• Determined to prove the Kingpin cheated his way into the mayor's office, Matt is pulling out all the stops!
• His resolve has set him down a path that will either tear down the Kingpin's empire or will cost Matt everything.
• When the final bell rings, only Fisk or Murdock will be left standing!
Rated T+
Phil Noto absolutely murders this book art-wise. The first page has Murdock and Nachos embracing, with a backdrop of the night's cityscape and an illuminated silhouette around them, and it sings. There's a deliberate blue and red hue throughout the scene permeated by Daredevil's radar. The rest of the book is also expertly done. Different color palettes are used in various scenes and the attention to detail is just glorious. More so than Daredevil's apparent death at the end of this series, I'm most terrified at the possibility of Phil Noto not drawing Daredevil. Read Full Review
If you haven't picked up a Daredevil comic in years - or ever - you can read #610 and enjoy it for what it is: A brilliant and self-contained caper story. It is thrilling and gorgeous and spell-binding. I don't know if subsequent issues can possibly live up to the standard this one sets. Regardless of what comes next, Daredevil #610 carves its own niche as a must-read. Read Full Review
Phil Noto's art is amazing. I love the shift in tone between the first few panels with Elektra and the details in the chase sequence. Read Full Review
Daredevil #610 is a fantastic second chapter to "The Death of Daredevil" storyline. Charles Soule continues to show his masterful understanding of Matt Murdock's world. Bringing in Elektra to team-up with Daredevil and his crew made the story even better. The way things went between Daredevil and Elektra built further anticipation as to how this war with Wilson Fisk will end. Read Full Review
Daredevil #610 is another strong entry in Charles Soule's run. Its strength lies in Noto's art but it is occasionally let down by Soule's over-expository captions. Read Full Review
This is some of Soule's strongest work yet, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Read Full Review
Supposedly Daredevil will die in two more issues; most comic book fans will take this with a grain of salt, but who knows! Daredevil #610 makes for an interesting issue in the saga. Soule pushes the story forward but it still feels only a little bit further from where we left off last time. Phil Noto's art is good, but it feels "off" for this story arc. Daredevil #610 is a middle-of-the-road issue for the story arc. It is not bad, but at the same time, it not as intriguing as Daredevil dying should be. Read Full Review
Elektra is briefly back in Matt’s life as they try to kidnap Fisk’s right hand for information about how they fixed the election vote however, the new villain Vigil makes the fairly simple operation a complicated mess that leaves Wesley dead, and Elektra out of the picture. Add to that Noto’s dream like visuals and we got ourself one of the most beautiful yet devastating issues in this run.
Death of Daredevil is shaping up to be another Daredevil vs Kingpin classic. Although I find Vigil extremely lame, I do love me some Elektra. Speaking of Elektra, this was bound to happen: Matt slept with Elektra. Soule had gone his entire run without Matt hooking up with a girl before this issue, and knowing Matt, that is no small feat. Anyways things look like they are wrapping up and I’m loving this arc
Elektra slides in for a hot sex scene and an assist in the first real battle of the war against Mayor Fisk. Unbelievably great art, a fast plot, and another stellar new antagonist are the formidable factors that go into this issue's plus column. The minus column is practically empty; the way Elektra is seemingly written out of the story at the end of the issue feels just a bit contrived.
The Vigil is cool and bodes horribly for Daredevil.
The Vigil is a cool villain, I just wish the run was longer so that we could see more of him.
I know where this is going, but it's a good thing because otherwise the pace would be too fast and the characters would be a bit off.
Art: 4.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 7.5/10
I’ve never been so offended in my life, don’t speak to me or my precious right hand man ever again.
I *really* dislike the art.
from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 6.
-1 because: the art was distractingly bad.
+1 because: interesting new baddie Vigil