Jeremy Cline's Profile

Location: Connecticut Joined: Oct 29, 2015

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Green Lantern (2018) #1

Nov 8, 2018

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] Approach this book in the following way: as if you have never heard of Green Lantern and you are reading a story about him and his kind for the first time. Just let it sweep you along.

Green Lantern (2018) #2

Dec 21, 2018

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] There are panels that are so stunning, I almost forgot I'm reading this for Morrison. Kind of cool how they address Hal Jordan's rep at one point.

Green Lantern (2018) #3

Jan 25, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] This series is THAT good. Art. Writing. It has this quality, like it's simultaneously from the 70's, 90's--and 2019!

Green Lantern (2018) #4

Feb 7, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] Simply put: this is what comic books should be. Highlights: the way Sharpe draws even creatures in the background as if they each have a compelling story to be told.

The Black Hood #1

Oct 29, 2015

The Black Hood #2

Oct 29, 2015

The Black Hood #3

Oct 29, 2015

The Black Hood #4

Oct 29, 2015

The Black Hood #5

Oct 29, 2015

The Black Hood #6

Nov 3, 2015

The Wrong Earth #1

Oct 29, 2018

What if Batman 66 and Frank Miller's Batman traded places? If you are intrigued by that question, and also like Golden Age superheroes, you're going to love this one. It's far more than just a great premise. The first issue really delivers. The backup feature starring his Dragonflyman's sidekick Stinger is worth the price of admission.

The Wrong Earth #2

Nov 17, 2018

This issue was almost perfect and the charming back up story puts it over the top.

The Wrong Earth #3

Nov 17, 2018

Please jump onto this great story as soon as you can!

The Wrong Earth #4

Dec 23, 2018

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] This series continues to develop its brilliant premise with a cast of rich characters and an arsenal of overturned tropes that will delight every single fan of superhero comic books!

The Wrong Earth #5

Jan 25, 2019


Supergirl (2016) #22

Sep 27, 2018

This is high-level comic book storytelling. Supergirl and Krypto on a cosmic quest. I deliberately jumped on this title for the new direction and because Andreyko did a bangup job on Batwoman a while back. The art is literally stunning and I can just look at the panels over and over again. May this title continue for years to come.

Supergirl (2016) #23

Oct 23, 2018

In my humble opinion, this issue has all the things that make a comic book great. Supergirl on a cosmic adventure with a dog. Art that is stunning.

Supergirl (2016) #24

Nov 17, 2018

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] Continues to be an exciting cosmic adventure that represents what is great about classic DC and also modern DC as well. For fans of the Legion of Superheroes, it's an extra treat to have Doc Shaner giving us great scenes between Kara...and a mysterious Coluan!

Batwoman (2017) #12  
Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt (2019) #1

Feb 2, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] Not sure why my favorite comics of the past few years have all featured analogues: see Wrong Earth! Whether you are interested in Peter Cannon, Ozymandias or you like a kind of commentary on our culture, this may be the book for you. And the art is beautiful, too.

Captain Ginger #1

Oct 29, 2018

Star Trek plus Battlestar Galactica with cats. That should tell you all you need to know and whether or not this book is for you. It's for me, that's for sure.

Captain Ginger #4

Jan 25, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] Ahoy is making a wise decision in calling each arc a "season" and then taking a break for a few months. Sounds like a great business plan.

The Fox #3

Oct 29, 2015

The Fox #4

Oct 29, 2015

Archie Meets Batman '66 #1

Jul 25, 2018

I was sent this comic because the book I was subscribed to was cancelled early. That said, I had no real expectations though I am a casual fan of both Archie and Batman 66. It is smartly written and a really pleasant surprise. Checking the credits, I see Jeff Parker, whose Flash Gordon is excellent, and then it all makes more sense.

Archie Meets Batman '66 #2

Aug 9, 2018

You didn't know you wanted this book. Jeff Parker and crew will make you believe Archie and Jughead could have appeared on the TV show as a few kids on a class trip to Gotham's museums. Seeing both Robin and Barbara show up in Riverdale as mysterious new students and following Bruce and Alfred tracking down the Bookworm in plain clothes...think about that for a second and you'll know whether you want to read this book. Interested? How about the criminal minds of the Joker and the Riddler assessing which of your favorite Riverdale characters would make the best henchmen based on their personality profiles? You may or may not be surpised!

Archie Meets Batman '66 #3

Oct 23, 2018

This comic is deceptively deep if you know about social engineering and how that works...

Archie Meets Batman '66 #4

Nov 8, 2018

The series continues to be fun, campy, yet wickedly clever at the same time. Parker and Moreci are juggling a massive cast and that is no easy feat to pull off.

Hawkman (2018) #5

Oct 23, 2018

I've never had much of an interest in Hawkman, but: 1) I remember good stuff from Venditti over at Valiant 2) I love the Atom So I'll be pulling this at least for this arc.

Hawkman (2018) #6

Nov 17, 2018

Yet another solid issue from DC which is hitting it's stride with a kind of neo-Bronze Age vibe, that is, forty-somethings giving us classic stories but with the nuances of modern techniques. I came because of the Atom and I'm staying.

Hawkman (2018) #7

Dec 21, 2018

I'm not even a Hawkman fan, but an adventure across space and time!

Hawkman (2018) #8

Jan 25, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] I've never been much of a Hawkman fan, and came on board because of the Atom a few months back. What I enjoy is the cosmic scope of this tale that pulls you along through space and time.

Freedom Fighters (2018) #1

Dec 21, 2018

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] If you like these characters and tales taking place on alternate Earths, you will like this one.

The Shield (2015) #1  
Project: Superpowers (2018) #0

Jul 4, 2018

Like many fans of Dynamite pulp series, I was overjoyed to hear that Project Superpowers would return with a volume two this summer, and that it would be an ongoing. That's why I have to be careful to temper my review and not be overwhelmed with nostalgia or let the giddy joy of having the team back cloud my critical eye. But overall, this preview delivers. I'm not one hundred percent happy with the art style as I feel it's too exaggerated and a character like the Green Lama, for example, didn't need bodybuilder legs. Second, pulling off a teaser or preview for a writer is not an easy task at all. The economy of story telling necessary is humbling. For me however, there was some confusion, even as a fan of the first series and I feel that new fans won't understand clearly why the heroes had to be locked up in Pandora's Box in the first place. Also, there are some story beats that don't make sense at all to me, such as when Devil storms off saying that the Spirit of the Flag can't be found and then the same immediately shows up. If Devil is now a spirit of some kind himself, why couldn't he figure that out? Anyway, not a perfect offering, but still very, very good and we can presume Rob will shine given more than 16 pages to tell his yarns.

Project: Superpowers (2018) #2

Sep 27, 2018

A good, old-fashioned team book. Getting more used to the art and realized that I don't like the shiny color style, but I prefer flatter colors--and that is no criticism of the artists here, just a matter of personal taste. Overall, it's a cool series so far.

Project: Superpowers (2018) #5

Jan 25, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] I am both upset that this series will end at #6 and also disappointed with the series itself, though that is not a slight against the creators at all. There is no accounting for taste. I must say this was the best issue yet and I find myself finally warming up to this version of the same...just in time for the series to end!

Shazam! (2018) #1

Dec 21, 2018

It's hard for me to write a review since it's been so long since Captain Marvel was on the stands and I haven't been pleased with how DC has been treating him and the Marvel Family. Doing my best to put all of that aside, this is solid. A nice, soft reboot of the earlier Johns' work. There are some fun meta references to the whole naming controversy and nods to both the Fawcett era and Jerry Ordway's work. The backup feature is something I wish more titles would do and I hope it will be a fairly regular occurrence. I was pleasantly surprised and I'm excited to see where this one goes.

Shazam! (2018) #2

Jan 25, 2019

[[DISCLAIMER: THE WRITER OF THIS REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT 100 PERCENT OF COMIC BOOK ARTISTS DRAW BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD & THAT MOST COMIC BOOK WRITERS WRITE BETTER (COMIC BOOKS) THAN HE EVER with that out of the way...]] First of all, what affects my review is the fact I'm not happy that this series was given to Geoff Johns. Still, I am reviewing what is HERE, not the book I wanted to get. I like the old-fashioned adventure feel to this story and it's clear that Johns took some of the New 52 criticisms to heart. Case in point, Sivana is now an amalgam of classic Sivana and Johns' own version from the beginning of this decade. Honestly I can't wait to find out what happens next.

The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #1

Dec 17, 2017

Was really looking forward to this since I adored the 2012 New Crusaders, also by Flynn, and the MLJ characters in all their past incarnations, from the golden age scans, to the silver age campiness, to the Rich Buckler-helmed eighties attempt (my personal favorite), to DC's Impact line, DC's 2nd attempt back in 2009 or so, and, most recently, the Dark Circle line itself (check out the Black Hood). I'm glad to see that Flynn has kept some of his own versions of the characters, though changing them slightly, but also that he integrated the 2015, Victoria Adams Shield (who deserved another chance)--and even that he's brought back a mysterious character called Darkling. He skillfully addresses some of the inadvertent confusion surrounding her at the time (early eighties). A first issue, especially for a superteam that is not that well-known, is a real challenge to pull off. You've got to introduce them all, make it compelling, get your reader to want to come back for more. And you need to do it all within a very few pages. As a fan, therefore, I don't know how much nostalgia is clouding my judgement, but I think Flynn pulls it off in a way that could intrigue new readers who may be too young to remember the Impact line or who may have missed the 2012 series. Can't say the same about the art, as it's just not my style. The layouts and visual storytelling, however, are great, which helps a lot and can make up for a lot. Needless to say, I'll be following this for at least six issues and I can't wait to see what happens.

The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #2

Jan 31, 2018

Flynn is handling something like eight characters at once, and this is no easy task within the confines of a single issue. That's why I'm holding back criticism of how Steel Sterling and Darkling have been handled. There is simply not enough room to handle them all--and to show us what this story arc's big bad is up to at the same time. I look forward to what is to come and hope that we will see more from Darkling and more personality from Steel. Artwise, I'm still pleased, although last issue I did point out that I don't find Shannon's facial expressions appealing. It almost feels like you're back in the nineties when everyone had to scowl menacingly. However, I do like his visual storytelling abilities, his layouts, and don't forget the colorist Matt Herms. Looking forward to the next issue, and many more--despite the fact that the people who harrass me have been deliberately witholding my mail and this is the second issue in a row that I got three weeks late.

The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #3

Mar 19, 2018

The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #4

Mar 29, 2018

Say it ain't so! According to creator posts on Twitter this will be the last issue of the series, with the other two issues of the six parter filled out by "Archie Superteens VS the Crusaders"...and I'm upset that Archie's latest attempt to bring their hero universe back hasn't stuck. It all comes down to numbers, and even Flynn's large pre-existing fanbase wasn't enough to save the book. And making it worse is the fact this was the best issue, with some nice payoffs for the first three episodes, as Flynn continues to juggle the huge cast of characters deftly. Despite my minor gripe with the way Shannon draws facial expressions, he is wonderful with his layouts and fight scenes. There is one in particular where Joe O'Higgins faces off against Dino Rex over two pages and it was my favorite sequence of the short series. Flynn brought back Mr. Justice as a kind of mystical, all-knowing being (also a nice way to connect the previous incarnations of the characters). It's a shame that this is it, but I'm glad they tried. I hope they try again, even if they have to create a version of the characters in the Horror universe. The comic closes with the words, "No the end--NEVER the end!"

Archie's Superteens vs. Crusaders #2

Jul 25, 2018

This two-issue story was done to fulfill a six-issue contract for the creators of the recently cancelled Mighty Crusaders. As a disappointed Crusaders fan I must therefore not let my disappointment negatively affect my impressions of this comic and it must be judged on its own. The art is credited to Kelsey Shannon, David Williams and Gary Marti with no info about who did what chores. I can say the line work is clearly different than the Shannon/Herms work of the Crusaders' four-issue run. While I found Shannon's "cinematography" there to be well done and in particular his action full of kinetic energy, the one gripe I had was how he drew facial expressions. The art here, however, corrects that, and, alas and ironically, we get the sparkling art I wish we had in the previous four issues. Since they put all the ads at the back, I'm a little confused as to why this story feels so short and sweet and I count 20 pages instead of 22 storywise. Well? We'll never get the chance to see how much worldbuilding Flynn could have done in a nice two or three year run, but this two-issue fill in is a lot of fun and beautifully drawn.

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