I do. I was really hoping for someone to try something like that. To give Batman some "peace and happiness". And the fact that it's with Catwoman makes it that much better.
"EVERYONE LOVES IVY" part one! Mikel Janin returns to BATMAN for a brand-new epic! Pamela Isley's influence can spread as far as vegetation will allow, putting the whole world at her fingertips. Can Batman and Catwoman stand their ground against an entire planet of Poison Ivys?
Pushing past the initial disorientation reveals a mystery you'll want to get to the bottom of, and one truly worthy of the world's greatest detective. Read Full Review
King, Janin, and Chung's talents are front and center in BATMAN #41. Furthermore, a suspenseful and bold opening issue signals great things to come for the new arc. Read Full Review
Praise be to Tom King's Green thumb. Read Full Review
Everyone Loves Ivy is going to be another fun arc and this is a solid jumping on point for anyone who for some reason isn't already reading this book. Read Full Review
King writes a flawless script. It has action, intrigue, and a looming sense of dread for our heroes. Only Janin's art is a little stiff, but that is a fairly minor nitpick in an otherwise flawless issue. Read Full Review
Knowing that the rest of the DCU is ignoring what's happening here makes it obvious that Poison Ivy's control won't last long. The question is, how will Batman and Catwoman stop her? I'm curious to find out. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a very good issue. The only real complaint I have is how short it feels. We get 21 pages, but it is almost all just a setting of the board where we are shown the scope and stakes, but don't get much of the actual story. That said, what could be told with what they have established in this issue could be huge. While there is a lot to love for any Batman fan, fans of Ivy will be especially glad to pick up this issue. Hello indeed. Read Full Review
Batman #41 was an absolutely stunning comic book. Tom King and Mikel Janin created a comic book that perfectly capture how confident and terrifying Poison Ivy can be when she is using her full power. Seeing how Batman and Catwoman had no way of fighting back against Poison Ivy's latest plot elevated Ivy among the villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery. If you are a Batman fan this is an issue that you do not want to miss out on. Read Full Review
Batman #41 is a gorgeous book to read, and a perfect place to jump in for folks pining for a little more Poison Ivy in their lives. Read Full Review
Equal parts horror story and artists' showcase, the creative team's Poison Ivy story debuts in Batman #41 with a gorgeous, haunting tale that shows off just how powerful she can be. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a great issue with a great beginning. Ivy is back and more powerful than ever, and I can't find out why she's so mad at the world. Read Full Review
The story is well-paced, not too fast and not too slow, and enough happens to keep you turning the page. It also has a clear structure that makes the events easy to follow, and Batman and Catwoman are on point in terms of characterization. However, Poison Ivy is seriously overpowered, and that might not be to the liking of fans who prefer smaller, street-level Batman stories. Read Full Review
A short story that happens kind of quickly with little explanation. Not a bad one by any means, but it left me a bit thirsty for a bit more exposition. The art is truly amazing! The pencils and the colors are on point here and this is a very visual issue. I recommend getting it and just looking at the beautifully rendered scenes of Ivy and the characters. The colorist June Chung and the Artist Mikel Janin really shine in this issue. Read Full Review
After a rough couple issues, Batman is back on track thanks to a new story arc and the return of the always dependable Mikel Janin. This issue may annoy readers hoping for more consistency in how Poison Ivy is portrayed in the DCU. But on its won terms, this issue paints a vivid portrait of a villain dominating an entire planet and a Dynamic Duo rendered helpless in her wake. Read Full Review
As a part one to a story this is an intriguing opening. The payoff, hopefully, is worth the price of admission. At the very least this is a beautifully disturbed vision of obsession. Buy the ticket, take the ride... Read Full Review
For the only major drawback of this issue, and I have absolutely zero doubts that it'll payoff in a big way as “Everybody Loves Ivy” goes on, the lack of knowledge stands out. While the notion of being dropped right into the action in this issue is entertaining, it's a bit frustrating when you realize you'll have to wait two weeks just to know how the hell we even got here. Read Full Review
Batman #41 is a great read! I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what Batman's options truly are. Although Batman is a strategist and proficient in many things, he also has allies that he depends on for their expertise and resources as well. Ivy has essentially taken all of that access away"so what will Batman's next move be? Read Full Review
This is not a continuation to the "Super Friends" story arc, but a new epic arc that has brought b back artist Mikel Janin back since we last saw Tom King and Mikel Janin working together in the amazing War of Jokes and Riddles. This time things are taken to a grander scale; so grand that everyone around the world is in love with one person. Read Full Review
The Dark Knight is back to his best in the best book that DC is currently putting out. King has steadied the ship, and as we race toward issue 50, things are surely going to get more interesting in Gotham. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
Batman #41 is a promising if thin start to a new chapter in the saga of the Dark Knight. Ivy is back and more dangerous than ever. Bruce and Selina are left alone to stand up to the threat. Janin and Chung provide some fantastic artwork. This one comes recommended for sure. Give it a read. Read Full Review
It's a testament to the creative team's skill that this simple, straight forward issue is still so much fun to read. Read Full Review
It remains to be seen if this arc will have any far reaching ramifactions in the Batman mythos, but so far its offered, at least, a glimpse into what adventures with The Bat and The Cat will be like in the future. Read Full Review
Confusing personality swings and briefness aside, this was an entertaining issue. It sets up a really interesting next few issues, and with Tom King at the helm you know it's going to be good. Read Full Review
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A solid first installment that sets up some interesting implications. However, they have not paid off yet, as this is mainly set-up. Read Full Review
I'm confused by this story in terms of its placement, mostly because I was under the impression that King is building towards the eventual wedding in #50. This doesn't have anything to do with that except for the appearance of Catwoman. The art is fine and the colouring is even better. Read Full Review
Poison Ivy makes her villain debut in Tom King's run of Batman, even though she's not a villain in other books and with that...She's just a villain. Nothing really happens in this issue and it takes twenty pages to tell four pages of exposition and setup. The art is great, but like normal, there isn't much going on here. Read Full Review