6.5 |
Overall Rating |
10 |
Civil War II One Shot | 1 issues |
10 |
Civil War II: The Fallen #1
Aug 18, 2016 |
Book of the Week for sure. While I've really not enjoyed Civil War II very much, and am leaning way toward DC lately, this book delivered. It was very well done, giving what I think was a very touching look at the very personal aftermath of Bruce Banner's death. While very clearly showing that there are those who view this as a "good thing" it also shows just how much of a tragedy it is for those who were close to him. And while the book seethes with an undertone of "revenge must be had" feelings, it makes it clear that Bruce would not want it that way. I just hope the rage gets directed at Captain Marvel rather than Hawkeye. |
9.5 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) | 4 issues |
9.0 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #14
Dec 29, 2016 |
The new art team since last issue is simply producing breathtaking work. I can't over-state how beautiful the art has been. And the story is great as well, with some epic moments for the artist to shine with. |
9.5 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #704
Feb 25, 2018 |
I really HATE that this all has to happen. But I get it. And if it has to be done, it's being done in the best possible way. Even knowing the "cliffhanger" weeks before you see it... it is still awesome. Next issue will likely be tremendous. The one after that most likely heart-breaking. And the one after that will be the saddest "great" moment everyone has been waiting for for years now. Bittersweet at best. Winter is coming. |
9.5 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #705
Mar 25, 2018 |
not a big fan of this art, and certainly not a fan of the major event here, but... extremely well done. if it had to happen, and I'm sure it did sooner or later, this was the right way to do it. |
10 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #706
Apr 28, 2018 |
supremely well done. I was afraid to turn that one page. because I didn't know if it was a tease with a heartbreak to follow or .. what. Original Thor was always one of my favorites. But still, Jane had me. Completely. So much so that I've been sad to see her go. How can I not miss one of my favorites? This was the best possible way to do it. |
9.1 |
X-23 (2018) | 4 issues |
8.5 |
X-23 (2018) #1
Jul 14, 2018 |
going in with much dread... I've never liked any X-Men, and HATED Wolverine... but omg Tom Taylor made me LOVE Laura as Wolverine, and Gabby is the best ever. that book was fabulous and if it had continued I could see the Laura/Gabby team becoming my favorite book. easy. now.. back to her old name that I never read her as, and a new creative team... of course it seems to me like they are making a change that can't possibly be anything other that poop. here goes. cover: not bad. not what I'm used to. ok... interior art: ugh. this is going to be one of those "pastel color books?" groan. it seems like they do that when you're not supposed to take a book seriously or they just don't care enough to do real art. I'm sad already. but I love the characters! ok let's read it now... first page does a great job giving an overview of the character. then a nice action scene. I really dislike the art. besides being the pastel thing.. I just can't quite make out what is going on from panel to panel. and Gabby is still the best. "he smells like a band-aid" LOL and tho I really wish it was better art, the art around the Gabby vs Band-Aid guy isn't bad at all. and the writing is good, making my enjoyment distract me from the art. the art gets MUCH better around where she meets Beast. and they meet the Stepford Cukoos and that's strange. they celebrate today as their birthday, which makes it worth mentioning that at the start it said that this was Laura's birthday too. she doesn't talk about it so Gabby doesn't know.... and.. wow. we get to the meat of the story. I hate that they're gonna be against the cuckoos because I want to like them, but... any enemy of Laura and Gabby is by definition a bad guy :) anyway... Laura's mission is to track down everyone dealing with her clone blood and put an end to it. now she's tracking a scientist that is missing. turns out the Cuckoos have her and are using her to try and remake the two of them that died. and it isn't going so great, and now they're using X-23 blood? so this will bring them into conflict. also the two dead ones are back, but very old and dying again and one of them secretly decides to kill the other of them to try and survive. I'm in! |
9.0 |
X-23 (2018) #3
Aug 31, 2018 |
ok the art is fine, except.. can we get an artist that knows that people actually have mouths, usually? practically always? I've never seen someone without a mouth. wtf? and the story... I hate that I've become so jaded by any writer not named Tom Taylor, but... this is a really great storyline as long as we get a nice clean ending to it, WITHOUT HAVING a year's worth of "Gabby is dead" or "Gabby is a bad guy now" to deal with afterwards. We all know she's going to be OK. Don't do the stupid #$#@!$ that so many writers do, when they run out of real ideas and just "take away the best thing they have going" as a shock value thing. grrr I want to lower my rating just knowing what is likely coming... grumble.... |
10 |
X-23 (2018) #4
Sep 12, 2018 |
gah! it makes me want to scream! must. know. what. happens. seriously though, the author is playing this very well. and the art is great too. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 10. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: OMG I want to see Laura destroy these guys to get Gabby back. +2 because: they are certainly keeping me on the edge of my seat. |
9.0 |
X-23 (2018) #5
Oct 11, 2018 |
the art took a BIG DIVE and the story was a bit of a let-down, but at least not in the one big way that so many writers would have done. Gabby is fine, and that's about all this issue needed to do. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because there was too much stupid humor. -1 because: it was confusing. +1 because: VERY glad it ended without the stupid Gabby is evil thing being an ongoing thing +5 because: I love Laura's drive, reactions, and the reunion |
9.1 |
X-Men: Red (2018) | 4 issues |
7.5 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #5
Jun 9, 2018 |
wow! so all this time, all these years I've never been a fan of any X-title. None. And all it took was to get Tom Taylor on board and I'm really liking it! The art isn't bad, but isn't great either. With Laura and Gabby here I had to give it a try, and... this is really good! |
10 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #7
Aug 28, 2018 |
great art and a continued good story. I read the whole thing without taking any notes, which is usually a good sign. the whole "we will still fight FOR you" line was great. Tom Taylor is great. I can't believe I'm liking an X-Men book so much. |
10 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #8
Sep 29, 2018 |
I've never ever ever ever been an X-Men fan. Tom Taylor is amazing!!! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 10. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: can I love Gabby and Laura any more than I already do? +2 because: so well done from every angle |
9.0 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #9
Oct 29, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: very well done. perfect Laura and Gabby. Jean too! +2 because: makes me want to try other X-Men books again... |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) One Shot | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016): Witching Hour #1
Oct 4, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: ROI feelings. +2 because: a good storyline going here. |
8.8 |
All-New Wolverine | 2 issues |
9.0 |
All-New Wolverine #31
Mar 1, 2018 |
wow... an issue with Deadpool that I didn't hate. Tom Taylor is absolutely amazing. This issue was just good fun. I hate Deadpool. I'm not a big "humor" guy. But Gabby is so great, she makes Deadpool fun - even for me. Wow! |
8.5 |
All-New Wolverine #33
Apr 5, 2018 |
I really don't want to like it. I usually hate these "future" stories because they just give the author excuses to do stupid things during and afterwards. But it isn't bad. and I don't think the "cliffhanger" ending is at all what it is made out to be. This is Tom Taylor after all, not some hack like Tom King. (please Tom Taylor don't prove me wrong) |
8.5 |
Death Of The Inhumans | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Death Of The Inhumans #3
Sep 10, 2018 |
this is really getting good! how do I like the Inhumans more now than I did when they had an ongoing series? Some very touching moments. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: makes me wish I read more of the Inhumans... +1 because: Beta Ray Bill! |
8.0 |
Death Of The Inhumans #4
Oct 5, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. -1 because: it was confusing. +2 because: a good storyline going here. +1 because: I do hope Lockjaw is alive somewhere... |
8.5 |
Fantastic Four (2018) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Fantastic Four (2018) #1
Aug 8, 2018 |
I hate the cover art but the book isn't like that at all. Well done, full of feels and even if it isn't exactly what we HOPED for (yet!) trust me - it's enough! so now #2 is the first book I've actually LOOKED FORWARD to in a long time! |
8.0 |
Fantastic Four (2018) #2
Sep 18, 2018 |
crazy story, but OK. well done anyway. enjoyable and can't wait for the next one! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: a good storyline going here. |
8.5 |
Star Trek/Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Star Trek/Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds #5
Apr 21, 2017 |
the art was FANTASTIC, and the story wasn't bad either. I have to say a good portion of my score comes from the last scene. I feel like an idiot for not seeing it coming, but... OMG Captain Kirk with a Green Lantern ring? YES! |
8.5 |
Star Wars Tales (2022) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Star Wars Tales (2022): Krrsantan #1
Jun 9, 2022 |
haven't read comics in ages. too many reboots and artist or writer changes. I just tried this on a whim and OMG the artwork is beautiful! I like the story too. |
8.5 |
Teen Titans (2016) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Teen Titans (2016) #6
Mar 24, 2017 |
starts with some penetentiary where a guard is making morning rounds... and the whole cell block seems destroyed and there is water on the floor.. at the end of the hallway is just a crater leading off the cliff and down into the sea... Damian is out by the see near the tower playing fetch with Goliath... while a news report plays about the prison breakout... and it mentions that shark attacks are way up lately... as Damian and Beast Boy walk to the tower we see an otter... attacked/killed by something.. presumably a shark... some ok humor while they have lunch then the perimiter alarms go off... seems they have lots of defenses ready... but Beast Boy forgot to tell them he told some reporters they could come by for an interview... the interview is more humor..some of it ok... then we cut to ... Jackson Hyde .. Aqualad? a gay black kid with white hair... learning about some water powers? his mom trying to tell him to keep it all hidden.. then it cuts back to Beast Boy flirting with the reporter when she disappears into the water while he wasn't looking... then back to Aqualad...he tries to show his boyfriend his powers.. and the kids gets angry and just leaves... then we see the reporter.. in a cell under Alcatraz... Aqualad leaves home to go and meet the Teen Titans and show his powers... meanwhile they are searching for the reporter... and are attacked by King Shark for the cliffhanger. the art is really fun and even though I wont' give it a AAA, it was worthy of two screenshots. more even but I refused :) it is better than a 7 because I found myself thinking that maybe THIS could be my "fun non-serious" book now that Silk is gone and the Champions are dragging... |
8.5 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman | 1 issues |
8.5 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1
Feb 26, 2018 |
haven't seen a GOOD miniseries from DC in a while.. nice! very unexpected ending. the main story is very interesting and the characterization is well done. best WW book going right now? |
8.3 |
Doctor Strange (2018) | 4 issues |
8.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #2
Jun 24, 2018 |
the art is really very good, and the story did it's primary job: it made me want to read more. that's the first time I can say that about Doctor Strange in a long while. a bit "too convenient" with his new ally, but if that's what it takes to get Doctor Strange going again then I'll take it. I'm actually excited to see where this goes. |
7.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #4
Aug 17, 2018 |
very good art, and an ok story too. one annoying thing is they seem to be starting a retcon. why did he lose his powers? he can't remember. oh, it's because he's a selfish asshole. ok. he needs to "reach inside himself" more and maybe "make some tools." and I thought it was some group that came specifically to kill the magic. sigh retcons. but ok I guess. it was completely stupid and led to the worst Doctor Strange books I've ever read so I can't say I'm sad to see it go. |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #5
Sep 23, 2018 |
OMG the art was so good, top of the line, absolutely great. I'm not sure I like the twist at the end, but... ok, good enough story. he's back! (or is he?) from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +2 because: a good storyline going here. |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #6
Oct 6, 2018 |
wow, what could have been just another groan-inducing arc where we have to wonder if he's "really back" or if we really have to suffer through years more of Dr. Strange without magic... pretty much immediately put that to rest and is giving us a very nice story! I'm in! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +2 because: so much going on, and all worthwhile |
8.3 |
Hulk (2016) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Hulk (2016) #1
Dec 29, 2016 |
This comic had the same effect that I heard people talking about when the movie Speed first came out - you can FEEL it in your body. Somehow the art and story work together to make you actually FEEL the stress as the book moves on. Definitely my "surprise" book of the week! |
7.0 |
Hulk (2016) #4
Mar 24, 2017 |
confusing start... Jennifer on a bus or train being annoyed of course... then a flashback of when Maise was attacked... then Jen in her office... then she goes to meet with Maise... she tells her the building was sold... she will have to move.. meanwhile the police find the garbled remains of the now dead police officers that had come to visit her.... Maise seems to snap. a giant shadowy toothy thing attacks Jennifer.... good, engaging, ugly art that somehow has panels that I like.. kind of like the Silk book had... the story has been FAR down from #1 but still ok. |
8.3 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #5
Mar 24, 2017 |
starts out with Riri's mom looking for her... talking to the equipment in her workroom... asking of the Tony Start AI is listening.. she's having the monologue about wanting to be a good mom.. worried for Riri.. etc... is good! then we cut to the fight... Tomoe is an Inhuman with the power to control technology with her mind... she takes the new armor that Riri/Tony sent... but it explodes, not only breaking all the armor she had but also short circuiting the ninjas... Pepper tells Riri to run.. because.. Tomo comes out of the wreckage.. with a sword... she faces off with Riri, and Pepper bangs her in the head with one of the armor fists that still works :) then SHIELD shows up to clean up... they try to recruit Riri but she turns them down... I really like this part. the art is really good, too. great moment with mom when she gets home and passes out at her work table... this book is really getting me. ugh.. and the cliffhanger ending makes me think they are going to ruin it all.. we see hologram Tony Stark seemingly becoming like Ultron... he thinks the only way to protect the good from the bad is to .. get rid of the humans? sigh better than a 7 simply for the number of things I liked. really good moments. good story-telling going on here. and the art just makes it better. |
8.5 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #6
Apr 21, 2017 |
I am definitely NOT supposed to be liking this book. I hate when they re-use a hero as someone else instead of introducing a new hero. I double hate gender swapping. I triple hate race swapping. Maybe Riri should be a lesbian muslim midget too? HOWEVER... this book is freaking amazing. They are doing everything in their power to make us love this girl Riri - and it's working. The art is fantastic. The opinions and reactions she has are perfect. The writing is perfect. I can definitely say, if it stays like this, I'm all for Riri and I'll be reading her book when Tony comes back to this one. |
8.3 |
Trinity (2016) | 3 issues |
7.0 |
Trinity (2016) #8
Apr 21, 2017 |
the art was really good, and the story wasn't bad. kind of filler material given that I was really wanting to get on with that Pandora Pit story. Mostly because I want Pandora back, but that's beside the point. |
9.0 |
Trinity (2016) #15
Nov 18, 2017 |
this book is awesome. I loved it. without spoiling the story I'll say that the best thing about it is how each member of the Trinity is highlighted in their own way. Superman not as much but clearly there is a moment when .. well... he's Superman and so this situation is in hand :) Batman because he's always the ace in the hole. And Wonder Woman. OMG. What she does at the end and the way it is presented... exactly what I want to see in a comic book. perfect. the art is not for me, but didn't distract, so good enough I suppose. |
9.0 |
Trinity (2016) #18
Feb 21, 2018 |
I loved it! The one thing that just keeps getting hammered home is that this writer really GETS it. He GETS these characters. His portrayal of them together, and showing "the same thing" from each of their different perspectives is so perfectly spot on. The art was great too. This issue is a prime example of exactly why I read comics. |
8.0 |
Blackbird | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Blackbird #1
Oct 9, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: interesting! |
8.0 |
Captain America (2018) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Captain America (2018) #3
Sep 9, 2018 |
while I don't like the art, it isn't distractingly bad... and it is good to read an actual Captain America story where he isn't a nazi and the art isn't hot garbage either. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: Cap's motivation is true and pure, and I like it. +1 because: some small pull. |
8.0 |
Captain America (2018) #4
Oct 13, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: the Cap guilt thing is really working for me +1 because: so good to read a Cap book with at least decent art and he's not a nazi! |
8.0 |
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #2
Sep 25, 2018 |
I hate silly comic books. but.. this is Elvira! very well done :) from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: some small pull. |
8.0 |
Everafter | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Everafter #8
Apr 5, 2017 |
finally after two issues of side-tracking, we get back to the team. kind of. really we get Tanner. or, her kid and his friends. OK. but it was hilarious. I love the Indian kid :) And thank goodness Traivs Moore was back - the art was great again! I had serious fun reading this. |
8.0 |
Flash (2016) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Flash (2016) #20
Apr 14, 2017 |
omg the art was SO MUCH BETTER than it has been for the Flash in all of Rebirth. Please keep it this way! the story was good and entertaining too.. even the cliffhanger ending that I HATE... I have to admit it is good story-telling. I just wish it wasn't so! |
8.0 |
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #18
Apr 14, 2017 |
I really want more of the "blue" and... the story was OK. The Guy/Arkillo thing looks like it might become interesting. and the cliffhanger reveal is interesting too. |
9.0 |
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #38
Feb 18, 2018 |
wow. the art is almost always wonderful and that doesn't change here. and... Hal Jordan just might start growing on me. I've always been kind of a lukewarm fan. Mostly liking the GL stuff because of the art. But this is the first time I've really gotten to see why people like Hal Jordan so much. yeah. I'm on board! |
8.0 |
Jessica Jones | 3 issues |
7.0 |
Jessica Jones #7
Apr 6, 2017 |
Lots of things are resolved.. maybe a bit too easily? Danny said he couldn't help her .. then he did? WTH? But the saving grace for me was a very subtle tie-in to one of my favorite things I've seen lately... Recently in U.S. Avengers we saw an awesome new female Captain America who is not the horrible America Vasquez... she is from the future and Jessica Jones' and Luke Cage's daughter. Here, we see the baby.. is wearing a Captain America T-Shirt. I loved it! |
9.0 |
Jessica Jones #15
Dec 28, 2017 |
holy crap this was good and intense! I absolutely LOVED what appeared to happen. and what Jessica did afterwards. trying HARD not to give spoilers obviously. but the TWIST at the end, and the cliffhanger.... wow. can I hate it and love it at the same time? |
8.0 |
Jessica Jones #16
Jan 31, 2018 |
as always, the art is that style of poop that I have no idea how anyone enjoys, but ok.. the story is good enough to overlook it. the drama continues. mostly purple-guy being the d-bag we know him to be while Jessica works herself up for the moment of her suicide attack. that part is well done. crazy ending, I'm starting to get sick of this story. |
8.0 |
Jessica Jones (2018) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Jessica Jones (2018) #2
Aug 31, 2018 |
so great to see Jessica Jones with real artwork. I hate the time-skipping, I don't think it is helping the story at all. just making it confusing and annoying. but the story itself is good. I like the plot twist at the end and am anxious to see the resolution. |
8.0 |
Punisher (2018) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Punisher (2018) #2
Sep 30, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. +1 because: I like the Punisher more and more as I see him operate. +2 because: I really like the revenge angle for Frank. |
8.0 |
Punisher (2018) #3
Oct 29, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: continues to be a good story with a nice DD trick too |
8.0 |
Suicide Squad (2016) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Suicide Squad (2016) #46
Sep 14, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: a good storyline going here. |
8.0 |
Supergirl: Being Super | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Supergirl: Being Super #1
Dec 29, 2016 |
SO MUCH BETTER than the actual Supergirl ongoing series. Can we cancel that one and just have this one please? Or even better - the old Adventures of Supergirl? KTHXBAI. |
7.8 |
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom | 2 issues |
8.5 |
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3
Mar 4, 2017 |
I really like this story. I hope this spins out into a new Rebirth title. |
7.0 |
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #4
Apr 5, 2017 |
overall a good story with good art. I like the mystery. I really hope they make this into a Rebirth ongoing! |
7.7 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) | 3 issues |
7.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #26
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was GREAT and the story wasn't bad. not great, but far better than the clone consipiracy crap we've had lately... |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #798
Apr 5, 2018 |
very good and setting up what seems like it will be a VERY good arc. can't wait to see what Peter does! tho honestly, this seems like "too much" :) |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #801
Jun 22, 2018 |
one-shot nothing story for the writer to say his good-byes. didn't expect much. was very happily surprised. very well done all around. just a nice Spider-Man appreciation book. glad I read it. |
7.7 |
Nancy Drew (2018) | 3 issues |
8.0 |
Nancy Drew (2018) #3
Aug 14, 2018 |
the art is just gorgeous and perfect for the type of book this is. and the story feels very much like the easy-casual-reading books used to be. which I'm guessing is exactly what they were going for. nice. this issue is all about the team re-grouping and continuing the investigation, but with some nice interpersonal moments between them. definitely looking to read the next issue. |
8.0 |
Nancy Drew (2018) #4
Sep 30, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: I just like it :) |
7.0 |
Nancy Drew (2018) #5
Nov 6, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. |
7.7 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel | 3 issues |
7.0 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #2
Aug 28, 2018 |
I kind of hate Carol Danvers, mostly because the most I know of her has to do with her side in the whole "preventing future crimes" thing. She was a bitch in A-Force and everywhere else. But I'm reading this just to see what's going on, and it isn't bad. Looks to me like they are trying to humanize her before the movie comes out. well enough I suppose. I'll read another. |
8.0 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #3
Sep 24, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: making me not hate Carol Danvers. wow. |
8.0 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #4
Oct 23, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: this story is very well done so far. |
7.5 |
Batwoman (2017) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Batwoman (2017) #2
Apr 21, 2017 |
the art is simply breathtaking. if the story was even half as good as the art, this would be a very highly rated book. it isn't..... |
7.5 |
The Deep | 1 issues |
7.5 |
The Deep #4
Apr 21, 2017 |
not normally my cup of tea but... it has just the right amount of humor and "something" that is keeping me reading it. the art is always good, but this issue it was FANTASTIC. |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman/Conan | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman/Conan #6
Feb 21, 2018 |
for a series that started out very weak, it ended well enough. overall I'm glad I read it. that is a far cry from how I felt when it started. |
7.3 |
Champions (2016) | 5 issues |
7.0 |
Champions (2016) #7
Apr 6, 2017 |
sigh, this book isn't "bad" and yet... it just isn't "good" either. when it first started I really thought it had lots of potential. I like the idea of the team doing "street level" stuff - I really do. But there has to be a way to present that without the forced SJW bleeding heart over the top crap like the Freelancers. There are plenty of crimes this team can fight other than racism and evil corporate entities. I want to read the next issue, so it gets a 7 rating, but... too much more like this and it's getting dropped. |
7.0 |
Champions (2016) #18
Apr 1, 2018 |
thank goodness! all of the horrible choices made in the past pile of issues get corrected all at once. apparently because of a creative team change coming. thank goodness! Viv is back! the art is horribly not my taste, but.. Viv is back! maybe the new team can get the book on track again. |
7.5 |
Champions (2016) #20
May 24, 2018 |
this book might be getting back on track. kind of like the first few issues in that it had a good mix of action, development, and humor. decent cliffhanger too. |
10 |
Champions (2016) #24
Sep 15, 2018 |
for a book that could have been SO BAD.. it was SO GOOD instead. no pushy agenda. no making someone out to be too far in either direction. just displaying what it's like for the kids. amazingly well done. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 12. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +5 because: hit the nail on the head. |
5.0 |
Champions (2016) #25
Oct 3, 2018 |
ugh this is going to be a painful arc. don't they get that we come here to read the stories about the team, and not about alternate versions of themselves in some stupid other place? from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. -2 because: an ugh storyline. +1 because: the instructions Viv gives the dog - I like it. |
7.3 |
Detective Comics (2016) | 12 issues |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #953
Mar 24, 2017 |
starts with Gordon coming back from vacation... in the middle of the attack on Gotham... Batman and Batwoman tell him this is just a diversion for the real attack... Gordon thinks it is the Joker but they tell him it isn't... then we see Batgirl ... thinking of Shiva and having memories.. looks like to when she was a kid being trained by her dad... the horrible way he raised her.. how she had hoped for a mother to love her... this part seems off because she's much older in these memories that in what we know from her first appearances... but OK I guess.... there is a good couple pages where Clayface tries to console Cassandra a bit... gives her a book of Shakespeare that he says helped him learn to express himself a bit... she seems to appreciate it.. then he says that she can leave if she wants.. he'll just say she snuck out. she hugs him and leaves. he reports it in to Batman, and then a bunch of attackers arrive.... Batman tries to speak with Cassandra.. but she attacks. She wants to be called only Orphan now... Alfred calls in just as Cassandra is beating the crap out of him... he says somethings feels wrong.. like someone has been in the cave. Batman is VERY alarmed by this but... something happens. maybe he gets hit behind the head? maybe something happens to Alfred? Unclear... because we switch scenes to... Batwoman arrives at the Belfry.. and radios to Batman that something very BAD has happen.. there are pieces of Clayface all over the floor... then someone knocks her out in the back of the head. then we see Batwoman being tossed to the floor outside her dad's cell.... a bunch of assassins are there.. they tell Jacob that Shiva said to do it in front of him... and they stab her through with a sword to the gut... then we switch to Cassandra who has found Shiva... takes off her mask, and asks... why did you abandon me? Shiva beats on Cassandra quite a bit... Cassandra isn't really even fighting back it seems.... C |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #954
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was kind of ugly. big turn-off. but the story was pretty good! I'll tell you one thing - OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG the last page and the battle that is coming is exactly what I want. James Tynion is going to give us the Cassandra - Shiva rematch, and it's going to be glorious. the lead up to it is even being done well. I can't wait! |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #955
Apr 28, 2017 |
UGH!!! we have to wait another two weeks for the battle we've all been waiting for? and it won't likely be what I was hoping for (1:1 Cassandra vs Shiva)? Sigh. This has got to be the worst 9 rating of all time. Such disappointment! But seeing her slaughter those assassins by the dozen was pretty good :) I have no idea how "the twist" happens at the end. Sadly, it seems we are building up to have next issue be more about the colony crap than about Cassandra vs Shiva. Sigh. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #969
Nov 23, 2017 |
this was really great. I *hate* Stephanie Brown these days but that re-uniting with Tim was done perfectly. The aftermath conversation with Batwoman too. I hate this whole Victim Syndicate thing and the trope of "the city hates the heroes" but this was very well done. |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #974
Feb 18, 2018 |
I don't review this every week but it has just been so good lately I had to drop by just to say "is James Tynion IV the best Bat writer we have right now?" I think so! |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #975
Feb 28, 2018 |
really well done. OMG just seeing a Batgirl who isn't an idiot and with art that doesn't belong on Sponge-Bob.. I'm so jealous!!!!! |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #976
Mar 15, 2018 |
I really dislike the art, but the story continues to be compelling. the Cassandra part OMG. the Tim part sucks but owell it can't be perfect. the Batwoman part might be interesting too! |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #987
Aug 23, 2018 |
an ok issue which loses a point because I just don't like the way this new team is being formed. somehow Batman thinks he can just assign people to teams? and the way he beats Karma is... very comic-booky, ok. |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #988
Sep 13, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. -1 because the dialog was just bad. |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #989
Sep 26, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. -1 because the dialog was just bad. |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #990
Oct 11, 2018 |
sometimes you need a filler issue to just get the plot to the next book... from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
4.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #991
Oct 25, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -2 because: very poor story going on here |
7.3 |
The Silencer | 3 issues |
8.0 |
The Silencer #8
Aug 26, 2018 |
the storyline is drawing me in. I don't want them to kill Talia, but still the story is dragging me in a bit. |
6.0 |
The Silencer #9
Sep 27, 2018 |
I honestly don't know why I keep reading this. It just manages to keep me coming back for the next one, even though it has not yet made me actually CARE about the characters. Kinda like Damage in that regard. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
8.0 |
The Silencer #10
Oct 29, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: I actually like the Talia/Wishbone/Raze team a bit... +1 because: even without yet caring for the main character, the story is good |
7.3 |
Weapon H | 4 issues |
8.0 |
Weapon H #6
Aug 17, 2018 |
very nice art, and a well done issue all around. they refuse to help Agger, thank goodness. even though they end up having to fight the monsters anyway, it was good to see them not falling for Agger's talk. the confrontation and subsequent team-up with Cap was very well done too. |
6.0 |
Weapon H #7
Sep 16, 2018 |
wow the art went from GREAT to GARBAGE all at once... eww ick! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. +1 because: it continues to build my hatred for Agger.. |
7.0 |
Weapon H #8
Oct 8, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: the moment with the kids was nice |
8.0 |
Weapon H #9
Oct 22, 2018 |
wow, the story is finally turning around a bit to get me actually interested. for the first time, I'm looking forward to next issue. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: I really like the story and the little side stories |
7.2 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #9
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was very nice, and I really love this book. this issue even got me to kind of like Bizarro a bit. I mean, besides for the humor of the way he speaks. I'm starting to care. I didn't care for the Red Hood / Joker part. It's OK, and I suppose they had to, but... it was the least good part of the book. I'm loving this series. |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #15
Oct 14, 2017 |
good art, and not bad writing except... it takes the Detective team totally out of character. they would attach Red Hood's team simply because they have lowered the crime rate? this is patently stupid. also, we are supposed to believe Clayface can knock out Artemis with one punch? Again, completely stupid. |
2.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25
Aug 9, 2018 |
pretty much all for art. this book is hot garbage. so many points in the book transition from one thing to another with just.. nothing to connect them. are we to believe Batman just hides when Bizarro shows up then attacks again once he's gone? are we to believe that a building falling from the sky just meanders along slowly giving plenty of time for... what? to happen? Bizarro pulls it into a pocket dimension or something? Batman is a total jackass too. And a ridiculous side-story about old-time Joker versus old-time Outlaws. And another side-story about Ma Gunn being Jason's grandma and his dad is still alive and is actually "omnipresent too" and checking in on her. these couple pages were better than the rest of the book combined. I've loved this series but this issue just went straight down into the poop. |
9.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26
Sep 14, 2018 |
I miss the team, but I'm liking him solo too. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: he really is getting the shaft regarding Batman and Gotham +2 because: I miss the team, but I'm liking him solo too. |
10 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27
Oct 12, 2018 |
I've never known Roy enough to be a fan or not, but his relationship with Jason has been made clear. with "losing" Artemis and Bizarro lately, not to mention Batman... he's really getting hit HARD. and the scene with Bruce was great. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 11. +5 because: Jason has lost so much lately... and the reunion with Bruce was well done. |
7.1 |
Damage (2018) | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Damage (2018) #3
Mar 22, 2018 |
really nice art and an OK issue. the standard fight where he gets to show that he can survive battling Wonder Woman for a couple of minutes before he gets away from her. now she and the Justice League are going to be hunting for him. as are the military and Waller. groan. the one thing they have not yet done is make me care about the character tho. not sure how many more I'll read but it isn't bad. |
7.0 |
Damage (2018) #8
Aug 16, 2018 |
good art, and the story is finally starting to almost maybe make a bit of sense. I was close to dropping it before this issue, but... I'll give it another issue or so. mostly because I'm interested in the Unknown Soldier :) |
8.0 |
Damage (2018) #9
Sep 20, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: some small pull. |
6.0 |
Damage (2018) #10
Oct 21, 2018 |
well the current Justice League book is indeed kind of "not good for me" but... if this is the new Justice League attacking him... it might indeed get worse than it already is. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
7.0 |
Batgirl (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Batgirl (2016) Annual #2
Aug 30, 2018 |
I'm really starting to LIKE Batgirl again! Reading a Batgirl that isn't Kim Possible... omg. even a dark yucky story like this one... it's just so GOOD to have her back! |
7.0 |
Damage (2018) Annual | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Damage (2018) Annual #1
Aug 26, 2018 |
some origin story... IMHO this would have been a better #1 issue than we had. |
7.0 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant's Fury | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant's Fury #2
Apr 14, 2017 |
an entertaining story with some really great art. I'm glad I'm reading it. makes me want to go back and read the story that led to this. |
7.0 |
Gamora | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Gamora #4
Mar 24, 2017 |
the new Whooberi claim to have been exiled here for crimes.. which luckily has saved their lives... they offer her the last seat on their vessel which can leave her.. she just needs to kill the L'Witt girl first to show loyalty... she seems like she's gonna do it... I don't like this. but some earthquake happens and the girl gets away... they are leaving, but realize they can't control the crystal... somehow Gamora realizes that the ring L'Witt was wearing is the key and goes to find her... lots of fighting... the art is good, but.. I really dislike what they're doing with Gamora.... she's pretty much a "bad guy" here... finally we see how she might turn... the girl L'Witt... the cultists kill her dad... she lashes out in rage, but.. lets the guy go. Gamora sees... and after he leaves she asks about it while starting the fight again... the girl explains how empty revenge is... Gamora says how it "feels good" ... L'Witt seems t shame her without trying... L'Witt falls into the pit.. but Gamora reaches out to save her... for the cliffhanger... for the ring? or to actually save her? |
7.0 |
Hawkeye (2016) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Hawkeye (2016) #4
Mar 4, 2017 |
a decent silly issue with art to match. if you like that sort of thing, this issue is definitely more of the same. the strange thing for me is... I normally don't like that sort of thing, but I'm not minding it in this one. it occurs to me that this book is maybe about as stupid silly as Batgirl and the art is about the same level of quality... maybe a notch above. yet somehow instead of HATING it I'm considering that maybe it can be a book that I read just for a light story and not to take it very seriously... why don't I ever think of Batgirl that way? probably because she was on track to becoming my favorite super-hero ever, even passing up Spider-Man before they did this to her. so the difference is that this is NEW and is actually just adding some value to my comic pile, without simultaneously removing something of such high value. sigh.... |
7.0 |
Justice League Dark (2018) One Shot | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Justice League Dark (2018): Witching Hour #1
Nov 2, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: mildly interesting. a bit too formulaic for me |
7.0 |
Justice League: Odyssey | 2 issues |
5.0 |
Justice League: Odyssey #1
Sep 27, 2018 |
it was a good premise, with GREAT ART, until... omg... really? the ending is about as stupid a storyline as I've ever seen. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. -1 because: Jessica and Simon are still partners as of a week ago... -1 because: team up with Darkseid? and Jess, Cyborg, and Azrael are the Old Gods? |
9.0 |
Justice League: Odyssey #2
Oct 29, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: Stepan is SO GOOD +2 because: these 'released worlds from Colu' stories could be very interesting |
7.0 |
Man-Eaters | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Man-Eaters #1
Sep 30, 2018 |
now THIS is a different sort of story.... tho I have to say, as a dad, the graph the girl drew on the first pages of "things my dad loves" is absolutely true :) from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: some small pull. |
7.0 |
Prowler | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Prowler #6
Mar 24, 2017 |
great art as always... starts with Hobie talking to Peter about what to do next... Peter just wants to know what Hobie wants.. but Hobie doesn't know.. seems like he's having flashbacks to times he's been in danger... and... seemingly he quits.. or considers it.. and this series is over. I hate Marvel. |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #2
Aug 30, 2018 |
not bad. two stories. one getting me to like Arsenal just a bit, and the other with a good cliffhanger for future issues in the series. |
7.0 |
Red Sonja (2017) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Red Sonja (2017) #4
Apr 21, 2017 |
I really hate that her costume is starting to be the most interesting part of this story. The art was OK and the story was predictable. Almost boring. 7 is the minimum "I want to read another issue" rating, so there you go... |
7.0 |
Silk (2015) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Silk (2015) #19
Apr 21, 2017 |
I fucking hate Marvel for canceling this book. This was the one book of the lighter/sillier side that I could actually tolerate. Even with the crappy art. I cared about the character. Now she's gone. Fuck Marvel. |
7.0 |
Superwoman (2016) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Superwoman (2016) #9
Apr 21, 2017 |
OMG I didn't hate it this time! I had such high hopes for this book, and it has been quite painful not to drop it by now. But I never did. I've dropped Supergirl and Batgirl and Flash (and picked them all up again just a week ago) - but never this one. I thought it had some hope. Finally, that hope might come true. What difference a new creative team can make! please please please do this for Batgirl too! |
6.0 |
Superwoman (2016) #15
Oct 14, 2017 |
ok art and at least we are starting a new story. Lana still fighting with herself trying to figure out the source of her powers. almost fourth wall breaking. it feels like the writer is apologizing. and a new baddie "Midnight" is coming for her. |
7.0 |
The Immortal Men | 1 issues |
7.0 |
The Immortal Men #6
Sep 14, 2018 |
it has not yet really pulled me in, but... it isn't terrible yet. now that they are revealed to the world, it will be interesting to see how the baddies react to the Justice League, etc. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: some small pull. |
7.0 |
Titans (2016) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Titans (2016) #10
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was FINE and the story was good enough to keep me interested. I'm not the biggest fan of this team or these characters, but I'm trying... it hasn't made me want to "drop" it yet. |
7.0 |
U.S.Avengers | 1 issues |
7.0 |
U.S.Avengers #5
Apr 21, 2017 |
I'm really enjoying this book. I hate the whole disgusting idea of "evil Captain America" and I've been able to avoid it entirely until this week. Now it has infected a book that I like, dragging it down into the gutter. I'm holding out a slim hope that the Danielle Cage Captain America from the future that was in this book recently will come in and help save the day. I'd LOVE that :) |
7.0 |
Weapon X (2017) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Weapon X (2017) #1
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was GREAT and the story is intriguing too! very surprised to be enjoying this one. |
7.0 |
World Reader | 1 issues |
7.0 |
World Reader #1
Apr 22, 2017 |
a really well done new comic. not a huge fan of the art style, but it isn't bad by any means. maybe "fitting the material." I'm very interested to see where this goes. I am a bit disappointed that we got to "the bad guy" so soon. I think I could have dealt with a few issues of just seeing the stories that different worlds had, building up to the discovery that there is some big-bad out there. |
7.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #1
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was very good, and the story was good too. I'm very surprised to like this book. some of the humor is just not funny, and the ending reveal of course leaves me wondering if I'll grow to dislike this book sooner than later, but... not bad at all so far! |
6.9 |
Aquaman (2016) | 6 issues |
7.0 |
Aquaman (2016) #20
Apr 5, 2017 |
I just want to know... while Dead Water was beating the crap out of Aquaman.. why Aquaman thought that they should cut off it's escape routes... He didn't need to escape - he was winning. And then.. just by doing that.. it made him leave? Silly. |
7.0 |
Aquaman (2016) #21
Apr 21, 2017 |
can we kill off this guy Scavenger, already? pretty forced story the whole way though. lots of jumping to conclusions. ok. it isn't horrible. I'll keep reading. |
5.5 |
Aquaman (2016) #34
Mar 22, 2018 |
bad art and Aquaman isn't even in it. Worst issue of the entire series so far. |
8.0 |
Aquaman (2016) #39
Aug 15, 2018 |
not bad at all. while I'm as sick of the "America versus Atlantis" storyline as everyone else in the world, it looks like we might finally get a different take on it at least. Mera forming a "black ops" team to strike back with seems awesome. Sadly I'm betting Aquaman doesn't go as far as she'd want him to. |
6.0 |
Aquaman (2016) #40
Sep 19, 2018 |
nice ending to the arc. well enough done. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
8.0 |
Aquaman (2016) #41
Oct 17, 2018 |
its crazy what good art and writing can do. SO MUCH BETTER than the Justice League lead-in. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +1 because: I really like Mera and she was portrayed well |
6.9 |
Avengers (2018) | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Avengers (2018) #1
May 2, 2018 |
really well done. I like both stories and it feels epic, even on the heels of the event we just ended. nice! |
7.0 |
Avengers (2018) #7
Sep 8, 2018 |
semi-interesting. art was ok. I spent half the issue thinking the boy was a girl. no such confusion with the Phoenix at the end tho :) |
6.0 |
Avengers (2018) #8
Sep 23, 2018 |
an ok story, between the arcs so to speak. SO many "blank faces" in the art... almost lost points for that. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
6.0 |
Avengers (2018) #9
Oct 13, 2018 |
meh.. never liked Namor anyway, too bad he and Roxxon don't just kill each other. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
6.8 |
Daredevil (2015) | 4 issues |
8.0 |
Daredevil (2015) #607
Aug 28, 2018 |
the art is really growing on me, and the story, while very comic-book, is getting a bit interesting. it IS a comic book after all :) |
5.0 |
Daredevil (2015) #608
Sep 16, 2018 |
its like they were trying to build up Matt and show what a good guy he is.. but really it just comes off as he's the stupidest hero since Burnside Batgirl. the art was really good in some panels.. and ok in others. not quite great enough to earn extra points. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. -1 because: it was confusing. |
8.0 |
Daredevil (2015) #609
Oct 22, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: I like this take on it |
6.0 |
Daredevil (2015) #610
Nov 6, 2018 |
I *really* dislike the art. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. +1 because: interesting new baddie Vigil |
6.8 |
Supergirl (2016) | 6 issues |
8.0 |
Supergirl (2016) #8
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was OK, which is a huge step up if you ask me. and the story was fun. I really enjoyed it. I think they did a better job in this book of describing the while thing with Myx and Superman Reborn than they did in the actual books that had the event. and after reading the BG annual, I really want to see more Batgirl/Supergirl team-ups. |
5.0 |
Supergirl (2016) #14
Oct 13, 2017 |
the art is still in an upswing so that's good. the dialog continues to be Orlando-horrible, and the story is complete filler. she goes to learn how to connect with her inner self to control her powers better. yawn. |
3.5 |
Supergirl (2016) #19
Mar 17, 2018 |
wow, writing that makes Tom King look good! I'm sad this is being canceled, but OMG I don't think I could take much more Orlando garbage anyway. now that he knows he's out, he's just dumping the agenda right down our throats. |
8.0 |
Supergirl (2016) #21
Aug 8, 2018 |
wow.. Supergirl with real art? What's next? Batgirl not in Kim-Possible mode? and non-orlando writing? finally, a Supergirl worth reading? I'm SO IN! and thank goodness the costume isn't what's on the cover :) |
9.0 |
Supergirl (2016) #22
Sep 15, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +2 because: a good storyline going here. +1 because: the art and scenes with Krypto are great |
7.0 |
Supergirl (2016) #23
Oct 11, 2018 |
I thought the art took another downturn. And the story isn't bad but is a bit annoying. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: krypto! and a nice enough story going on |
6.7 |
Superman (2016) | 6 issues |
10 |
Superman (2016) #18
Mar 4, 2017 |
this issue was epic! I hardly ever give a perfect rating when things "go bad." Usually reserved for when the hero fights back against all odds, or does something I really like. this issue is not like that at all. this is all bad. really bad. maybe it is because I have sons of my own, but... really really bad. the opening Mr. Oz story already had this issue set up to be good. the appearance of Clark and the disappearance of Jon. I'd really hate to be "the bad guy" in this story :) |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #20
Apr 5, 2017 |
this was a lot of fun. the art was fantastic. I've had my doubts about Kathy's grandpa and now those are getting stronger! |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #21
Apr 21, 2017 |
GREAT art and a very momentous ending. I really don't want to see Cathy as a bad guy, but I have to admit, this reveal at the end is carrying my score. it's huge no matter what. |
5.0 |
Superman (2016) #36
Dec 6, 2017 |
bad art and a boring story. it all ends when the big bad trips and falls into a pit. oh, and Lex is going bad again. yawn. |
6.0 |
Superman (2016) #40
Feb 7, 2018 |
this is the opposite of what I'd call "good" in terms of artwork. I'm sure some people will love it but to me it seems like it is being "different" on purpose for no other reason than to do so. It isn't "Burnside bad" but almost. as for the story, that starts bad too. this story is told as the aftermath of the current Action Comics story (that by the way isn't finished yet). in the end, it seems like a copy of a recent Green Lantern story, and isn't that bad. probably better than the GL version. but at least the GL version was beautiful to look at! |
2.0 |
Superman (2016) #42
Mar 7, 2018 |
ugly art and trying too hard to be bizarre - and succeeding. complete and utter garbage. I didn't think I was anxious for Bendis but.. after seeing this... well, maybe this creative team is just giving us all the big F. U. on purpose. that's what it feels like. |
6.5 |
Defenders (2017) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Defenders (2017) #6
Oct 15, 2017 |
this book is great. the art is very good. the writing is spot on. the story itself just keeps getting better. even the inclusion of Deadpool couldn't ruin it for me. The reveal at the end is just perfect. This book is the biggest surprise I've had from Marvel since Jane Foster turned out not to be horrible. Nice! |
4.5 |
Defenders (2017) #7
Nov 19, 2017 |
GREAT art. so much attempted humor that you'd think Chipass Zdorki wrote it. one horrible joke after another. decent fight with Iron Fist and Elektra. That's about it. !@#$!#$!$ |
6.5 |
Hawkman (2018) | 2 issues |
6.0 |
Hawkman (2018) #4
Sep 13, 2018 |
just a plain old 6. noting to make me like it or dislike it yet. just reading it to see if there is some small draw. to read Hawkman. but nothing yet... |
7.0 |
Hawkman (2018) #5
Oct 12, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: it is mildly interesting |
6.5 |
Spirit Hunters | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Spirit Hunters #6
Apr 21, 2017 |
excellent art, but... a very predictable story. I'm starting to think this book will never really be more than a lame cash grab for a good artist. |
6.5 |
Tales of Suspense (2017) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Tales of Suspense (2017) #102
Feb 25, 2018 |
Robin!?!? OMGLOL. I'm not really into humor all that much but this one line was more than worth the price of admission :) |
6.4 |
Green Lanterns | 10 issues |
7.0 |
Green Lanterns #20
Apr 5, 2017 |
decent story. I like Jessica better than Simon so I liked that she was able to get them out when he couldn't. will be interesting to see where it leads. |
7.0 |
Green Lanterns #21
Apr 21, 2017 |
lackluster art and a very non exciting story. and the whole way the corps is treating our Lanterns is kind of sucky. the rings just go on auto-pilot forcing them to Mogo? last issue I think there were some Lanterns coming to get them. |
4.0 |
Green Lanterns #43
Mar 22, 2018 |
this was once such a good book. now I'm dropping it. it really has gone straight down to poop since Tim Seeley took over. |
7.5 |
Green Lanterns #44
Apr 4, 2018 |
so the start of a new arc... I gave it a chance. it wasn't GREAT but it was soooooo much better than the drek we just went through. and the art was amazing again. |
8.0 |
Green Lanterns #45
Apr 18, 2018 |
the art is beautiful! the story not bad. much better than the last few. promising new arc! |
8.0 |
Green Lanterns #53
Aug 15, 2018 |
very interesting story going on here... almost want to take away points for the stupid little tag saying "this happens before some comic that came out TWO MONTHS AGO." DC is as bad as Marvel sometimes.. !@#$!#$ |
6.0 |
Green Lanterns #54
Sep 6, 2018 |
the art was off and there was some spotty dialog, but at least the story is starting to make a bit of sense now. |
7.0 |
Green Lanterns #55
Sep 22, 2018 |
the art seems to be dipping IMHO, but not really "bad" .. just not as "good" as usual in my taste. the whole idea of who the big baddie is and how this came to be is kind of silly, but OK that's kind of what comic books do. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: some small pull. |
5.0 |
Green Lanterns #56
Oct 4, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. |
4.0 |
Green Lanterns #57
Oct 21, 2018 |
for a book that once had such great art... it's sad to see it go so badly. I guess once they knew they were going to end it, everyone just stopped trying. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because: used to have good art.. has had some really good stories. now its over |
6.3 |
Immortal Hulk | 3 issues |
5.0 |
Immortal Hulk #5
Sep 10, 2018 |
strong down-turn this issue, both in art and writing. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. -1 because the dialog was just bad. |
6.0 |
Immortal Hulk #6
Sep 23, 2018 |
it's sad they make Carol an unfeeling baddie here where in "the life of..." they are trying to make her not so horrible anymore, in time for the movie. I guess this writer hasn't heard. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: it was confusing. +1 because: will be nice to see Hulk smash Carol Danvers. |
8.0 |
Immortal Hulk #7
Oct 15, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: so.. he's TOO strong.. how will the world deal with this? |
6.0 |
Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018) #5
Sep 8, 2018 |
meh. too much of the silly stuff for my taste, but not bad enough to really sink it. not much of a story. its like they finished one issue too soon and had to do something. so this is what they did. and.. its over. I could have liked this to continue. |
6.0 |
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey | 3 issues |
5.0 |
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1
Aug 18, 2016 |
I don't understand why they have to draw Batgirl like a cave troll. Seriously. Do a Google image search for "ugly cartoon" and you'll see pages of what must be inspiring the artist for Batgirl. Somehow, if you can read the words while ignoring how ugly they've made the main character, you'll find a half-way decent story. |
7.0 |
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #9
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was FINE and the story was OK. leading to what might be a pretty good next issue. |
6.0 |
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #15
Oct 11, 2017 |
finally a book that is a step above Scooby Doo. It seems this is the best we're gonna get from any Batgirl book these days. |
6.0 |
Heroes In Crisis | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #1
Sep 28, 2018 |
wow! I had NO FAITH coming in. I mean.. ANOTHER event, when I've hated basically all of them so far? and Tom King? He who cares to know NOTHING about the characters they give him? but it wasn't bad at all! it is building up to be a great story! wow I had no idea what the title meant, but.. yeah, its a very different story being told here. and the art is out of this world good. I'd let this artist take over any book I'm reading immediately with no questions asked. wow! This is at Stepan level, or whomever used to draw Wonder Woman when DC gave a crap about her. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +2 because: very interesting! |
3.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #2
Oct 31, 2018 |
both the art and story took a serious dive this issue. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 3. -2 because: yep.. Harley can do all that.. right. this is stupid. -1 because: seems to be the book Tom King was born for- completely ridiculous |
6.0 |
Low Road West | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Low Road West #1
Sep 25, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. +1 because: some small pull. |
6.0 |
Red Sonja/Tarzan | 2 issues |
6.0 |
Red Sonja/Tarzan #4
Aug 28, 2018 |
mildly interesting. the cliffhanger seems deceptive to me. |
6.0 |
Red Sonja/Tarzan #5
Oct 21, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
6.0 |
Royals | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Royals #1
Apr 6, 2017 |
the art is too angular for me. not totally ugly but not at all nice. the coloring was good. the story was a bit plain and ... uninspiring. I will probably read next issue.. maybe. |
6.0 |
Superman (2018) | 3 issues |
6.0 |
Superman (2018) #2
Aug 10, 2018 |
note to Bendis: the Flash is not Deadpool. They both wear red, I know, it's confusing. But really..... an otherwise good book, ruined by how idiotic they want the Flash to be. /baffled. |
6.0 |
Superman (2018) #3
Sep 15, 2018 |
just kind of meh.. not bad at all. will keep reading. but.. meh. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
6.0 |
Superman (2018) #4
Oct 11, 2018 |
best 6 rating ever. seriously. I liked it, I just can't come up with "why." from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: it was confusing. +1 because: the big blue boyscout as always |
6.0 |
The Silencer Annual | 1 issues |
6.0 |
The Silencer Annual #1
Aug 30, 2018 |
not bad. finally really cements her as a "good guy"... but the art was bad. blank faces and all. |
6.0 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #1
Aug 28, 2018 |
I usually don't like non-serious books, but I did enjoy Kate as Hawkeye so I'm gonna give it a try. its basically a humor fest. |
6.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) | 16 issues |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #13
Dec 29, 2016 |
While the art took a serious downturn, the story continues to rock. I'm loving it. I just wish we hadn't changed artists. |
8.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #19
Mar 24, 2017 |
starts with Wonder Woman maybe recovered? feeling better.. with the Ferdinand minotaur guy... then we see Veronica Cale finishing up her plans.. sending out a team to do something big it seems... and Cheetah writhing in pain and hunger... Wonder Woman thinks that she has never really been back to Themyscira since leaving the first time. it was all a lie. but she needs to get there now. she thinks Veronica Cale knows how.... we see a scene on Themyscira where the warriors are losing faith.. then they see the Patrons there under/near the ugly tree and this tells them that Diana is "on the move" and "even Olympus has stirred" because of it. Wonder Woman and team break into some place and confront a hologram of Doctor Cyber.. that taunts them... but it basically tells the story.. of how the "gods" that have attacked since Wonder Woman arrived, caused all this trouble.. they blame Wonder Woman... we see some sniper taking aim right at Wonder Woman's head... the art goes straight to hell... and then Wonder Woman gets shot from behind with a bullet that enters her upper back and exits under her boob.. she falls. better than a 7 simply for the epicness of what is going on... strange art tho... |
8.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #20
Apr 14, 2017 |
I have to start with "FUCK GREG RUCKA!" - he's leaving this book now and... grrrrrr.... anyway this book is great like it has been since Rebirth. I love it. the art was really good and would bump the rating up higher if... the actual art of Wonder Woman was any better. All the art for everything that was NOT Wonder Woman was great. this artist just draws her in a way that I don't like. anyway.. the story was great. I LOVED seeing how Veronica got those dogs! The part with Circe and Wonder Woman was very confusing - do you know what happen there? I don't. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #21
Apr 28, 2017 |
breathtaking art. good writing. Wonder Woman being amazing. God, I hate that the creative team is changing soon. This book is SO GOOD. |
6.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #32
Oct 12, 2017 |
omg I miss Rucka. so one brother is dead but she has another? Jason of the Argonauts? sigh. and the art is so far down from what we used to have. truly disappointing. |
1.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #33
Oct 25, 2017 |
see Wonder Woman there on the cover? that's what you get. she's not even in the book. her name is mentioned once. |
2.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #35
Nov 22, 2017 |
another issue without Wonder Woman in it. I wonder if the new writer realizes what book he's on? Hey I have an idea! Maybe he can go write Deadpool! And Deadpool wouldn't be in it. Just Spider-Man. Then maybe it would be worth reading! Better than THIS garbage. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #45
Apr 25, 2018 |
great issue! while I think "how she does it" is a bit cheesy, it is comics after all, so OK.... but everything around that is great. I can't really stand the brother and still I was happy to see his part. I love where Grail is. even the art, which I have not liked as much lately, some panels were awesome. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #46
May 9, 2018 |
the start of a new arc and I have to say it's starting out well! nice enough art, tho I really miss the early days of this series with Liam Sharp and Nicola Scott... everything looks great except Wonder Woman herself :( some more introduction of the brother and the powers of his armor... is he gonna be Shazam or something? the cliffhanger is kinda silly but fine. now THAT's a book in need of a reboot! looking forward to next issue. |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #51
Jul 27, 2018 |
wow. they let Steve !#@$Q$ Orlando write Wonder Woman? I have to say, when I saw his name on the cover I was quite disgusted. And yes I'm sure there are some mistakes and things in there that people will complain about. But it was true to Wonder Woman, and not at all filled with the types of things that I usually hate about Steve Orlando. I'm very happily surprised! The art was very bad, and the story apparently a one-shot, so probably the creative team took a break after the great last arc. If a one-shot by some other team from time to time is the price to pay for good stuff like we've been getting, I'm OK with that! |
1.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #52
Aug 10, 2018 |
nevermind what I said last time. it really is Steve Orlando. omg. you can barely read two sentences in a row without wondering what the heck he thinks his characters are saying. this guy is truly horrible. how does such a poor writer land Wonder Woman? didn't like the art either. at least I can say, some shots of WW herself were nice. |
6.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #53
Aug 26, 2018 |
meh. while this issue doesn't have the full Orlando effect, it is still tough to read, and Artemis is really written bitchy. Constantly trying to taunt WW. We've seen her better side so recently in RHatO, so I hate seeing her so pissy. just a run of the mill boring comic but with a character I like enough to keep with until it gets better again. |
2.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #54
Sep 15, 2018 |
only Steve Orlando thinks people talk like this. and omg it is disgusting to see the way he's portraying Artemis... from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 2. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because the dialog was just bad. -2 because: Artemis is so much better lately in RHATO, this is just garbage. |
4.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #55
Sep 27, 2018 |
so... bad. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because the dialog was just bad. -1 because: so she's given her lasso to Artemis? |
7.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #56
Oct 11, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: not too bad of a story. |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #57
Oct 26, 2018 |
good story with very good art. feels like the series is ending tho. its been downhill since Rucka left but still.. I'd hate to see that happen. Maybe we can get Tom Taylor!!! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 9. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. +2 because: this is playing out as a good story |
5.9 |
Batgirl (2016) | 7 issues |
1.0 |
Batgirl (2016) #6
Dec 28, 2016 |
This has got to be the most horrible issue of a comic book I've read in a very long time. Such utter garbage. Let's start with the art. It seems to me that Rafael Albuquerque is just trying to give a great big "F.U." on his way out the door. And good riddance because I'm really sick of seeing Babs look like the pig from Charlotte's Web. Seriously. The story could not possibly have been worse. Let me tell you two things that might seem strange (read:STUPID) to you: 1) Babs is on an airplane. In flight. And something starts to smell bad. So she decides to dress up AS BATGIRL and investigate. Yes, she sneaks around THE FREAKING AIRPLANE dressed up as Batgirl. Is Hope Larson just brain dead? 2) Once the plane lands, Babs is openly talking about how she and Poison Ivy fought this plant monster during the flight. OPENLY, where anyone can hear. Including next month's new villain it seems. Again - is Hope Larson brain dead, or does she just want to portray Babs that way? It seems both the author and artist are doing everything they can to make Batgirl a ridiculous caricature of a character. Someone at DC needs to put them out of their misery. Soon please! |
4.0 |
Batgirl (2016) #9
Mar 24, 2017 |
will they ever go back to non-cartoony art for her? God, I hate that they have turned Batgirl into a complete joke. Batgirl used to be GREAT! |
7.0 |
Batgirl (2016) #10
Apr 28, 2017 |
God I had the Burnside garbage. Here you go. Here is what they've done to Batgirl: http://img12.deviantart.net/5808/i/2006/111/8/9/kim_possible_by_noa85.jpg |
5.0 |
Batgirl (2016) #25
Aug 15, 2018 |
I know, a 5 is considered BAD here, but.. this is sooooo much better than the Batgirl that I dropped. I actually came here to rave that it might finally get GOOD again! I still don't like the art, but it is MILES BETTER than where it has come from. The narration panels were just confusing in the beginning, too interspersed with the dialog and not in a good way. And the story was sill kinda "light and touchy feely" for me, but.... OMG Batgirl wasn't STUPID? Maybe there is hope for the future after all! |
10 |
Batgirl (2016) #26
Aug 29, 2018 |
omg! Batgirl is finally back! only to have THIS happen? all of the spoilers that I half avoided before this.. .talking about how something bad happens, regarding the implant that lets her walk... I thought I'd hate it because she'd be Oracle again instead of Batgirl... not able to walk again.. but OMG.. this is so much worse! ok - Batgirl making me CARE two issues in a row. unbelievable! |
7.0 |
Batgirl (2016) #27
Sep 26, 2018 |
we finally have her back! can't she be at full strength? from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: I really want her at full functioning again! |
7.0 |
Batgirl (2016) #28
Oct 24, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: just so happy to have BG not be stupid and horrible anymore |
5.8 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #3
Feb 18, 2018 |
the book was good. for sure. it is making me think that Chip "wannabe comedian" can actually write when he lays off the humor a bit. but none of that matters. what matters is at the start we see the Mad Thinker looking at his "Where is Reed Richards" board, and... there is a note that says 6/6 ... and 6/6 this year is going to be on a Wednesday. that's enough for me! |
3.0 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #9
Aug 31, 2018 |
how can anyone read something that looks like this? honestly, it seems to be ugly on purpose. and since the main book is back anyway (LOL Marvel) who needs it? |
5.7 |
Avengers (2016) | 3 issues |
3.0 |
Avengers (2016) #1
Feb 18, 2017 |
the art is just so ugly... I'd never read a book that looks like this. compare to the 1.1 issue and... omg! I read that even thought it is obviously not a modern continuity story, because the art is so beautiful! |
6.0 |
Avengers (2016) #1.1
Feb 18, 2017 |
old time flashback kind of story but the art is fantastic! |
8.0 |
Avengers (2016) #683
Mar 8, 2018 |
I have to say, I'm as event fatigued as the next guy but.. this event has felt different from the start. at least for me - it's good! not over the top with stupid stuff like Metal and Doomsday Clock. It even makes me want to learn more about this "new" (to me) Wasp :) |
5.7 |
Justice League (2016) | 3 issues |
4.0 |
Justice League (2016) #15
Feb 15, 2017 |
what a steaming pile of garbage this was. completely confusing. every 2-3 pages changes to a different story. sometimes with characters in both. for instance, for a few pages we see Wonder Woman in some place with Zeus and his parents... then on the very next page we see she's with Flash and the Lanterns doing something completely different. Ditch the Hitch! |
7.0 |
Justice League (2016) #18
Apr 5, 2017 |
predictable ending. nice jail break. #DitchTheHitch. |
6.0 |
Justice League (2016) #19
Apr 21, 2017 |
maybe we don't need a Justice League book at all. if this is the best DC can do, then who needs them? |
5.7 |
Raven: Daughter of Darkness | 3 issues |
6.0 |
Raven: Daughter of Darkness #7
Aug 25, 2018 |
it does have some small pull to read another, but it also has some Orlando-ish dialog. you know, where you have no idea why someone would say whatever they say. |
4.0 |
Raven: Daughter of Darkness #8
Sep 27, 2018 |
this book slams from one thing to another without ever making any sense at all. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because the dialog was just bad. -1 because: all of a sudden Raven is on Baron Asshats side? |
7.0 |
Raven: Daughter of Darkness #9
Oct 29, 2018 |
not loving it... but at least it is pulling at me a little bit... I plan to read at least one more... from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: I'd like to see SOME of these characters in their own book |
5.7 |
Sentry (2018) | 3 issues |
7.0 |
Sentry (2018) #1
Jul 1, 2018 |
another #1 about someone I don't know anything about! let's do this review "live" as I read it, blow by blow! cover: ok... I hope the interior art isn' tlike tis, but nothing too bad. is this guy like a Marvel version of Superman? ok strange premise for a character... very powerful, but risky... when he "becomes the Sentry" there is a risk he'll become a baddie instead? could be interesting. and the art is really not that good for me. and apparently he's just an old guy afraid to become the Sentry again because of the risk.. so.. he has a way of ... dreaming? day-dreaming? something. where he just kinda fantasizes about being the Sentry again for a little while. and apparently he and one of his super-friends Scout just work at a diner together now as cooks... Dr. Strange set up this pocket dimension in his mind so he can go play Sentry without endangering the world. but Scout is angry because he wants one too . and apparently he HAS to go to "sentry world" at least once every 24 hours or the baddie "the void" will escape. and ugh.. Misty Knight and some team of goverment types are monitoring him and he has to check in ever so often? ok so they're setting up to make us really WANT hit to just "go full Sentry" I suppose. and the cliffhanger is we see that someone has broken into his home and stolen the device he uses to enter SentryWorld... and we see Scout and the dog waiting for him to come in... and someone ELSE comes in instead... probably the baddie "The Void" .. and kills them? ok, I'll read another. |
6.0 |
Sentry (2018) #3
Aug 28, 2018 |
not a fan of the art, and no prior knowledge of Sentry, but the story is mildly interesting. I think I'll buy another. |
4.0 |
Sentry (2018) #4
Sep 30, 2018 |
wow, people love this apparently. I just don't get it. A confusing story with art worthy of Burnside. I'll probably just say "not for me" and stop reading/reviewing it now. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because: it was confusing. |
5.6 |
Batman (2016) | 20 issues |
9.5 |
Batman (2016) #18
Mar 4, 2017 |
wow.. this was a really well done book. easily my "book of the week" if not for Superman, which was epic this week. besides just being awesome in general, this book erases a problem that has been nagging me about "how did Catwoman get captured so easily?" it just seemed too convenient. turns out, it was! I love this turn, and what it seems to bode for the future. I love it! |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #20
Apr 5, 2017 |
well finally after I am Gotham and I am Suicide and I am Bane.. we get a massive fight which ends with "I'm Batman!" and a headbutt. extremely dis-satisfying ending to this arc. for a moment I thought Gotham Girl would save him. That would have been nice. This... was boring. |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #21
Apr 21, 2017 |
it seems like this book tries really hard to be special... and somehow came up flat for me. there were a few things I really liked about it. the fight that showed how fast Reverse Flash was hitting Batman. the moment he destroyed the note from Thomas Wayne. and the death at the end. a book with three very memorable things like that should rate higher.. but... it all just fell flat to me. maybe I should read it again... |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #36
Dec 6, 2017 |
the art is fantastic and the story is just as good. not much action, but if you're a fan of the characters, and Superman and Lois, this book is for you. so awesomely done. I love it. and while I'm sure next issue can't possibly be as good... the title brings it all home: a double date 78 years in the making. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #39
Jan 17, 2018 |
garbage art and a worse than garbage story. why bring in Wonder Woman if all you're going to do is draw her terribly and write her completely out of character? I'm so angry over just how badly this was done. has Tom King even read any WW lately? obviously not. complete and utter garbage. dropped. |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #40
Feb 7, 2018 |
I suppose this should be a 10 just because it was an UNDO button for last issue which was steaming garbage. this issue basically reverses everything from last issue. either someone really told Tom King to wipe this crap under the rug, or else he planned this all along - that he'd just waste two issues doing nothing but stirring up the pot for no reason. either way he seems like an asshat to me now. making me wonder if Vision was really all that good? |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #41
Feb 21, 2018 |
Tom King is ruining the Batman book. Please get rid of him. Maybe put him on JLA or Super Sons or some other crap that could only get better. the art is great tho! |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #42
Mar 7, 2018 |
the 4 rating is all for art. this is the stupidest Batman story I've ever read. so.. Ivy controls the whole world except for Batman and Catwoman. and she causes Superman to kill him. and then she brings him back to life. and she wants to be the Maid of Honor at their wedding. !@#$ off Tom King. |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #43
Mar 22, 2018 |
and once again Tom King just undoes all the work he's done in the past few issues. once again we are left wondering - did someone tell him to stop being an idiot? probably not. seems like this is just his way. write a bunch of crap that everyone hates and then change it up at the end. such a waste of time and energy. |
6.5 |
Batman (2016) #44
Apr 4, 2018 |
I don't know... Catwoman blows stuff up and remembers times from her past while Batman sleeps then she gets back into bed? I honestly don't think Tom King knows how to write anymore. Great art tho! |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #45
Apr 18, 2018 |
not nearly as bad as the last few issues. I really dislike these alternate-future-reality stories, but I have to admit.. maybe if Tom King sticks to just doing those till he's gone, maybe he won't screw up the real continuity too much. yay? |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #46
May 2, 2018 |
so.. I'm dropping Batman for the second time in.. what? a year? Is this the worst Batman run of all time? I couldn't make it past Booster giving Catwoman "the plan" omg. DC is starting to really do some stupid things. this run on Batman while at the same time killing off good Superman books for a big maybe? right after Rucka left WW? the timing for all of this is just incredible. so much garbage all at once. |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #49
Jun 20, 2018 |
this is strange for a few reasons. first of all the issue itself is very non-standard. it is interesting and seems good. however, it is hard to really say I LIKE IT because.. Tom King just hasn't yet earned anything other than distrust.. and this issue leaves the door open for some really awful "next issue" stories. any other writer and I'd be saying this was good and entertaining. right now, however I'm just filled with dread at what he's really doing. I hate that Tom King has earned such distrust. when I can't even enjoy something that is GOOD simply because I fear what he's going to do NEXT.. that's bad. fingers crossed. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #50
Jul 4, 2018 |
to make the issue super special they decided to let anyone who knew how to eat crayons do the art, and actually put their names right there on most pages within the panels. and... we get the stupidest possible ending... granted they've been teasing it already - that "Batman can't BE Batman unless he's unhappy" so, to save the world, they won't get married. and somehow Bane is behind all of it, sitting there like a gang leader with Joker, Riddler and other enemies gloating. yeah. |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #53
Aug 15, 2018 |
not a big fan of the art, but.. the story finally makes sense. he knows that he let his emotions lead him into a mistake, but with Freeze already in custody, he's had to bribe his way onto the jury and convince the others to vote not guilty. he's just in pain over what the villain Tom King did recently. I get it. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #54
Sep 5, 2018 |
wow. terrible art and no story. a complete and utter waste of pages. my "baseline" score for a book is 6, if it doesn't do anything to draw me in or push me away. a fluff/filler issue. etc. starting from the 6, the 1 rating comes because: -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because there was too much stupid humor. -2 because: an ugh storyline. -1 because: the author is the enemy here. |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #55
Sep 20, 2018 |
is Zdarsky writing Nightwing now? urgh... from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. -1 because there was too much stupid humor. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #56
Oct 4, 2018 |
well done without giving away whether Nightwing is dead or alive. good setup. good portrayal of Batman. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: I like how relentless Batman is in his pursuit. |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #57
Oct 21, 2018 |
dangerously closing to dropping Batman, AGAIN.. the second time since Tom King took over... I suppose his writing maybe just isn't for me. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. -1 because: because he only had half an issue of story so we got to see a pig and fox cartoon |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #58
Nov 8, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: if only Tom King could tell a story without trying to be so surreal all the time +1 because: overall the 1000000 foot view might be a good story, if you ignore the actual pages involved |
5.6 |
Justice League Dark (2018) | 4 issues |
6.5 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #1
Jul 28, 2018 |
I had such expectations. Now I have nothing but a resigned sigh of disappointment. I love James Tynion IV! The art isn't bad. But... I've already seen Marvel do this story and ruined Doctor Strange for years. Yes, magic is dying. groan. Next thing you know we'll have Burnside quality art and a full-scale lessening of the "magic" part of the DCU that we've all been clamoring to get MORE of instead. |
6.0 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #2
Aug 25, 2018 |
meh.. ok I guess. there is some little draw to read more, and it is good to have some non-Orlando Wonder Woman in the world, but... I just wish we had someone who could draw her. |
6.0 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #3
Sep 27, 2018 |
wow, I am shocked to see such high ratings here. for me, it was just a book with Wonder Woman that wasn't bad. it wasn't a compelling plot, there were no moments that made me ooh or ahh or have feelings. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
4.0 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #4
Oct 21, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because: yep.. now the good guy is the bad guy. worst trope in comics. |
5.5 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) | 2 issues |
5.0 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #4
Sep 9, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. -1 because: its a little confusing how Tandy is alive and fighting but without powers |
6.0 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #5
Oct 4, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. just meh. |
5.5 |
Iron Fist (2017) | 2 issues |
4.0 |
Iron Fist (2017) #1
Mar 24, 2017 |
very ugly art... apparently he gets his powers from place Kun Lun.. but it has been destroyed while he was away and so he has no powers anymore? but he's searching for himself... goes to some fight club in Bulgaria or some shit... beats down all the fighters at once... and continues his quest... and he's also just going to dive bars drinking a lot.. finally some guy comes to pick a fight with him and is an actual challenge but the guy surrenders saying he is here to help him on his quest... but he has to come to some island and fight in their tournament... and he goes... ugly art, only mildly interesting... I will maybe give it another issue to grab me... |
7.0 |
Iron Fist (2017) #2
Apr 6, 2017 |
the art was light years better than last issue, but still not exactly my style. the story is getting at least a bit interesting too. I'll hang around for another issue or two I suppose. |
5.5 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) | 2 issues |
3.0 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #3
Aug 25, 2017 |
43 attempts at humor on 18 pages. this writer would clearly prefer to be a stand-up comedian than a writer. utter garbage. I wish I knew how to format text here, because: joke count per page 6 in the opening recap page 1 on the opening page - JJJ getting comment spam, OK this was good. 4 on the next page, with Karnak babysitting 4 on the next page, where Karnak leaves 0 on the next page WOW - yet this is the page where the actual STORY goes into stupid mode - giving sister powers? 9 on the next page, the full-page where sister gets wings 5 on the next page, with the roof melting 2 on the next page, where they break in 3 on the next page, where Kingpin appears 1 on the next page, with the sprinklers and "good punisher" 2 on the next page, the full-page spread where the art goes out of its way to make sure and NOT let you know what the FK is going on 1 on the next page, the full-page spread with Kingpin beating up on Spidey 1 on the next page, where Spidey turns it around 3 on the next page, where Kingpin recognizes the sister 0 on the next page, omg! nothing stupid on this page at all! 0 on the next page, where the tinker is in the elevator 1 on the next page, where the tinker reveals a room full of weapons all at once 0 on the next, last page, where JJJ gets a phone call for the cliffhanger |
8.0 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #311
Oct 22, 2018 |
yay Zdarsky is gone! finally I can try to read this again! and I'm liking it! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8. +2 because: almost enough to make me read the event. probably not... |
5.4 |
Action Comics (2016) | 9 issues |
3.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #976
Mar 24, 2017 |
well the art is definitely off... it starts with Jon being happy that his parents have rescued him... but they don't know him. Superman's costume is a bit different and he refers to Lois as "Ms Lane" and says that they will find the kid's parents once they are done here... omg this is so stupid myx is mean and is leaving and Superman can't make him stay and help.. they don't remember Jon.. then Jon talks to two glowing blue ghosts and blasts Myx with something.. Myx leaves... saying that HE is coming and is much worse... we assume Oz I guess? Manhattan? then the blue ghosts merge with Superman and Lois... and they remember Jon... and they all cry and hug.... and we see Oz saying that he didn't think Superman could do it. he thought he was the only one who could fix what was broken.. FUCK does this mean we are now making Oz out to be a good guy? because he says that HE didn't think so either.. someone ELSE.... and Superman and Lois talk about how they feel new and complete now.. and the narration goes on about how two completely different worlds of existence have now been merged into one... we see Oz marvelling about it.... wondering if this will stand.. or if HE will change things... whomever HE is... overall the art was bad and the story was a complete disappointment and omg I have no confidence in the future now for DC.... |
7.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #977
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was WAY DOWN if you ask me, and the story was just mediocre. maybe you could say "filler" material. not "bad" just not "great" either. disappointing in the big scheme of things. |
7.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #978
Apr 28, 2017 |
the art is still down a bit... not "bad" but not at all as good as some that we've seen... and he's playing back his memories again... the Eradicator is coming back we just got rid of him what? 10 issues ago maybe? are they really this lazy? Mr Oz shows up just to blast him once and leave. this book seems to be getting lazy. |
4.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #989
Oct 11, 2017 |
can't get over just how awful the art is. utter and complete garbage. oh, and yet another story where someone tries to lure Jon to the dark side. Is this their only idea? |
7.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #998
Feb 28, 2018 |
good issue. loses points just on the title of next issue. don't they have ANY other ideas? is this the only Superman villain they have the rights to or something? wth? I'm sick of it already. |
8.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #1001
Jul 25, 2018 |
Honestly, I was not looking forward to this. Why change something that's already good, you know? But, this is good too. An entirely different sort of story for Superman, which makes it very interesting to me. It had a good deal of humor, but not over the top stupid like so many writers do. Just enough to be good without being silly. I like the whole perspective going on. I'm in. |
5.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #1002
Aug 22, 2018 |
a good enough issue with the mildly interesting Clark Kent street-level stuff. dragged down a couple of points by how confusing the whole Lois part of the story is, and by reminding me how awful the whole "Lois and Jon left" angle is to begin with. @#$ them. |
6.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #1003
Sep 26, 2018 |
why must writers do this? ruin a perfectly good story with some garbage angle just to try and be clever. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. -1 because: the Lois part just sucks +1 because: other than the Lois angle this is a good story |
1.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #1004
Oct 25, 2018 |
incredibly stupid. so.. your wife and son left in a hurry one night to go into outer space against your wishes... you lost contact with them.. they've been gone for months and now the wife is back without the kid and doesn't even tell you... because she just wants to write? oh, but hey, she got super-laid and so she definitely wants him to come back again.. utterly devoid of value. maybe 1-2 panels weren't bad, if only the story didn't drag them down to the pits from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 1. -2 because: the stupidest storyline ever? -2 because: Lois and Jon were great.. before Bendis.... -1 because: can't even imagine how Bendis thought this would be cool |
5.0 |
Batwoman: Rebirth | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Batwoman: Rebirth #1
Feb 15, 2017 |
this issue was a huge disappointment. such amazing art - wasted on some pretense of a story being told. well, maybe no pretense at all. just a bunch of unrelated flashback scenes from her past which all seem to just show us two things about her: she's gay and not very awesome. we already knew she was gay and I for one thought maybe she was awesome. maybe this is a "show how far she's come" type of plan. Even so - very poorly done. and is she portrayed as a bad guy in the future? what a waste. Steve Epting - go back to Thor where at least the story is almost worthy of your talent! |
5.0 |
Daredevil (2015) Annual | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Daredevil (2015) Annual #1
Sep 4, 2018 |
crappy art, but an ok back-story. meh. |
5.0 |
Domino (2018) | 2 issues |
4.0 |
Domino (2018) #6
Sep 16, 2018 |
the art is really throwing me. horribly ugly, yet somehow nice? I think maybe it's the coloring that I like. just guessing. still overall not liking the art. and the story? meh. confusing and just not well done. I have to say, while Gail Simone's Batgirl was on track to become my favorite super-hero EVER before she left the book... nothing else that I've ever read from Simone has hit the spot for me. I want to think she's great because of how great her BG run was, but... so far, not working out for me. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because: it was confusing. |
6.0 |
Domino (2018) #7
Oct 14, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6. |
5.0 |
Elektra (2017) | 2 issues |
6.0 |
Elektra (2017) #2
Mar 24, 2017 |
starts with the costumed bad guy Screwball complaining to his boss Arcade that he wants his chance to fight Elektra... complaining that his current job is too boring... they really think she'll be no problem... they send a team of robots to kill her... she destroys them.. Arcade is watching on the monitors thinking it is so much fun. she somehow tracks Arcade to his "lair" in some building... and goes in and kills more henchmen and robots.. then the taunts her into a hallway where some kind of poison spews from the artwork.. knocking her out (of course)... and she wakes up with some other group of captives... being hunted in some strange environment by some costumed baddies... this seems really stupid. |
4.0 |
Elektra (2017) #3
Apr 28, 2017 |
I'm not sure how much worse they could make this book. The art isn't bad, so there's that. I think Marvel has decided that they are missing out on all the greatness of the Burnside sewage that DC is producing with Batgirl lately. Elektra of Burnside! |
5.0 |
Justice League (2018) One Shot | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Justice League (2018): Drowned Earth Special #1
Nov 1, 2018 |
meh.. not bad.. HORRIBLE ART... I just think I have event fatigue... from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 5. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. |
5.0 |
Monsters Unleashed (2017) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Monsters Unleashed (2017) #1
Apr 21, 2017 |
this review might be unfair. it seems like a kiddie book to me, and those do not appeal to me usually. the coloring was great, but the art was definitely not my style either. the story was just ... it seemed a lot like a Kim Possible book, or Ben 10. Something my 6 year olds would have liked. if that's your thing, go for it! |
5.0 |
Secret Empire | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Secret Empire #0
Apr 21, 2017 |
not-so-great art, and I'm sick of Marvel's latest giant event already. the only good thing that I can see coming from this is that maybe once this is over we can get Captain America back. |
5.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man | 3 issues |
6.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #3
Aug 17, 2018 |
very meh. a few vaguely interesting plots going on at once. just.. too much to really let any one of them emerge and be as interesting as it should be. the Jocasta story is the closest one to being "interesting" right now. and the art is just.. meh too. not bad. not good either. still hoping this gets better. |
7.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #4
Oct 6, 2018 |
light-hearted fun. like I normally hate. but not this time. ok! from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: its fun! |
2.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #5
Nov 6, 2018 |
yep. mutated cows for dinner. and no Tony Stark. from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 2. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -2 because: mutated cows with hive brains for dinner -1 because: Tony isn't even in the book |
5.0 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) #1
Apr 6, 2017 |
on the cover: 2 x-men I don't like. 2 x-men I don't care about. and 2 x-men I don't know who they are. the first panel: "why does the world hate and fear mutants?" sigh.. same old crap. |
4.8 |
Dark Nights: Metal | 4 issues |
5.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #3
Oct 14, 2017 |
ugly art and a story that desperately wants to be epic while really just throwing around a bunch of silly "what if" scenarios. |
4.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #4
Dec 25, 2017 |
disjointed story-telling, OK art. I'm trying hard to find something to care about in this, but I just can't. at least it's better than doomsday so far. |
4.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #5
Jan 31, 2018 |
putrid art and maybe the seeds of a decent WW story surrounded by bits and pieces of a writer just flailing away at trying to be impressive. ever seen one of those museum art pieces where the artist just flung paint onto a canvas and made money? this is like that. maybe I'm just not cultured enough. |
6.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #6
Apr 1, 2018 |
thank God it's over. for all the hype this whole thing was just one giant confusing story with no real plot and horrible art. |
4.8 |
Justice League (2018) | 5 issues |
4.0 |
Justice League (2018) #1
Jun 8, 2018 |
ugly art. typical Snyder over the top hot garbage. I jokingly said when it started that the Joke was likely to be the big bad. LOL! I wish I was joking. Oh, and isn't Vandal Savage supposed to be pretty bad-ass? Lex Luthor just beats him down easily without even a battle? Forget hot garbage, I think this is that kind of cold sewage you find under the trashcan after it rains in January. |
2.0 |
Justice League (2018) #7
Sep 7, 2018 |
from a 6 base rating this gets a 2. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because the dialog was just bad. -2 because: an ugh storyline. I actually think I like Scott Snyder less than Tom King these days. How's THAT for bad? |
7.0 |
Justice League (2018) #8
Sep 23, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. +1 because: the art was definitely above average. |
7.0 |
Justice League (2018) #9
Oct 4, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7. -1 because: it was confusing. +1 because: Wonder Woman was at least portrayed well. +1 because: I do want to see what her domain ends up looking like |
4.0 |
Justice League (2018) #10
Oct 17, 2018 |
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 4. -1 because: the art was distractingly bad. -1 because the dialog was just bad. -1 because: it was confusing. +1 because: worth seeing what happens, I guess... |
4.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1
Jul 14, 2018 |
ok here's the reboot I've been dreading and looking forward to at the same time. can Spidey remain my favorite guy? he's had a lot of competition lately. I don't know anything about this creative team other than the internet seems to hate Nick Spencer. here goes. cover: ok art I guess. not happy if the very first issue for the new series is to bring back 4 old foes at once. but sigh... starts with Peter having a dream.. he's in his black suit with MJ at the top of a building being happy. he wakes up to a loud room-mate playing a computer game. and he happens to be the baddie Boomerang. we see that Peter knows who he is, but let him sub-let the third room anyway, to keep an eye on him. seems like a bad idea to me. and wow there is a full-page spread where we see that Pete has a lot on his mind right now.. and just seeing Thor and some others there with real art instead of the garbage their books have right now is amazing. can this artist take over Thor and Captain America and Daredevil, please? please? anyway lots of heroes fighting some bugs... and when Spidey arrives to help.. the Defenders are not happy to see him. damn, I like the Defenders. Fuck the Defenders. and the Torch doesn't like him either? wtf? we see it is some concerted effor by the Kingpin to discredit Spidey everywhere. in his personal AND his super-hero life. he knows Peter is Spider-Man? I didn't know that. lots of trouble. but the cliffhanger ending is he seems to be making up with MJ. oy. then... after the end... there is more.. with garbage art... and it is about Mysterio on trial and going crazy aond some death and bugs guy is there or in his mind? and now the Lizard is back and teaching at university and Peter is in his class? so much stupid |
4.0 |
Ghostbusters 101 | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Ghostbusters 101 #1
Mar 25, 2017 |
the art was just breathtaking. beautiful. it almost made me read the whole thing. the story just isn't for me. silly, full of humor. quite likely exactly what they are trying for, but ... not enough real story for me. just came here to compliment the artist. |
4.0 |
Justice League of America (2017) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Justice League of America (2017) #4
Apr 14, 2017 |
the art was bad, but not as bad as the dialog or story. some of the wost dialog I've seen. seems to be one of Steve Orlando's weak areas. which isn't good when you're a writer, right? this book is rapidly becoming an embarrassment. |
4.0 |
Nick Fury (2017) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Nick Fury (2017) #1
Apr 21, 2017 |
ugly art and took me 7 minutes to read. Nick Fury invades a casino. his eye-patch cost almost as much as a hellicarier. yawn. I won't be coming back for more. |
4.0 |
The Man of Steel (2018) | 2 issues |
4.0 |
The Man of Steel (2018) #4
Jun 22, 2018 |
the art took a dive and so did the writing and dialog. sometimes there just seem to be sentences out of order. making no sense at all. is Steve Orlando writing this? and for all we've seen, and for most of this issue, its just Rogol beating brutally on Superman and Supergirl. Then he just leaves. Yeah. Really? Later, Superman finds him at the fortress and they just talk. Yep. Until the explosion cliffhanger ending. Oh, and finally... the part with his dad. The same dad from not long ago. But now he's the one who came in issue#1 in that blinding flash of light. And yet they didn't know him? Jon doesn't know if he should call him Grandpa? And he came for Jon. this is just fucking stupid. |
4.0 |
The Man of Steel (2018) #5
Jun 29, 2018 |
the art goes from OK to horrible depending on what page you're on. the author seemingly hasn't read any previous work. everything is just so BAD. at one point I think the writer is trolling us, asking the same questions that we all are. except the know the answer - because Bendis. !@#$ I'm sick of him already. |
3.5 |
Justice League: No Justice | 1 issues |
3.5 |
Justice League: No Justice #3
May 24, 2018 |
an ok story, but confusing and... sigh it just doesn't feel right. but that's the good part. the art was SO HORRIBLE. I'm not sure it is even possible to draw an uglier Wonder Woman. why even put out a book if it looks like this? then all of a sudden the last page looks pretty good. ugh. |
2.5 |
Thor (2018) | 3 issues |
4.5 |
Thor (2018) #1
Jun 17, 2018 |
the art is worthy of Burnside or Batman/Shadow... SO BAD. it is hard to read or take a story seriously when the art is like vomit flowing across the page. The story itself isn't bad. Maybe too much humor for my taste. I like the dog! |
2.0 |
Thor (2018) #3
Jul 23, 2018 |
I just can't take this putrid art anymore. Just not for me. When a book is drawn like this, it's like they are saying "we don't care." And the writing is so full of bad humor, it feels like Zdarsky is here. Not worth putting up with. Dropping Thor for the first time ever. |
1.0 |
Thor (2018) #4
Aug 17, 2018 |
just reporting in to say: not gonna read a book that is this horribly ugly. and the last time I tried it had enough stupid humor to make Zdarsky blush. please give us a real Thor book again. kthxbai. |
2.3 |
Doomsday Clock | 3 issues |
2.0 |
Doomsday Clock #1
Nov 23, 2017 |
a Watchmen comic with one page at the end where Superman is having a nightmare from going to the prom as a young teen. utter and complete garbage. |
4.0 |
Doomsday Clock #2
Dec 29, 2017 |
another Watchmen book, but this time at least it has Batman in it... for.. what? 2-3 pages? Assuming this is our DCU, the assholes are here now. yay. |
1.0 |
Doomsday Clock #4
Apr 1, 2018 |
continuing the worst garbage in print. no connection whatsoever to anything in the DCU that matters. not even going to read more. such utter and complete garbage. |
2.0 |
Multiple Man (2018) | 1 issues |
2.0 |
Multiple Man (2018) #1
Jul 1, 2018 |
doing this one blow-by-blow as I read it. here goes! cover: tells me I'm not gonna like it. the guy looks like a barber from the 40s or 50s. the book already feels like the main character is a Monopoly piece. first page: oh, at least the art isn't like THAT. I don't like the art too much but at least it isn't totally terrible. and.. it looks like some X-Men? I don't know many of them, but its hard to tell if these are guys I don't know or just that the art is so bad I can't tell if these are any that I've seen before. the girl with the sword seems like someone I've seen before maybe. and.. yep. it's her. Illyana. The art is just putrid by now. And the story kind of reminds me of something Zdarsky would write. Stupid humor for no reason other than .. that's what they're going for. on purpose. sigh - I just don't enjoy that like others do. and, it seems like the plot we're starting with is "this guy Jamie Madrox is our main character Multiple Man and he's dying and these X-Men have just grabbed him to try and save him." I hate the art so bad that the story is really going to have to step up for me to read the whole thing, or to read another... still trying. and, he attacks another X-Man to do some time traveling and then comes back and attacks himself and.. oy. and yeah.. I'm out. this is way over the top stupidity. a Deadpool with light saber wolverine claws, and a hulk that comes out of Cloak, and God only knows what else. clearly this book is not to be taken seriously. buh-bye! |
2.0 |
The Unworthy Thor | 1 issues |
2.0 |
The Unworthy Thor #5
Mar 24, 2017 |
so.. starts on the moon.. the the Unseen.. the guy that told Odinson about the second hammer.... talking to himself.. apparently he is a new manifestation of Nick Fury.. ugh... yet he's not happy with himself. he regrets what he whispered to Thor.. even if it was true... omg in a fit of the ugliest art I've seen in a long while... he doesn't pick up the hammer. he says it isn't his so why should he? but he beats back all the attackers and somehow teleports all of Asgard back to where it belongs. this is so fucking stupid. then we see the Collector throwing a fit because Thor got away with the hammer and Asgard... then we see Thanos talking trash to Black Swan and Proxima Midnight and the mysterious other person who were supposed to bring him the hammer... of course he's mad because they failed... some fight happens... the mystery person kills either Black Swan or Proxima Midnight or both...and Thanos challenges her... it is a woman.. Hela the goddess of death... she offers that if Thanos helps her reclaim her kingdom then she'll give him what he wants... death. and they kiss. did I mention how fucking ugly the art is? and he tells Beta Ray Bill the secret... what Fury whispered to him was.. "Gorr was right." apparently someone named Gorr was an old enemy who said that gods were all unworthy. Odinson believes it now. he and Bill go and drink mead till the end... then there is an epilogue.. someone does come for the hammer.. and picks it up.. someone who says he has no idea how he was deemed worthy... I just know in my Marvel-hating heart that it is Nick Fury... and he wants to be called WarThor. I hate Marvel. |
1.0 |
Captain America (2017) | 1 issues |
1.0 |
Captain America (2017) #698
Feb 18, 2018 |
so he wakes up in a world where the art is like vomit and there are talking animals. dropped. |
1.0 |
The Totally Awesome Hulk One Shot | 1 issues |
1.0 |
The Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU
Mar 4, 2017 |
well, they finally gave this joke of a hulk artwork worthy of him. we're talking about sponge-bob level artwork guys. I'm sure someone will give it a 10 because that's the sort of garbage they like. for such a great new hero to have been taken down to such an annoying and silly new level in the past handful of issues is really sad. I'm glad they finally brought the art down to the same level. I no longer miss reading this book. |