Star Wars #11

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Jan Bazaldua Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 3, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 13
8.1Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

•  The mission to reunite the REBEL FLEET is countered by a deadly trap sprung by the cunning COMMANDER ZAHRA!
•  How will WEDGE ANTILLES, SHARA BEY and the other elite pilots of STARLIGHT SQUADRON survive?
•  And then there's LANDO CALRISSIAN... forced to choose between THE REBELLION and one of his oldest friends!

Rated T

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Adrian Feb 3, 2021

    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars #11more than its predecessor. I was worried about the disjointedness in the last third of the issue and I wasn't sure how really any of the stories were going to play out. Between the Talky, Calrissian's deception, the Starlight Squadron, and Kes Dameron pulling a blaster, it was a lot. However, I am very impressed with the way that writer Soule was able to wrap everything together in a seamless manner in Star Wars #11.Panel after panel, I wasn't really sure how things were going to play out which is a testament to the writing. Couple that with the art of Lobot clearly on the verge of collapse and the overwhelming scope of the Imperial forces compared to Starlight Squadron, the tension throughout the issue is at a fever pitch. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Feb 4, 2021

    Meanwhile, back at the rebel fleet. Lobot is still being used as a link up to the old droid in order to help C3PO record the ancient language needs for the new code. Unfortunately, the effort it is taking is hurting Lobot and his friend Lando isn't happy with the situation. Leia, who is thinking of the bigger picture orders C3PO to carry on working. But when Lando objects and tries to put a stop to things. She orders Kes Dameron to take him to the brig. Will it all be for nothing? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Feb 3, 2021

    Soule did an excellent job creating a story with a well-balanced mix of action while making the reader ponder an impossible dilemma. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Feb 3, 2021

    Jan Bazaldua does great work with the art in the issue. Not only are the characters expressive and well detailed, but the action works to with the battle inside the Star Destroyer hanger. There are some thrilling panels to be found in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 9, 2021

    This Star Wars storyline is working well for me overall as I like what it's trying to accomplish with the codes as a part of trying to bring the fleet back together. We get a better handle on what's been lost here and we see how Leia is now ready to start shifting gears by going on the hunt after having to be on the run for so long and keeping everything going and everyone alive. Soule's script covers some good stuff here and I hope to see more of how Lando and Lobot deal with the fallout from it considering how Lando is in the next film. It's a solid entry in the series and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next as it change its approach. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Comic Watch - John Edward Lee Feb 3, 2021

    This issue ends with a possible betrayal from a beloved character and possible doom for another one. The Rebels now have the way to communicate with other factions of the Alliance, but a lot can change before Leia can expect rescue for her stranded group. It would also seem Lando has made up his mind as well, but a lot can change between now and next issue for him before the arc wraps up. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Feb 3, 2021

    Star Wars #11 concludes the Operation Starlight arc with some callbacks to Rogue One and some strained friendships as we see more of the Rebel Alliances dark side here, especially what theyre willing to do to survive and get an edge over the Galactic Empire. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Connor Christiansen Feb 3, 2021

    Star Wars #11 might do a good job setting up future plot threads and it does have some dazzling action with solid emotional moments, but the overall absence of stakes and continued lack of meaningful narrative progression really leaves this issue feeling insignificant. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Feb 3, 2021

    The word "filler" seems like the most apt description of this installment, but filler in the galaxy far, far away can still be entertaining. Read Full Review

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