the house, Ami makes a plea to go back and rescue Buzz but is shocked to see all the lives claimed by the house. I love the artwork in this series. The use of colors has been my favorite aspect of this book. The story has definitely taken a turn I wasn’t anticipating. I am curious to learn more about the military’s involvement in hunting ghosts and how they even got turned on to this. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Hotell Vol. 1

Jan 3, 2021

HOTELL Publisher: AWA @awastudiosofficial & Upshot Studios @upshotstudiosofficial Writer: John Lees @johnlees927 Artist: Dalibor Talajic @talajicd Colorists: Lee Loughridge @leeloughridge Letterer: Sal Cipriano @salcipriano_art The Pierrot Courts Hotel, you won’t find it on any map, but if you happen to be driving down Route 66 in the dead of night and you’re truly desperate for shelter, sanctuary or secrecy, you might see the battered sign on the side of the road. Where many check in but few check out; the woman who’s unborn child urges her to do horrible things, the man who can’t get rid of his wife no matter how many times he kills her, a disgraced priest performing a exorcism on a young boy, and an investigative journalist on the trail of a serial killer last seen at the hotel years ago. These are but a few of the Pierrot Courts Hotels guests who will wish they kept on driving. I love horror comics, if anything that’s my favorite genera and AWA did a fantastic job with this series, interweaving and connecting each story to paint a bigger picture and add mystery to the hotel has me hoping for a continuation where we’ll learn more on the history of Pierrot Courts. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Marauders #1

Feb 5, 2021

King in Black: Marauders Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan Artist: Luke Ross @lukerossart Colors: Carlos Lopez Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Stefano Caselli @stefano_caselli_art & Federico Blee @toonfed Knull has taken the Earth. The Marauders set sail towards New York in the hopes of rescuing Cyclops and Storm who have fallen to Knull’s influence. But enroute, they happen upon a ship under siege by Knull’s dragons. After rescuing the crew, Bishop hears a faint SOS Morse code and discovers the crew to be human traffickers. After offering the victims temporarily amnesty on Island M, the Marauders continue onward to retrieve their friends. However, unbeknownst to the team, Bishop is under orders from Beast that should they be unsuccessful in their liberation, Bishop is to execute Cyclops and Storm. Beast continues his downward path into darkness. I recognize his intentions would be for Cyclops and Storm’s knowledge of Krakoa to not fall into the wrong hands. Obviously the two would immediately be resurrected, but this is still a heartless action from a friend. Had this been a few years ago and the roles reversed, Hank would have lost his mind over Scott taking this course of action. Beast is the ultimate hypocrite. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Thunderbolts #1

Jan 15, 2021

King in Black: Thunderbolts Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Matthew Rosenberg Artist: Juan Ferreyra @jeferreyra Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Kyle Hotz @kylehotzcomics & Dan Brown @danbrowncomics With the world under siege by the Symbiote God, Knull, Mayor Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, assembles an all new team of Thunderbolts. Falling under the assumed leadership of Taskmaster, the Thunderbolts make the treacherous journey through New York, hoping that Star’s reality altering abilities will be enough to destroy Knull and his influence. But they’ll need help doing so and are tasked with retrieving a guide with a familiarity in expelling alien invasions, former Thunderbolts Director, Norman Osborn! When I saw that Matthew Rosenberg was writing I just knew this would be good, and it did not disappoint. I became a huge fan of Rosenberg’s due to his epic run on Uncanny X-Men vol. 5. Juan Ferreyra has an interesting style and does a particularly great job in his depictions of Kingpin. Love seeing Taskmaster take the lead here. Here’s to hoping once KIB is concluded the Thunderbolts continue to deliver justice… like lightning! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Maniac of New York #1

Feb 3, 2021

Maniac of New York Issue: 1 “Heads in the Sand” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @elliottkalan Artist: @andreamutti9 Letterer: @taylorespo Editor: @mikejmarts There’s an axe murderer on the loose in New York City and has been on the loose for the past four years. During that time, he has worked up an enormous body count and has eluded capture of New York’s finest. All we know is that his name is Harry and he strikes fear into the city. The main reason as to why he has avoided capture or worse is because he is inhuman, unkillable and unstoppable. The way the authorities deal with this horrific person is to simply ignore him and let the city adapt and accept that their life can end in any moment. However, political aide Gina Greene and NYPD detective Zelda Pettibone have had enough of his terror and are determined to go rogue and destroy him. Aftershock comics delivers us a chilling murder mystery horror story that will definitely capture you with this first issue. I think it’s awesome to have an unkillable axe murderer running around in one of the largest cities in the world and the city seemingly doesn’t care anymore! This is such a great concept that had horror movie vibes with every page turn. This issue is definitely a slow build, however I didn’t mind as the suspense continues to rise throughout the issue. With any good horror movie, you need the suspense and the anticipation and this is what the issue brings. The artwork in this series is not something I’m used to but I did enjoy it I also love how Harry the maniac resembles Jason Voorhees. I honestly can’t wait for the second issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Maniac of New York #2

Mar 11, 2021

Maniac of New York Issue: 2 “Small Prices” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @elliottkalan Artist: @andreamutti9 Letterer: @taylorespo Editor: @mikejmarts Harry, the un-killable Maniac of New York, is aboard New York City’s first ever fully automated train and is continuing his four year long killing spree. Gabriella Acosta is unfortunately one of the many passengers on this train and now she must do everything she can to survive. As if the stress of saving her own life wasn’t enough, she now has encountered two young children on the train and is desperately trying to keep them alive as well as herself. Meanwhile, Gina Greene of the Maniac Task Force and NYPD detective Zelda Pettibone are willing to do anything to save those passengers. However, time is running out, and the Mayor is ready to sacrifice everyone on board if it means trapping the un-killable Maniac of New York for good. We are two issues in and so far Kalan has done a great job creating a story worthy of a serial killer movie vibe. I absolutely enjoy the fact that there’s a serial killer that is un-killable and the city seemingly adapts to the possible that at any moment their life can end. It’s crazy that they all seemingly accept their inevitable doom. This issue was great! It was absolutely gruesome and horrifying. Mutti’s did a great job expressing the fear in the passenger’s eyes right before their gruesome death. As Harry continues charging through the train slicing and dicing everyone in his path, the Maniac Task force devise a plan to board the train and take him down. I look forward to seeing how that happens since he’s indestructible. Time will tell and I look forward to seeing that confrontation. We are two issues in and this is shaping up to be a great story. My only issue is that he looks too much like Jason Voorhees, but I’m still fully invested in this awesome story! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Maniac of New York #3

Apr 17, 2021

Maniac of New York Issue: 3 “All Aboard” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @elliottkalan Artist: @andreamutti9 Letterer: @taylorespo Editor: @mikejmarts Maniac Henry has sliced and diced his way through New York's first automated subway train killing everyone in his path, leaving only three passengers alive. Gabriella is desperately trying to keep herself alive as well as two young children out of harm’s way, but there’s no room left in the train to run. Meanwhile, Gina Greene and Detective Zelda Pettibone jump onboard the runaway train in hopes of finding survivors before Harry slaughters them. This latest installment highlights Maniac Henry’s wrath as he makes his way through the train. The blood and gore is what you want to see in this type of story and the artwork was spot on delivering the disturbing imagery. You can’t help but feel bad for Gabriella as we see her doing everything she possibly can to save the children. In this issue, we also steer away from Maniac Henry’s killing spree and learn a little more about our two “heroes”. The pacing of this issue was great as it flowed naturally going from the killing spree to delivering us more character development. I still have questions as to why he’s been able to go so long on this killing spree and why he is doing it? Time will tell I guess. This remains a solid read that deserves a chance from anyone not reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Marauders (2019) #16

Dec 9, 2020

Marauders Volume: 1, Issue: 16 “Consequences” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan Artist: Stefano Caselli @stefano_caselli_art Colors: Edgar Delgado @delgaduck Letters: Cory Petit Cover Artist: Russell Dauterman @rdauterman & Matthew Wilson The time has come for the ladies of the Hellfire Trading Company to deliver justice upon the Black King, Sebastian Shaw. Bursting through his front door, Kate begins her beating as Emma removes his mutant abilities. Humiliated and manhandled at every turn, even tossed from a window before a mortified Glob, Sebastian believes his retribution at an end following a brutal maiming by Lockheed. However a sip of whiskey proves to be poison, leaving Sebastian a shell of a mutant and at the mercies of Storm, Emma and Kate. That beating was epic! The scene with the window and Glob had me laughing out loud! “Hi Glob!” I loved Emma and Kitty at each other’s throats in Astonishing, but I love Emma and Kate’s sisterhood even more. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Marauders (2019) #17

Jan 14, 2021

Marauders Volume: 1, Issue: 17 “The Winds of Change” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan Artist: Matteo Lolli @matteo.lolli Colors: Edgar Delgado @delgaduck Letters: Cory Petit Cover Artist: Salvador Larroca @salvadorlarroca & Guru-eFX The businesses of the Hellfire Trading Company face a shakeup, with the White now taking over their black market sales. Emma prepares a state dinner at her recently erected compound, courtesy of Magneto, extending an invitation to the Verendi leadership. Meanwhile, with Apocalypse gone, Callisto faces a reluctant Storm in the Crucible and is reborn whole. I love nitpicking certain aspects of resurrection. Like Calisto being resurrected but still missing an eye. Or Cyclops still unable to properly control his optic blasts even though the issue was a result of brain damage. I’m not complaining though, as I’m absolutely in love with the direction of every X book and so thankful to have them box on top of the Marvel universe! I’m very intrigued by Emma eluding to the connection between Shinobi and Harry Leland. Marauders has been one of my favorite books since it’s launch, with great stories and beautiful artwork. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Marauders (2019) #19

Apr 10, 2021

Marauders Volume: 1, Issue: 19 “Fire & Ice” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan Artist: Stefano Caselli @stefano_caselli_art Colors: Edgar Delgado @delgaduck Letters: Cory Petit Cover Artist: Russel Dauterman @rdauterman & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Despite having been barred from the island of Madripoor, the Marauders refuse to sit idly by as the population of Low Town is ravaged by the Reavers. Recognizing the citizens as kindred spirits, Callisto and members of the Morlocks defend the population while Kate and Bishop separately do their best to cripple Verendi’s means of destruction. With victory achieved, the folks of Low Town officially rename the area Mutietown as the Morlocks decide to stick around. Marauders has been a consistently solid read since the get go. The entire creative team has been doing a solid job. It’s cool seeing the Morlocks get some more love. I wouldn’t mind seeing a few more characters officially join the Marauder crew though. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1

Nov 24, 2020

Voices: Indigenous Voices Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jeffrey Veregge @jeffreyveregge ; Rebecca Roanhorse @rebeccaroanhorse ; Darcie Little Badger @dr.littlebadger ; Stephen Graham Jones; Taboo @taboo & B. Earl @b.earlwriter Artist: Jeffrey Veregge; Weshoyot Alvitre @weshoyot ; Kyle Charles @kylecharlesart ; David Cutler @davidjcutler , Robert Poggi @robbypoggi Colors: Jeffrey Veregge; Lee Loughridge @leeloughridge ; Felipe Sobreiro @sobreiro ; Cris Peter @cristianedpeter Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Jeffrey Veregge Voices showcases the heroic indigenous heroes of the Marvel Universe and pays tribute and honor to their culture. In a beautifully drawn introduction, Uatu the Watcher highlights many of these proud heroes we’ve seen throughout the years. This particular issue showcases Echo, Dani Moonstar, Silver Fox and her husband Trigo. Jeffrey Veregge’s artwork is absolutely beautiful. This was a really cool book and on one hand it’s great to see so many indigenous heroes, you realize that there nearly isn’t enough representation. Hopefully this book helps these heroes take the forefront in Marvel comics going forward. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Mighty Morphin (2020) #1

Nov 30, 2020

Mighty Morphin Issue: 1 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @marcorennaart Colorist: @lariato_corp & Katia Ranalli Cover: @leeinhyuk Variant Covers: @elo8elo & @junggeun_yoon Foil Cover: @montesgoni Letterer: @edukedw The all new unlimited Power Era begins here! We now have two Ranger teams as the intrigue is quickly ramping up! In this issue, we focus on the Mighty Morphin team as they try to figure out the identity of the new Green Ranger and whether he or she is a friend or foe. Meanwhile, along with a new threat, Lord Zedd has returned and he’s even more deadlier than ever. He hopes to finally end the Rangers once and for all! This was a great first issue in this new era. We FINALLY get a better understanding of Zordon’s origin story! To be honest, I was beginning to think that Parrott was never going to give us an origin for him but he finally delivered! Lord Zedd is back and seems even more powerful than ever so I’m excited to see how he plays into all this. Now, who is the Green Ranger?!?! All fingers point to Lord Drakkon. However, I’m not so sure. I have three guesses. The obvious choice of course Drakkon, Grace Sterling, or my dark horse Matt. Time will tell. I personally can’t wait for the ramifications when the rest of the team finds out that Billy knows. Lastly, the artwork kicks off with stellar panels as well as amazing covers. I can’t wait for the next issue as there are so many elements a play and I need to see them unfold! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mighty Morphin (2020) #2

Dec 10, 2020

Mighty Morphin Issue: 2 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @marcorennaart Colorist: @lariato_corp & Katia Ranalli Cover: @leeinhyuk Variant Cover: Elonora Carlini Letterer: @edukedw The Unlimited Power Era continues and Zordon is pissed! The Omega Rangers recently infiltrated the Command Center’s underground holding cell and have taken Lord Drakkon in an effort to use his knowledge to take down the threat of Empyreal. Zordon is not happy and enlists Billy's help in order to inform their allies that the Omega Rangers are now fugitives! Meanwhile, the Power Rangers are overwhelmed after Lord Zedd sets a trap for them. These covers are awesome and so is this issue! Whoa Zordon is PISSED and I love it! The Omega Ranger’s betrayal have now led them to be fugitives in Zordon’s eyes. That is an absolute shocker and not what Inwas expecting! Parrott continues to deliver us epic moments and this one was no different in my eyes. I can’t wait to see if the Omega’s are challenged by one of Zordon’s allies on another planet! Now to the looming question, WHO IS THE GREEN RANGER?!? Drakkon is with the Omegas so my two other theories are it’s either Grace or Matt! Unless it’s Drakkon and Parrott is trying to throw us off the sent? This is just fantastic storytelling and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out! What are you thoughts? Leave a comment and let me know! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mighty Morphin (2020) #3

Jan 13, 2021

Mighty Morphin Issue: 3 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @marcorennaart Colorist: @lariato_corp & Katia Ranalli Cover: @leeinhyuk Variant Cover: @elo8elo Letterer: @edukedw The Unlimited Power Era continues in this third issue of the Mighty Morphin series as there are many elements at play here. We get more insight of Zordon’s journey to become a Supreme Guardian 10,000 years ago. In present day, the Rangers have their hands full with Lord Zedd’s putties that have been made much more powerful after being laced with Chaos Energy and are now significantly much more dangerous. As if that wasn’t hard enough, they also must deal with shocking betrayal from one of their own. Not to mention that they still don’t know who the Green Ranger is and in the midst of all this, Lord Zedd makes his deadliest attack yet! This was yet another great issue in Parrott’s Ranger direction. I really enjoy getting more insight into Zordon’s origin as well as the seeing the Mighty Morphin team in such disarray. Both elements combine for a great read. Additionally, I personally can’t wait for Zordon and Grace Sterling’s future confrontation now that he knows that she’s responsible for the Green Ranger. I also look forward to see what’s to become of Billy once Zordon and the rest of the team learns that he is also involved with the creation of the Green Ranger. But the burning question is, WHO IS IT?!? The artwork continues to be amazing and the covers for the Ranger books continues to be stellar! I can’t wait for the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mighty Morphin (2020) #4

Feb 10, 2021

Mighty Morphin Issue: 4 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @marcorennaart Colorist: @lariato_corp & Katia Ranalli Cover: @leeinhyuk Variant Cover: @elo8elo Letterer: @edukedw The Unlimited Power Era continues in this issue of Mighty Morphin! The Power Rangers are in the fight of their lives against Lord Zedd’s Chaos Putty. All hope seems lost as they seem to be outmatched and outnumbered. The Power Rangers must regroup in hopes to devise a plan that can Lord Zedd’s diabolical plan. Hopefully, their newfound ally can help but there’s much more going on than just saving Angel Grove. This was yet another great issue in Ryan Parrott’s run with the Power Rangers. We get to further explore Zordon’s origin story and why it is so important for what’s to come. Not to mention we finally get the reveal has to who is the new Green Power Ranger. Now for those of you who have no read it, I will not spoil. However, I do question as to why it was revealed the way it was. I’m not so sure I like the way it was done but I do understand it and have complete trust in Parrott’s story telling. Even though I don’t like the way it was revealed, I definitely loved this issue as it was full of action and desperation. The Rangers are backed into a corner and I look forward to seeing what is to come. The artwork continues to be fantastic and I truly enjoy the cover art as well. I’m glad that Boom Studios is giving us a Legacy Cover as well. One thing I will say is.....I CALLED IT! Comment when you have read. I would love to know everyone’s thoughts! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mighty Morphin (2020) #5

Mar 11, 2021

Mighty Morphin Issue: 5 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @marcorennaart Colorist: @lariato_corp , @sara.antonellini & Katia Ranalli Cover: @leeinhyuk Variant Cover: @elo8elo Letterer: @edukedw Under the leadership of Grace Sterling, Matt has revealed that he is the new Green Ranger! In this issue, we witness Matt’s first days as the Green Ranger and how this changed his life forever. Like the other Rangers, he quickly has to learn how to balance his normal teenage life as well as his new responsibilities as a superhero. Days into his Power Ranger career, Matt is already up against the wall as he, along with Grace Sterling and the rest of Promethea, are now trapped in the forcefield that surrounds Angel Grove. With the rest of the Power Rangers gone, Matt and Grace are Angel Grove’s only hope. They now let Angel Grove and the Power Rangers know his true identity and are rewriting the rules of the Power Rangers. This was a great issue that finally delivers us the new origin story of Matt, the new Green Ranger. Grace’s difficult past as a Ranger sets the stage for a very different sort of mentor relationship with Matt. I am all in on Grace Sterling at this point. I feel like she still holds some type of animosity towards Zordon after all these years. While she does things for the good of Angel Grove and the rest of the world, she also does things to seemingly piss off Zordon. She has been a great addition to the Ranger universe! Now with her own Ranger, it’ll be interesting to see how she leads Matt and how they plan to stop Zedd’s plan. Additionally, of course I can’t wait to see how pissed off Zordon is now that everything has come to light! The artwork continues to be amazing! I love collecting the Legacy Variant covers and this standard cover is awesome! Power Ranger books has some of the best artwork in all of comics! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mighty Morphin (2020) #6

Apr 17, 2021

Mighty Morphin Issue: 6 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @marcorennaart Colorist: @lariato_corp , @sara.antonellini & Katia Ranalli Cover: @leeinhyuk Variant Cover: @elo8elo Letterer: @edukedw It has been twenty-three days since the energy shield went up around the city of Angel Grove trapping its citizens inside. The Power Rangers have been battling tirelessly against Lord Zedd’s chaos putties to gain access. Even with the help of the military, they have been unsuccessful thus far and the President’s desperation to rid Earth of this hostile agent increases by the day. More drastic measures will soon be taken if the Power Rangers are unable to gain access and free the city of Angel Grove. Despite about how they feel about her, Grace Sterling might now be the Ranger’s only hope. Let me start out by saying that I absolutely love how the military now acknowledges what the Power Ranger’s do and now work together trying to rid the threats on Earth. That is something completely different from the show and a welcomed sight. I love the continued added origin of Zordon as well. It’s definitely starting to play a bigger role is this latest issue. It seems like there is always tension amongst the team. This time, it’s because of Matt and Grace Sterling which is causing trust issues. I love forward to seeing how they work together against Lord Zedd’s evil plan. The artwork is consistently great as well as the cover art. I love this legacy variant cover! Power Ranger fans should be pleased with the direction Parrott is taking the franchise! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Folllow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #54

Nov 24, 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue: 54 “A New Evil” Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @moises_hidalgo_art Colorist: @igor.monti & Sabrina Del Grosso Cover: @pryce14 Foil Cover: @montesgoni Letterer: @edukedw While the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers battle Lord Zedd's Dark Rangers, the Omega Rangers find themselves face-to-face with a whole new evil in the form of a cosmic being known as Empyreal. This new enemy threatens to destroy all life in the galaxy as its purpose is to cleanse planets of civilizations for his master. This issue was cover to cover action and was a quick read. Even though it was filled with great action, we did get a little character development as Empyreal reveals that it’s species has been round for centuries and has even battled past Omega Rangers. However, they have no record of its kind anywhere. So it was cool to learn that Jason’s team of Omega Rangers is actually not the first team which further expands the Ranger universe. As the Omegas head back to Earth to meet with Zordon, it’ll be interesting to see if they learn any new information. I was a little disappointed to not see the Power Rangers face off against the Dark Rangers. The artwork continues to be amazing and we get yet another gorgeous foil cover from Montes. With one more issue left in the series, I predict an absolute epic finale. Here we go. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #55

Nov 27, 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue: 55 “Second Chance” Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @moises_hidalgo_art Colorist: @igor.monti & Sabrina Del Grosso Cover: @pryce14 Foil Cover: @montesgoni Letterer: @edukedw Here we go! The final issue before the relaunch is here and the Power Rangers are engaged in an epic battle with Lord Zedd’s Dark Rangers and their Terrorzords. The Power Rangers are overwhelmed and all hope seems lost. Billy has no choice but to activate his backup plan with Grace Sterling. However, this questionable decision will change the Ranger landscape forever and nothing will ever be the same again. This was a fantastic final issue to an amazing nostalgic comic that has been consistently great over the past few years. Now I’m not so sure if the actual “Mighty Morphin Power Ranger” title is over. Even though we are getting two new Ranger titles, I feel as though we will eventually come back to this title and continue the numbering, or at least I hope. This was a great action packed issue that kept me on the edge of my seat with every page turn. I can’t believe that Billy was the one to make this decision. Even though we all have our suspicions on who this Ranger is, it was not revealed and we can only speculate. I can’t wait to see the fallout of all this. Billy has to explain himself, and more importantly we need to know if what we believe is true about this new Ranger. What a way to end this series. Bravo to the writing and the amazing artwork this series had from start to finish! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Nocterra #1

Mar 5, 2021

Nocterra Issue: 1 Publisher: Image Comics @imagecomics Writer: Scott Snyder @ssnyder1835 Artist: Tony S. Daniel @tonysdanielx Colors: Tomeu Morey Letters: Andworld Design @andworlddesign Cover: Jock One day the darkness fell and the light was never to return. Prolonged exposure to the darkness has altered every form of biological life into dangerous creatures known as Shades. Val Riggs, known as Sundog, survives as a Ferryman, transporting whatever she can between different outposts. With her brother battling a Shade infection, Val accepts an offer to transport an old man, Augustus, and his granddaughter, Bailey, through treacherous territory. But unbeknownst to Val, Augustus is being hunted by a vicious man, Blacktop Bill, who claims Augustus to be the man responsible for their world of darkness. I really enjoyed this book and can definitely see it sticking around for a long time. It definitely captures an end of the world all hope is lost vibe. The artwork is extremely well done and the character design is great. Despite what I think is an unfortunate name, Blacktop Bill’s appearance is so simple yet perfect. This is a really good read and totally worth checking out. I look forward to seeing what this frightening dark world has to offer. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Power Rangers (2020) #1

Dec 2, 2020

Power Rangers Issue: 1 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @francesco.mortarino Colorist: @raul_angulo_art & @morenodinisio Cover: @matteoscalera Foil Cover: @peachmomoko60 Letterer: @edukedw A new threat has risen known as the Empyreal. A cosmic threat that recently destroyed a world. A threat so frightening, that it has the Omega Rangers coming to Zordon for intel and help. However, when Zordon denies the Omega Rangers’ outrageous request, the Omega’s take a desperate drastic measure to attempt to stop this threat before reaching Earth. This unthinkable plan will change the Ranger landscape forever! OH MY GOD!!! Is what you will say with every page turn of this issue. Ryan Parrott is doing a PHENOMENAL job. Just when I think he can top an idea, he does just that! Not only are we still trying to figure out who the new Green Ranger is but now the Omegas do the unthinkable to save Earth. This issue is absolutely mind bowling and it’s a MUST READ! So many things going on and I absolutely can’t wait to see what happens next! Last, but certainly not least, the artwork in the Ranger books continues to be flawless and Momoko’s foil cover is gorgeous! If fans of the franchise aren’t reading this, shame on them! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Power Rangers (2020) #2

Dec 16, 2020

Power Rangers Issue: 2 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @francesco.mortarino Colorist: @raul_angulo_art Cover: @matteoscalera & @morenodinisio Variant Cover: @daniele_dinicuolo & @lariato_corp Letterer: @edukedw The Omega Rangers have broken into the Command Center’s underground prison and have taken Lord Drakkon in hopes to use his knowledge to take down Empyreal. Petrified on having Lord Drakkon no longer under his supervision, Zordon has put a universal A.P.B on the Omegas now deeming them fugitives. Now the Omega Rangers must move quickly in order to complete their mission. However, they don’t know how much they can trust of what Drakkon says. If that wasn’t bad enough, yet another threat emerges that they were unprepared for. Writer Ryan Parrott has a lot of things at play currently. While pretty much everything he has done has been stellar, I now question the route he has taken here in this issue. He’s already made the Omegas fugitives for taking Drakkon and he already has a new mysterious threat in Empyreal and that is already awesome in its own right. However, this new space vampire threat know as “The Horrid”, has been thrown into the fray and I really don’t know what to make of it as of now. It’s clear that they are very powerful and even overtake the Omegas and Drakkon. I trust Parrott so It’ll be interesting to see what’s their involvement in all this with so many things at play here. One thing is for certain, the artwork continues to be fantastic and the Power Ranger titles are the only books I chase variants for. They are all amazing. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Power Rangers (2020) #3

Jan 20, 2021

Power Rangers Issue: 3 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @francesco.mortarino Colorist: @raul_angulo_art Cover: @matteoscalera & @morenodinisio Variant Cover: @daniele_dinicuolo & @lariato_corp Letterer: @edukedw Drakkon is the key to the Power Rangers’ new mission. With his knowledge of a new threat, the Omega Rangers hope to use him to take down Empyreal. However, another cosmic threat known as the Horrid has arrived on the scene and have created even more problems for the Rangers. Now aligned with Drakkon, the Horrid hope to use Drakkon’s knowledge to destroy the Rangers as well as rule the universe. The Omega Rangers seemed to be back into a corner and even question abandoning ship. This issue does a really good job of balancing our distrust of the evil Tommy Oliver. The Rangers still don’t trust him and for good reason. One of my favorite parts of this issue was Jason humbling himself and letting XI take the lead in an attempt to rid the ship of the Horrid. Normally I would complain about how a new threat is so quickly defeated. However, in this issue the way it’s done makes sense. I don’t want to spoil it for those of you who didn’t read it, but it was definitely an awesome moment and would love to hear your thoughts on it. As usual, the artwork is this issue was phenomenal as well as the gorgeous covers they continue to put out. I’m enjoying the legacy variants because I’m big on the numbering so I definitely appreciate that. Power Ranger books continue to be my favorite reads. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Power Rangers (2020) #5

Mar 25, 2021

Power Rangers Issue: 5 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: @francesco.mortarino & @simona_di_gianfelice Colorist: @raul_angulo_art & Jose Enrique Fernandez Cover: @matteoscalera & @morenodinisio Variant Cover: @daniele_dinicuolo , @lariato_corp & Katia Ranalli Letterer: @edukedw While in search to purchase a replacement part for their ship, Jason and Zack engage in questionable tactics to obtain it. Tactics that garner the attention of a fan favorite character Astronema as well as Space Patrol Delta. Meanwhile, Lord Drakkon and Trini team up to face off against one of the greatest Power Rangers villains ever, Ecliptor! This was an all around fun issue. Jason and Zack engaging in questionable tactics even though they are Power Rangers is something I’ve never seen before in Power Rangers. With the way they disobeyed Zordon and took Lord Drakkon, it interesting seeing what they will do to get the job done. They are fugitives in Zordon’s eyes and that was a great way to introduce S.P.D in the Boom universe. This issue was filled will great nostalgic surprises. However, my only issue is that it’s not clear that the continuity lines up for all of the things Parrott is doing. It’s likely that this will be something that will be addressed down the road, but as for now, its a little confusing on how all this ties in together. With that being said, this was a great fun read and the artwork continues to be spot on! As the world of Power Rangers expands, so do the possibilities! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Power Rangers Unlimited: Heir to Darkness #1

Apr 8, 2021

Power Rangers Unlimited Issue: 1 “Heir to Darkness” Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: @ll_mckinney Artist: @simoneragazzoni Colorist: @igor.monti & Sabrina Del Grosso Cover: @dan_mora_c Variant Cover: @junggeun_yoon Letterer: @edukedw Before she became the Pink Galaxy Ranger, Karone was kidnapped from her home on KO-35 by an evil bounty hunter named Darkonda. She was given to Ecliptor, one of the most dangerous threats to the galaxy, to be raised, brainwashed and later become the feared assassin known as Astronema. That is just the first step of Dark Spector’s master plan. This issue serves as the origin story for one of the greatest antagonists in Power Rangers history, Astronema. We are given a glimpse of her life prior to the Power Rangers In Space television series. Astronema has always been a fan favorite villain and it’s about time we were given a proper origin story. With that being said, this issue was well done and did justice to the character. The pain she endured as a child was put on full display as well as her training to become the galaxy’s most feared assassin. We see how and why she hates the Rangers so much as well as a few easter eggs throughout the book. The cover artwork continues to be phenomenal on all the Power Ranger titles. This was a great issue for fans of the series. The only thing I question is the time line, Astronema didn’t appear until the “In Space” series so I wonder if they are changing the timeline a bit or this is an untold story. Whatever the case, I’m excited to explore more in Power Rangers issue 6! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #2

Nov 24, 2020

Power Rangers: Drakkon-New Dawn Issue: 2 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Anthony Burch Artist: @simoneragazzoni Colorist: @raul_angulo_art Cover: @junggeun_yoon Foil Cover: @montesgoni Letterer: @edukedw This issue immediately picks up following the events of the debut issue. Following her shocking discovery in Lord Drakkon’s prison tower, Deadlock, Kimberly accidentally triggers Lord Drakkon’s failsafe plan. A message has been sent deep into space that could bring an enemy that is even more powerful than Lord Drakkon himself. After Kimberly discovers the surprising identity of the mysterious armored Ranger, she hopes that he helps her as she must rally her new army and well as make questionable alliances in order to save her world from this new threat. This second issue really picks up as we are treated to shocking twists including the return of a fan favorite character. I do have to correct myself from my previous review of the first installment of this series. As the first issue ended, I was extremely excited to see a fan favorite villain known as Ecliptor. However, I was wrong, it’s actually Eclipta, which seems to be of the same species as Ecliptor and yet another original creation from Boom! Studios! While, I am a little disappointed that it wasn’t Ecliptor, Elcipta is pretty awesome as she seems to be the herald of Dark Spector! It reminds me so much of the Silver Surfer and Galactus. This issue pushed Kimberly into the forefront as far as putting on display her leadership which I can appreciate. It’ll be interesting to see how she leads as her decisions are going to be scrutinized and challenged. Of course I have to mention, Jason! What?!? The artwork throughout the issue is kind of weird and off in my opinion. It’s unfortunately a step back from the consistent amazing artwork these Ranger books have had up to this point. Goñi Montes’ gives us yet another amazing foil cover and is a true delight for fans. Will Dark Spector make an appearance?!? I can’t want to finish this mini-series! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #3

Nov 29, 2020

Power Rangers: Drakkon-New Dawn Issue: 3 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: Anthony Burch Artist: @simoneragazzoni Colorist: @raul_angulo_art Cover: @junggeun_yoon Foil Cover: @montesgoni Letterer: @edukedw The conclusion of this mini-series is finally here with this action packed issue. Kimberly and the remaining Power Rangers must rally their remaining forces to face off against Eclipta for their survival in one epic final battle. Personally, my favorite types of issues in any super hero comic is the epic final confrontation. This issue definitely delivered in that regard. Not only does this issue deliver in regards to captivating action, but also the character growth of Kimberly as a leader. One of my problems with the “Beyond the Grid” story arc was how much the Ranger Slayer was featured on the covers which gave me hope of her having a larger role. That obviously wasn’t the case. This mini-series definitely does her justice in regards of her becoming a true leader. In my opinion, this issue had it all for it to have an epic conclusion. Fantastic action, amazing artwork, another stellar Motes variant and jaw dropping twists. However, with all that said, the only disappointment was how Eclipta was defeated. For how epic her build up was, I felt it was the kind of defeat she deserved nor help her push her over as a more formidable opponent. However, I absolutely loved that her death resulted in a new “Herald” for Dark Spector which will definitely have fans saying “ OH MY GOD!” Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1

Dec 9, 2020

S.W.O.R.D. Vol. 2, Issue: 1 “Mysterium” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Valerio Schiti @valerio_schiti Colors: Marte Gracia @martegraciacolor Letters Ariana Maher Cover: Valerio Schiti & Marte Gracia S.W.O.R.D. has officially been reinstated with the Peak space station being outfitted with Krakoan technologies, officially signaling the first mutant space program. While inspecting Commander Brand’s progress, Magneto bares witness to their marvelous first mission. Utilizing Krakoan Gateway technologies and a team of teleporters, a specific grouping of mutants known as the Six unite their abilities to breach into the unknown, and seemingly appear in the White Hot Room of the Phoenix and retrieve a strange stone. S.W.O.R.D. aims to pave the way for mutant-kinds place in the universe. This first issue of S.W.O.R.D takes its time setting the stage and introduces an epic roster of B-list characters which I am beyond excited to see taking the spotlight. Did I misinterpret this or did they really just rob the Phoenix? I feel like this book is going to be a lot of fun. Add that to the fact that Valerio Schiti & Marte Gracia’s artwork throughout is amazing. A lot of potential with this title and I’m excited to see how it all goes. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #2

Jan 14, 2021

S.W.O.R.D. Vol. 2, Issue: 2 “In the Dark” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Valerio Schiti @valerio_schiti Colors: Marte Gracia @martegraciacolor Letters Ariana Maher Cover: Valerio Schiti & Marte Gracia Knull has taken the Earth. With all communication between the Peak and Krakoa cut off, Commander Brand organizes a rescue mission. Random, Frenzy, Cortez and Paibok arrive and find themselves in the midst of a war zone. A power boost from Cortez gives Sunfire the upper hand in eradicating the attacking symbiotic dragons. However, their celebration of victory is cut short as symbiotic Cable emerges through a Krakoan gateway. Meanwhile, acting under secret orders from Brand, Mentallo arrives to secure the safety of the Five. I just know that I’m going to love this series. The artwork is perfect and the ensemble of characters is outstanding. Keep rolling out the D listers for me, please! I loved when Random started appearing as a background character years ago, and now that he actually gets lines I’m geeked out. All I need now is some Maggot or Spat & Grovel! But I would absolutely lose my mind if the secretive security director is revealed as Cable prime! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #3

Feb 19, 2021

S.W.O.R.D. Vol. 2, Issue: 3 “Everywhere Man” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Valerio Schiti @valerio_schiti , Ray-Anthony Height @artofraheight , Bernard Chang @thebernardchang & Nico Leon @nicoleon.x Colors: Marte Gracia @martegraciacolor Letters Ariana Maher Cover: Valerio Schiti & Marte Gracia Eden Fesi, the hero known as Manifold, uses his unique gift to traverse the universe. His search for an alliance to defeat Knull’s forces ends in disappointment. A stop by Alpha Flight station reveals their director, Henry Peter Gyrich, to be in league with the Orchis program and unbeknownst to Eden, to have planted a mile within SWORD. Returning to the Peak, Eden discovers Knull has taken control. The artwork throughout this issue is nothing short of jaw dropping. Page two and three have literally left me speechless. Head over to Valerio Schiti’s page to take a look for yourself. I’m so happy to see Eden taking the spotlight and hope it continues. His introducing series, Secret Warriors, is one of the best stories I’ve ever read. I really hope to see some of his fellow teammates showing up, but for now I’m just happy to see him being utilized. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Shadow Doctor #1

Feb 17, 2021

Shadow Doctor Issue: 1 “Family History” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: Peter Calloway Artist: @kabalounge Colorist: @juancho.velez25 Letterer: @brick_monster Cover: @markchidc Editor: @mikejmarts Shadow Doctor is a true story about its writer’s grandfather. This story follows Nathaniel Calloway, a doctor in the 1930s, who is unable to find work in Chicago hospitals or obtain a loan to open his own private practice because he is black. Desperate for work, Nathaniel turns to another source of money in Prohibition-era Chicago: the Mafia, run by none other than Al Capone. Let me start out but saying that it’s extremely cool that this is a true story and the grandson of this book’s main character is writing about his Grandfather. With that being said, the premise of this book has me sold completely! This era in Chicago’s history is extremely intriguing to me. To be able to learn more about this era through Calloway’s family history is exciting. Obviously this is the first issue and I don’t know what his grandfather went though yet, so “exciting” might not be the right word. However, I am looking forward to seeing where this goes next. I definitely enjoyed the artwork as it beautifully portrayed this time period correctly. This is definitely going to be a historical book! This may not be on many pull lists, but it needs to be going forward! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 Of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Shadow Doctor #2

Mar 27, 2021

Shadow Doctor Issue: 2 “Ancestral Sin” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: Peter Calloway Artist: @kabalounge Colorist: Juancho! Letterer: @brick_monster Cover: @markchidc Editor: @mikejmarts Nathaniel Calloway is desperate to make it as a doctor during the Prohibition-era in Chicago. Due to the color of his skin, he is unfortunately unable to find work at any Chicago hospital nor is he able to secure a loan from a bank to start his own practice. Now he has turned to someone from his past, Al Capone. However, asking for money from the mob is like making a deal with the Devil. Out of options, he has no other choice but to ask for this deal so he can have a chance to prove his worth to a world that doesn’t accept his his kind. We are two issues deep in this historical story. Racism as been apart of history for the longest time and of course still exists in present time. This story follows a young black man going through it all as he goes through extreme measures to make his dream a reality. The fact that this is based on a true story is absolutely mind blowing. There have been countless stories showing us the history of Al Caprone’s brutality, but this story has yet to highlight that. So far we have seen a more sympathetic and compassionate side of Capone. Even though we are seeing the sympathetic side of the famous crime boss, he still lets everyone know the consequences if he is crossed or failed. Now that Nathaniel has received his help, it’ll be interesting to follow his journey moving forward and learn more about Caprone’s involvement as well. I really enjoy how the artwork reflects this time period. This series is off to a hot start and I highly recommend everyone give it a chance. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Something is Killing the Children #13

Dec 31, 2020

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #13 Publisher: Boom Studios @boom_studios Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist/Cover: Werther Dell’Edera @wertherscut Colors: Miquel Muerto @pollomuerto Letters: Andworld Design @andworlddesign Ericas organization arrive in town to terminate the monsters and leave no trace of evidence or witnesses behind. While she escapes captive with the children and questions them to how it all started, she summons her personal monster to help end it all. Always a great quick read with amazing art, this series never disappoints and gets better with each issue making this my 2nd favorite comic of the year after Tynions other great series Department of Truth. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Something is Killing the Children #14

Jan 29, 2021

Publisher: Boom Studios @boom_studios Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Werther Dell'Edera @wertherscut Colorist: Miquel Muerto @pollomuerto Erica summons her monster Octo, who killed her parents, to play the game of nowhere. Forcing James to describe his first encounter with the monster that killed his friends in order for Octo to manifest it in an attempt to lure the creatures children to their location so Erica can dispose of them once and for all. Meanwhile the House of Slaughter gathers the towns people into the gym who saw the brutal murder of a young girl in order to leave no evidence or witnesses behind. Ending this current arc on a high as we witness how brutal Erica can be against multiple monsters and how Tommy is willing to sacrifice himself in order to save his mother and the towns folks makes this another amazing issue to an already amazing series. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Spider-Woman (2020) #7

Dec 27, 2020

Spider-Woman Volume: 7, Issue: 7 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Karla Pacheco @thekarlapacheco Artist: Pere Pérez @pereperezart Colors: Frank D’Armata @fgdcolor Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: Junggeun Yoon @junggeun_yoon Her quest to locate the High Evolutionary temporarily halted, Jessica teams up with Captain Marvel and other heroes to defend the neighborhood from a symbiote dragon! Giving herself an extreme dosage of the Marchand Serum, Jessica beats the dragon to death. Her mind now overcome by the negative effects of the serum, Jessica turns her anger physically upon Carol. The heroes are able to subdue Jessica and contain her in a Hulk Tank while Carol destroys the remaining serum, causing Jessica to lash out verbally upon her friend. As Carol leaves, Jessica’s rescue arrives in the form of Octavia Vermis. This is one of the best books I’m reading. I was worried King in Black would hijack the main story of this series and I’m glad to be wrong. Pere Pérez’s artwork and ability to capture emotion is amazing. Jessica losing herself to her anger is perfectly written and drawn. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Spider-Woman (2020) #8

Jan 11, 2021

Spider-Woman Volume: 7, Issue: 8 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Karla Pacheco @thekarlapacheco Artist: Pere Pérez @pereperezart Colors: Frank D’Armata @fgdcolor Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: Javier Garrón Help comes from the most unlikely of places as Jessica joins forces with Octavia Vermis. In an effort to develop a cure for their current ailments, Jessica and Octavia begin acquiring the necessary resources. Their final step finds Jessica’s robbing Tony Stark’s lab and brings her into a brutal conflict with War Machine. Escaping to a secret volcano lair, Octavia is greeted by her daughter as well as their host, the High Evolutionary, who stands surrounded by a horde of Miriam Drew clones! I love all these Alien variants. Spider-Woman continues to be one of my favorite ongoing titles. I really enjoy everything about this book. The writing and the artwork have me so involved in a character I use to have no thoughts toward. Now all I want to do is acquire all the back issues I can. I hope one day they release a Spider-Woman omnibus because I will be all over that. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Spider-Woman (2020) #9

Feb 25, 2021

Spider-Woman Volume: 7, Issue: 8 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Karla Pacheco @thekarlapacheco Artist: Pere Pérez @pereperezart Colors: Frank D’Armata @fgdcolor Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: Jung-Geon Yoon @junggeun_yoon Feeling a sense of debt to the late Miriam Drew, the High Evolutionary, along with Octavia Vermis and her daughter, Ophelia, have finally produced a cure for Jessica’s condition. Upon the device's activation, Octavia betrays the High Evolutionary and plunges her staff through his back, with the intention to sell the cure to Marchand. Chaos ensues and Jessica finds herself overwhelmed by a horde of Miriam clones while Ophelia, shocked at her mother’s actions, fights her mother. Jessica accidentally falls through the activated device and is unable to stop Octavia from snapping her own daughter's neck. Damn, Octavia is evil. I have suspicions that Ophelia was a clone, but that doesn’t change what just happened. I'm super curious what effects falling through the device will have on Jessica. The artwork in this entire series is probably my favorite in comics right now. The facial expressions are perfect. Pere Pérez does amazing work. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Spider-Woman (2020) #10

Mar 25, 2021

Spider-Woman Volume: 7, Issue: 10 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Karla Pacheco @thekarlapacheco Artist: Pere Pérez @pereperezart Colors: Frank D’Armata @fgdcolor Letters: Travis Lanham @immortalandroid Cover: Michael Cho @michael_cho_art Thanks to the High Evolutionary’s technology, the Marchand Serum has been purged from Jessica’s body. However there is no time to celebrate as Octavia plans to use the High Evolutionary’s Array to create an army of clones and rule the world. Jessica and Octavia beat the ever living hell out of each other until a revived Evolutionary helps turn the tide. Cured and with her recent madness behind her, Jessica sets out to make things right with all those she had wronged. This series had me hooked since the onset and every issue has been great. I can not recommend this book enough. I love the writing and I feel like I’m constantly preaching about how perfect Pere Pérez’s artwork is. I love how brutal every fight scene is along with the amazing and perfect facial expressions. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #8

Dec 19, 2020

Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue: 8 “Into The Fire” Part III: The Eye Publisher: @marvel Writer: @gregpakpix Artist: @raffaele_ienco Colorist: @neeraj.n.menon Cover: @aaronkuderart & @richard.isanove Letterer: @joecaramagna The Emperor has brutally punished Darth Vader for his rebellion. Now the Dark Lord of the Sith is broken and stranded on the planet Mustafar. Darth Vader must search for answers while trying to survive the elements of Mustafar as well as fend off an assassination by Ochi of Bestoon, assassin of the Sith.  This was a great issue that gave us an experience as overwhelming and chaotic as Darth Vader himself. This issue takes us through key points in Anakin's life while he fights for survival in real time. The connections to “The Rise of Skywalker” film continue as the Eye of Webbish Bog is featured in this issue. The spider-like creature is an oracle who appeared before Kylo Ren while guarding Darth Vader’s Wayfinder. We were able to see how Darth Vader obtains his Wayfinder as he confronts the Eye and that was awesome! These Star Wars books have been amazing and I can’t wait for the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #9

Jan 15, 2021

Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue: 9 “Into The Fire” Part IV: The Assassin Returns Publisher: @marvel Writer: @gregpakpix Artist: @raffaele_ienco Colorist: @neeraj.n.menon Cover: @aaronkuderart & @richard.isanove Letterer: @joecaramagna Recently, the Emperor brutally punished Darth Vader for his secret quest of revenge against everyone who hid Luke’s existence from him. Vader has endured the wrath of his master leaving him stranded on Mustafar. He has rebuilt his body and battled the assassin Ochi along with his droid mercenaries. He also survived the Eye of Webbish Bogg. However, Ochi has returned with a new army of droids in hopes of destroying Darth Vader once and for all. They will prove to be no easy task despite a scrap metal built Dark Lord of the Sith. This was a fast-paced action packed issue as we see Vader battle Ochi and his allies. With his back against the wall, the Dark Lord of the Sith triumphs through insurmountable odds leaving no doubt that he’s alpha. His intense battle with Ochi and his army of droids was beautifully illustrated and the artwork continues to be a bright spot in this series. I enjoy that this issue has deep ties to all three film trilogies. With the Sith Wayfinder now in Darth Vader’s hand, he is one step closer to finding out his master’s secret plot. I look forward to seeing what happens next. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #10

Feb 12, 2021

Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue: 10 “Into The Fire” Part V: The Red Horror Publisher: @marvel Writer: @gregpakpix Artist: @raffaele_ienco Colorist: @neeraj.n.menon Cover: @aaronkuderart & @richard.isanove Letterer: @joecaramagna Darth Vader has been brutally punished by the Emperor and has been left for dead on Mustafar. After surviving an assassination attempt as well as the Eye of Webbish Bog, the Dark Lord of the Sith has once again left Mustafar behind and is now in route to the planet Exegol. His journey will be a difficult one, as he has to continue to overcome overwhelming obstacles in order to survive and discover the Emperor’s true plan for the galaxy. Nothing with stand in the way of Darth Vader’s quest for the truth. This Darth Vader story arc continues to explore elements of “The Rise of Skywalker” film. The Red Nebula and the planet Exegol are the latest in reference to the film. A lot of Star Wars fans do not like the sequel trilogy, so I’m not so sure how those fans will like those elements being explored here, but I am definitely enjoying it. I enjoyed the visions from past films that the Red Horror brings to Darth Vader. Seeing the Dark Lord of the Sith confront the Red Horror and displaying his power was fantastic! Another element I enjoyed is Vader being hunted by a battalion of Star Destroyers and Tie Fighters. Everyone wants to impress the Emperor by being the one to slay Vader. Darth Vader always lets whoever hunts him that they will fail and this is no different no matter the challenges. I can’t wait to see the ultimate confrontation between the Emperor and Vader because that is what this is intimately leading up to. It’ll be interesting how this affects their relationship. This cover is bad ass and the artwork continues to be amazing! Star Wars fans need to be reading this as well as all the Star Wars books from Marvel. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Taskmaster (2020) #2

Dec 20, 2020

Taskmaster Volume: 3, Issue; 2 “The Rubicon Trigger, Part: 2” Publisher, Marvel @marvel Writer: Jed MacKay @jedcagemackay Artist: Alessandro Vitti @alessandro_vitti Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Valerio Giangiordano @valeriogiangiordanoart & Arif Prianto @arifprianto.arf Maria Hill is dead. Determined to unravel the mystery of her murder, Nick Fury Jr. enlists the aid of the man framed for the job, Taskmaster! Requiring three specific kinesic signatures in order to unlock her computers, Taskmaster is set upon his first target, Phil Coulson, director of the Squadron Supreme of America. However, this brings Taskmaster into direct conflict with the unstoppable Hyperion. Taskmaster is no threat to the godlike being who beats him, effortlessly, to a bloody pulp. But not without a trick up his sleeve, Taskmaster is able to strike Hyperion with his very own “kryptonite” and bring him to his knees, narrowly escaping a most brutal beating. That beating was epic. I seriously felt bad for Taskmaster. I was a huge fan of Hyperion during Hickman’s Avengers, and I’m relatively sure that this is the same one. But who can even tell. For a moment I thought Fury was going to reveal him as King Hyperion from the Exiles. This was a great issue. The artwork of Taskmaster painted with his own blood was extremely well done. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Taskmaster (2020) #3

Feb 19, 2021

Taskmaster Volume: 3, Issue; 3 “The Rubicon Trigger, Part: 3” Publisher, Marvel @marvel Writer: Jed MacKay @jedcagemackay Artist: Alessandro Vitti @alessandro_vitti Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Valerio Giangiordano @valeriogiangiordanoart & Arif Prianto @arifprianto.arf With the use of some bootleg Pym Particles, Taskmaster hitches a free ride inside the base of operations of Korea’s official superhero team, Tiger Division. After successfully capturing program director Ami Han’s signature, Taskmaster’s cover is blown as he’s reverted back to normal size. His escape is suddenly interrupted by Black Widow, seeking justice for Maria Hill’s murder. Faking a surrender, Taskmaster activates a psychic bomb, knocking out everyone within range. With Black Widow lying unconscious before him, his problems could all be over with a simple thrust of his sword… but determined to do the right thing, Taskmaster leaves a “note” exclaiming his innocence and continues on his mission to clear his name the right way. This is shaping out to be a pretty cool series. I loved his previous volume and this has been right up there with it. I’ve always been a fan of Taskmaster and I’m happy to see the character getting the attention he so rightfully deserves. The entire creative team has been doing a great job. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Taskmaster (2020) #5

Apr 8, 2021

Taskmaster Volume: 3, Issue; 5 “The Rubicon Trigger, Part:5” Publisher, Marvel @marvel Writer: Jed MacKay @jedcagemackay Artist: Alessandro Vitti @alessandro_vitti Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Jim Terry @jim.terry.73 & Nolan Woodard @nolan.woodard Confronting Fury with the notion that someone is pulling their strings, Taskmaster finds himself distracted and allows Black Widow to gain the upper hand upon him. The two engage in a brutal battle with Taskmaster realizing there is no stopping her. That is until the shocking intervention of a dead woman, Maria Hill, who’s very murder set these events in motion. Hill reveals the truth of her supposed death was to gain access to and dismantle the Rubicon Trigger, a doomsday weapon created by Norman Osborn during his time in power. Believing full well in their ability to stop it before it’s too late, Taskmaster slips away after activating the weapon, reminding them all the he is no threat to take lightly. Taskmaster is the man. That final act was a total middle finger over him being used and I love it. Great issue to a great series. Too bad that it’s not sticking around a bit longer. But with the Black Widow movie being released soon, I’m sure Taskmaster will be more prominent. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Folllow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Department of Truth #3

Dec 3, 2020

THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #3 Publisher: Image Comics @imagecomics Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Martin Simmonds @martinsimmonds Letterer: Aditya Bidikar @adityabidikar Dealing with the conspiracy of orchestrated school shootings to regulate gun control we’re introduced to a mother who just lost her 10 year old son to a recent school shooting which the public deems a hoax and labeling those involved as ‘crisis actors’. As Cole investigates this case he learns that what one believes to be true can easily change once doubt enters the mind. Have you ever woken from a dream and remembered it clearly but as time goes on throughout the day it begins to fade and you try to piece together what happened before it disappears from your mind completely. That’s the best way I could describe this story. If that doesn’t make sense then that’s another way to describe this story. The Department of truth will have you questioning what is truly fact or fiction in a masterful way. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Department of Truth #4

Dec 31, 2020

THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #4 Publisher: Image Comics @imagecomics Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Martin Simmonds @martinsimmonds Letterer: Aditya Bidikar @adityabidikar There are forces out there with an agenda and the Department of Truth is fighting that agenda. Cole learns that the most dangerous thing in the world is a simple story which dives into the political conspiracy that the presidents aren’t elected but chosen. Puppets of the deep state and controlled by a satanic pedophile ring and the CIA while staging 9/11 to start a war in the Middle East as a replacement for the Cold War. The Department of Truth is my number 1 series of the year, with Tynion diving and interweaving all the conspiracies into a connected conspiracy of its own, and leaving the reader obsessed and wanting to dive into the unknown to discover the truth for themselves. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews

The Department of Truth #5

Jan 28, 2021

THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #5 Publisher: Image Comics @imagecomics Writer: James Tynion IV @jamesthefourth Artist: Martin Simmonds @martinsimmonds Letterer: Aditya Bidikar @adityabidikar After killing two individuals who had the potential of jeopardizing the Department, a distraught Cole is paid a visit by none other then The Black Hat. Planting seeds of doubt in Cole’s mind and claiming he’s on the wrong side as he divulges that the Department of Truth are the true villains, stating that the people who control the truth control the world. Ruby arrives too late as The Black Hat manages to escape, revealing to Cole that she discovered files underneath the Denver airport that The Black Hat has been watching Cole his entire life and that the reason is still a mystery. Revealing that Cole has a bigger part to play in the overall narrative then just being the protagonist that introduces us to the world of conspiracies adds more mystery worth unraveling and has me sticking around for future issues to come. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Orville: Heroes #2

Dec 17, 2020

The Orville Issue: 4 “Heroes, Part: 2” Publisher: Dark Horse Comics @darkhorsecomics Writer: David A. Goodman @davidagoodman1 Artist: David Cabeza @kashinorei Colors: Michael Atiyeh @matiyehcolors Letters: Richard Starkings @elephantmen2261 & Jimmy Betancourt Talla returns to Okudum disguised as the folklore hero, Xandia, to liberate the enslaved population from the Nazh. Her enhanced strength and armorment from Lamar give her the edge needed to gain the Nazh’s full attention. Realizing Xandia’s connection to Talla’s friend Aki, the Nazh murder her family to lure Talla into a trap. As Talla is moments away from public execution, Aki appears, donned as Xandia, and murders Talla’s captures, delivering a harsh warning to the remaining Nazh! Talla returns to the Orville overcome by guilt over how her actions have forever altered Aki’s life. I appreciate the writing in this series. It would have been so obvious to reach a happy ending for all. This book went in the opposite direction. Aki’s loss of family and innocence are a direct result of Talla’s noble but ultimately reckless actions. I know I preach this in every review, but I just can’t get over how perfectly David Cabeza can draw each character. This book has been a lot of fun for me while I eagerly await the series return to Hulu. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Resistance: Reborns #1

Jan 25, 2021

The Resistance: Reborns Issue: 1 Publisher: Artists, Writers & Artisans: AWA Studios @awastudiosofficial & Upshot Studios @upshotstudiosofficial Writer: J. Michael Stracynski @becomingsupermanjms Artist: C.P. Smith @cp.smith Colors: Snakebite Cortez @snakebitecortez Letters: Andworld Design @andworlddesign Cover: Rahzzah @rahzzah While humanity was ravaged by a deadly plague sweeping the globe, certain members of the population found themselves altered by the virus’ infection. A man haunted by his mind becomes the monster he saw inside. A woman finds herself immune to the mental influence of others like her. Fulfilling her overbearing mother’s desires, another young woman finds herself invisible to all around her. A lost girl with invulnerability becomes found. And finally a man discovers the true power within to defend his people from those that would knowingly do them harm. While those around them fell victim to its illnesses, others around them find themselves the Reborn. This is a beautifully drawn and wonderfully written companion piece to the original Resistance series. Telling the origin stories of just a few of the Reborn population. I’m eager to see how it plays into the first volume as well as its upcoming second. The Resistance was a great and intelligently written series laced with some of the best artwork seen in comics, and this is perfectly on par with its predecessor. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Thor (2020) #10

Dec 3, 2020

THOR #10 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Nic Klein @nic__klein Colorist: Matt Wilson @colornmatt Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Olivier Coipel @oliviercoipel Laura Martin @lauramartinart Donald Blake, once Thor’s mortal vessel, has now became a sentient being and with knowledge of his false life, has grown insane. Trading places with Thor he sets out to destroy Odin and all of Asgard beginning by taking everything that was Thor’s leading to a reunion between him and Jane Foster. A great issue with Cates using a long forgotten character and breathing new life and lore into him while respecting what came before. This arc is a must read for new and old Thor fans. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Thor (2020) #14

Apr 17, 2021

Thor Volume: 6, Issue: 14 “Prey: Finale” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Nic Klein @nic__klein Colors: Matt Wilson @colornmatt Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Olivier Coipel @oliviercoipel & Michael Cho @michael_cho_art Reckoning has come calling for Donald Blake as he faces the consequences for his sins. Thor, adorning the Destroyer armor, beats Blake within an inch of his life. As Odin prepares to erase the stain of Blake from the realms, Loki repairs Blake’s staff, allowing Thor to truly return. Emerging from the Destroyer armor, Thor dismisses Odin and seeing Blake as a brother, spares his life. Not allowing his crimes to go unanswered, Loki bestows upon Blake his former title as God of Lies as a giant serpent descends upon bound Blake dripping poison into his eyes. Damn, Loki is brutal! This was a great story arc. It was perfect that the final showdown was a total beat down. Odin calling upon Mjolnir only for it to be intercepted by Beta Ray Bill was an awesome scene. I hope wherever we see Odin again, presumably over in Bill’s current miniseries, he retains his Odin/Sam Elliot appearance. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #2

Jan 1, 2021

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood Issue: 2 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Vita Ayala @definitelyvita ; Saladin Ahmed @saladin_ahmed ; Chris Claremont @chrisclearmountain Artist: Greg Land @gregwland & Jay Leisten @jayleisten ; Kev Walker; Salvador Larroca @salvadorlarroca Colors: Frank D’Armata @fgdcolor Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Salvador Larroca A trio of short stories highlighting untold stories of Wolverine’s past. Beautifully drawn in black and white except for the blood, of course. The first sees Wolverine pitted against Sabertooth with a human researcher caught in the middle. Next, Wolverine finds himself captive of Arcade and must make his way through his Tower of Torment in order to save an innocent life. Finally, in Madripoor, donning his Patch identity, Wolverine defends Tyger Tiger’s empire alongside Kitty Pryde from those seeking to usurp control. This was a much more enjoyable read for me than the previous issue. I felt that all three of these stories, paired with the excellent artwork, were wonderfully told. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #3

Mar 2, 2021

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood Issue: 3 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: John Ridley; Donny Cates @dcates ; Jed MacKay @jedcagemackay Artist: Jorge Fornés @jorgefornes; Chris Bachalo @chrisbachalo ; Jesús Saiz Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Jorge Fornés Three previously untold stories of Wolverine’s past masterfully presented in nothing but black, white and red. The first stores pits Wolverine against the Silver Samurai and his band of warriors while showcasing Wolverine’s shortcomings as a father. Next, Cosmic Ghostrider accidentally interferes with the timeline and helps Wolverine get the best of Juggernaut in a bar fight. Finally, Wolverine travels to Mars and battles an AIM splinter cell attempting to jump start the planet's evolution and destroy the Earth. I’m really enjoying these stories. The art on all three are beautifully presented and the writing is thoughtful. While each story is short, the time and effort given to each is evident. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #4

Mar 12, 2021

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood Issue: 4 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist ; Ed Brisson @ed_brisson & Steven S. DeKnight @stevendeknight Artist: Khary Randolph @kharyrandolph ; Leonard Kirk, Paulo Siqueora & Oren Junior @orenjunior_inker Reds: Andres Mossa @andresmossa Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Khary Randolph Three previously unknown short stories of one of the most ferocious heroes known to the Marvel universe. Perfectly presented in only black, white and a color so often associated with him, blood red. The first story see’s Wolverine drowning his sorrows and coming into conflict with Mystique, seeking the whereabouts of adoptive daughter, Rogue. Next, seeking his own brand of justice for the loss of innocent life, Wolverine not only battles a group of Reavers, but a swarm of blood thirsty great white sharks! Finally, Wolverine temporarily teams with Sauron to free the inhabitants of the Savage Land from the influence of Garokk! This entire issue was great! I loved the artwork of all three stories. Wolverine battling a swarm of great whites and then moving on to a face off a Tyrannosaurus Rex, it doesn’t get much better. I'm truly sorry to see this miniseries come to an end. It’s been a lot of fun. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X Of Swords (2020): Destruction #1

Nov 26, 2020

X of Swords: Destruction “Chapter: 22” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Pepe Larraz @pepelarraz Colors: Marte Gracia @martegraciacolor Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Pepe Larraz The Captain Britain Corps have returned to level the playing field for the champions of Krakoa but are countered with a massive demon horde from Amenth. Under psychic orders from Cyclops, Magik opens a massive portal and brings forth the Peak space station with Jean leading nearly the entirety of the X-Men! With the massive demons of Amenth before them, Cable has the realization that his sword is anything but, and returns to the Peak and uses it to unlock a door, releasing the Vescora to devour all before them. Apocalypse uses the opportunity to rip the Annihilation helm from Genesis but is shockingly claimed as its new host. Able to resist Annihilation’s influence, Apocalypse surrenders himself to Saturnyne in an effort to save his people. Using Shogo’s dragon fire to cleanse the hostilities, Saturnyne reshapes Annihilation and officially declares victory to Krakoa. As a sign of peace between nations, two mutants must switch sides to live amongst the enemy. Genesis chooses her husband, Apocalypse, who then wisely chooses the mutant island of Arakko and its millions of inhabitants. With the contest complete, Saturnyne now finds her rule over Otherworld strengthened. The ramifications of Apocalypse’s choice are huge! Literally millions of new mutants now exist in our reality. In the end, Apocalypse goes out as a true hero. So many great scenes in this book. Brian announcing the return of the Corps, Jean’s “To me, my X-Men!”. Say what you will about some of the disappointed aspects of the duels, all in all I feel like this was great writing. And the artwork throughout the event was amazing. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Overall Event: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

X-Force (2019) #15

Dec 17, 2020

X-Force Volume: 6, Issue: 15 “Trench Warfare” Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Joshua Cassara @joshuadcassara Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Joshua Cassara & Dean White @deanwhitecolor Following attacks upon Krakoa by the Russian government, mutants of Krakoa with ties to Russia are arrested and interrogated under orders of Beast. Colossus is cleared of any wrongdoing, however leaving his relationship with Hank fractured. Beast slips further into his self righteousness and executes Omega Red to have him later resurrected as a double agent against the Vampire nation. Later as members of X-Force try to resume their normal lives, Domino and Black Tom are attacked by a washed up submarine crew infected with the vegetation of Terra Verde! This is some of Joshua Cassara’s best work on this series. Benjamin Percy is doing a great job at making me dislike Beast more than I already did. I seem to remember him losing it on Scott for allowing him to be temporarily tortured by Norman Osborn for the sake of a mission. Scott never arranged it himself. Nor did he ever execute a prisoner. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Force (2019) #16

Jan 21, 2021

X-Force Volume: 6, Issue: 16 “Into the Deep” Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Joshua Cassara @joshuadcassara Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Joshua Cassara & Dean White @deanwhitecolor ; Salvador Larroca @salvadorlarroca & Guru-eFX Journeying to the depths of the ocean surrounding Krakoa, X-Force searches for a downed sea vessel to eradicate the infection causing its zombified crew from attacking their shores. Unprepared for the horrors they would face, all hope is nearly lost if not for the timely arrival of Namor! Dispatching the mutants home, Namor clears the parasitic infection and warns X-Force to never threaten the safety of his kingdom again or face dire consequences. I just love Namor. He’s always been such a badass. I miss his time among the X books. The artwork inside this book was amazing. Every page was a work of art. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Force (2019) #17

Feb 11, 2021

X-Force Volume: 6, Issue: 17 “Omega, Reconsidered” Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Joshua Cassara @joshuadcassara Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Joshua Cassara & Dean White @deanwhitecolor While investigating a ship broadcasting a suspicious SOS, Quentin Quire meets an untimely end for what feels like an endless string of deaths. Resurrected, Quentin struggles to fill in the gaps and investigates the circumstances which led to his most recent resurrection. Thanks to the positive influence of Phoebe Cuckoo, Quentin opens up to himself and drops the more obnoxious aspects of his personality and embraces all that is his life. While treating Quentin to a much needed makeover, Jumbo Carnation’s mind falls victim to the apparent psychic influence of the leader of Xeno and moves to attack the young couple. I really enjoyed this issue. Benjamin Percy did something I never saw coming, made me actually appreciate Quentin Quire. Up until this moment I could not stand the character and wished writers would stop trying to make him a thing. Now I’m in. I love the redesign of his character. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Force (2019) #18

Mar 18, 2021

X-Force Volume: 6, Issue: 18 “Shadows of the Mind” Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Garry Brown @garrybrownart Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Joshua Cassara @joshuadcassara & Dean White @deanwhitecolor As a result of his many deaths and resurrections, someone has replicated Quentin Quire into a dark and twisted entity and set him loose upon X-Force to unleash the secrets of Krakoa. When the entity came for Beast, Hank was able to resist its influences but suffered a debilitating stroke as a result. Not wanting to risk the vulnerables that come with slowly being healed, Sage kills Beast so that he may be resurrected whole. Meanwhile, Quentin Quire struggles with facing the darker aspects of himself and enters the Astral Plane to face the entity head on. I was curious as to which version of Beast we will meet after resurrection; humanoid, classic blue, grey or cat-like? But I see in advanced solicitations he’s coming back as he was, big and blue. Garry Brown did a great job making the Quentin monster look scary as hell. Also, the classic Cyclops/Jean/Wolverine love triangle continues. Wolverine and Jean share a kiss followed by Cyclops asking Jean if she’s coming to bed. I say put him back with Emma! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for reviews!

X-Men: Legends (2021) #1

Feb 20, 2021

X-Men Legends Issue: 1 “The Burning Blood, Part 1: Shattered Crystal, Scattered Dreams” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Brett Booth @brettbooth_comicart & Adelso Corona @adelsocorona Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Covers: Brett Booth & Adelso Corona; Patrick Gleason @patrickgleasonstudio Set after the events of X-Men: 39 (1991), the grandparents of Cyclops and Havok have been kidnapped by Erik the Red and his Shi’ar cultists. Desiring the aid of the Shi’ar/human mutant hybrid, Adam X, the two brothers find Adam engaged in conflict with members of their father’s pirate crew, the Starjammers! Attempting to escape, Cyclops and Havok both unleash their mutant abilities upon Adam and the three are shocked to see their powers have no effect upon him, much like Alex and Scott experience. Suddenly, Corsair appears and introduces Adam to be their brother and then shockingly discharges his weapon towards his own sons! Brett Booth is the absolute perfect artist for this story as his artistic style fits so perfectly with the time frame of the story. I have a lot of questions. If this is set so long ago, what happened that no one has any recollection of these events and revelations? How will this tie-in to Deadly Genesis and Gabriel? But my main question being, is this story canon? I’m confident all my questions will be answered as things move forward. This was a great starting issue. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Men: Legends (2021) #2

Apr 8, 2021

X-Men Legends Issue: 2 “The Burning Blood, Part 2: This Fouled Birth, This Scorched Earth” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Brett Booth @brettbooth_comicart & Adelso Corona @adelsocorona Colors: Guru-eFX Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Covers: Brett Booth & Adelso Corona The truth of Adam-X’s birth and parentage has been revealed as a genetic experiment splicing the DNA of former Shi’ar Emperor D’Ken and Katherine Summers. Wishing to only live a life of peace, Adam’s life is thrown into turmoil when those loyal to D’Ken wish to use him to replace Empress Lilandra on the throne. Refusing to partake in Adam being played as a pawn, the Summers family unites to take down Erik the Red and his forces. Corsair, in a surprise move, alerts the Shi’ar Imperial Guard and Lilandra grants Adam his desires of peace and solitude. As Oracle wipes the minds of all involved, Adam settles into his cozy oblivious life as Mr. Sinister discreetly watches over. However, Sinister also finds himself unknowingly being observed by an unknown figure. As a fan of the Deadly Genesis storyline, I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this story. But I think it was really well done. My questions as to how and why no one remembers are answered. Now I just want to know who is watching Sinister? Brett Booth’s artwork was perfect for the time period the book took place. Really looking forward as the series moves into the early days of X-Factor. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black #1

Dec 2, 2020

King in Black Issue: 1 “Reign” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman & JP Mayer @jpmayer_ Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer & Frank Martin Symbiote dragons rain down upon New York City. Refusing to submit his son to the darkness which awaits them, Eddie Brock hides Dylan away in an old bomb shelter while the heroes of the world unite. With every wave of defense a failure, Eddie uses the remains of Carnage’s spire in an effort to connect with and control the invading horde. Upon connection Eddie learns just how dire their situation is as Knull has arrived amid a trio of Celestial’s, the first of his defeated enemies. Knull announces the imminent death of the world and that if Brock is handed over, the planet's demise will be quick and painless. The heroes stand confident as their secret weapon, the Sentry has arrived. However, things turn grim when Knull, in a scene paying homage to Sentry’s attack upon Ares, rips Sentry in half and announces himself to be the Void which plagues him. Captain America calls upon the heroes to stand against Knull, but suddenly the very Earth itself is engulfed by symbiotes. Hoping to buy the heroes time, Eddie presents himself to Knull and is terrified to learn Knull could careless for him. Knull rips the symbiote from Eddie’s body and tosses him away like a piece of trash and announces his true prize to be Dylan Brock. So looks like I might have to eat my words, because King in Black is off to an epic start! I always said that I hope to be proven wrong and although it’s just the first issue, things look to be leaning in that direction. Knull has definitely proven his superiority; enslaved Celestials, effortlessly ripping the Sentry apart, engulfing the entire planet. Really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Also, I need to know, was that artist error or did we really see old man Cable out there?! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black #2

Dec 23, 2020

Kings in Black Issue: 2 “Fall” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman & JP Mayer @jpmayer_ Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Ian Bederman @wonkytiger Colliding with the surface below, Eddie Brock lay dying, his thoughts only of his son, Dylan. Thanks to the sacrifice of the Human Torch, Spider-Man is able to escape with Eddie to reconvene with the other surviving heroes. As Eddie barely clings to life, Ironman formulates a plan. War calls for strange bedfellows as Namor enlists the Black Tide and Blade meets before Dracula. Finally, Ironman uses a dose of Extremis (which he did NOT invent…) to capture and rewrite a symbiote dragon. Knull’s influence would prove to be too powerful as the captured symbiote rejects Eddie as its host causing Dylan to vaporize it, much to the shock of the assembled heroes. Before they could begin to process Dylan’s abilities, Dylan’s world comes crashing down around him as Eddie succumbs to his injuries, passing away. I enjoyed this issue, but the idea that Eddie somehow survived being tossed from atop a skyscraper after bouncing off of buildings and smashing through a car is completely ridiculous. And Tony Stark did NOT invent Extremis, Maya Hansen did. The artistic team is doing an amazing job though as the artwork here is incredible. I also love this tattoo variant cover. Such a cool idea. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_day on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black #3

Jan 20, 2021

King in Black Issue: 3 “Thunder” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman & JP Mayer @jpmayer_ Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Ian Bederman @wonkytiger ; Valerio Giangiordano @valeriogiangiordanoart Together with the mighty power of Thor, Dylan uses his control over the Symbiotes to free their claimed hosts. Feeling each blow to his hive, Knull confronts the heroes in battle. Thor and Knull engage in a most brutal combat with Thor cracking Knull’s jaw from his face with Mjölnir. But hope crumbles as Knull activates his Celestials and drives his sword through Thor’s back. Ironman is able to calm the Celestial attack by overwriting one with his Extremis infected symbiote dragon. As Knull claims his prize in Dylan, Thor reaches out for Knull’s opposite, the god of light, the Silver Surfer, who raises onward to put an end to this nightmare! This was a pretty great issue. I would have preferred the Celestial threat not being so easily passed aside, but besides that I really enjoyed this. The whole fight scene between Thor and Knull was epic and perfectly drawn. King in Black is proving to be an amazing event and I have no problem being proven wrong! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black #4

Feb 19, 2021

King in Black Issue: 4 “Lightning” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman & JP Mayer @jpmayer_ Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Paolo Rivera @paolomrivera ; Ian Bederman @wonkytiger The heroes of Earth have fallen to the power of Knull. Resisting his influence, Dylan is able to free a group of heroes from Knull’s grasp. With their combined might, the heroes are able to push back Knull’s symbiotic horde. Meanwhile, while Knull is the king of darkness, his opposite, the king of the light, the Silver Surfer is able to break through into the Earth. But acting merely as it’s courier, the light, or better known as the Enigma Force, calls upon Eddie Brock to serve as the new Captain Universe! Stegman has some pretty sweet character designs so I am really excited to see how he presents Captain Universe. I definitely didn’t see the Enigma Force/Captain Universe coming in to play. Really excited to see how this all plays out. King in Black has so far pleasantly surprised me and exceeded my expectations. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black #5

Apr 8, 2021

King in Black Issue: 5 “Dawn” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman & JP Mayer @jpmayer_ Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox & Jason Keith @jasonraykeith Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer & Jason Keith; Ian Bederman @wonkytiger The time has come for the final confrontation between the God of Light and the God of Darkness. Empowered by the Enigma Force as Captain Universe, Eddie Brock shockingly merges Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, and the Silver Surfer’s board into an epic battle axe. The heroes of Earth stand in awe as Eddie, in an amazing display of power and determination, brutalizes Knull and shreds through everything in his path, including decapitating a Celestial. Breaking through the barrier surrounding the planet, Eddie vaporizes Knull within the sun. Returning to Earth, Eddie purges any remnants of Knull from within Dylan. As the Enigma Force departs Eddie, he is suddenly swarmed with a wave of voices in his head, claiming the symbiotic hive mind and replacing Knull as the one true King in Black. The artwork throughout this entire issue, and series, was great. I loved the use of color as Eddie shredded through all the dragons in his path. The scene of him decapitating the Celestial was awesome. As far as Knull’s story, I have mixed feelings but feel a sense of disappointment. He was hyped to the point where I just wanted this event to come and go so I’m surprised that ultimately he just stood around as his dragons reigned chaos. Furthermore, I was hoping for more of an even fight between him and Eddie/Captain Universe instead of such a one sided beating. As far as lasting effects from this event, those ultimately will only be felt in the Venom series rather than the grander Marvel universe. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #53

Nov 22, 2020

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 53, LGY: 854 “Last Remains” Part IV Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @officialmarkbagleyart & John Dell Colorist: @delgaduck Cover: @patrickgleasonstudio & Edgar Delgado Letterer: @joecaramagna Kindred’s relentless physical and psychological assault on Spider-Man and the Order of the Web has lead Peter to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends. Peter begged to keep his friends alive in exchange for his own. Kindred takes the deal, frees the Order of the Web from his control and killed Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Norman has revealed that Kindred is his son Harry, however Spidey doesn’t know it’s his best friend or why he’s even doing this. This issue slows down the pace a little as it mainly serves to set up what’s to come. However, Kindred’s psychological torment continues to be on display. This issue once again references the infamous “Brand New Day” story arc and gives hopes to fans that Spencer might actually do something great with his run and finally reverse the controversial arc. We will just have to wait and see as the Last Remains event continues to deliver great issues. Bagley’s art in this issue phenomenal as he is one of my favorite artists in the industry today. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Be sure to follow us @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #53.LR

Nov 25, 2020

The Amazing Spider-Man Issue: 53.LR “Last Remains: Fallen Order” Part IV Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer & Artist: @federico_vicentini_artist , @takmiyazawa & @inkerscott Colorist: @mmenyz & @erick.arciniega Cover: @marceloferreirahq & @davcuriel Letterer: Ariana Maher The Last Remains event continues with this tie-in issue. Peter’s friends, the Order of the Web, were possessed and turned into demonic puppets by the sadistic Kindred and were terrorizing the city. In order to save his friends, Peter struck a deal with Kindred that would lead to him sacrificing himself. Now freed from Kindred’s control, the Order of the Web have teamed with Doctor Strange in order to save Spider-Man. Together, they enter the astral plane in hopes to find the very demon that possessed them and save their friend. Meanwhile, the Sin-Eater believes that the Order of the Web have been possessed by sin and plot to destroy them. After being teased for a couple issues, Morlun finally gets utilized. I truly enjoy how brutal he is. However, his appearance was brief and short lived. When the Order of the Web and Doctor Strange were in the astral plane, I thought it was pretty cool that they battled people from Spider-Man’s life that seem have been transformed into evil entities. I do wish that these tie-ins would have more involvement with Kindred. He’s been teased for two years, I want him in the forefront as much as possible. As far as the Sin-Eater, I look forward to his confrontation with the Order of the Web. I really enjoy the artwork and Marcio’s color work is definitely one of my favorites in the industry today! This event has been a good read thus far and I look forward to see what happens next! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54

Dec 10, 2020

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 54, LGY: 855 “Last Remains” Part V Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @officialmarkbagleyart & John Dell Colorist: @delgaduck Cover: @patrickgleasonstudio & Edgar Delgado Letterer: @joecaramagna The Last Remains event continues as Kindred inflicts his brutal punishment on Spider-Man. Peter now knows that his best friend, Harry Osborn, is Kindred. Not only is Kindred putting Spider-Man through immense physical brutality, but is also causing him mental distress which is absolutely breaking down Peter. Kindred is not only going after Spider-Man, but everyone close to him as well. This event is by far Spencer’s best work throughout his entire Spider-Man run. To this point, Kindred’s long awaited arrival has not been squandered. His brutality against Peter as well as the metal distress being caused has been so sinister and fantastic to this point. My preference as far as a villain leaving their mark depends on how epic their actions are onto a hero. In this issue, Kindred was so brutal as he murders and resurrects Spider-Man over and over was absolutely epic and left me saying, “DAMN!” The looming question still remains however, and that is, “How did Harry become Kindred.” I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. As far as the artwork, this has to be one of my favorite covers thus far. The artwork throughout each brutal panel was fantastic and made me loved what Kindred was doing to Peter even more! Last Remains has been stellar thus far. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54.LR

Dec 31, 2020

The Amazing Spider-Man Issue: 54.LR “Last Remains: Fallen Order” Part V Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer & Artist: @federico_vicentini_artist , @takmiyazawa & @inkerscott Colorist: @erick.arciniega Cover: @marceloferreirahq & @davcuriel Letterer: Ariana Maher In this latest installment of the “Last Remains” story arc tie-in, the Sin-Eater finally confronts the Order of the Web to cleanse their sins. Meanwhile, Mary Jane is also set to also confront her longtime friend Harry Osborn, aka Kindred in an attempt to stop him and save Peter. However, things are actually not as they seem. This was an exhilarating issue and without a doubt the best of all the tie-ins. I truly enjoyed how this issue started off with an emotional flashback between Harry and Mary Jane. It shows us how much turmoil Spider-Man has endured over the years, especially with the Osborn family. This event really made a “D-List” character in Sin-Eater seem like a formidable foe, especially with the added powers from Morlun. My favorite part in this issue is when Miles Morales was engaged in battle and said, “I don’t get it. Isn’t he basically a dude with a magic shotgun? What am I missing?” That was absolutely hysterical! With all the shocking events that transpired, this issue nicely sets up a finale that should have an epic finish. However, with all the things that are now set in motion, I fear that it might be rushed. We have to wait and see. One thing is for sure, the artwork has been stellar and I can’t wait for the finale! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #55

Jan 3, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 55, LGY: 856 “Last Remains” Part VI Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Patrick Gleason Colorist: @delgaduck Cover: @patrickgleasonstudio Letterer: @joecaramagna This latest issue of the Amazing Spider-Man brings the “Last Remains” story arc to its epic conclusion. This issue immediately picks up from last issue, 54.LR, where we see Spider-Man and the Order of the Web captured by Kindred as well as Mary Jane seemingly walking into a trap after her encounter with Norman. The “conclusion” of the Last Remains story arc contained a lot more dialogue than I expected. Most climax issues are where the epic final battles happen. However, in this issue that wasn’t the case and for once I didn’t seem to mind it. With almost two years of build up, it would have been a shame for Kindred to go out so quickly, so I definitely appreciate that he will still be around tormenting Peter. The history between Peter, Mary Jane and Harry really make this issue great. Spencer continues to reference the “One More Day” story arc within Mary Jane’s dialogue which adds the intrigue to his run. Mary Jane exclaiming to Harry that Peter not remembering could quite possibly be the most important moment in recent Spider-Man history and certainly eludes to not only MJ, but Harry as well, remembering her former life married to Peter. Especially considering in the flashback, Harry refers to Peter as her husband. This issue wasn’t “concluded” in my opinion but definitely sets up a promising direction for the series moving forward. Gleason’s artwork was definitely put on display in this issue especially this amazing cover that is CGC worthy. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #56

Jan 8, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 56, LGY: 857 “Last Remains: Post Mortem” Part I Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @officialmarkbagleyart Inker: Andrew Hennessy & John Dell Colorist: @delgaduck & @rachelle_cheri Cover: Mark Bagley, John Dell & Edgar Delgado Letterer: @joecaramagna Once again donning the identity of the Green Goblin, Norman Osborn crashes Kindred’s emotional dinner party and all hell breaks loose. Osborn has shockingly joined forces with mayor of New York, Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, in order to capture his son Harry, aka Kindred. Now that he’s been captured, we learn that the two both have different motives and plans as to what to do with him. The “Last Remains” story arc technically concluded with last weeks issue. However, the story continues on and I truly don’t mind at all. Spencer teased Kindred for two years, and now that he’s been in the forefront I’m not ready to see him go. This has been without a doubt Spencer’s best work throughout his entire run on Spider-Man, so I don’t mind that we still don’t have all he answers. This was a very emotional issue and I truly enjoy the pain with both Harry and Norman. There’s definitely “One More Day” implications here as there’s yet another hint referencing the story arc. I’m curious as to what it is they don’t remember and why. As far as the Kingpin’s involvement, I personally can’t wait for the fallout between him and Norman. The artwork in this issue is fantastic and I absolutely love the cover art. I look forward to the next issue as Spencer’s tease of Kindred for so long has seemingly been worth it. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #57

Jan 16, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 57, LGY: 858 “Last Remains: Post Mortem” Part II Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @officialmarkbagleyart Inker: Andrew Hennessy, @andyowensart & John Dell Colorist: @delgaduck & @rachelle_cheri Cover: Mark Bagley, John Dell & @morry.hollowell Letterer: @joecaramagna Following a battle between Kindred, Norman and Spider-Man, Kindred has been captured and placed into a darkforce cage constructed by the Kingpin. Even though Norman has sided with the Kingpin to capture Kindred, has truly wants to help his son get better and desires the help of the one and only Spider-Man. However, Spidey doesn’t feel it’s wise to help his one time friend. In fact, he desires to be done with the Osborns all together. Things might not be as simple as that unfortunately. This is a character-driven issue as Spider-Man continues to pick up the pieces and is attempting to put his life together. I’ve never seen Peter in such turmoil as this intensely emotional issue brings him to his breaking point. Norman's desperation to help his son is extremely powerful and Peter’s distain towards him as well his unwillingness to help is just as intense. This issue pushes Peter to the brink as Spider-Man declares he is finished taking part in the Osborn feud. However, they might not be finished with him. This intense issue was complemented with amazing artwork and I can’t wait to see what happens next. This Kindred saga is without a doubt Spencer’s best work on his Spider-Man run and is an absolute must read. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #58

Jan 27, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 58, LGY: 859 “Negative Space” Part I Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @marceloferreirahq Inker: @waynerisd Colorist: @morry.hollowell Cover: @officialmarkbagleyart, John Dell & @delgaduck Letterer: @joecaramagna The Negative Space story arc picks up in the aftermath of the Last Remains story arc. While Kindred still lingers and affecting Peter Parker as well as the closest people in his life, the focus shifts to Martin Li, aka Mr. Negative. Li has resurfaced and has taken refuge in the F.E.A.S.T. center with May Parker. However, Mister Negative’s demons threaten the center as well as Aunt May. Coming off the Last Remains story arc, things are still complicated for Spider-Man. Even though Kindred is trapped in the Darkforce Cage, his threat still lingers not only affecting Peter’s life, but Harry’s family as well. I know a lot of people aren’t happy that they have not gotten all the answers about Kindred. I don’t share their displeasures. After being teased for two years, I’m not ready to see him go and Spencer does a great job keeping the intrigue around him while launching his next arc. Now Aunt May is in danger and it’s up to Spider-Man to save her. In this issue we have a change in artist but the artwork remains stellar! What is the connection with Fisk and the Demons? I can’t wait to find out! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #59

Feb 10, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 59, LGY: 860 “Negative Space” Part II Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @marceloferreirahq Inker: @waynerisd Colorist: @morry.hollowell Cover: @officialmarkbagleyart, John Dell & @delgaduck Letterer: @joecaramagna Recently, Kindred used the Sin-Eater to cleanse many of the city’s villains of their sins. One of those villains was Martin Li, aka Mr. Negative. Martin Li has returned to the F.E.A.S.T Center seeking aid from and old friend May Parker. Li and his alter ego Negative were spilt as a result of Kindred’s master plan but now Negative is hell bent on getting back into Li’s body. He and his Demons threaten May Parker and the F.E.A.S.T Center. Now it’s up to Spider-Man to save them and the Center! Meanwhile. Mayor Fisk has his own master plan and hands Spider-Man a much needed assist! Spencer’s run with Spider-Man lately has been extremely enjoyable and that continues with this issue. Spider-Man has gone through an emotional roller coaster with the Osborn’s and Kindred. His trouble doesn’t seem to be letting up soon as now Aunt May is in danger. Martin Li cannot escape his past and Mayor Fisk has a plan for his future. I love the dynamic that’s in play here with Mayor Fisk. I look forward to seeing his master plan unfold and what Mr. Negative’s role is. I also love Osborn trying to fix things with his family, especially Normie. Last time we seen him was when Norman was the Red Goblin. There’s so much at play here and this issue is setting up more story arcs that I can’t wait to explore! The artwork remains stellar and I absolutely love this cover. I glad Spider-Man has returned to being “Amazing”. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #60

Feb 25, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 60, LGY: 861 “No Exit” Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @marceloferreirahq Inker: John Dell & Andrew Hennessy Colorist: @rachelle_cheri Cover: @officialmarkbagleyart, John Dell & @nathanfairbairn Letterer: @joecaramagna Kindred’s plan master plan was interrupted when Norman Osborn and the Kingpin trapped him in a Darkforce cage. Desperate to save his son, Norman pleaded to Peter to help reform his son, but Peter refused and vowed to never be involved with the Osborn family ever again. The “Last Remains” event shook Peter to his bones and he has been on edge since its conclusion. Peter now finds himself struggling from the trauma from his best friend Harry, aka Kindred. This issue lacked action throughout as its main focus is to have Peter face the trauma and his repressed guilt over the events of “Last Remains.” He decides to finally unburden himself. Meanwhile, this issue adds a different unexpected dynamic as someone close to him hides a secret about Kindred. This issue was a great emotional journey for Peter despite having little action. I personally love the effect that Kindred had on Peter as well as him still lingering in a way. This issue highlights both the recent and longer looming problems Peter is facing. There was a definitive OMD reference in this issue as people close to Peter attempt to find out what is wrong with his soul! I can’t wait to see what happens next. Spencer’s run had its ups and downs, but lately I’m absolutely loving ASM! This art team is probably my favorite crew as their work continues to amaze me. I hope they stay together for a while. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #61

Mar 12, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 61, LGY: 862 “Let’s Try Something New” Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @patrickgleasonstudio Colorist: @delgaduck Cover: Patrick Gleason & Edgar Delgado Letterer: @joecaramagna Peter Parker has had a very tough time lately. Between Kindred and the Osborns, as well as his family issues, Pete has been extremely stressed out. Now with Kindred trapped in the Darkforce cage, thanks to Mayor Fisk, and the Osborn family drama behind him, Peter looks to finally get back to “normal”. However, his “normal” life now consists of a reformed criminal roommate in Boomerang, a pet alien and no money to make rent. Desperate to make money, Peter Parker takes a new job with the Threats and Menaces podcast ran by Jameson and Norah Winters. Along with his new job comes with a new suit with the ability to live stream Spider-Man’s battles. Spidey now has a new look and a new job. Things are about to get very interesting for him. Meanwhile, Kingpin's plans start coming together. With Kindred trapped in the Darkforce cage, he now takes a backseat for a while. Now that Kindred is gone, Spider-Man has a new look and a renewed sense of purpose. In this issue, Spencer goes away from the series tone and goes back to the more lively humorous tone like earlier in his run. This issue we see the beginning of a new era for Spidey as now the social media aspect is now being integrated into his daily life in the form of his new suit. I actually like the design of his new suit, however I’m not a fan as to why he has it. I’m not so sure how I feel about his suit being able to livestream his battles. It is definitely a step up from just taking pictures and selling them to the Bugle. So who knows, maybe it’ll grow on me. The artwork continues to be amazing in this series. I’m definitely a huge fan a Gleason and hope he stays a while. I look forward to seeing how this new social media aspect plays out. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #62

Apr 8, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 62, LGY: 863 “Wag the Gog” Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @patrickgleasonstudio Colorist: @delgaduck Cover: Patrick Gleason & Edgar Delgado Letterer: @joecaramagna Gog used to once guard the pieces of the Lifeline Tablet. The same tablet that Boomerang and Spider-Man are trying to prevent the Kingpin from obtaining. However, the Kingpin has plans of his own. He wants Boomerang brought to him and will use any means necessary to make that happen. Meanwhile, Spider-Man has a high paying new job that comes with a new suit and the Robertson’s family life has become a lot more troublesome. Things have slowed down a bit since Kindred is no longer the focal point. However, Spider-Man continues to be a good read. Anytime the Kingpin is around, that is more than enough to keep me interested. I’m still not thrilled about Spider-Man’s new suit, but it is growing on me. This issue has a lot of different elements at play and Spencer does a good job with a plot that has great pacing and rhythm. Gleason is one of my favorite artists in the industry today and I’m glad he’s working on one of my favorite characters. What are your thoughts on Spider-Man’s new suit? Leave a comment! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #63

Apr 8, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man Volume: 5, Issue: 63, LGY: 864 “King’s Ransom” Part I Publisher: @marvel Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: @federico_vicentini_artist Colorist: @sinccolor Cover: @officialmarkbagleyart , John Dell & @delgaduck Letterer: @joecaramagna Peter Parker's roommate Randy and the supervillain known as the Beetle, AKA Janice, have been secretly carrying on a romantic relationship. Now their fathers, Robbie Robertson and the Tombstone, have gotten wind of their relationship and both aren’t happy. Their historic hatred towards each other dates back to the late 80s and it’s about to be jumpstarted once again. Meanwhile, Boomerang and Spider-Man continue to search for pieces of the Lifeline Tablet in an attempt to keep the Kingpin from acquiring them. In this issue, Spider-Man and Boomerang take a backseat due to the distractions the Kingpin continues to lay out for them. It’s a great plan from the Kingpin to keep them occupied with various villains while his plans continue to progress. Since this issue really didn’t follow Spider-Man, the Romeo and Juliet type of story between Randy and Janice, AKA The Beetle, has unfortunately been pushed into the forefront. Using their relationship to ignite the rivalry between Tombstone and Robbie Robertson is not a story I’m interested in reading. The the lack of Spider-Man in this latest issue, it unfortunately serves more as a boring filler story. Even thought this title continues to have various artists throughout its entire run, thankfully it has been great since the start. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the writing as the only consistent thing I can say about Spencer’s run is that it’s been a bumpy ride throughout. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #7

Nov 22, 2020

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Issue: 7 “Target Valance” Part II Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ethanjsacks Artist: @villanellipaolo Colorist: @arifprianto_arf Cover: @leebermejoart Letterer: Travis Lanham Valance is on the run after a narrow escape from the Unbroken Clan Syndicate. He has sworn to protect Cadeliah, the heir of two powerful crime families, in hopes to put an end to years of an underworld war. Bounty Hunters Zuckuss and 4-LOM, have been hired by Vukorah, leader of the Unbroken Clan, to hunt them down. A severely injured Valance must turn to a long lost love in hopes to receive help in protecting and hiding Cadeliah. This story immediately picks up following Valance’s narrow escape. We get more character development with Valance as this arc has so far filled in the blanks about his past. I said it before and I’ll say it again, this arc thus far has given me Mandolorian vibes as well as reminiscent to Cable protecting Hope all those years. The decision to leave Cadeliah was a good one in my opinion. I don’t think I would have enjoyed the whole run and protect the kid aspect for too much longer since it’s been done and I’ve read that type of story many times before. So it’ll be interesting to see where the direction goes from here. The artwork in this series continues to be awesome and definitely a highlight of the series as a whole. One of my favorite panels in this issue was the appearance of the Clone War-era Battle Droids. It definitely hit me the nostalgia as a long time Star Wars fan. Definitely well done. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow us @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #8

Jan 1, 2021

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Issue: 8 “The Terminus Gauntlet: Moving Target” Part I Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ethanjsacks Artist: @villanellipaolo Colorist: @arifprianto_arf Cover: Paolo Villanelli & Arif Prianto Letterer: Travis Lanham The Unbroken Clan Syndicate wants the cyborg bounty hunter Beilert Valance dead. Valance, desperate to remove the massive bounty on him, takes on a potentially lucrative mission to pay back a debt. However, this mission is not what it seems as it puts him in a dangerous situation. This issue was a great addition to the series. I absolutely loved how this issue started with a flashback to when Valance was in the Imperial Navy. We find out that Valance and Han Solo have a connection, as they served at the same time. That was definitely mind blowing and I would love to know more about their time together. As far as mission, with him being hunted I predict more betrayals and I look forward to following his journey. I absolutely love the artwork in this series as well as the other Star Wars books. Any fan of Star Wars should definitely be reading these books. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #9

Jan 29, 2021

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Issue: 9 “The Terminus Gauntlet: Squadron of One” Part II Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ethanjsacks Artist: @villanellipaolo Colorist: @arifprianto_arf Cover: @mattart91 Letterer: Travis Lanham The Unbroken Clan Syndicate desperately wants Valance and Cadeliah dead by any means necessary. After striking a deal, the Rebellion is now entrusted to protect Cadeliah for Valance. In return, Valance must rescue a disabled transport in deep space. However upon arrival, he found the transport under attack by pirates. Outmanned and outgunned, the cyborg bounty hunter must find a way to save those onboard the disabled transport as well as himself. That will prove to be difficult as the occupants prepare for surrender. Same as the last issue, our story opens with a continuation of a flashback showing Valance’s days as an Imperial pilot along with Han Solo. This is an interesting part of the story in which I look forward to learning more about. However, this can also be a ploy from Marvel to keep interest in this book. Either way, it’s enough intrigue for me to keep going. This was an action packed issue that highlights Beilert Valance’s skills. This issue gives us some exciting, intergalactic combat that was highlighted with gorgeous artwork. Star Wars fans should be reading all of Marvels Star Wars titles. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #10

Mar 25, 2021

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Issue: 10 ”The Terminus Gauntlet: A Desperate Gambit” Part III Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ethanjsacks Artist: @villanellipaolo Colorist: @arifprianto_arf Cover: @mattart91 Letterer: Travis Lanham The Rebellion desperately needs Beilert Valance to save a transport stranded in space. The transport is under siege from the Ohnaka Gang. After engaging them in an intense battle, the Pirates severely damaged Valance’s freighter. Valance escaped onto the transport only to discover that their commander was ready to surrender. The cyborg Bounty Hunter does not accept defeat and steals an X-Wing to fight once again. Overwhelmed and outgunned, Valance sets in motion a bold plan to send an X-Wing away with a distress signal in order to distract his foes before boarding the Ohnaka Gang's ship. The fight is nowhere near over as the cyborg’s wrath is about to be put on full display. This series has been something different than the Star Wars norm that we are all used to and that’s a good thing! It’s fun to explore other aspects of the Star Wars universe while also tying into the core story. This issue opens up with yet another flashback to Valance's time in the Empire and his connection to Han Solo. I’m still unsure as to why we continue to get bits and pieces of that history but it’s exciting to find out more about that. Especially so since Valance was clearly distraught when he found out that Solo has been captured by Boba Fett. This issue really put Valance on display as he tore apart the pirates. The artwork during his wrath was phenomenal and I can’t wait for the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Abbott: 1973 #1

Jan 21, 2021

Abbott: 1973 Issue: 1 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: @saladin__ahmed Artist: @samikivela Colorist: @mattiaiacono_colors_ Cover: @tajfrancis Letterer: @jimcampbell This new mini series from Boom! Studios, is the start of a sequel series from 2018. After stopping the evil of Bellcamp and his plans, Elena Abbott is trying to make a fresh start as a reporter for a Black newspaper in Detroit, Michigan. However, her deadly past isn't ready to let go and is hell bent on getting revenge. Meanwhile, Detroit is days away from the historic election of a Black candidate as their new Mayor and a new group has risen in hopes to destroy him as well as anyone who supports his campaign or the change he represents. The demons in the shadows are out for revenge, destruction of Detroit and the end of the world. It’s up to Abbott to discover the group's connection to a dangerous dark magic and embrace her power as the Lightbringer to save herself as well as the city. This was a great introduction to this sequel series that I admit knew nothing about. However, this is a jumping on point for any new reader as the book immediately catches you up in the opening pages with what transpired prior to this story with Abbott. I definitely appreciate that and wasn’t lost at all. In fact, this opening issue was so intriguing, I’m going to reading the events leading up to this sequel. This issue takes place in 1973, at a time where social injustices of sexism, sexuality and race are at its highest points. That along with the political edge as well as a dark super natural feel makes for an interesting and different story. I look forward to seeing her growth as an investigative journalist as well as learning more about her supernatural abilities and how she plans to save herself as well as the city. The story brings great intrigue accompanied by great artwork I that would any reader interested. I definitely recommend this book. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Abbott: 1973 #2

Feb 22, 2021

Abbott: 1973 Issue: 2 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: @saladin__ahmed Artist: @samikivela Colorist: @mattiaiacono_colors_ Cover: @tajfrancis Letterer: @jimcampbell An old friend resurfaces and sends a warning to Abbott that her enemies have returned to weaken her by any means necessary. She learns of a bigger conspiracy as the forces against her make their next move. Abbott continues to face struggles in her life as far as personal losses and her ideas being shot down at the newspaper. Luckily, she seems to finally caught a break uncovering a secret of the group attempting to take down the man who would be Detroit's first Black mayor. Issue two of Abbott 1973 is a good issue that sets up some interesting plot points as we move forward. Elena continues her investigation of the racist propaganda flyers and radio ads while also learning how powerful she really is. This concept of this story is intriguing as it’s a mix of real world problems of racism and sexism along with the added supernatural aspect of it all. The evil organization of Umbra instills hate and racism is hand down my favorite character in this story and I look forward to the showdown between them and Abbott. The artwork continues to be incredibly beautiful and detailed. Each character’s emotions are well done as well as the added supernatural elements of the story. I look forward to seeing what happens next. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comicbook_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Abbott: 1973 #3

Mar 25, 2021

Abbott: 1973 Issue: 3 Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: @saladin__ahmed Artist: @samikivela Colorist: @mattiaiacono_colors_ Cover: @tajfrancis Letterer: @jimcampbell Abbott has come home to discover that her place has been ransacked and her lover, Amelia, is missing. Her life is completely flipped upside down and her only support system is gone. The threat of the Umbra continues to loom. Meanwhile, her personal life is also being attacked due to her articles on the historical election. The pressures on Elena Abbott are beginning to stack up. There are so many different elements at play here. The dark forces of the Umbra continues to close in on her, a sexist boss demands more investigated journalism on the impeding historical election of Detroit’s first African American Mayor and now her girlfriend is missing. As things seemingly continue to spiral out of control, Abbott takes matters into her own hands in a desperate attempt to save the one she loves. While there’s so many different elements here, I question how all this is going to wrap up with only two issues left in this miniseries. The Umbra remains to be the main story here but their lack of involvement is disappointing. The artwork in this series continues to be great. I hope this series and a great finish and it all ties in together well. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

HaHa #1

Jan 13, 2021

HAHA Issue: 1 “Bartelby Rejects The Premise” Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @wmaxwellprince Artist: @vrdelrey Colorist: @chris_oh_colours Cover: Vanessa Del Rey Letterer: Good Old Neon This new anthology series brings us to the world of clowns. In this debut issue of HAHA, we meet Bartelby the clown who desperately desires a stable life and live the American dream. However, his line of work is not exactly lucrative nor does it gain any respect from his family or others. Bartelby’s day from start to finish just gets worse by the minute but he always seems to stick to his motto, it could always be worse. This was an impressive first issue of a series I knew nothing about and only picked up because of the cover and my fear of clowns. I honestly had no idea what to expect but I truly enjoyed this issue. It really gives us a serious look at how a single person can break under the pressures of a cruel unfair world. Bartelby had such emotional depth, you can’t help but feel bad for him. One of my favorite parts of this issue was the narration by Bartleby as the bullet enters his brain is some of the most chilling stuff I’ve read in a long time. Another part of this issue I really enjoyed was the paper boat sailing down the curb towards the gutter. It was definitely a nod to the movie IT and it was a nice touch. This issue was absolutely brutal yet shamelessly funny and the artwork was fantastic. Haha is definitely added to my pull list and I suggest you do the same. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

HaHa #2

Feb 21, 2021

HAHA Issue: 2 “Rudolph on the road to Funville” Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @wmaxwellprince Artist: @zoethorogood Colorist: @chris_oh_colours Variant Cover: @martinsimmonds Letterer: Good Old Neon In this second issue of HAHA, we are introduced to a new clown with a new dark and terrifying story. We are introduced to funny girl Rudy, who narrates this tale about her mother daughter road trip many years ago to Funville for a fresh new start and what it was like growing up with a mother who was insane. Image Comics continues its anthology with this second chilling issue of HAHA. I didn’t think after last issue this would get any darker, but I was proven wrong and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next issue! A little girl seeing her mother go more insane by the day as well as doing anything for a “fresh start” and protecting her child is just so dark. This book can really show you what can happen if not raised in ideal circumstances as well as the pain the individual goes through. This was just a tragic chilling story and I can’t imagine what is next! The artwork’s tone was apt on with the story telling and this cover is gorgeous. I can’t stress enough for people to read this! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

HaHa #3

Mar 28, 2021

HAHA Issue: 3 “Remi Says” Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @wmaxwellprince Artist & Cover: @hotelfred In this third issue of HAHA, we follow a pantomime who is struggling to survive. Completely down on his luck, Remi’s depressing life takes a turn upward temporarily when he unexpectedly makes a new friend that helps his less than entertaining act. However, that little bit of success was quickly ripped away from him when his new found friend was taken away. Now he will do anything to get back that little sliver of happiness, even if it costs him his life. This clown anthology continues with a silent pantomime story that depends on amazing artwork to understand what is going on. For an issue that didn’t contain dialogue, we need the artwork to be on point to be able to connect with the character and it was definitely successful in that regard. This issue contained a sad story but it also put on display a lot of heart and humor. This silent issue was definitely different but it still delivered the same depressing message that this series is going for. The HAHA issues so far are all emotionally charged stories that definitely get the reader to sympathize with each new character introduced. That can be a difficult task but it has definitely be achieved so far and I look forward to the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games #1

Dec 15, 2020

M.O.D.O.K.: Headgames Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel Writer: Jordan Blum @blumjordan & Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt Artist: Scott Hepburn @kenneth_scott_hepburn Colors: Carlos Lopez @kepafrenico Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: Skottie Young @skottieyoung Suffering from the sudden emergence of strange images and memories of a family, MODOK finds himself distracted at inopportune moments. Taking advantage of the situation, Monica Rallaccini and the AIM board of directors vote for his decommission. However, being a Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, MODOK refuses to go quietly into the night and murders all who stand in his way before escaping to restrategize his restoration as sole ruler of AIM. Realizing the severity of his computer intelligence breaking down, MODOK seeks aid in the best of places, Tony Stark, the invincible Ironman! That was awesome! I’m kind of upset I allowed this issue to lay around as long as I did before reading it. The artwork throughout the entire issue is great, because it’s MODOK and anytime you see him it’s glorious. But those fight scenes were so violently epic! The story has me super intrigued too and I love that he went to Tony for help. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games #2

Jan 10, 2021

M.O.D.O.K.: Headgames Issue: 2 Publisher: Marvel Writer: Jordan Blum @blumjordan & Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt Artist: Scott Hepburn @kenneth_scott_hepburn Colors: Carlos Lopez Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: David Nakayama @davidnakayama In order to regain control of AIM and get to the bottom of the strange visions of family plaguing his mind, MODOK seeks help in the most unlikely of places, Tony Stark. In order to repair his software, Tony and MODOK must re-acquire a stolen device being auctioned off at the Criminal Technology Show. Disguised as Arnim Zola and a Hydra soldier, the pair buy their way into the expo. However, after suffering another vision, MODOK lashes out causing their cover to be blown. Narrowly escaping defeat, Stark repairs MODOK’s hardware and instructs him that the answers he seek may be found at the site of his original transformation from George Tarleton into MODOK. Elsewhere, Monica enlists the aid of Gwenpool to kill MODOK. This is the Ironman/MODOK team-up book I never knew I always wanted. So far I love everything about this series. The artwork is great and the writing has me seriously interested in what’s going on. The banter between MODOK and Tony is hilarious. I have a feeling once we discover the true nature of the family visions it’s going to be a real emotional scene of love and loss. Who knew MODOK would hit me right in the feels? Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games #3

Mar 2, 2021

M.O.D.O.K.: Headgames Issue: 3 “The Science Lab That Time Forgot” Publisher: Marvel Writer: Jordan Blum @blumjordan & Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt Artist: Scott Hepburn @kenneth_scott_hepburn Colors: Carlos Lopez @kepafrenico Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: David Lafuente & Rachelle Rosenberg @rachelle_cheri MODOK returns to the lab of his creation seeking answers to the visions plaguing his mind. Finding himself distracted by memories of George Tarleton’s past and the notion that the MODOK experiment may have been forced upon him, MODOK is killed by Gwenpool. But when Gwen learns the truth of his predicament, Gwen rewrites the comic book and prevents his death. Discovering the location of the house from his visions, MODOK meets a man known as the Founder who reveals himself to be Alvin Tarleton, MODOK’s father! The humanization of MODOK, so truly heartwarming. Who would have thought? The overall story is great and I love this book. I’m just not a fan of Gwenpool and her ability to go back and rewrite the comic book. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for reviews!

Origins (2020) #2

Dec 21, 2020

Origins Issue: 2 Publisher: Boom! Studios @boom_studios Created by: Arash Amel, Lee Krieger @ltkrieger , Joseph Oxford @josephoxford Writer: Clay McLeod Chapman @claymcleod Artist: Jakub Rebelka Colors: Patricio Delpeche @patodelpeche Letters: Jim Campbell @jimcampbell 989 years ago, David died. Returned to life, similar but different, by Chloe, an artificial being herself. David uploads his past memories and learns the shocking truth that he is responsible for the death of the world. Before he’s even had time to process, their museum stronghold is suddenly destroyed by attack drones. Now with the very Earth hunting him, David searches for his former lab, the Vault of Life, where he hopes lies the answer to restore life to the world. But the journey there will prove more treacherous than they could ever imagine. This all of a sudden has a very Battlestar Galactica vibe to it and I love that! This has all happened before and will happen again. David and Chloe are Cylons. This cover art is gorgeous and matches the interior. So say we all. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Origins (2020) #3

Feb 4, 2021

Origins Issue: 3 Publisher: Boom! Studios @boom_studios Created by: Arash Amel, Lee Krieger @ltkrieger , Joseph Oxford @josephoxford Writer: Clay McLeod Chapman @claymcleod Artist: Jakub Rebelka Colors: Patricio Delpeche @patodelpeche Letters: Jim Campbell @jimcampbell Badly injured from a fall, Chloe rushes to tend to David but finds his state more crucial than she had believed. Suddenly they find themselves discovered by a curious group of robots who bring them to their village. Once there, the now masterless robots find purpose again with a human master and tend to David’s wounds. Once healed, David returns the favor, upgrading the very AI he had a hand in creating nearly a millennium prior. David explains to Chloe, that while he may be of the same DNA as the original David, life has created a different man, until suddenly their tranquility is interrupted at attack drones obliterate the robot society. This is definitely one of those series I plan on rereading in one sitting once all issues are released. The artwork throughout has been really well done. The cover art particularly has been great. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Origins (2020) #5

Apr 8, 2021

Origins Issue: 5 Publisher: Boom! Studios @boom_studios Created by: Arash Amel, Lee Krieger @ltkrieger , Joseph Oxford @josephoxford Writer: Clay McLeod Chapman @claymcleod Artist: Jakub Rebelka Colors: Patricio Delpeche @patodelpeche Letters: Jim Campbell @jimcampbell With their arrival to the Vault of Life, David and Chloe are consumed by the absent truths surrounding their lives. AI created by David wiped out humanity but David’s second chance at life presents an opportunity to right this wrong. Although her experiences make her uniquely her, Chloe struggles with her identity after learning herself to be modeled after David’s wife. With the AI Network closing in, David rallies his robotic followers to not fight for him but for their own lives. In the aftermath of a heartbreaking battle, Chloe falls and is assimilated into the Network to aid in rendering humanity extinct once and for all. I relate this so much to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series. Particularly the Cylons that united with humanity against Cavel. My biggest question surrounding this series is how many times has this happened? This has to be an endless cycle. “All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.” Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Wolverine (2020) #8

Dec 31, 2020

Wolverine Volume: 7, Issue: 8 “War Stories/The Past Ain’t Dead” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Adam Kubert @adamkubert (prologue); Victor Bogdanovic Colors: Antonio Fabela @antoniofabela (prologue); Matthew Wilson Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Adam Kubert & Frank Martin @frankmartinbox The War Stories prologue see’s more insight as well as an evolving danger looming from the US government in the form of the X-Desk. In the prime story, a team of highly trained mercenaries raid a government facility leaving no survivors in their efforts to claim items from Wolverine’s past involvement on Team X. Blood recovered from the scene is revealed as belonging to a mutant and leads X-Force to assume Wolverine’s former teammate, Maverick, to have led the assault. Discovering the existence of the Legacy House, an auction related to heroes and villains, Wolverine dons his Patch identity to infiltrate its doors. I’ve always liked Maverick so I’m excited for this arc. Hopefully the end result is bringing him to Krakoa, as he’d be a great inclusion into X-Force. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Wolverine (2020) #9

Jan 28, 2021

Wolverine Volume: 7, Issue: 9 “Bidding War” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Adam Kubert @adamkubert Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Adam Kubert & Frank Martin; Ryan Brown @ryanbrownart , R.B. Silva @rbsilva_comics & David Curiel @davcuriel Using his Parch identity, Wolverine gains access to the Legacy House, an auction of artifacts related to the superhuman community. Among those items, Wolverine’s former Team X partner, Maverick! Not before long, Wolverine’s cover is blown and he finds himself captured and facing a similar fate. Though his mind wiped to a clean slate, a phrase uttered by his old friend resonates true and Maverick breaks free of his programming and begins orchestrating his and Logan’s escape! I’ve always liked Maverick. It’s probably the mask. But I also loved him as Agent Zero in the Weapon X series. I think his design here in the black and grey fits perfect. Hopefully this appearance leads to him becoming a fixture in the current X-Force series. As far as the Wolverine severed hand, it obviously has to belong to Old Man Logan from a few years back. I dipped in and out of that series as I was frustrated with all the Wolverine replacements and none of them living up to the real deal. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Wolverine (2020) #10

Mar 2, 2021

Wolverine Volume: 7, Issue: 10 “Mercenaries” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy Artist: Adam Kubert @adamkubert Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Letters: Cory Petit Main Cover: Adam Kubert & Frank Martin Variant: Adam Kubert Maverick and Wolverine’s stand-off with the Merchant and the Legacy House is turned upside down when the CIA bursts through the doors. Refusing the aid of Krakoa, Maverick convinces Logan to join him and his team of Mercenaries on a raid of the Merchants warehouse. Discovering an enormous cache of items related to the superhuman community, the two burn it to the ground. Afterwards, Maverick accompanies Logan to Krakoa but ultimately declines the opportunity to be made whole by the Five. Later, Maverick meets with the head CIA operative from the Legacy House ordeal and the two seemingly come to some sort of business relationship. As Maverick sat to meet with the CIA operative she very suspiciously blew on her coffee in his general direction. I’m convinced that steam had to contain some sort of mind control toxin! Looks like Maverick and his team are going to be coming for Krakoa! I’ve really been loving all of the cover art for this current arc. For that matter the interior is just as good. The creative team has done a great job at keeping the character and his arcs interesting and captivating. I’ve been very thankful that Wolverine has not been over exposed as he has so often in the past. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #9

Dec 10, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume: 6, Issue: 9 “I Shall Make You a Star-Lord” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Juann Cabal Colors: Federico Blee @toonfed Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Rafael Albuquerque @rafaelalbuquerque81 Peter Quill, the hero known as Star-Lord, sacrificed his life to stop the Olympian Gods and save his friends. Miraculously, Peter survived and awakened in a strange new world known as Morinus, the world beyond the sun. Joining a duo of nomadic heroes, Peter embraces his new life, letting go of the old, and lives for over 100 years until Olympian’s return to exact their revenge. Realizing the only way to save Morinus is to enter a legendary gateway with the ability to send him home. In doing so, Peter finds himself atop a mountain of bones with Rocket Raccoon and Nova as a Venom-ized dragon soars overhead. I love the artwork throughout this issue and the cover is really cool. As far as the story itself, it seems like we are leading to yet another Star-Lord retcon. Personally, the movies ruined the Guardians line to me. Once the movies came out, it felt like the writers started writing certain characters to match their counterparts. Rocket is completely different than he used to be. And Peter is nothing like he was during Thanos vol. 1, Annihilation or GoG vol. 2. I get that things change, but to me, it just wasn’t necessary. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10

Jan 12, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume: 6, Issue: 10 “I Think I Had This Album” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Juann Cabal Colors: Federico Blee @toonfed Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Pepe Larraz @pepelarraz While attempting to evacuate the planet Spartax from the terrors of Knull, the Guardians of the Galaxy are miraculously reunited with their fallen comrade, Starlord! His time away has left him a changed being a true Starlord, the master of the sun. Peter is able to focus his abilities through the elemental guns and destroy Knull’s influence and reach upon Spartax. Fearing the worst for Earth, the Guardians wish to lend their aid but Peter warns that would be the worst thing they could do, as the Gods of Olympus have returned. I know I’m beating a dead horse, but I miss Annihilation/GotG vol. 2 era Starlord. But whatever, things change and I’ll keep an open mind towards his new direction. I’m just beyond happy that Richard Rider is finally being used properly! I love this Alien variant cover. The title of this issue is hilarious because I literally think that every time I see Knull. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #11

Feb 19, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume: 6, Issue: 11 “Here We Make Our Stand” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Juann Cabal Colors: Federico Blee @toonfed Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Rafael Albuquerque @rafaelalbuquerque81 & Marcelo Maiolo The Annihilation Wave ravaged the galaxy. Led by Nova, the United Front stood before Annihlus and his horde, prepared to sacrifice their lives so that others may live. Now once again, Nova stands together with Starlord, Gamora and the rest of the Guardians, prepared to face off in the most dire of battles. The Olympian Gods have returned, and only the Guardians of the Galaxy stand before them and total annihilation. I loved this issue. Annihilation was one of my favorite stories ever. So anything that pays homage to or references, I am going to be a fan of. I’m so happy with how Al Ewing has been using Nova and hope him taking the spotlight continues. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #12

Mar 25, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume: 6, Issue: 12 “The Time of Mercy is Past” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Juann Cabal Colors: Federico Blee @toonfed Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Rafael Albuquerque @rafaelalbuquerque81 & Marcelo Maiolo The Olympians have returned seeking the death of Peter Quill and all who fought beside them. However, in their arrogance, the Olympians have underestimated the Guardians of the Galaxy and all eventually meet their downfall leaving only Zeus in the end. The combined power of Starlord and Moondragon focused through Marvel Boy’s ultimate weapon is all it takes to banish the elder God forever. With the Galactic Counsel seeing the true need of their defenders, Nova is asked to expand their reach, as the Galaxy will always be in need of saving. In the heat of battle, Groot is destroyed and regrown by an Infinity Stone powered Prince of Power. This essentially has hit a reset button in Groot who once again looks like a tree and finally only utters those three little words. Thank you, Al Ewing!!! And thank you for putting such love into Nova. It’s about time! I am super excited for the direction this series looks to be heading in and can’t wait to see how Doom is included. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #13

Apr 14, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume: 6, Issue: 13 “We’re Super Heroes” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Juan Frigeri @juanmfrigeri Colors: Federico Blee @toonfed Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Ron Lim @ronwlim & Israel Silva @israelsilvaart Nova leads a team of Guardians to defend the Kree/Skrull throne world from an extinction level threat. Meanwhile, a separate team investigates a newly discovered planet and happens upon a strange and violent Skrull cult. A closer look is needed as we learn that Wendell Vaughn and Avril Kincaid, the two Qausar’s essentially tag each other in and out of reality. Nova’s team deduces that the attack upon the throne world is far from random but in fact planned. Confirming his suspicions, Nova and the rest of the Guardians come face to face with the man responsible for orchestrating these events, Dr. Doom! I am super excited for the new direction this book is taking. An expanded team, Nova taking the lead and Super Skrull taking the “guy in the chair” role. I love that they are returning to a team design with the matching jackets and emblems. I’m very intrigued by the Quasar swapping situation but they’ve already done a decent job giving some explanation. But any book that puts a spotlight on Doom has got a hold of my attention! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Cable (2020) #7

Jan 22, 2021

Cable Volume: 4, Issue: 7 “Gritty Days in the City of Brotherly Love” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan Artist: Phil Noto @philnoto Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Phil Noto With the X of Swords tournament concluded, Cable returns to his quest to locate missing mutant children kidnapped by the cult, the Order of X. Not letting anything prevent him from their rescue, Cable cuts through the Order members, determined for no harm to befall the children. Breaching the mind of the Order leader, Cable is shocked to see Stryfe, his evil clone, to be behind the mutant kidnappings. Withholding this information from his family, Cable turns to the one person he knows would never turn him down, Domino! I’ll admit to enjoying Kid Cable a bit more than I thought I would, but I’m still eagerly awaiting Cable Prime’s return. Hopefully my prediction about him being the SWORD security director is legit. Like him or not, this version of Cable has shown that he has the potential to be a great warrior, but just lacks that life experience. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Cable (2020) #9

Mar 27, 2021

Cable Volume: 4, Issue: 9 “Bargaining” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Gerry Duggan @digduggan Artist: Phil Noto @philnoto Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Phil Noto Determined to bring Stryfe to justice, Cable pools his resources on Krakoa but is unable to find the answers he seeks. With nowhere left to turn, Cable seeks the assistance of an old follower of Stryfe’s, Wildside. Cable’s frustrations get the best of him and things between him and Wildside get physical. Hope Summer’s arrival puts an end to the hostilities and Cable comes to a realization. Their best chance in stopping Stryfe is in the old man… Finally… Cable Prime is on his way back! How fitting that it will be Hope that brings him back. However, I’m still convinced that he is the mysterious security director of Sword. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Excalibur (2019) #15

Nov 25, 2020

Excalibur Volume: 4, Issue: 15 “X of Swords; Chapter: 22” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Mahmoud Asrar @mahmudasrar & Stefano Caselli @stefano_caselli_art Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Leinil Francis Yu @leinilyu & Sunny Gho @sunnygho Refusing to acknowledge defeat, Annihilation summons the demon hordes of Amenth and reigns terror upon all who stand in her way. The Champions of Krakoa do their best to hold the line but find themselves hopelessly outnumbered. Even with the arrival of Jubilee and the Priestesses of the Green and the defection of Bei the Bloodmoon, the battle seems lost as Annihilation and her disciples surround the champions of Krakoa. Meanwhile, Saturnyne has a shocking revelation in regards to the future of Captain Britain and the Corps. Refuse to acknowledge a victor? Sounds like current US politics. Ha, I’m funny. This was an amazing issue. So much action, beautifully drawn. I loved every second of this book. I hope when all is said and done we continue to see some of these new characters. The White Sword is too cool of a character for him to just disappear after this. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Excalibur (2019) #16

Dec 26, 2020

Excalibur Volume: 4, Issue: 16 “They Keep Killing Braddocks” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Marcus To @marcusanthonyto Colors: Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar & Matthew Wilson The tournament between Arakko has concluded. The team of Excalibur struggle to deal with the loss of Betsy Braddock and contact X-Factor in hopes of her resurrection by the Five. Unsatisfied with their results, Excalibur heads to Otherworld to investigate the mystery surrounding Betsy's supposed demise. Aided by Meggan, Rictor is able to cast a spell from Apocalypse’s grimoire and summons forth the Captain Britain Corps and enlists their aid. Elsewhere, restored by an unknown matter, Betsy Braddock suddenly awakens before Warren. But the question is, is she the true Betsy? As prior, Jamie Braddock called upon a favor of Mr. Sinister to deliver him a clone body. Jamie never specified that he wanted Betsy from Sinister, we’re just left to assume it was. I’m curious if it’s that simple of if he has something more grand at play here. Going forward I hope to see more of Maggie Braddock, she cracks me up. I love the artistic design of Captain Avalon. I would totally read a solo title. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Excalibur (2019) #17

Jan 30, 2021

Excalibur Volume: 4, Issue: 17 “QEIII” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Marcus To @marcusanthonyto Colors: Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Following her mysterious shattering at the X of Swords tournament, Betsy Braddock, Captain Britain, awakens to find herself the Queen of England in a strange new dimension. Determined to return to her reality, Betsy travels to the Otherworld gate located at the Lighthouse under guard from none other than Kwannon! Meanwhile, in the prime reality, Coven Akkaba attacks the Lighthouse demanding to see the presence of Captain Britain when suddenly Betsy successfully returns to reality. My question though, is this our Betsy or Queen Betsy? I loved the conversation between Betsy and Kwannon and hope it’s something that will be replicated on Krakoa. Although I honestly prefer Betsy in the Kwannon body and vice versa. I’m sure it will all happen again eventually. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Excalibur (2019) #18

Feb 12, 2021

Excalibur Volume: 4, Issue: 18 “Mad Women” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Marcus To @marcusanthonyto Colors: Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Betsy Braddock’s return to reality raises nothing but questions. The team has doubts towards her authenticity and suspects her to not be the true Betsy, a thought shared by twin brother Brian. The Quiet Council has the need of Captain Britain to broker a meeting with Saturnyne, but Betsy refuses communication with all. After Brian mysteriously disappears in the night, the team splits to investigate. Gambit travels to Avalon to meet with Jamie Braddock who is shocked to discover his inactive clone of Betsy has gone missing. Meanwhile, while exploring what magic has to offer them, Rictor and Rogue fall victim to an attack by Betsy until the timely arrival of Revanche, confirming the group's suspicions. I think it might be all the magic talk, but sometimes I need to read Excalibur issues twice to truly be able to understand and absorb the story. I always end up enjoying it so much more the second time around. But one thing that’s always been evident from the get go is the fantastic work from the artistic team. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Excalibur (2019) #19

Apr 8, 2021

Excalibur Volume: 4, Issue: 19 “Wild Violets” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Marcus To @marcusanthonyto Colors: Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt After her shattering during the X of Swords tournament, Betsy Braddock was thought lost. In truth, her consciousness began bouncing back and forth between realities. Contained by the Captain Britain Corps but denied the assistance by Saturnyne, the Corps delivers what remains of Betsy to her brother, Captain Avalon. During a failed magical ceremony by Excalibur to restore her, Betsy’s essence refuses due to her newly cloned body being inhabited by another dormant consciousness. Betsy escapes to Otherworld with Revanche in pursuit, who convinces her to temporarily join her body and return home. Reclaiming her body, Betsy purges the dormant consciousness, revealed as Malice, who escapes to somewhere and someone on Krakoa. I’m pleased with how this story arc wrapped up. I was worried that we were about to spend multiple issues watching the Corps or Excalibur chase Betsy through multiple dimensions. I loved that it was Revanche who knew it needed to be her to bring her home. It was a beautiful trusting moment between the two inhabiting Kwannon’s body together. It’d be nice to see Revanche join the cast of this book as there is a lot of potential for great stories between the two. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Excalibur (2019) #20

Apr 10, 2021

Excalibur Volume: 4, Issue: 20 “No Pity From Your Friends” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward Artist: Marcus To @marcusanthonyto Colors: Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Mahmud Asrar @mahmudasrar & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt Malice, the evil mutant psychic entity, has been released upon Krakoa. Sensing the pain and loss within her, Betsy and Kwannon confront Malice and offer her a new opportunity. Rejecting them, Malice is killed only to be resurrected by Xavier and the Five. For the first time since childhood, Malice now has a body of her own. Offered mercy, Malice is officially welcomed into Krakoa and given a second chance at life. This was a really good issue. Like I did the previous arc, I anticipated multiple issues of the team chasing Malice from person to person, and I’m really happy that Tini Howard went a different direction, keeping it short and sweet. It was really cool getting to essentially see an origin story for Malice, as characters like her don’t normally get that luxury. Furthermore, I loved the compassion of Betsy, Kwannon and Emma. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Radiant Black #1

Feb 10, 2021

Radiant Black Issue: 1 “(Not So) Secret Origin” Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @kyledhiggins Artist: @marcelocosta1977 Cover: @michael_cho_art Variant Cover: Marcelo Costa & @eduardoferigato Letterer: Becca Carey Nathan Burnett is an aspiring yet struggling writer. Things are not going well for him as he has two jobs and has an enormous credit card debt that continues to rise. He is desperate and his only move is to leave Los Angeles and return home to live with his parents in Lockport, Illinois. After reuniting with an old friend, they decide to go out, catch up and get drunk to forget their many problems. This drunken night out might be something Nathan desperately needs. However, he didn’t know that he was going to encounter a miniature black hole that grants him cosmic powers and a superhero costume that might finally change his fortunes for the better! There’s only one problem, the powers don’t belong to him. This highly anticipated debut issue of Radiant Black by acclaimed writer Kyle Higgins was nothing but a huge success! Higgins gives us a truly relatable character in Nathan as he struggles in his adult life. Nathan returning home to live with his parents shows us that he’s really hit rock bottom. I mean who wants to move back in with their parents?! I enjoyed how he acquired his new powers and the hilarious encounter with the police. Seeing him test his powers on the fly reminded me of Spider-Man and I love it. I look forward to learning more about the origin of his powers with the coming issues and why he was chosen. This issue left us with a juicy cliffhanger letting us know that he is not one of a kind. Radiant Black’s suit is badass and the artwork is phenomenal. I love both covers and this series might have me chasing variants! Fans of the superhero genre should definitely pick this up! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Radiant Black #2

Mar 18, 2021

Radiant Black Issue: 2 “Better off Red” Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @kyledhiggins Artist: @marcelocosta1977 Cover: Marcelo Costa Letterer: @highlanderxoxo Editor: @m_busuttil Following a night out in town catching up with his best friend, Nathan has found an alien artifact that gave him superpowers. However, he is not the only one that has obtained such power. There is another being using his newly obtained power for financial gain as he or she is going around the city robbing banks. After his eventful night, two police officers know who Nathan is and has seen his powers. Now they hope that he is not involved with the other and that he uses his powers to help the city. Additionally, Nathan’s personal life is still in turmoil as his debt continues to rise and his father turns up the heat on what he’s going to do with his life. In this issue, we see Nathan struggle with his new powers in this classic origin story. While this issue wasn’t action packed, we get treated to tremendous character development. Our new hero did have a brief battle with our unknown villain, but we did not get any answers that we were all looking for. I find it funny that Nathan’s dad is on his ass to make money in order to stay in his house. I find some similarities between Radiant Black and Spider-Man as they both are struggling to make it in their personal lives while also being a superhero. I guess with great power comes great responsibility. The artwork in this series is stellar and I absolutely love the design of our hero and villain. Hopefully the next issue picks up and I look forward to seeing where this goes. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars (2020) #9

Dec 12, 2020

Star Wars Issue: 9 “Operation Starlight: The Ancient Relic” Part I Publisher: @marvel Writer: @charlesdsoule Artist: Jan Bazaldua Colorist: @rachelle_cheri Cover: @thecarlopagulayan , @mjasonpaz & Rain Beredo Letterer: Clayton Cowles Following their defeat at the Battle of Hoth, the Rebel Alliance have scattered across the galaxy and are on the run from the Empire. Commander Zahra, of the Galactic Empire, has broken the Rebel’s security codes. In an attempt to rally her friends, Princess Leia sets forth a daring desperate mission to the Imperial Museum on Coruscant to recover an ancient droid that could be the key to uniting the Rebels once again. In this issue, we veer off from the main characters as Leia’s team known as the Pathfinders are put into the forefront for this vital mission that was set up by C-3PO. Now of course this was not an issue that featured the well known stars of Star Wars, but definitely an enjoyable read because it was such a vital mission for the survival of the Rebels. It was not an issue that had cover to cover action. However, it was still an essential issue that had heroes that are not well known or talked about that sacrificed their lives for the greater good. These Star Wars books continue to be great reads for any fan that desires more from the Skywalker saga. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars (2020) #10

Jan 8, 2021

Star Wars Issue: 10 “Operation Starlight: The Rebel Code” Part II Publisher: @marvel Writer: @charlesdsoule Artist: Jan Bazaldua Colorist: @rachelle_cheri Cover: @thecarlopagulayan , @mjasonpaz & Rain Beredo Letterer: Clayton Cowles The Rebel Alliance is on the run from the Galactic Empire following the battle of Hoth. However, Commander Zahra, of the Empire, has broken rebel security codes and will stop at nothing to hunt them down and destroy them once and for all. The Rebels have undergone a daring mission to steal an ancient protocol droid from the Imperial Museum in hopes to create a new code using an ancient language that only this droid knows. By creating this code, they hope that they might be able to safely reunite their scattered fleet and rejoin the fight. However, things don’t go to plan as the Rebels run into TECHNICAL difficulties. I’m really enjoying this story arc so far. I love the added insight from this point in time in Star Wars history. It’s interesting seeing Threepio in a larger role. The Rebels playing off his plan is an interesting dynamic. The side plot with Lando leaking information to Jabba was something I wasn’t expecting and I look forward to seeing how it plays out. Additionally, seeing the interactions between Poe Dameron’s parents is definitely a great tie in. They are becoming a bigger part of the story which is pretty cool. I love the artwork in this issue which has been consistent throughout this run. This cover is awesome as well! I look forward to the best issue. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars (2020) #11

Feb 8, 2021

Star Wars Issue: 11 “Operation Starlight: The Last Hope” Part III Publisher: @marvel Writer: @charlesdsoule Artist: Jan Bazaldua Colorist: @rachelle_cheri Cover: @thecarlopagulayan , @mjasonpaz & Rain Beredo Letterer: Clayton Cowles The Rebels have stolen an ancient translator droid from the Imperial Museum in hopes to create a new code to reunite the Rebel fleet before Commander Zahra destroys them for good. However once awoken, the translator did not wish to help the Rebels until Lobot agreed to help and stuck a deal with the droid to comply. Now the newly formed Starlight Squadron is in danger and Lobot is about to overload. Leia must think of the bigger picture and orders C3PO to carry on working despite Lando’s objection. This was a great action packed issue that perfectly demonstrates the importance of the Rebellion. Seeing Leia risk so much for the greater good is definitely Spot on with her character in the films. I enjoyed seeing the enormous tension between Lando, Leia and Dameron. All three of them have their own concerns and Soule does a great job forcing us to empathize the stakes that they are dealing with. Lando’s part in all this is most interesting as he is playing both sides. I look forward to that issue progressing. The artwork continues to be stellar in this series as well as all of the Star Wars books. It’s a great time to be a Star Wars fan! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book _club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars (2020) #12

Mar 14, 2021

Star Wars Volume: 3 Issue: 12 “Operation Starlight Part IV: Reflections of the Lost” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @charlesdsoule Artist: @ramon.rosanas Colorist: @rachelle_cheri Cover: @thecarlopagulayan , @mjasonpaz & @rainmb Letterer: Clayton Cowles In the latest installment of Star Wars, we take break from Commander Zahra’s quest to destroy General Leia Organa and the Rebels. Leia Organa and Kes Dameron both have missing loved ones. In this issue, we learn how Poe Dameron’ parents met and why Han Solo is so important or Leia as well as the Rebellion. In this issue of Star Wars, we take a break from all the epic action and connect with Leia and Kes on a deeper level. This was definitely an unexpected issue, yet welcomed. It was great to read how much Han means to Leia as well as the Rebellion. Even though Leia always remained devoted to the cause, it was great to see her so vulnerable. Additionally, I like the added “origin” of Poe Dameron’s parents and how this issue ties all of those relationships to the movies as well. Once again, the artwork in Star Wars is stellar and I’m appreciative that the likeness of fan favorite characters stay true to the movies. Star Wars fans should be reading and pleased with how Marvel has been handling the Star Wars books. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Jan 7, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic Issue: 1 Chapter One: “Trial By Ordeal” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @cavanscottwriter Artist: @arioanin Inker: @mark_morales11 Colorist: @leoni.a_art Cover: @philnoto Variant: @stephaniehansart Letterer: Ariana Maher A new era of Star Wars storytelling begins here! Taking place centuries before the Skywalker saga, the High Republic takes us to the golden age of the Jedi. As the Jedi are the protectors of the galaxy, they are establishing new station on the edge of the outer rim. As the Jedi prepare to launch their new Starlight Beacon, we get introduced to a new Padawan, Keeve Trennis, in the midst of her Jedi trials. However, things get complicated fast as she must choose to complete the trials or rescue the innocent from disaster. Like many Star Wars fans, I have been waiting for this book for quite some time. We are finally getting to explore an era prior to the Skywalker saga and I couldn’t be more excited. We are introduced to a new Padawan and she definitely seems to be an interesting and fun character. It’s pretty hysterical with how much she swears and struggles to communicate with the Masters. I look forward to see how her character develops. Now onto my favorite part of the issue, YODA’S CAMEO! Even though it was very small, I enjoyed seeing him in the issue. I’m not exactly sure what his role will be and how often he will be featured, but it’s definitely a welcomed sight and I’m looking forward to it. The artwork in this issue was stellar and both covers are fantastic. However, I am a little biased to the amazing variant considering Yoda is on the cover. Very well done and I can’t wait for the next issue. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for reviews!

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #2

Feb 8, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic Issue: 2 Chapter Two: “Tomb in Space” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @cavanscottwriter Artist: @arioanin Inker: @mark_morales11 Colorist: @leoni.a_art Cover: @philnoto Letterer: Ariana Maher The NIHIL have struck! Newly appointed Jedi Knight Keeve is now on her first mission with her former Master Sskeer and other new teammates are investigating a distress signal. Upon arrival to the location, they discover a ship adrift in space, the crew brutally slaughtered and its cargo stolen. Now they must uncover the mystery as to why this happened. Not only does Keeve have to focus on her mission, but she also must overcome her insecurity in the face of new teammates. While she also grows worried by Sskeer's changed behavior. As of right now, this series is one of my favorite ongoing series. The new Star Wars era really has caught my attention with its plot and new characters. I enjoy reading Keeve’s inner monologue throughout the issue as it helps me connect with the character. It’ll be great to see her grow as a Jedi as this series continues on. I need to know what’s going on with Master Sskeer! He’s behavior in the first two issues is definitely noticeable and clearly going to be a focal point going forward. I enjoyed the flashbacks that led to Sskeer’s injury. I loved seeing the Hutts involved and seeing the corpse of a Hutt was something I didn’t expect. So far we are two issues in and I’m hooked. This well written issue is complemented with great artwork and I look forward to further reading this series and learning more about this era. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #3

Mar 4, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic Issue: 3 There Is No Fear Chapter Three: “Down Below” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @cavanscottwriter Artist: @arioanin Inker: @mark_morales11 Colorist: @leoni.a_art Cover: @philnoto Letterer: Ariana Maher Newly appointed Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis along with Jedi Master Sskeer and Jedi Knights Ceret and Terec Kotabi are on a mission investigating a distress signal. They didn’t know what they were in store for as upon arrival at the signal in question, they found a  slain Hutt who was transporting the grain used to make bacta. To make matters worse, they believe that the Hutt and crew were attacked by the dreaded Nihil. Now they have arrived on a planet stricken by a mysterious blight. One Jedi is missing and another is driven insane. Young Keeve Trennis must figure out the mystery on this planet, protect an innocent life and face a shocking betrayal from within the Jedi order. That’s a lot to take on for a newly appointed Jedi Knight. Issue number three takes Star Wars into a murder mystery type of story. We also learn more about what’s been making Sskeer act out of sorts and what took Ceret. Keeve needs to mature and grow on the fly as a newly appointed Jedi Knight. I look forward to watching her grow as a Jedi. The Dark Side is creeping its way into the High Republic era. High Republic continues to introduce more of the new villains of this era. This was yet another solid addition to this new era. However, I’m not sure I want to see Keeve fight the threat of a monster. I enjoy the Star Wars battling some form of Empire trying for universal domination. I guess I’m just waiting for a new Sith Lord? Overall, this was a good read complemented with great artwork. I looking forward to exploring more of this era. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #4

Apr 10, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic Issue: 4 There Is No Fear Chapter IV: “Song of the Drengir” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @cavanscottwriter Artist: @arioanin Inker: @mark_morales11 Colorist: @leoni.a_art Cover: @philnoto Letterer: Ariana Maher The Drengir are a plant-like species once allied with the Sith before being trapped for eons. They have now resurfaced and have taken root on Sedri Minor. The Drengir have captured Jedi and Sskeer is now connected with the age-old danger. All hope seems lost for the Jedi. This issue continues to present and explore new threats and concepts within the Star Wars universe. The Drengir have the ability to infect and push people as well as Jedi towards the dark side. Corrupting a Jedi Master like Sskeer truly demonstrates the power they possess. I loved that we learn about their connection to the Sith. It’s not the normal villain we are all used to for Star Wars but it’s definitely an interesting one. The artwork continues to be great which accompanies the great story telling. Star Wars fans need to be reading this series! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Factor (2020) #5

Dec 3, 2020

X-Factor Volume: 4, Issue: 5 “Suite No. 5: First Movement Finale; After a Summer of Allostatic Overload” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Leah Williams @handaxe Artist: David Baldeón @davidbaldeoncomic Colors: Israel Silva @israelsilvaart Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Ivan Shavrin @ivan_shavrin_art The X of Swords tournament has concluded and the Five have reestablished resurrection. Wind Dancer has been returned and her fellow New X-Men rejoice. All this joy surrounding her, but Emma Frost still feels the heartache and the loss of losing the true Rockslide forever. In his new altered form, Rachel searches his mind for memories but finds the new Rockslide only ever existed up to the point of his failed resurrection. The night moves forward with all embracing the happiness of life. Northstar and Aurora, fully reunited at last, are alerted by a startling scream and puzzled to discover the dead body of Siryn who had apparently fallen to her death despite having the ability of flight. This issue made me happy. One of my favorite X-Men teams was the New X-Men and it was just a lot of fun to finally see so many of them back together. I love that the Five appear to play a substantial role in this book and I hope it continues. David Baldeón’s art throughout the book is really nice. The scene of Wind Dancer’s resurrection is very well done. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Factor (2020) #6

Jan 6, 2021

X-Factor Volume: 4, Issue: 6 “Suite No. 6: Scio Me Nihil Scire; Second Movement” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Leah Williams @handaxe Artist: David Baldeón @davidbaldeoncomic Colors: Israel Silva @israelsilvaart Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Ivan Shavrin @ivan_shavrin_art Claiming her death to have been an accident, X-Factor have a hard time believing that after finding themselves investigating the death of Siryn once more, just a few days following her resurrection. In order to better serve his team and expand his education in the field, Prodigy creates a body farm to better study cadavers and mutant decay. Resurrected once more, Theresa lashes out at the interrogations of X-Factor claiming her deaths to have all been accidental. Aware of her deceit, Lorna confronts Siryn outside their residence only to fall victim to Siryn’s vocal trance powers and moving forward will now be sabotaging X-Factor’s investigations into Theresa’s deaths. I may have to do some rereading of Peter David’s X-Factor Investigations, but I thought Siryn’s vocal trance abilities only had an effect on humans. I’m glad Lorna brought up Siryn becoming an actual Siren the last time we saw her. I suspect her behavior is due to still being under its influence. I really like this book and I think David Baldeón’s art is great. I hope sooner than later we start adding some more X-Factor alumni. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Factor (2020) #7

Feb 3, 2021

X-Factor Volume: 4, Issue: 7 “Suite No.7: Scientia Vincere Tenebras” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Leah Williams @handaxe Artist: David Baldeón @davidbaldeoncomic Colors: Israel Silva @israelsilvaart Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Ivan Shavrin @ivan_shavrin_art While Daken trails Siryn’s activity, the remainder of X-Factor continue their investigation into her odd behavior as of late. Daken reports his findings back to the team but a mind manipulated Polaris fails to relay that information. Eye Boy discovers her deceit and a psychic probing by Rachel reveals Siryn to still be under the influence of the Morrigan after all! Northstar races to Daken’s last known whereabouts and finds him impelled and near death. Later in the evening as he heals from his wounds, Daken wanders the Boneyard and happens upon an oddly behaved Prodigy and Eye Boy, who shockingly announce the deaths of their fellow teammates. Turning around, Daken finds the bodies of Northstar and Aurora, seemingly murdered in a strange sacrifice. This book is making me a fan of Daken for the first time in forever. I’m watching too much Disney+ with my daughter because I just quoted Frozen. I was happy to see a brief cameo by Madrox. Hope to see more classic X-Factor members show up and hopefully stick around. Very curious to learn what craziness just occurred in the final pages here. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

X-Factor (2020) #8

Mar 11, 2021

X-Factor Volume: 4, Issue: 8 “Suite No.8: Scio Me Nihil Scire {Tritone Substitution - - Jazz Arrangement}” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Leah Williams @handaxe Artist: David Baldeón @davidbaldeoncomic Colors: Israel Silva @israelsilvaart Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Ivan Shavrin @ivan_shavrin_art The Morrigan, goddess of death, has claimed Siryn as its host and has taken up residency at X-Factor’s headquarters, the Boneyard. Making herself at home, Morrigan murders the majority of the team with only Prodigy and Eye-Boy narrowly surviving. Upon their resurrection, the combined might of Polaris and Rachel proves powerful enough to break through to Siryn. But it’s not enough as the Morrigan has already begun to claw its way back into control. My favorite part of this issue is the exposition page of an exchange of emails between Xavier and Northstar. Northstar is such a dick, I love it. I like that this series has made me enjoy characters that I’ve never really had any interest in previously. I know I say this every time, but I really hope to see some classic X-Factor alumni grace these pages. I think Strong Guy would be a great fit for David Baldeón’s artistic style. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Deep Beyond #1

Feb 6, 2021

Deep Beyond Issue: 1 Publisher: @imagecomics Writers: Mirka Andolfo & @davideggcaci Artist: @andreabroccardo Colorist: @babs_color Cover: Andrea Broccardo & @nuclearmelons Letterer: @fabioamelia Editors: Rossano Bruno & @the_solinas The year is 2085 and the Earth is under populated after a catastrophic event left most of the planet uninhabitable. The remaining population now live in domes to stop the polluted air from getting in and affecting them all. The “government” sends scientists try to understand and study what is hidden in the depths of the abyss. When a research mission goes awry, a lone survivor sends out a desperate message about what they might have found and it might be worse than anyone imagined. Image Comics delivers us a new science fiction thriller that leaves you wanting more after the first issue. In a future Earth where humanity struggles to survive and danger looms all around them, this first issue really captures you and forces you to buy issue two learn further about what exactly is going on. This well-written first issue sets the stage on what is to come and is complemented with fantastic artwork. This amazing cover is what caught my attention and I’m glad it did because I can’t wait for the second issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Deep Beyond #2

Mar 12, 2021

Deep Beyond Issue: 2 Publisher: @imagecomics Writers: Mirka Andolfo & @davideggcaci Artist: @andreabroccardo Colorist: @babs_color Cover: Andrea Broccardo & @nuclearmelons Letterer: @fabioamelia Editors: Rossano Bruno & @the_solinas Paul is desperate to save his ex-lover. His desperation causes him to go on a dangerous mission with his exe’s sister and her friends to rescue her despite the fact that the authorities do not want to intervene. However, since going along on this mission, he is now out of the colony and finds himself in constant danger all around him. The massive sea monsters that surround them are seemingly unbeatable and can end their lives at any moment. Meanwhile, Pam remains trapped the the deep ocean. The second issue of Deep Beyond immediately begins with some great action and immediately let’s us know how dangerous it truly is being out of the colony. We are introduced to a few more characters that have interesting stories about them. The artwork is this series has been absolutely stellar so far. In this issue, unfortunately we get little story development. I still don’t know where this series is going yet but it does have an intriguing concept for me to stick with it. So far, it seems like just a rescue mission with overgrown sea monsters. This issue, like the first, had a few overlooked typos and I found myself having to reread certain panels to make sure I know what’s going on. This definitely needs to be cleaned up. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Deep Beyond #3

Apr 11, 2021

Deep Beyond Issue: 3 Publisher: @imagecomics Writers: Mirka Andolfo & @davideggcaci Artist: @andreabroccardo Colorist: @babs_color Cover: Andrea Broccardo & @nuclearmelons Letterer: @fabioamelia Editors: Rossano Bruno & @the_solinas The group has been attacked by a monster outside of the colony while on an unauthorized rescue mission. The were able to survive the sea monster’s attack. Then, they broke into a secret base to steal a submarine. Unbeknownst to them, they were discovered and a self destruction protocol was activated. They made a narrow escape, however some members of the group didn’t make it out alive. Unfortunately, they have no time to mourn as the now are being hunted. The authorities hunting them are no their only problems as the threats of the enormous sea monsters constantly surround them. They must band together if they are going to evade the hunt as well as achieve their ultimate goal in rescuing Pamela Bell. In this issue, Jolene and her crew search for her twin sister Pamela while battling various dangers under the sea. This story is filled with mystery and tragedy. The latest installment of “Deep Beyond” was definitely the best issue thus far as far as character development. I feel like I’m finally connecting with the characters. The only problem with this story in my opinion is that it’s very slow paced. However, in this issue things finally picked up. The artwork is this series is awesome! The sea monsters are terrifying and the battle scenes were well done. I’m still invested in this story and I look forward to seeing where this goes. Especially so because it seems the Cree finally have a lead on Pam! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #1

Jan 22, 2021

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Larry Hama @larryhama Artist: David Wachter @davewachter Colors: Neeraj Menon @neeraj.n.menon Letters: Travis Lanham @immortalandroid Cover: David Aja @dav.aja ; Kim Jacinto @akimjacinto Iron Fist travels to the Heavenly Kingdom of Under City to find it under siege by a horde of zombie ninjas. Learning that someone has begun collecting the hearts of dragons, Danny returns home to find Rand Tower has befallen a similar fate but is able repel its attackers. Suddenly, Danny is visited by Mother of Mercy with dire news. Heaven is burning, and all hope lies with Iron Fist. I absolutely love Iron Fist books and I am excited for this. The Fraction/Brubaker and Kaare Andrews’ runs are truly epic and are must reads. It seems like Larry Hama has a good handle on the character and continuity, so hopefully this title lands right up there with the others. Also, this David Aja cover is perfect. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #2

Mar 2, 2021

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon Issue: 2 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Larry Hama @larryhama Artist: David Wachter @davewachter Colors: Neeraj Menon @neeraj.n.menon Letters: Travis Lanham @immortalandroid Cover: Marcos Martin @mmartinsart Danny Rand, the legendary hero known as Iron Fist comes face to face with destiny as the existence of the Heavenly Cities are threatened by the emergence of the Hidden City. Each of the seven cities are powered by their respective dragon. The hidden eighth city seeks to slay the other dragons to strengthen their own. Iron Fist must lead his fellow Immortal Weapons in preventing the opening of the gate of the Hidden City. Failure to do so would mean the destruction of Heaven. I’ve always been so intrigued by the mythos of Iron Fist and the Heavenly Cities. I’ve been such a huge fan of the character ever since the Brubaker and Fraction run. But there is still so much I have to learn. Here’s to hoping Marvel releases a classic Iron Fist omnibus in the near future! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #3

Mar 25, 2021

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon Issue: 3 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Larry Hama @larryhama Artist: David Wachter @davewachter Colors: Neeraj Menon @neeraj.n.menon Letters: Travis Lanham @immortalandroid Cover: Jeffrey Veregge With the Heavenly Cities having materialized within our realm, Iron Fist must ensure the safety of each city’s dragon, as each dragon serves to preserve the cosmic balance of the universe. Meanwhile, his fellow Immortal Weapons stand guard at the Hidden City to prevent the opening of their gate but find themselves confronted by the Hidden Dragon. Tragedy strikes in Wakanda when an unknown rider slays the dragon of Z’Gambo. Okoye pursues the rider but is given an opportunity to play a larger role in overcoming evil by Prince of Orphans while Danny and his team return to the Hidden City to face the dangers head on. While I’ve enjoyed all the issues of this series so far, this one has been my favorite. I really enjoyed the artwork throughout. Particularly a shot of Danny battling a horde of zombies on a bridge in Tokyo. It’s all been incredibly well done. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Savage Avengers (2019) #15

Dec 6, 2020

Savage Avengers Issue: 15 “Defrocked” Publisher: @marvel Writter: @digduggan Artist: Patch Zirchter Colorist: @javatartaglia Cover: @valeriogiangiordanoart & @fgdcolor Letterer: Travis Lanham Doctor Strange has assembled a team that can finally defeat Kulan Gath for good. Doctor Strange split his team into two smaller teams with specific missions. Black Widow, Wolverine, Elektra, Daiman Hellstrom and the Punisher have been tasked with raiding Kulan Gath’s drug operations and destroying his acolytes on Earth along with the Priest of Sickles. If you were looking for action, this issue delivers it on all cylinders. Personally, I truly enjoy the action packed issues with fantastic moments. This issue contained some funny moments along with some epic panels with the Punisher and Wolverine that finally live up to this title’s “Savage” name. An absolutely brutal issue that will get fans saying “Damn!” Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Savage Avengers (2019) #16

Dec 21, 2020

Savage Avengers Issue: 16 “Let’s Go To Limbo” Publisher: @marvel Writter: @digduggan Artist: Patch Zirchter Colorist: @javatartaglia Cover: @valeriogiangiordanoart & @fgdcolor Letterer: Travis Lanham After the evil sorcerer Kulan Gath was forced to retreat following a battle with a group of fierce warriors, Doctor Strange gathered two teams with specific missions in order to finally defeat Kulan Gath for good. The team of Conan, Magik, the Black Knight and the Juggernaut form one half of the Savage Avengers and are now in Bruges to secure the Eye of Agamotto that manifests strength. Only Sadurang, an Asgardian Dragon stands in their way. This issue really puts the abilities of each Savage Avenger on display to take down a formidable foe. Patch’s artwork was awesome throughout as the battle panels were brought to life with his beautiful artwork. This issue was action packed which I love. However, the dialogue amongst the team was very cheesy and that just doesn’t fit with this team. They are “Savage Avengers” which makes them more fierce and serious in my opinion. Having a cheesy and joking dialogue while engaged in battle ruins their tone. Additionally, I was not too pleased with how easy they took down the Asgardian Dragon. They really dropped the ball on something that could have been epic. This series started off hot but now it looks to be a little drawn out. However, this series is far superior to the Avengers series right now and I appreciate that. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Savage Avengers (2019) #18

Feb 22, 2021

Savage Avengers Issue: 18 “The Night Flyer Job” Publisher: @marvel Writter: @digduggan Artist: Kev Walker Colorist: @javatartaglia Cover: @valeriogiangiordanoart & @fgdcolor Letterer: Travis Lanham Knull has arrived and invaded Earth. While doing so, Conan was arrested and sent to Ryker’s Island. With the help of Deadpool and Night Flyer, they were able to escape. Night Flyer has promised them both a hideout and a lucrative score. While on the way to their new hideout, they had to battle symbiote dragons. While engaged in battle, the symbiote that was buried with Conan was awakened and promised if they joined forces that they together will defeat Kulan Gath once and for all. This issue is another addition to the massive King in Black event. Most tie-in issues to any event tend to be lackluster issues, however that’s not the case with Savage Avengers. This story can definitely stand on its own and it’s a great addition to the King in Black story while also keeping to its own plot of ending Kulan Gath. Duggan does a great job balancing both. The artwork complements Duggan’s great writing. It’ll be interesting to see how Conan, along with the symbiote, finally reach their goal to defeat Gath down the road. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Captain Marvel (2019) #24

Dec 14, 2020

Captain Marvel Volume: 11, Issue: 24 “The New World: Part: 3” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Lee Garbett @leegarbett & Belén Ortega @belen_ortega Colors: Antonio Fabela @antoniofabela Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Jorge Molina @jorge_molinam Inspired by the strength and glory of his father, Namor, Ove reveals the origins of New Atlantis, a paradise amid an apocalyptic wasteland. Ove shares that all they’ve achieved are due to the volunteered services of others; Armor provides the protective dome, Jolt provides unlimited energy and the supreme weather is courtesy of Crystal of the Inhumans. A recon of Ove’s compound reveals those “volunteers” enslaved, as well as Magik, the reason for Carol’s arrival in this timeline. Anticipating their actions, Ove and his mother, Enchantress, ambush Carol and her team and prove their superiority over the rebels. I loved the reunion between Emma and Magik, very touching. This is a well written series, I enjoy the dialogue between characters and the artwork and design is great. But I’m curious why Carol would be the answer to Ove unlocking the future considering he’s already enslaved Magik who has the ability to travel between time and space? Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Captain Marvel (2019) #25

Feb 5, 2021

Captain Marvel Volume: 11, Issue: 25 “The New World, Part:4” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Lee Garbett @leegarbett & Belén Ortega @belen_ortega Colors: Antonio Fabela @antoniofabela Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Jamie McKelvie @mckelvie & Matthew Wilson @colornmatt As Ove makes preparations to return to Carol’s prime timeline, Enchantress shares with Carol the circumstances relating to her son's rise to power. The son of Namor, taken by madness, murders his father and flees to the surface world to ensure his survival. As Ove begins the ritual of killing Carol and absorbing her life force, Brigid and Emma intervene. With all hope seemingly lost, Mjolnir answers Brigid’s calls giving her the power of the almighty Thor! Turning the tide of battle, Brigid amplifies Carol to cosmic levels, ready to put an end to Ove’s terror. I want to know more about Brigid! Particularly, who is her mother? I was expecting some sort of terrible reveal when Emma dropped her diamond form to access her mental abilities. I guess I was expecting a scene similar to that of her appearance in Old Man Logan. This was a pretty epic ending to the issue. Can't wait to see the best down which will surely follow. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Captain Marvel (2019) #26

Mar 2, 2021

Captain Marvel Volume: 11, Issue: 26 “The New World, Conclusion” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Lee Garbett @leegarbett Colors: Antonio Fabela @antoniofabela Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Jorge Molina @jorge_molinam Brigid’s transformation into Thor gave Carol the upper hand needed to turn the tide of battle against Ove and Enchantress. However, Enchantress learns the truth of Magik’s teleportation spell and sacrifices her own life in order to successfully transport her son into the past. Life in the future slowly returns to a sense of normality but Carol’s peace is shattered when Jessica sacrifices her own life to return Carol to her proper place in the timeline. Upon her return home, Carol deduces Ove to have been responsible for her escapade in the first place. I don’t really care about Ove, so I hope when Namor meets him he just instantly kills him. That is something Namor would totally do. But I guess that would kinda make this whole arc meaningless and that’s no fun. I’m sure sooner than later we’ll see Ove pop up in the prime timeline. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Captain Marvel (2019) #27

Mar 25, 2021

Captain Marvel Volume: 11, Issue: 27 “Mistakes Were Made” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: David Lopez @davizzzz Colors: Tríona Farrell Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18 After traveling to the future, Carol was saddened to learn that she was not the future mother of Rhodey’s daughter. Returning to the present and not wanting to rob him of this joy, Carol ends their relationship. Retreating into a world of sadness and self pity, Carols withdrawals from her personal life. Jessica refuses to stand idly by and makes multiple attempts to bring her back into the real world. Contemplating her near god-like powers but the inability to conquer her own inner demons, Carol finds comfort in Dr. Strange, engaged in a soul search of his own. I don’t know if it’s because I love the Spider-Woman series so much, but Jessica really steals the show in this issue. Her repeatedly bursting through Carol’s window had me cracking up. I’m glad to see this book return to the present day and am intrigued to see where the title goes with Dr. Strange as part of the supporting cast. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #1

Jan 18, 2021

Return of the Valkyries Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron & Torunn Grønbekk @groenbekk Artist: Nina Vakueva Colors: Tamra Bonvillain @tamra.bonvillain Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Skottie Young @skottieyoung & Jean-Francois Beaulieu While ferrying the soul of the Sentry to Valhalla, Jane Foster, the last of the Valkyries, encounters a horde of dead creatures wishing to claim his soul as their own. With Sentry enveloped by the creatures, Jane plunges her All Weapon into the beasts, and much to her surprise, a young woman adorned in similar armor emerges to join in her quest. Finally, the proper introduction of Tessa Thompson’s @tessamaethompson Valkyrie has arrived in the Marvel universe! The Exiles version did not live up to the excitement, but this is the one and I hope she is here to stay. Great issue. At first I questioned Sentry being given the honor to reside at Valhalla but then reflected on the fact that he’s often been victimized himself in order to perpetrate his more heinous actions. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #2

Feb 8, 2021

Return of the Valkyries Issue: 2 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron & Torunn Grønbekk @groenbekk Artist: Nina Vakueva Colors: Tamra Bonvillain @tamra.bonvillain Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Mattia De Iulis @mattart91 While being ferried to Valhalla, the Sentry’s soul was abducted by a decapitated Celestial and a horde of lost & corrupted souls. Tasked by Brunnhilde, Jane Foster assembles a group of Valkyries to destroy the Celestial corpse and cut off the power supply to Knull’s Necrosword. While Jane rallies her sisters in arms, the newly returned Valkyrie, yet to be named, goes in search of her former weapon, the mighty ax, Jarnbjorn! For those unaware, Jarnbjorn was an ax wielded by Thor when he was not worthy enough to lift the hammer Mjolnir. I hope now that she is reunited with her mighty weapon, we are lucky enough so see her use it for many stories to come. The fact that Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie is here has me beyond excited. I was so disappointed with the Exiles version. But this one seems completely inspired by the Thor: Ragnarok version. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #3

Mar 2, 2021

Return of the Valkyries Issue: 3 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron & Torunn Grønbekk @groenbekk Artist: Nina Vakueva Colors: Tamra Bonvillain @tamra.bonvillain Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Mattia De Iulis @mattart91 Jane Foster leads a team of Valkyrie’s to sever Knull’s connection to the Necrosword. Vanlandi struggles with her coming to terms with her centuries-long imprisonment. Recently freed from the very Celestial which empowers the Necrosword, Vanlandi doubts her mental strength and courage. While Jane and Dani Moonstar orchestrate the ritual needed in the afterlife, Hildegarde faces Knull head on but ultimately is found failing and is overtaken by symbiotes. So excited to hear that Valkyrie’s will continue on following KIB. It’s been a lot of fun and I’m excited to see what they do with Vanlandi. I’d really like to see Dani play a bigger role moving forward as well. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #4

Apr 8, 2021

Return of the Valkyries Issue: 4 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron & Torunn Grønbekk @groenbekk Artist: Nina Vakueva Colors: Tamra Bonvillain @tamra.bonvillain Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Mattia De Iulis @mattart91 Brunhilde leads her fellow Valkyries into battle one last time in an effort to aid her sisters in severing Knull’s connection to the Necrosword. As Jane is absorbed within the Celestial she is met by visions of her deceased son. Finding the strength and courage to resist its temptations, Jane convinces the Celestial to release its captured souls. With the Celestial’s power and influence shattered, Jane, Dani and Vanlandi head to join Earth’s forces against Knull. I was impressed by the strength of Jane. I can’t imagine her decision to not give in was an easy one. I was so psyched to hear that Valkyries will be continuing following KIB. I’m really looking forward to learning more about Vanlandi and seeing her interactions with the greater Marvel universe. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Black Knight #1

Mar 25, 2021

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Si Spurrier @sispurrier & Sergio Dávila @sergiodavila1582 Artist: Sean Parsons Colors: Arif Prianto @arifprianto.arf Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Peach Momoko @peachmomoko60 With his powers only strengthened by his increased sadness and anger, Dane Whitman, the Black Knight, struggles to find his place in a world among literal Gods and living legends. Elated by a call to action by the Avengers, Dane fails to grasp that the need for his presence is not social but merely for the might of the Ebony Blade. After wiping out their attackers, the Avengers are temporarily stunned by the whispers of a cloaked figure who then promptly decapitates Dane. Later, Jacks, a scholar who had been summoned to help Dane learn more of the Ebony Blade’s history, cuts her finger on the blade and passes out while experiencing ancient visions. When she awakens, her blood upon the Ebony Blade somehow stitches Dane's body back together and resurrects him! This was pretty good. I went into this thinking I’d just read this issue then drop it, but that’s not the case. I’m going to stick around and see where this goes. The artwork was really well done and I really love this cover. There is so much about the Black Knight’s history that I have no knowledge about so I think this will be a cool series for me. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Blood, Skulls and Chrome #1

Jun 20, 2021

Blood, Skulls & Chrome Issue: 1 Publisher: @secondsightpublishing2021 Writer: @hannukesola Artists: Mohammed Ramlan & @pencilbluestudio Colorist: @doshidania Letters: @jeromecolorsandletters & Brando Destefano Cover: @miguel_angel_ruiz The Steel Knights Motorcycle Club have recently lost a lucrative deal from the Mexican Cartel to their rivals, the Lake Street Boyz gang. Now the club struggles to make money to survive. They must come up with innovative ways make money for the club. Meanwhile, two reckless members of the Steel Knights motorcycle club have killed the cartel's new liaison as a form of retaliation. This unsanctioned killing will now being unwanted attention to the club from the cartel as well as sparking a war with their rivals. They must fight for their survival against the threats from outside and within. This was a solid opening issue. This first issue does a great job establishing the plot and setting up what is to come. I really enjoyed the writing as it reminded me of the Sons of Anarchy television series and that’s definitely right up my alley. The opening pages sets the tone right away and I was immediately hooked. I wish there was actually a cartel presence in this issue instead of talking about them. I love the rogue MC members immediately setting up the drama within. The artwork is good and I love the cover which initially drew me in. This series definitely has me excited and I look forward to reading the next issue! Did you pick this up? If so, what are your thoughts on the first issue? What are your predictions on what the cartel or the Lake Street Boyz gang’s potential retaliation? Leave a comment! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Byte Sized #1

Dec 18, 2020

Byte-Sized Issue: 1 Publisher: AWA Studios: Artists, Writers & Artisans @awastudiosofficial & Upshot @upshotstudiosofficial Writer: Cullen Bunn @cullenbunn Artist: Nelson Blake II @nelsonblakeii Colors: Snakebite Cortez @snakebitecortez Letters: Sal Cipriano @salcipriano_art Cover: Rahzzah @rahzzah Christmas Eve, a mischievous little dog with a passion for ripping into Christmas gifts is drawn to the family room. An investigation of strange noises is interrupted by his human, Katy, who discovers him face to face with a strange little robot. Assuming Gizmo has just gotten into another Christmas gift, Katy brings the robot into her room and falls back asleep. Completely unaware that the robot beside her had recently escaped from a secret experimental military compound. Think Small Soldiers meets Short Circuit. This should be a fun series that at the beginning reminded me a little of a light hearted version of We3. The art has a very cartoon vibe to it which should work well with unique robot design. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Byte Sized #2

Jan 24, 2021

Byte-Sized Issue: 2 Publisher: AWA Studios: Artists, Writers & Artisans @awastudiosofficial & Upshot @upshotstudiosofficial Writer: Cullen Bunn @cullenbunn Artist: Nelson Blake II @nelsonblakeii Colors: Snakebite Cortez @snakebitecortez Letters: Sal Cipriano @salcipriano_art Cover: Rahzzah @rahzzah After being startled in the night by the toy robot on her bedside, Katy begins to suspect the robot might not have been a toy at all. Especially after discovering all the electronic items in the household have seemingly stopped working with their components having been ripped out. Following a strange trail of destruction into the garage, Katy and her brother happen upon a group of comic book inspired robots standing before them. Just a cute little story about robots. Like I said previously, it’s basically a G-Rated version of We3, just minus all the blood and killing. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Children of the Atom (2021) #2

Apr 15, 2021

Children of the Atom Issue: 2 “Prison Break” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Vita Ayala @definitelyvita Artist: Bernard Chang @thebernardchang Colors: Marcelo Maiolo Letters: Travis Lanham @immortalandroid Covers: R.B. Silva @rbsilva_comics & Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega When the Helles Belles attempt a prison break, the Children of the Atom return to ensure the criminals stay right where they put them. Their actions garner the attention of Storm and a team of mutants who grant the Belles amnesty on Krakoa and once again offer the Children an opportunity to join them only to be rejected once more. Later in the evening, the friends gather again to try to access the Krakoan gateway following their previous failed attempt. I have no idea what these kids are, but they can’t be mutants. I wonder if maybe just one of them is and they are empowering the others? Kind of like Ink and his tattoo artist. Another thing bouncing around my head is what if they are like Cerebro’s Nanite created All New All Deadly X-Men. So far I’m not invested or intrigued by any member of the team and am not a fan of any of their names. As far as character design, I like Cherub because he reminds me of Angel’s Black Vortex upgrade and I like Marvel Guy because he doesn’t fit that classic hero mold. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk #1

Apr 15, 2021

Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Danny Fingeroth @danny_fingeroth ; Dan Abnett @dabnett ; Kyle Higgins @kyledhiggins Artist: Mike Manley @drawmanley ; Andrea Di Vito @andreadivitoart & Le Beau Underwood @lebeauunderwoodinker ; Juanan Ramírez @juananramirez Colors: Chris Sotomayor @sotocolor; Sebastian Cheng @sebastianchengcolor ; Erick Arciniega @erick.arciniega Letters: Travis Lanham @immortalandroid Cover: Logan Lubera @loganx37 & Rachelle Rosenberg @rachelle_cheri A trio of short stories highlighting the ultimate 90’s character, Darkhawk! The first story showcases Chris attempting to gain intel on the Bazin crime family until the untimely arrival of a kidnapping attempt by Savage Steel, who unbeknownst to Chris, is his own father! Next we see Darkhawk in the months following the War of Kings and the invasion of the Cancerverse battling a Brood infestation of an already decimated colony. Finally, a cosmic war is coming and Chris gloomily faces his heroic end, being sucked into a massive singularity. But not before imprinting his memories into the Darkhawk amulet and sending it out to the cosmos in search of a new host. I really enjoyed all three of these stories. It would be pretty fitting to see the character eventually join up with the Guardians of the Galaxy. I was really excited to get to Abnett’s story, as his work on Nova and Guardians was always my favorite. Hope he returns to the Marvel cosmic books for good! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Deadpool (2019) #9

Dec 28, 2020

Deadpool Volume: 7, Issue: 9 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Gerardo Sandoval @sandovalart & Victor Nava @inkernava Colors: Chris Sotomayor @sotocolor Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Chris Bachalo @cbi0 & Tim Townsend @timtownsend01 After empowering himself with the infected Bloodstone, Deadpool learns the true infection to be the Bone Beast Queen herself, in search of a new host. Sacrificing himself to save Elsa and the kidnapped children, Wade dives headfirst down the beast's throat and blows himself up, preventing the beast from being able to bond to a host body. Coming back for Wade, Elsa retrieves a now non-contaminated Bloodstone and uses it to blow the beast to pieces. Collecting his severed head, Elsa and Wade repair their relationship as it blossoms into something more. Meanwhile in Staten Island/Deadpoolopolis, members of Deadpool’s guard discover further evidence of an invasion from the Deo Monstri Cult. I love Elsa questioning how Wade is able to communicate without vocal chords. She’s been a great addition to the Deadpool family of characters. The artwork throughout this series, as well as the cover art, has been solid. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Deadpool (2019) #10

Jan 31, 2021

Deadpool Volume: 7, Issue: 10 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist Artist: Gerardo Sandoval @sandovalart & Victor Nava @inkernava Colors: Chris Sotomayor @sotocolor Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Gerardo Sandoval & Chris Sotomayor Deadpool assembles a team of the most frightening monsters Staten Island has to offer to defend his kingdom from the symbiotic dragons of Knull. The timely arrival of former citizen, Jelby, unites the team to truly come together as one and gain the upper hand. Deadpool proves to be a selfless ruler willing to do whatever it takes to defend his people. That concludes Kelly Thompson’s current volume of Deadpool. I’ll admit to being disappointed that it ended on a tie-in issue. I feel like it’s not fair to the grander storyline being cultivated. I enjoyed the creative team’s spin on the character. They actually made me start to like Deadpool again. Hoping we get to see his conflict with the Deo Monstri Cult sooner than later. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Falcon & Winter Soldier (2020) #5

Dec 5, 2020

Falcon & Winter Soldier Volume: 1, Issue: 5 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Derek Landy @dereklandyofficial Artist: Federico Vicentini @federico_vicentini_artist Colors: Matt Milla Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Dan Mora @dan_mora_c & David Curiel @davcuriel It’s not about winning. It’s about how you lose. What you fight for. This is what truly makes Captain America. And the Natural finds himself learning this lesson from two different Captain America’s at once, the Falcon and Winter Soldier! All this in the midst of a Hydra civil war after Veronica calls for an Order 66 between hers and Baron Zemo’s troops. With Veronica literally disarmed, Zemo is able to escape and we can assume will become the true Hydra Supreme. This was a fun title with a lot of humor. More humor than you’d expect from a character like the Winter Soldier but it was still very enjoyable. I hope we see the Natural again, but this time dropping his Captain America obsession and embracing his darkness. I think he would actually be a really good foe for someone like Daredevil. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fantastic Four (2018) #27

Dec 23, 2020

Fantastic Four Volume: 6, Issue: 27 “Borrowed Armor” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Dan Slott @dan.slott Artist: R.B. Silva @rbsilva_comics , Juanan Ramírez @juananramirez , Zè Carlos @ze_carlos_art Colors: Chris O’Halloran @chris_oh_colours Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Mark Brooks @markbrooksart Alien refugees are spilling through the Forever Gate, all victims of the Griever. Seeking the protection of their creator, Franklin, the refugees are housed at 4 Yancy Street as the Fantastic Four ready themselves for the inevitable arrival of the Griever herself. Remote piloting Reed’s Ironman suit from Empyre, Franklin lures the Griever inside their home as Reed folds the interdimensional home into itself, sealing the Griever away forever. Or so they hoped, as the Griever suddenly rips her way back out! I’m a huge fan of RB Silva’s work and what he’s done on this series has been great. I think the design of Reed/Franklin’s Ironman suit is really cool. I hope we see it again. As for the Griever, I honestly forgot about who she was. I don’t see her as the credible threat that Slott is attempting to paint her as. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fantastic Four (2018) #28

Feb 1, 2021

Fantastic Four Volume: 6, Issue: 28 “All the Ways Your Universe Ends” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Dan Slott @dan.slott Artist: R.B. Silva @rbsilva_comics Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Joshua Cassara @joshuadcassara & Rachelle Rosenberg @rachelle_cheri Demanding control over the Forever Gate, the Griever has trapped Dragon Man, Reed, Sue and Ben within spheres, forcing them to relive their likely deaths over and over again. The timely arrival of the Silver Surfer buys Johnny the needed distraction to release his family and friends from their torturous visions. Released, but bearing the mental scars from the ordeal, Reed prepares to sacrifice his life to activate the Ultimate Nulifier but is shocked to find it drawn to Franklin. In an effort to save his son, Reed strikes a bargain with the Griever by giving her access to the Forever Gate to witness the death of the universe. R.B. Silva’s artwork of the Surfer traveling through space to Earth are excellent. The battle between Surfer and Griever is perfectly drawn. Griever’s torture of the FF was pretty dioboloical and I can’t wait to read the fall out from that. Especially Reed dying at the hands of a vengeful Thing. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fantastic Four (2018) #29

Feb 22, 2021

Fantastic Four Volume: 6, Issue: 29 “Soul Boond” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Dan Slott @dan.slott Artist: Zé Carlos @ze_carlos_art Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Mark Brooks @markbrooksart With their conflict with the Griever now concluded, the Fantastic Four rebuild while Johnny and Sky take the opportunity to get to know one another better. As Johnny begins to realize how much Sky sacrificed to be with him on Earth, their peace is shattered as Knull has begun his conquest over the Earth. Johnny buys Spider-Man time to escape to Reed’s lab and unbeknownst to Sue, falls victim to Knull’s influence. Due to their bond, Sky is taken by the symbiotes and unleashes upon Sue. Barely able to escape, Sue reconvenes at Reed’s lab and the two contact Ben to regroup, unaware Ben too has been assimilated into the symbiotic hive. Something about this issue didn’t read right with me. Sue was not written as her normal strong and confident self. To me, Sue has always been that pilot of a strong female character but I didn’t see any of that here. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Folllow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Geiger (2021) #1

Apr 10, 2021

Geiger Issue: 1 Publisher: Image @imagecomics & Mad Ghost @mad_ghost_productions Writer: Geoff John @__geoffjohns Artist: Gary Frank @1moregaryfrank Colors: Brad Anderson @comicbrad Letters: Rob Leigh Cover: Jason Fabok @jfabok Ravaged by war, the world has become a nuclear wasteland. Radiation levels far too high for anyone to survive without a protective suit. As scavengers search through the decimated landscapes, rumors spread of a glowing man, capable of surviving in the harsh deadly environment of which Earth has become. Tariq Geiger, finding himself somehow altered to survive this deadly landscape, will stop at nothing to safeguard the sanctity of the nuclear shelter in which he last saw his family enter until the world is finally safe again. However, Tariq’s defiance towards the scavengers has caught the attention of their enraged king. It’s like Waterworld but instead of water is radiation. The King is basically Joffrey from GoT so I can’t wait to see him get the crap slapped out of him. Not a bad start. I’ll definitely stick around for the first arc at least as I’m curious over the answers surrounding Tariq’s survival and abilities. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance #1

Jan 27, 2021

GHOST RIDER: RETURN OF VENGEANCE Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Howard Mackie Artist: Javier Saltares Marc Deering @marcdeering Colorist: Arif Prianto @arifprianto.arf Letterer: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Edgar Delgado @delgaduck Philip Tan @philiptanart Jay David Ramos @happyhubbydaddy Kyle Hotz @kylehotzcomics Dan Brown @danbrowncomics Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman Frank Martin Michael Badilino, once part of a special police task force assigned to hunt down Ghost Rider, he made a deal with Mephisto to become the rider known as Vengeance in order to seek his revenge. Now held prisoner in hell and forced to fight for the entertainment of his demon captors, he manages to escape with the help of Lilith’s son Skinner and once again holds the power of Vengeance. Howard Mackie returns to the Ghost Rider universe and gives us an update on one of the characters he created in the 90s while seemingly setting up what could potentially be a new Ghost Rider title in the future. Nostalgic enough with hopes that we get Mackie’s Ghost Rider run collected in omnibus form sooner then later. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Green Lantern (2005): Larfleeze Christmas Special #1

Dec 25, 2020

Green Lantern: Larfleeze Christmas Special Publisher: DC Comics @dccomics Writer:Geoff Johns @__geoffjohns Artist : Brett Booth @brettbooth_comicart Colorists: Andrew Dalhouse @adalhouse Letterer: Nick J Napolitano Waking up Christmas morning, Larfleeze is shocked to find that Santa didn't leave him anything under the tree. Enraged by the neglect, he goes on a hunt for St. Nicholas terrorizing a parade, and a department store to discover his whereabouts. After a child tells Larfleeze that Santa lives in the North Pole he's intervened by Hal Jordan and is shown the true meaning of Christmas. The Larfleeze Christmas Special is a fun read for the holiday season that parodies a children's storybooks that come with activities between the pages like Larfleeze's Orange Lantern cookie recipe, a foldable ornament, and maze to help him find the North Pole. It’s a classic Christmas tale featuring DC's greediest villain with a few laughs and an ending to show what really matters. Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewer: @cayaox of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

I Breathed a Body #1

Jan 23, 2021

I Breathed A Body Issue: 1 “An Unforeseen Innovation” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @zacbethompson Artist: @andymacdeez Colorist: @triona_farrell Cover: Andy MacDonald & Triona Farrell Letterer: @hassoe I Breathed a Body is a horror series about social media. Anne is the manager for Mylo Caliban, the biggest star on the MyCee social network. After the worlds biggest social media influencer posts something horrible online, the rest of the world instantly changes. It is now Anne’s responsibility to de-escalate the situation. This is an interesting story about the power of technology and social networking. I Breathed a Body delivers a lesson that is relevant to our social media-saturated culture. I’ve seen horror movies that are social media based and this definitely gave me those kind of vibes. This social media based horror story is slow to start in my opinion but leaves us with a jaw dropping cliffhanger that definitely forces you to buy the second issue purely off curiosity. MacDonald really gave us some gruesome panels which I definitely enjoyed. I hope the second issue picks up the pace and we get a better sense where this is going. This was a good intriguing read. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

I Breathed a Body #2

Feb 25, 2021

I Breathed A Body Issue: 2 “Cooperative Resilience” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @zacbethompson Artist: @andymacdeez Colorist: @triona_farrell Cover: Andy MacDonald & Triona Farrell Letterer: @hassoe This second issue of I Breathed a Body takes place immediately after the last issue ended. The world is reacting to the horrific livestream of the suicide of the worlds biggest social media influencer. Anne and her co-workers lean into the violence as they make the death into a public spectacle in hope to have financial gain. This science fiction horror series about social media, big tech and influencer culture is definitely intriguing. The way they are making his death a spectacle is truly mortifying. The imagery throughout this issue is absolutely horrifying. There are absolutely some amazing visuals throughout this issue. McDonald’s artwork is really keeping me interested in this story. There’s not much character focus in this issue and I feel like they focused more on the horrifying imagery rather than character development. This story is definitely worthy of a read, however I’m still trying to see where this is all going. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

I Breathed a Body #3

Apr 8, 2021

I Breathed A Body Issue: 3 “Bad Debt Symbiosis” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @zacbethompson Artist: @andymacdeez Colorist: @triona_farrell Cover: Andy MacDonald & Triona Farrell Letterer: @hassoe The latest issue of this disturbing science-fiction horror story about social media and influence culture, follows Anne as she architects the social media campaign to spin the horrific tragedy of MyCee’s top influencer’s death towards the company’s advantage. As the company continues to exploit his death for financial gain, Anne begins to doubt her actions and fear her co-workers. She also confronts the fury of a Fungal God long thought dead. This was an absolutely disturbing issue. It begs the question, “When is enough enough?” We clearly see that the company will go to extraordinary lengths to make sure they spin this horrible event into a financial gain. The artwork in this series is pretty intense. So intense, that I feel a little lost in some of the panels. Some of the supernatural elements weren’t clear. There’s so much going on in this book that some of the story elements are a bit confusing. With that being said, this series is three issues in and it’s definitely a different and intriguing story. I look forward to seeing what the company will make Anne do next as well as what she is willing to do moving forward. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Karmen #1

Mar 14, 2021

Karmen Issue: 1 Publisher: Image Comics @imagecomics Story & Art: Guillem March @guillem_march As a young girl, Catalina greatly cherished her friendship with Xisco. As the years move forward, that relationship maintains but as things do, the two seemingly drift apart as time moves on. Now a young woman, Catalina tragically takes her life. As she leaves the physical world behind, her consciousness is greeted by Karmen, essentially her spiritual guide into the afterworld. Swimming naked through the physical world unseen, Catalina learns that she’s been training for this moment her entire life. This is a very deep book and I’m sure there is much more going on. The artistry of creator Guillem March is incredible and very evident how much this project means to him. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Locust #1

Apr 19, 2021

Locust Issue: 1 Publisher: @scoutcomics Writer: @captainmaximum Artist: @alexnieto_art Letterer: @themattr Civilization has ended when a virus quickly spreads from West Africa to the United States, turning most of humanity into giant locusts. As the locusts consume the earth, the uninfected survivors struggle to stay alive. In this newly infected world, we follow Max as he attempts to escape with his mother as the devastating plague quickly consumes New York City. We have all being dealing with this pandemic for over a year now and it’s only natural that new apocalyptic stories come out. However, this type of story is popular and has been done many times over. So there needs to be something that sets a story apart from the others. I believe Locust has that. Yes it takes place in a plagued world, however it’s not zombies that are taking over the world, but giant Locusts. So why and how? This issue is obviously not going to give you the answers right away, but it does lay down the ground work for an intriguing series. The artworks tone is great for this type of story. It’s definitely on its way to being a dark series and I will definitely pick up the next issue! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Mann's World #1

Jan 19, 2021

Mann’s World Issue: 1 Publisher: AWA: Artists, Writers & Artisans @awastudiosofficial & Upshot Studios @upshotstudiosofficial Writer: Victor Gischler @authorvictorgischler Artist: Niko Walter Colors: Snakebite Cortez @snakebitecortez Letters: Andworld Design @andworlddesign Cover: Mike Deodato Jr. @mikedeodato A group of four lifelong friends travel to the wildlife hunting resort of Mann’s World. Looking for a taste of real life, the four wander off resort and find themselves involved in trading fists with the locals. Unbeknownst to the group, the locals aim to make an example of the tourists and sabotage their vessel as the friends head out on a wildlife hunting expedition. I think this cover art is so cool. It was my whole reason for buying the book in the first place. The concept of the resort reminds me a bit of Westworld. So far I haven’t developed an interest in any of the characters, but it’s only issue one so I’ll stick around and see where this goes. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

New Mutants (2019) #14

Dec 16, 2020

New Mutants Volume: 4, Issue: 14 “Welcome to the Wild Hunt” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Vita Ayala @definitelyvita Artist: Rod Reis @rodreis Letters: Travis Lanham Cover Artist: Rod Reis Finding the younger mutants of Krakoa lacking direction and focus, the New Mutants have taken it upon themselves to take the next generation of mutants under their wing. A training exercise between squads ultimately leads to questions of resurrection. Particularly in regards to clones, as Honey Badger questions why others like herself, Evan or Madelyne Prior, have yet to return. Following their training a group retreats to the woods to share their experiences with the eagerly awaiting Shadow King! Even given the inhabitants of Krakoa, I find myself surprised at Shadow King being welcomed, given his history with Xavier. Or Storm and Psylocke for that matter. But I guess as they say, Krakoa is for all mutants. Not much occurs here besides Shadow King’s introduction but the introduction of training squads makes me hopeful that a lot of less popular characters will be gracing the pages soon. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club on Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

New Mutants (2019) #15

Jan 30, 2021

New Mutants Volume: 4, Issue: 15 “The Kids Ain’t All Right” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Vita Ayala @definitelyvita Artist: Rod Reis @rodreis Letters: Travis Lanham Cover Artist: Rod Reis While the New Mutants have taken it upon themselves to mentor the next generation of mutant, the Shadow King has taken a particular interest in new arrival, Cosmar. As the friends gather to celebrate Doug and Bei’s recent marriage, sadness looms. Gabby struggles to find her place without her sister and Rahne’s recent aloofness breaks as her thoughts dwell on her late son, Tier. Cosmar builds the courage to request Dani face her in the Crucible, with the hopes to be resurrected appearing as she did before being warped by her mutant abilities. Cosmar is rejoby Dani and encouraged to love herself as she is while the Shadow King toasts to the evening. The artwork in this book is something special. It’s a lot of fun and truly unique compared to other books. I’ve gotten a kick out of Rahne’s goofy behavior, but always kinda raised an eyebrow towards it, so it was nice to see her breakdown and reveal her true self. I am beyond curious to see what Shadow King is planning here. If he were truly here in peace, I would have no doubt that Xavier is altering everyone’s minds. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_day on Instagram for more reviews!

New Mutants (2019) #16

Mar 2, 2021

New Mutants Volume: 4, Issue: 16 “One Step Behind” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Vita Ayala @definitelyvita Artist: Rod Reis @rodreis Letters: Travis Lanham Cover Artist: Christian Ward @cjwardart The New Mutants have taken it upon themselves to guide the next generation of Mutant. But another has also stepped up to claim this responsibility, the dangerous Shadow King has taken a particular interest in the youth of Krakoa. While Rahne struggles with puzzling information regarding her son, Karma and Dani journey through Otherworld in search of a wayward Mutant and find themselves prisoners of the Holy Republic of Fae. The artwork of this series is truly unique and incredibly well done. As a sign of good writing, I’m genuinely concerned over the well being of Rahne and worried she might take foolish actions to cope with her guilt towards Tier. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Phantom on the Scan #1

Apr 18, 2021

Phantom on the Scan Issue: 1 “The Night the Comet Fell” Publisher: @aftershockcomics Writer: @cullenbunn Artist: @towersmarked Letterer: @davesharpemetal Editor: @mikejmarts When a comet crash landed onto Earth twenty years ago, Matthew’s life changed forever. Since that night, he has been haunted by a spirit that gives him psychic abilities. Having these incredible abilities comes with a price so high, that the cost is more than he could bear. Every time Matthew uses his gifts, he draws closer to death. He is not the only one with these special gifts, as others have also gained their powers on the night the comet fell. However, as they use their powers, they die in the most gruesome way possible. To save himself, Matthew gathers a group of psychics to solve the mystery of their powers before it's too late. Woah! This book has such an intriguing concept! There are a lot of directions this book can go just from the first issue. Matt is able to see and communicate with a spirit that looks like a small child and it’s so creepy! Matt doesn’t see these abilities as some sort of blessing, but actually a curse. He definitely wishes he didn’t have these powers. The fact that as they all use their powers they draw closer to death it’s very interesting. I just want to know why?! He’s trying to solve this mystery and I’m definitely going to be along for the ride. The artwork seemed a little messy to me and hard to read at times. So it’s going to have to grow on me, but this was definitely a solid first issue that will surely get me to buy the next! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Rabid World #1

Apr 8, 2021

Rabid World Issue: 1 Publisher: @scoutcomics Writer: Todd Cinani Artist: Oleg Okunev Letterer: @lettering.bear Editor: Andrea Lorenzo Molinari A rabies-like disease has rapidly spread, impacting humans all around the world and it all started from a dog bite. The world is quickly descending into chaos as this new outbreak is leaving people rabid and extremely violent. Rabid World focuses on two couples on different paths. One couple fights for their survival and the other attempts to play a part in saving the world. This terrifying cover is what initially drew me in and I’m glad it did. Rabid world’s debut issue was a good start to a new apocalyptic story. I’m always is search for the next “walking dead” story, now this debut issue didn’t match that standard of story, but it was definitely an entertaining and intriguing read. It’s debut issue definitely sets the stage for the opening of a zombie apocalypse. I really enjoyed the artwork in this issue. It’s grey tone throughout the comic with little splashes of color was different to me and very enjoyable. Issue one was an enjoyable issue and worthy of a chance. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Resident Alien: Your Ride's Here #2

Dec 15, 2020

Resident Alien: Your Ride’s Here Issue: 2 Publisher: Dark Horse Comics @darkhorsecomics Writer: Peter Hogan @peterhoganreally Artist: Steve Parkhouse Learning he faces an unknown but imminent danger, Harry contemplates his options. He’s built a life here and made friends, running would only prolong the inevitable. Meanwhile, the mysterious danger looming for Harry has seemingly arrived, as a stranger breaks into his home. Even though I jumped into this series at the onset of its 6th volume, I really like it. It’s slow paced and seems like it takes its time to tell the story. I love Harry’s design, he has a very classic alien feel to him. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Resident Alien: Your Ride's Here #3

Jan 3, 2021

Resident Alien: Your Ride’s Here Issue: 3 Publisher: Dark Horse Comics @darkhorsecomics Writer: Peter Hogan @peterhoganreally Artist: Steve Parkhouse While Harry remains unaware that he’s being surveyed by an unknown stranger, he receives shocking results regarding Marcie’s blood tests. Marcie’s blood contained a large amount of anaesthetics, leaving Harry to determine her fall to have actually been an attack. Meanwhile at a friend's wedding, Honey, daughter of the bride, has been kidnapped following the reception. Despite coming into this series ridiculously late I still find it to be enjoyable. I enjoy the slow pacing and am interested in these characters. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Shadecraft #1

Apr 8, 2021

Shadecraft Issue: 1 Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @joehenderson12 Art: @leegarbett Colorist: @antoniofabela Variant Cover: Letterer: @simonbowlandlettering Editor: @rick_lopezjr Zadie Lu is a high school student. For years she has felt overshadowed by her popular brother, however now that is no longer the case since her brother is in a coma. Life is never easy at that age. Dealing with the fact that she can’t interact with her brother is tough on anyone. Not to mention that something weird is happening in her small town. Zadie has an irrational fear of shadows and swears the shadows are coming to life. She is convinced that the shadows are watching her and trying to kill her. No one believes her or will help her until an unlikely savior comes to her rescue. Zadie Liu is dealing with a lot of problems that typically follow a high school student. Problems like, insecurity and feeling like an outsider, while also dealing with tragedy of having her older brother lying comatose at home. All this is enough to make any teenager go crazy. Add in her fear of killer shadows and we get a good start to a new supernatural story. This story has potential to be a suspenseful supernatural thriller as well as the teenage drama revolving around a relatable character like Crazy Zadie. The artwork was fantastic! Shadows were really well drawn and felt real! This was a good start to this series! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews

Silk (2021) #1

Apr 8, 2021

Silk Volume: 3, Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Maurene Goo @maurenegoo Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa @takmiyazawa Colors: Ian Herring Letters: Ariana Maher Cover: Jeehyung Lee @jeehyunglee Cindy Moon’s first day as a reporter for Threats & Menaces sure turned out to be a productive one. Investigating a gang style murder, Cindy curiously notes the presence of strange hairs and claw marks all over the victims. Her accidental publishing of her article to the Threats & Menaces website puts a bullseye on J. Jonah Jameson’s back as he’s confronted by attackers in the subway. As Silk, Cindy fights off the attackers and somehow finds herself hired as Jonah’s personal bodyguard. Once home, Cindy researches a strange piece of tech she recovered from one of the attackers. Elsewhere, the tech company’s CEO, Saya Ishii, discusses further gang hits to be orchestrated with a monstrous humanoid cat creature! I have not read anything focusing on Silk ever since her introduction during Original Sin in 2014. Wow, I can’t believe that was 7 years ago. Damn, I miss Nick Fury. Anyways… not a bad reintroduction to the character for me. What really enticed me to this series was this gorgeous cover art. That and the fact that I’ve really been enjoying female led books lately. So far the character comes off to me as very friendly and pleasant. I’ve always thought her costume design was really cool. I’ll stick around for a bit and see how much she grows on me. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Stargazer #3

Nov 30, 2020

Stargazer Issue: 3 Publisher: Mad Cave Studios @madcavestudios Writer: Anthony Cleveland @ant_cleveland Artist: Antonio Fuso @antoniofuso Colors: Stefano Simeone @st3s Letters: Justin Birch @justin_birch_letters Life pushed them apart, but now their past will bring them back together. Childhood friends, Shae, Adriana and Hailey are reunited after years apart. Connected in a shared dream and reliving memories past. Shae’s search for Kenny will lead to shocking revelations of her own past. Stefano Simeone’s coloring continues to be awe inspiring. The notion that the groups experience with the aliens doesn’t appear to be limited to that initial abduction has definitely piqued my interests. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Stray Dogs (2021) #2

Mar 27, 2021

Stray Dogs Chapter 2: Good Girl Publisher: Image Comics @imagecomics Writer: Tony Fleecs @tonyfleecs Artist: Trish Forstner @trishforstner Colors: Brad Simpson @20eyesbrad New dog Sophie has made the accusation that her new master killed her former owner. But when Rusty offers to help investigate, Sophie’s memory of the event has escaped her. Realizing her memories are triggered by scent, Rusty retrieves Sophie’s scarf and the memory returns. While the master takes their fellow dog, Aldo, out for the day, Rusty and Sophie investigate the master’s secret room and are confused to find it filled with women’s clothing. Later when the dogs confront Aldo about his day he unknowingly explains they spent the day stalking a woman while Sophie sheds light that all the dogs might be here under similar circumstances. This is a hilarious concept. I can’t wait to see how dark this story goes. I’m super curious if and how these dogs will bring their new master to justice. Drawn like a Disney movie but written like Silence of the Lambs. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

The Rise (2021) #1

Apr 16, 2021

The Rise Issue: 1 Publisher: @heavymetal Writer: @georgecromero Artist: @diegoyapur Colorist: @dc_alonso Letterer: @saidatemofonte Editor: @illmasterone George C. Romero, son of the director of the iconic film Night of the Living Dead, finally gives us the story before the worst night on Earth. This prequel horror story shows us the death, destruction and tragedy that led to the creation of one of the greatest zombie horror films of all time, Night of the Living Dead. I’m not so sure a movie as iconic as Night of the Living Dead needed a prequel story. It is a horror classic that still holds up decades after its release. A prequel story is now here and who better to write it than the son of its legendary director? This first issue sets the stage of the series as we are introduced to Dr. Cartwright. He is attempting to find a way to block out fear from the mind. However, this experiment will have complications that can lead to drastic consequences. This first issue does a good job to establish why this work is happening and foreshadows the tragedy to come. The highlight of this issue was the artwork. It was absolutely fantastic! It has a simple black and white color palette with subtle red color strategically used. I look forward to seeing how this story progresses. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Two Moons #1

Feb 25, 2021

Two Moons Issue: 1 “The Iron Noose” Part I Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @ishmahab Artist: @valeriogiangiordanoart Colorist: @dragonmnky Cover: Valerio Giangiordano & @billcrabtreecolor Letterer: @scheisseler This all-new ongoing horror series from Image comics follows a Pawnee man named Virgil Morris, aka Two Moons, through his time fighting for the Union during the Civil War. Private Virgil is an assimilated American, a man that left his roots behind only to see them come back to claim him. Virgil consistently has nightmares and he quickly discovers that the horrors are far worse than combat he experiences in the war as the ghosts of his past reveal the monstrous ancient evil around all around him. This new series is off to an interesting start in its debut issue. I’m immediately invested in Virgil and look forward to following him throughout his journey fighting for the Union. Not only does Virgil have to fight off other forces, but he also has to deal with supernatural force around him. I absolutely love Valerio Giangiordano’s artwork and I feel his style is absolutely perfect with this type of story. I very much like the idea of a horror-focused comic book series set during the Civil War because I am a huge history buff and I’m interested to see how this story progresses with this time period. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Two Moons #2

Apr 8, 2021

Two Moons Issue: 2 “The Iron Noose” Part II Publisher: @imagecomics Writer: @ishmahab Artist: @valeriogiangiordanoart Colorist: Bill Crabtree Cover: Valerio Giangiordano & @billcrabtreecolor Letterer: @scheisseler Virgil has been arrested and charged with the murder of McBride. He is now facing a court-martial and execution at the hands of the Union Army. Virgil must depend on the enemy to save his life. As Virgil awaits his fate, spirits from his past call to him and tell him to prepare for a journey. His new journey starts to take some strange and supernatural directions. Two Moons continues to be a slow burn but it remains an intriguing story. We are two issues in, but it is still not clear as what exactly is happening here. In this issue, we got to learn more of Virgil’s past adding more depth to his character. There is a lot of mystery with his character as well as the story which keeps me intrigued. The artwork is this series is great and each character has so much detail which I definitely appreciate. The story has taken some interesting and unexpected turns so far. It will be interesting to see where it goes next. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

WWE Vol. 1

Apr 14, 2021

WWE Volume: 1 “Redesign. Rebuild. Reclaim.” Publisher: @boom_studios Writer: @dennishopelesscomics Illustrators: Dan Mora & @serdacuna Colorist: @douggarbark Letterer: @jimcampbell Cover: @dan_mora_c Variant Covers: @jorge_cor @felipemassafera @alexanderwells @pryce14 @oliverbarrett @robertsammelin @frazer_irving @juan_doe @ericgoonpowell Together Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns formed a faction known as The Shield. Once they bursted onto the scene, the WWE landscape would change forever. The Shield quickly solidified themselves as one of the most feared and dominant factions in WWE history. That was until Seth Rollins burned it all to the ground. The secret behind Seth Rollins’ epic betrayal and the destruction of The Shield is revealed here! Wrestling has been a huge part of my life since I was a kid. Hate them or love them, WWE has been a constant force in wrestling for decades giving us Hall of Fame worthy characters like Hulk Hogan, Rick Flair, The Rock, Chris Jericho and many others. In this volume, we follow Seth Rollins’ storyline from his break away from the Shield, becoming the chosen one for the Authority faction and returning from injury. That was pretty cool to seeing because I am a hug wrestling fan and saw his betrayal unfold on TV. This comic gives us more insight on how that came to be and that is awesome! The artwork is fantastic! They definitely looked like the wrestlers which made this so much better. This collection also shows us the amazing variant covers at the back of the book! It makes me sad that I missed out on their original printing but I’m definitely going to try and hunt them down. My only issue with this book is the lack of matches. It’s pacing was quick as it went from PPV to PPV and only had glimpses of matches. Other than that, this was a fun read and wrestling fans would be pleased to have it in their collection. I personally would love to see an attitude era comic book! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

We Only Find Them When They're Dead #4

Dec 22, 2020

We Only Find Then When They’re Dead Issue: 4 “The Glorious Quest” Publisher: Boom Studios @boom_studios Writer: Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Simone Di Meo @simone_dimeo Colors: Mariasara Miotti @mariasara.miotti Georges Malik and his crew have become the firsts to encounter a living God. Georges prepares to meet the god face to face, sacrificing himself, but Paula and his crew have other ideas. The crew of Vihaan II activate their ship's autopsy machinery and kill the God while Paula and Georges prepare for their final showdown. I love the art and the use of color is beautiful. But the story has lost me a little bit. It’s a great concept, but personally, I feel that it missed its mark. Once the entire arc is finished I plan on rereading it all in one sitting so I can better absorb the story and hopefully enjoy it more. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Venom (2018) #30

Nov 23, 2020

Venom Volume: 4, Issue: 30 “Venom Beyond: Finale” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Luke Ross @lukerossart Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman , JP Mayer @jpmayer_ & Frank Martin @frankmartinbox With the revelation that Mac Gargan’s Virus armor has the technology needed to send them home, Brock, with the help of Anne’s resistance, brings the fight to Codex. Eddie finds himself unable to truly face Codex and allows his symbiote to take the lead. A betrayal by Mac is just as quickly subdued giving Dylan the opening to defeat Codex’s reign of terror by sharing the memories of a loving family from Anne. A year passes and life slowly returns to normal. Brock’s boosted Venom abilities fade as the Codex hive-mind is depleted. Using the Virus armor, Reed Richards creates a gateway to send Eddie and Dylan home. Upon their arrival, Eddie is confused to see a nighttime sky void of any starlight. All that Virus hype only to lead to total disappointment. Besides his initial introduction he was so easily tossed aside at every step. Let’s hope the grander hype over Knull can actually deliver. However, I see the King in Black concluding much that same. I hope to be proved wrong. Love this cover though! Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow us on Instagram @the_comic_book_club

Venom (2018) #31

Dec 11, 2020

Venom Volume: 4, Issue: 31 “Thirty-Two Seconds” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Iban Coello @coelloiban Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Iban Coello & Frank Martin @frankmartinbox Torn from his symbiote and falling to his death, Eddie Brock’s desire to protect the innocent remains, pleading with God to protect his son, Dylan. Pushing himself off the building side, Eddie attempts to rescue a helicopter but to no avail. Eddie witnesses the blackness beginning to engulf the Earth as he bounces off building sides and is mere moments from impact. I didn’t have high expectations for this issue in the first place given how King in Black ended and knowing the major moments would play out there. But the whole scene with the helicopter was beyond dumb. We needed more proof of Eddie’s selflessness? He was literally thinking of his son and begging God to protect him. That was completely unnecessary and ridiculous. However writing aside, the artwork is well done as always. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Venom (2018) #32

Jan 10, 2021

Venom Volume: 4, Issue: 32 “The Other Side” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Iban Coello @coelloiban Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Iban Coello & Jesus Aburtov Colliding with the Earth below, Eddie separates from his physical body and finds himself inside the Hive of all ensnared by Knull. A ghost of himself, Eddie is joined by former host, Rex, as his “tour guide” to this strange afterlife. Determined to return to the physical world, Eddie sets out to find his other half. But he won’t be alone, as another Codex memory steps forward to aid in Eddie’s quest, Agent Venom, Flash Thompson! Ok good, Eddie died after all from his fall from atop a skyscraper and smashing into a car. But now finds his essence trapped as a codex memory within the hive mind. I’m more cool with that than believe he’d be able to survive that fall. The art in this series is excellent and I love the depiction of those claimed by Knull as if they are plugged into a nervous system. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Venom (2018) #33

Feb 6, 2021

Venom Volume: 4, Issue: 33 “Agents Venom” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Iban Coello @coelloiban Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Ryan Stegman @ryanstegman & Jason Keith @jasonraykeith With his world crumbling to pieces all around him, Dylan chooses to rise up and face the chaos head on amongst the remaining defenders of Earth. Capable of freeing those heroes who’ve fallen to Knull’s influence, Dylan’s actions are felt by Eddie, as he journeys the symbiote hive mind. Existing as a spirit along with former hosts Rex Strickland and Flash Thompson, the trio discover a means to return to the physical world. Flash’s efforts prove successful, but before Eddie can act, Rex morphs to reveal himself to be none other than Knull! Iban Coello & Jesus Aburtov do an amazing job creating some truly epic scenes. The shot of Dylan releasing Cap is excellent. I’m glad that I’m enjoying KIB more than I thought I would. I particularly loved Peter’s conversation with Dylan. That’s what has always made Spider-Man the best of them all. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Venom (2018) #34

Apr 8, 2021

Venom Volume: 4, Issue: 34, Legacy: 199 “Rise” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Donny Cates @dcates Artist: Iban Coello @coelloiban Colors: Jesus Aburtov @aburtov Letters: Clayton Cowles Cover: Iban Coello & Jesus Aburtov This issue showcases how Eddie, was able to return to life following his death at the hands of Knull. As Eddie is transformed by the Enigma Force into Captain Universe, Flash Thompson rises from the grave! The story basically serves as a filler issue in between King in Black 4 & 5. The artwork within is perfect, which is one thing that’s always been consistent throughout this entire series. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Captain America (2018) #25

Nov 22, 2020

Captain America Volume: 9 Issue: 25 LGY: 729 “All Die Young: Part VI” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @tanehisipcoates & Anthony Falcone Artist: Leonard Kirk & Matt Milla Cover: @thealexrossart Letterer: @joecaramagna In this special 25th issue of Captain America, or should I say “The Daughters of Liberty”, we are gifted two stories. The Daughters of Liberty are trapped in Madripoor and it is up to Captain America and Sharon Carter to rescue them. However, that won’t be an east task as the reincarnated Red Skull is waiting for them. The second story written by Anthony Falcone, has Captain America speaking at a funeral of a civilian friend. He delivers a riveting speech about what he stands for as well as America as a nation. This is NOT a Captain America comic book plain and simple. What was once a promising run following the events of Secret Empire, has now turned into a boring story of Marvel’s attempt to launch an all female team through the Captain America title. Don’t get be wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a female super hero team. As a matter of fact, that’s pretty awesome. However, I didn’t buy a Daughters of Liberty book. I hope this book can get back on track soon. Maybe a new writer and direction is in order. The second story was well done and despite no action, it absolutely felt like a Captain America book. The artwork continues to be the only highlight of this title as each panel is a delight to look at. I truly enjoy Ross’ artwork as well. This cover is stellar, which is what I come to expect from Alex Ross. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 Of The_Comic_Book_Club of Instagram Note: Be sure to follow us @the_comic_book_club on Instagram

Captain America (2018) #26

Dec 20, 2020

Captain America Volume: 9 Issue: 26 LGY: 730 “All Die Young: Part VII” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @tanehisipcoates Artist: Leonard Kirk Colorist: Matt Milla Cover: @thealexrossart Letterer: @joecaramagna Captain America and his allies battle to rescue his friends from the Red Skull and the Power Elite. While engaged in battle to free the Power Elite’s hostages, things take a strange turn as Steve Rogers thinks about the people he’s surrounded himself with and how they have been with him in some of the darkest times he can remember. This issue was one of the better issues of Coates’ run. My previous few reviews you will see my displeasure with the books because they seem to be focusing more on the Daughters of Liberty rather than Captain America himself. However, in this issue that was not the case and that pleases me. There was a lot of action which are always my favorite types of issues. I really enjoyed having this issue narrated from Steve’s point of view. It actually felt like a Captain America comic. FINALLY! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Captain America (2018) #27

Feb 25, 2021

Captain America Volume: 9 Issue: 27 LGY: 731 “All Die Young: Part VIII” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @tanehisipcoates Artist: Leonard Kirk Colorist: Matt Milla Cover: @thealexrossart Letterer: @joecaramagna Editor: @tmb11779 Steve Rogers is no longer on the run. Captain America has been exonerated for the death of Thunderbolt Ross. As he addresses the nation on how the world has changed and that Americans must come together for the greatest generations of this nation are yet to come. Many seem to be rallying for Captain America. However, many do not share the same sentiment as his non supports rally in disgust and protest. The Red Skull plans to exploit Captain America’s weaknesses in order to draw him out while he sends his negative message about our beloved hero. The threat of the Power Elite still remains. This issue actually felt like a Captain America book. There was finally emphasis of Steve Rogers instead of launching a supporting cast. The way he addresses American once exonerated trying to rally together was great and stayed true to Captain America motto. I enjoyed the fact that he acknowledged his past indiscretions and how he plans to push forward. The Red Skull looks to finally have a bigger role moving forward. The artwork is on point and this book finally seems to be moving towards the proper direction. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Chained to the Grave #1

Feb 3, 2021

Chained to the Grave Issue: 1 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writers: @mr_flyingtigerandy & @illuminauttattoo Artist: @katesherron Letterer: @micah_myers Editors: @peachchild311 & @chesirechat Outlaw Roy Mason has come back from the dead, chained to the headstone that marked his grave thanks to his wife Kora. Now resurrected, he is now in search treasure to make sure his family is taken care of. However, it not that simple or as it seems because others desire this lost treasure for themselves. IDW Publishing delivers us a new interesting story that meshes the genres of the wild west, horror and slight humor all together. This was an action packed issue from the moment he arose from the grave. I enjoy his desire to want to find this treasure to make sure his family is taken care as well as the family drama amongst them. One of my favorite moments in this issue came in the beginning with his wife’s desire to make love to his walking corpse. It was absolutely hysterical! Not to mention he’s literally chained to his grave stone! That’s just fun stuff! This is not the typical standard artwork that I expect but it was highly enjoyable. The cover art is great and it’s what initially drew me in. I enjoyed this first issue and I look forward to seeing where this story goes. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Chained to the Grave #2

Apr 18, 2021

Chained to the Grave Issue: 2 Publisher: @idwpublishing Writers: @mr_flyingtigerandy & @illuminauttattoo Artist: @katesherron Letterer: @micah_myers Editors: @peachchild311 & @chesirechat Outlaw Roy Mason has come back from the dead, chained to the headstone that marked his grave thanks to his wife Kora. Resurrected, he is now in search for treasure to make sure his family is taken care of. On his quest to find this treasure, Roy struggles to hold his family as well as his body together. With Big Bad Chuck Lupe hot on their trail, Roy will need all the help he can get to achieve his goal. In the second installment of this old western horror comic, we see Roy continue to follow a trail toward buried gold while hilariously dragging his own tombstone. This second issue had some funny moments while Ray is on the run and searching for treasure. He meets a new ally while almost getting ripped to shreds by gators. Unfortunately, the only high point for me was the occasional hilarious conversations. The artwork is fun and the characters are well-designed but unfortunately that’s not enough to keep me around for issue three. This review, as well as all Comic Book Club reviews, are solely our opinion and is not meant to insult or influence anyone. We appreciate the hard work and dedication that the creative teams contribute for the hobby we love. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Iron Man (2020) #4

Dec 21, 2020

Iron Man Volume: 6, Issue: 4 LGY: 629 “The Man with the Golden Arms” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ifyoucantwell Artist: @cafucomic Colorist: @fgdcolor Cover: @thealexrossart Letterer: @joecaramagna Tony Stark and Hellcat have made their way to Oklahoma to check in on his new investment. It’s a new endeavor that is used to capture lighting as an energy source. However, his new partner and the brains of the operation, Fuller Tielhard, has reveled that he is really the cosmic force known as Korvac. He has recently been reborn into a new Android body. Following a battle with Korvac, Tony and Hellcat were knocked out by his new electrical power that Tony funded. Ever since Tony Stark flipped his own life upside down in order to find himself, he has not been the same superhero we all know and love. He seems desperate to get the approval of civilians and can’t seem to do anything right. Now that Korvac, a god-level threat, is on the lose because of him, he must do his best to handle the situation himself and keep it underground from Korvac and other well-known heroes. It’ll be interesting to see what low-level hero joins them. One advantage is that ever since Hellcat’s encounter with Korvac, she’s been able to hear things from him. I do like the fact that Iron Man is now a hero with finite and distinct resources which hasn't been the case for some time. He's a hero who is growing to discover himself. However, this series is very slow developing. Each issue has had limited action continues to set up what’s to come. I need action to support this phenomenal artwork! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Iron Man (2020) #5

Jan 9, 2021

Iron Man Volume: 6, Issue: 5 LGY: 630 “Bravest of the Argives” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @ifyoucantwell Artist: @cafucomic Colorist: @fgdcolor Cover: @thealexrossart Letterer: @joecaramagna Korvac has returned in android form and is extremely powerful. After luring Iron Man and Hellcat into a trap and nearly ending their lives, Korvac is now able to connect with Hellcat telepathically. Korvac is also holding James Rhodes hostage and will kill him if Tony raises the alarm. In an attempt to keep things quiet, Iron Man and Hellcat assemble a team of not so popular heroes to stop Korvac’s plan to travel to Galactus’ worldship, Taa II. This was yet another slow pacing issue. Iron Man and Hellcat’s team is nothing to really get excited about either. However, I am a fan of the Scarlet Spider but his role as well as the others was nothing to write home about. This Iron Man run really has not been fun or interesting. Additionally, Cantwell is not doing any favors for newer reader of Iron Man as well. Korvac is not very well known amongst newer readers and in my opinion it’s harder to keep their interest in the character. The extremely slow pacing of this story just leaves me bored. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion but this run has been boring. With the exception of the amazing artwork, there’s not much here that keeps me interested. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Juggernaut (2020) #4

Dec 12, 2020

Juggernaut Volume: 1, Issue: 3 “Stuck in the Past” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Ron Garney @rongarneyart Colors: Matt Milla Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Geoff Shaw @geshaw Raiding a ONE facility to retrieve the remaining broken shards of the Gem of Cyttorak, Cain Marko appears before Cyttorak once more as the Unstoppable Juggernaut. Refusing the deity’s appetite for destruction, Cain informs his former master that his new armor denies his influence and for now on, Cain only serves himself. Present day, Cain continues his efforts to impress a weird social media obsessed child and retaliates against Arnim Zola. Discovering Zola to be a puppet of the super villain prison, The Dungeon, Cain decides to pay them a visit. I had high hopes for this series but am ultimately disappointed. The art has been enjoyable, as I really like the new armor. But the story itself has failed. Cain’s quest to reclaim his position is awesome and I love it, but the present day adventures with D-Cel are terrible. I wish the present day stories would drop D-Cel and just focus more on Cain’s struggles to find his place in the world. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Juggernaut (2020) #5

Jan 7, 2021

Juggernaut Volume: 1, Issue: 5 “It’s Not the End… He’s Unstoppable!” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Ron Garney @rongarneyart Colors: Matt Milla Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Geoff Shaw @geshaw & Matt Milla After breaking into the superhuman prison, the Dungeon, Cain finds his back against a wall. Their only hope of getting out of this is for D-Cel to embrace her status as a mutant. But doing so would mean D-Cel coming to terms the fact that the manifestation of her mutant powers killed her parents. With Cain by her side, D-Cel declares herself a mutant and requests asylum on Krakoa. Later, Cain’s half brother, Charles Xavier and former best friend, Black Tom Cassidy arrive to bring D-Cel home to Krakoa. Embracing a new start, Cain works together with Zola and Primus to rejuvenate Quicksand. And that concludes volume one of Juggernaut! I really love this character and I hope to see more of him sooner than later, still embracing life as a hero. I was really hoping that Xavier would invite Cain to come stay on Krakoa in the end. I’m kinda disappointed it didn’t go in that direction. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers (2018) #39

Dec 13, 2020

The Avengers Volume: 8, Issue: 39 LGY: 739 “The Burnt Place” “Enter the Phoenix Prologue” Publisher: @marvel Writer: @jasonaaron Artist: @keowndale & @inkerscott Colorist: @jasonraykeith Cover: @leeinhyuk Letterer: Cory Petit The cosmic force known as the Phoenix has had many hosts over the millennia. It’s history on planet Earth dates back to the dawn of human and mutant life. In this issue, we go back to the harsh primordial world of One Million B.C.E, when the Phoenix was born and must make her way in a harsh and deadly world. Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed the artwork in this issue. His work with the character was stellar. With that being said, I expected more since we are about to kick off a Phoenix Force event. It was a mistake to expect more from this title. A lot displeasure probably has to do with how bad Jason Aaron’s run has been thus far. However, this issue was pretty slow and boring. It seems like we are about to have a “Prehistoric Avengers” team. That seems to pretty interesting but since this issue was a slow burn and this entire run has been forgettable, I have low expectations. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers (2018) #40

Jan 4, 2021

The Avengers Volume: 8, Issue: 40 LGY: 740 “Sleep Now In The Fire” “Enter the Phoenix” Part I Publisher: @marvel Writer: @jasonaaron Artist: @javier.garron Colorist: @davcuriel Cover: @leeinhyuk & @martegraciacolor Letterer: Cory Petit The firebird of cosmic destruction and rebirth known as the Phoenix Force has returned to Earth to find a new host. To determine who will wield the power of the Phoenix Force, the most powerful heroes and villains in the universe along with the Avengers must enter a tournament to see who is worthy of such power. Enter the Phoenix immediately throws us in action as we see Captain America and Doctor Doom engaged in battle for the honor to wield the Phoenix Force. In any other case, this would be a dream battle between two iconic characters. However in this tournament setting, it seems wasted in my opinion. We have seen this type of tournament many times before and this type of story really doesn’t draw me in. I didn’t have high expectations for this arc and it seems like I was right. This issue delivers nothing new or interesting to the Avengers which is disappointing. Honestly, I know this sounds crazy, but maybe the Avenger’s title would be better suited for a story once every couple of years. The title is so over saturated, no one really gets excited anymore. These “Avenger level threats” have no been entertaining and honestly a waste of time. Maybe having them “Assemble” every couple of years would bring epic stories back. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers (2018) #41

Jan 24, 2021

The Avengers Volume: 8, Issue: 41 LGY: 741 “Black Flame in the Hour of Chaos” “Enter the Phoenix” Part II Publisher: @marvel Writer: @jasonaaron Artist: Javier Garron Colorist: @davcuriel Cover: @leeinhyuk & @sunnygho Letterer: Cory Petit Since the fiery cosmic force known as the Phoenix has arrived on Earth, the Avengers were attacked by Atlanteon warriors lead by their leader Namor. He desires the power of the Phoenix force for himself. Now members of the Avengers, Supreme Squadron, Namor and others continue the battle to decide the new Phoenix host. This tournament is in full force and is directed by Phoenix itself. In this tournament, all participants will be transformed as they all will experience the power of the Phoenix within them. Honestly, the only thing solid about this Avenger run has been the amazing artwork. It’s definitely the only bright spot. While I do enjoy the cool costume designs of each character, it’s hard to get behind a type of story that has been done many times before. This run has been boring. The Avengers need to be associated with epic stories and that’s something we haven’t had in years. I want to be clear that this review as every other Comic Book Club Review is purely just our opinion and is not meant to insult any one or the creative team whatsoever. We always appreciate the hard work and dedication that the creators do and we have nothing but respect for them. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers (2018) #42

Feb 8, 2021

The Avengers Volume: 8, Issue: 42 LGY: 742 “Be Like Fire” “Enter the Phoenix” Part III Publisher: @marvel Writer: @jasonaaron Artist: @lucamaresca Colorist: @davcuriel Cover: @thealexrossart Letterer: Cory Petit The Phoenix Force has returned to Earth in search for its next host. Since it’s arrival, several of the Avengers, along with other heroes and villains from around the world, have been teleported to the White Hot Room to engage in a tournament that would determine who would wield the great power next. In this issue, the battle for the Phoenix Force continues as Namor takes on Echo for control beneath the waves and the remaining combatants stake their claim as to why they are so deserving. However, regardless of what they want, one thing is for sure, the Phoenix is always in control. This issue started off strong with the focus being on Namor. His entire battle was narrated by him as we also learned about an incident that happened when he was young. It explains how he came to be and what direction his life would have possibly went had he not changed his ways. However after this start, the issue went downhill from there. The issue cuts to other less captivating battles to say the least. I continue to question why the Phoenix Force is involved with the Avengers instead of the X-Men as well as why in this capacity of a tournament. Aside from the amazing artwork and yet another stellar Ross cover, there’s not much to this issue that keeps me intrigued. Once again, I want to be clear that this review as every other Comic Book Club Review is purely just our opinion and is not meant to insult any one or the creative team whatsoever. We always appreciate the hard work and dedication that the creators do and we have nothing but respect for them. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers (2018) #43

Mar 4, 2021

Avengers Volume: 8, Issue: 43 “Enter the Phoenix, Part 4: In the Beginning… There Was Not Darkness” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron Artist: Luca Maresca @lucamaresca Colors: David Curiel @davcuriel Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Alex Ross @thealexrossart The contest to decide the next host to the Phoenix force continues. Each contestant has been bestowed a small portion of the Phoenix’s power in order to bear the burden that comes with. But while the tournament moves onward, Namor’s forces wage war upon Avenger’s Mountain in hope for their King to rightfully claim the Phoenix Force as his own once more. But the more shocking aspect is the Phoenix’s claims to be the true mother to Thor! The artwork for this entire series has been solid. I’ve just personally had a difficult time finding anything in this book that hooks me. With that being said, I didn’t dislike this issue and feel like it was superior to the previous issues of this current arc. I’m just not super invested with this series though. Jason Aaron is an amazing writer, and it’s the Avengers, so I’m in and will stick with it because I have faith. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers (2018) #44

Apr 10, 2021

Avengers Volume: 8, Issue: 44 “Enter the Phoenix, Part 5: I am Phoenix!” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Jason Aaron @jasonaaron Artist: Javier Garrón Colors: David Curiel @davcuriel Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Dustin Weaver As the tournament to decide the newest host to the Phoenix rages on, chaos follows in its wake. The collateral damage as a result of a battle between Namor and Hulk is astounding as a massive explosion devastates a village in Russia. As Thor struggles to comprehend the Phoenix Force’s shocking claims towards his parentage, Phoenix power throughout the globe begins draining away from its temporary hosts into its final choice. Maya Lopez, the woman known as Echo, rises from the sea in flames, relinquishing the power contained by the others and is officially crowned the new Phoenix. I’m glad to see Echo getting the attention the character deserves but as a host to the Phoenix was not what I exactly had in mind. But who knows, maybe the character will do great things with the awesome power she now possesses. The highlight of this issue was Hulk ripping Namor’s arms from his body and then him reconstituting them with flame. Personally, I feel like this tournament went on a bit too long. I’m also disappointed that from here it goes into a KIB tie-in, even though that event is officially over. But it’s Avengers, so I’ll stick around and see what happens and I know that Jason Aaron is capable of amazing things. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of the Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Avengers: Mech Strike (2021) #1

Feb 8, 2021

Avengers: Mech Strike Issue: 1 Publisher: @marvel Writer: @jedcagemackay Artist: @sur2magno Colorist: GURU-eFX Cover: Kei Zama @ Guru-eFX Letterer: Cory Petit The Avengers have a new challenge in front of them, as a new foe has risen and is seemly unaffected by their attempts to destroy it. The Avengers must think out of the box if they are going to be able to destroy this new threat and save the world once again. They must embrace their powerful new tools, provided by Tony Stark, to eradicate this new shadowy mastermind. The Avengers go Transformers or in other words, “Full Mech”. This issue immediately throws us into the action with a new foe that is giving this star studded Avenger team a tough time. With this excellent Avengers team, it’s tough for me to see how they are struggling with this type of monster and how going full “Transformer” mode or “Mech” makes them that much better against the threat. There isn’t much in the way of character development as well, as it seems like they are hoping the star studded cast would do the majority of the work. With that being said, the artwork is fantastic and I do enjoy their “Mech Strike” suits. However, I just get a Transformer vibe from it all. This issue wasn’t engaging enough for me to stick with it. Once again, I want to be clear that this review, as every other Comic Book Club Review, is purely just our opinion and is not meant to insult any one or the creative team whatsoever. We always appreciate the hard work and dedication that the creators do and we have nothing but respect for them. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Carnage: Black, White & Blood #1

Mar 25, 2021

Carnage: Black, White & Blood Issue: 1 Publisher: Marvel Writer: Tini Howard @tinihoward ; Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy ; Al Ewing @al_ewing Artist: Ken Lashley @ledkilla ; Sara Pichelli @sara_pichelli ; John McCrea @mccreaman1 Colors: Juan Fernandez @juan7fernandez ; Mattia Iacono @mattiaiacono_colors_ Letters: Joe Sabino @joesabinoletterer Cover: Patrick Gleason @patrickgleasonstudio Three previously unknown stories of Carnage’s past are told by separate creative teams and presented in only black, white and of course, blood red. All three stories are just as bloody, violent and gruesome as one would expect. The first story sees Carnage fighting Earth’s heroes in search of Shriek while retelling a story of his own. The next sees the Carnage symbiote engaged in violent affairs in the old west. Finally, Carnage is given the Agent Venom treatment in a choose your own adventure styled story. I enjoyed all the works that went into this book but I just wasn’t feeling the stories too much. One thing is for certain, this cover art is absolutely insane! I’ll pick up the second issue because I wasn’t interested in the first issue of Wolverine: Black, White & Blood but I ended up loving that series. So we’ll see what happens. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram! Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Cult of Dracula #1

Apr 8, 2021

Cult of Dracula Issue: 1 Publisher: @sourcepointpress Writer: @cultofdraculacomic Artist: @dragonbrush_studio Colorist: @trevordrichardson Letterer: @edukedw Cover: @gynemethart The House of the Rising Sun is a secluded compound and the home of the secretive Ordo Dracul. It is also the scene of a horrific crime known as, "The Cult of Dracula Mass Suicides." Mina Murray now leads a documentary crew to discover the terrifying secrets of the cult by interviewing its leader. What they uncover might be far more terrifying then they anticipated. The Cult of Dracula has been recently acquired by Source Point Press. It was originally distributed by Second Sight Publishing, and was an indie hit. Unfortunately, I never read the original prints from Second Sight Publishing so I can’t tell you if this is a reprint or a new story. I’m not typically a fan of vampire stories but I decided to give it a chance. Unfortunately, I wasn’t captured after reading this first issue. Aside from the awesome yet terrifying cover art and the artwork throughout, I was not into the story at all. To be fair, I would say it was very slow paced in my opinion to set up what is to come. It’s just not a story for me. This review, as well as all Comic Book Club reviews, are solely our opinion and is not meant to insult or influence anyone. We appreciate the hard work and dedication that the creative teams contribute for the hobby we love. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Fantastic Four (2018): Road Trip #1

Dec 13, 2020

Fantastic Four: Road Trip Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Christopher Cantwell @ifyoucantwell Artist: Filipe Andrade @filipe_andrade_artist Colors: Chris O’Halloran @chris_oh_colours Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Michael Del Mundo @deadlymike The Fantastic Four are piling the family up in the car and taking an old fashioned road trip to the Grand Canyon! But it wouldn’t be Reed without a quick detour to inspect material residue remaining inside an old meteor crater. The next morning, the Richards’ family begin experiencing a series of strange phenomena. Reed discovers the materials excavated from the crater are poisoning them, as the family begins deteriorating into monsters of their former selves. Through literal family bonding, the combined power of Franklin and Val are able to reverse the process and save their family. A sudden missile strike alerts the family to the one responsible for their current circumstances, the Mad Thinker, who is easily beaten by the angry family. A Fantastic Four horror comic. A change of pace from the regular scientific aspect normally presented in the series with the art perfectly matching the desired tone of the writing. What I don’t appreciate is the suggested retcon of Val. Suggesting that her superior intelligence is related to a power set of some type is disappointing. It takes away the greatest aspect of her character, that she’s a literal child genius. I truly hope the writers don’t take her in that negative direction. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Midnight Western Theatre #1

Mar 25, 2021

Midnight Western Theatre Issue: 1 Publisher: @scoutcomics Writer: @louissouthard Artist: @david_hahn_art Colorist: @s75studios Letterer: @bertacious Cover: @evilkalman Liberty Springs was once a prosperous little town. That was until the notorious Red Tom and his group of miscreants took the town under siege. Now they have claimed Liberty Springs as their own, until two blackclad strangers stroll into town to challenge them unexpectedly. As I grow older, I find myself branching out into the comic book world to kind of take a break with the superhero genre. I came across this book in my search for something different. This debut issue mostly serves to introduce the comic's leading characters. This book started off dark and great. However, fizzled out towards the end. I don’t quite understand the concept yet other than our lead characters are vampires. The artwork is this book is great and the cover is what initially drew me in. I will still definitely pick up the second issue because Scout Comics have been putting out great books. Hopefully the second issue picks up because it has to give readers a reason to keep buying this comic. I want to reiterate that this review, as well as other Comic Book Club reviews, are solely our opinion and are not meant to insult the creators. We appreciate the hard work and dedication they do to contribute to the hobby we love. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Spider-Man (2019) #5

Dec 12, 2020

Spider-Man Issue: 5 “Bloodline” Part V Publisher: @marvel Writer: @jjabramsofficial & @henabrms Artist: @sara_pichelli & @elis_damico Cover: @oliviercoipel & Dave Stewart Colorist: @dragonmnky Letterer: @joecaramagna Years ago, Cadaverous murdered Ben Parker’s mother, Mary Jane, and took a sample of Peter Parker’s blood to save his partner Minka. After draining Peter’s blood, Cadaverous discovered that it wasn’t enough and needed more. Minka, now a transformed spider, uses Peter as bait to capture been in hopes to uses his blood to return to normal. This is the final issue in this mini-series and unfortunately the series as a whole fell short. After a promising first issue, this series was up and down and ultimately delivered us a rushed final issue. I expected an epic final battle but instead we had rushed and weak story telling. Aside from an intriguing final page, this issue was a waste of time. Unfortunately, the fantastic artwork that this series provided was wasted with such a confusing boring story. The artwork alone saved this issue from a one star rating which it deserves. Rating: ⭐️⭐️ (2/5) Reviewed by: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

King In Black: Namor #1

Dec 15, 2020

King in Black: Namor Issue: 1 “In the Depths” Publisher: Marvel @marvel Writer: Kurt Busiek @kdbusiek Artist: Benjamin Dewey @benjamindewey Colors: Tríona Farrell Letters: Joe Caramagna @joecaramagna Cover: Cory Smith @corysmithart & David Curiel @davcuriel Many years ago, a young Prince Namor finds himself in awe of the protectors of Atlantis, the Swift Tide. Namor, along with fellow prince, Attuma, rise at the opportunity to aid them in battle. In a kind gesture of thanks, the two are chosen to join the Swift Tide on a mission to retrieve a dark relic known as the Unforgotten Stone. Not what I was hoping for. I am a huge Namor fan, but I found myself really not caring about what was going on. I was hoping for a present day story rather than a young Namor. Here’s to hoping this series catches up to current events. Rating: ⭐️ (1/5) Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Note: Follow @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Mar 13, 2021

Non-Stop Spider-Man Issue: 1 “Big Brain Play” Chapter One Publisher: @marvel Writer: @joekellymoa Pencils: @chrisbachalo Inks: @timtownsend01 Colors: @mmenyz Letters: @immortalandroid Cover: @dfinchartist Variant Cover: Chris Bachalo & Tim Townsend Our favorite wall-crawler has a new ongoing series! In this debut issue of Non-Stop Spider-Man, Peter Parker is back in college and his classmate suffers a fatal overdose from a new drug called A-Plus. The death of his classmate is not the only fatality from this drug, as it’s actually causing multiple students to overdose. Spider-Man is hell bent on getting answers and is now investigating the conspiracy. His investigation leads him into battle against a new gang of high tech drug dealers. Non-Stop Spider-Man is exactly what it’s title states, non-stop action. Spider-Man’s powers are immediately on display from page one on. I’m unsure where this story takes place Spider-Man’s history as this story seems like a flashback. This debut issue was unfortunately tough to get through. The story was not interesting as I hoped it would be and The inner dialogue for Spidey felt a bit off. I normally like action packed comic issues, but the artwork did not sit well with me, as it was messy and hard to read. Art is subjective. Unfortunately, the only art I enjoyed about this issue are both of these covers. Peter Parker looked horrible and a completely different person. He was reminiscent of Kyle Ren from Star Wars. A character as iconic as Spider-Man should always instantly be recognizable no matter who draws him. That was not the case in this issue. I had high hopes for this book and unfortunately it’s just not for me. I want to be clear that this review, as well as every other Comic Book Club Review, is purely just our opinion and is not meant to insult any one or the creative team whatsoever. We always appreciate the hard work and dedication that the creators do and we have nothing but respect for them. We appreciate their contribution to the best hobby out there. Thank you for reading. Rating: ⭐️ (1/5) Reviewed By: @mcruz2189 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

Reviews for the Week of...


