Project: Superpowers #0

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Sergio Davila Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: July 4, 2018 Cover Price: $0.1 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Superpowers #0: Project Superpowers is Back! Written by Rob (Suicide Squad) Williams, illustrated by Sergio (Swords of Sorrow, Superman) Davila, and featuring an all-star roster of cover artists, this introductory priced issue is the perfect starting point for the most ambitious superhero story of 2018.
An all-new threat faces the Earth, while the team faces turmoil from within and must overcome all obstacles to prove their worth and value in a world that desperately needs its heroes. The Death Defying Devil, Samson, Black Terror, Masquerade, Green Lama, Scarab and more are all here as the adventure begins again.
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  • 10
    Infinite Earths - J.D. Jr. Jul 1, 2018

    A dramatic and intriguing first step toward what is sure to be one of the year's most hotly anticipated titles! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Adam T Bennett Jul 5, 2018

    This band of heroes reminded me of Watchmen a bit and the sympathetic Devil character is really interesting like a man possessed. Project Superpowers has been a limited series starting back in 2008 with an 8 issue run. Jim Krueger and Alex Ross are the creators of this series with Jim Krueger as the writer and Alex Ross as the artist and co-plotter. They had a second limited series in 2009-2010 with 13 issues and it seems it took a hiatus until 2018. This series brings back some golden age heroes like The Black Terror, Dynamic Man, The Flame and The Face to name a few. This was my first look into these characters and I really like what I see so far, itll be interesting to see where it goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Jun 26, 2018

    Is the apocalyptic future immutable? Or will foreknowledge of events give the Green Llama the edge he needs to save the future? It's a brilliant lead-in that teases the import of the tale without giving too much away at once. One thing's for sure, it's got this reader hooked enough to come back for the full-sized first issue of PROJECT: SUPERPOWERS! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek-O-Rama - David Doub Jul 25, 2018

    Honestly unless you're a fan of the previous comic or the characters, I don't see this issue making you a big fan. That said for a dime (a play off of the old pricing for the characters' comics back in the 1940s) it doesn't hurt to give it a try if you like a superhero story. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Jeremy Cline Jul 4, 2018

    Like many fans of Dynamite pulp series, I was overjoyed to hear that Project Superpowers would return with a volume two this summer, and that it would be an ongoing.

    That's why I have to be careful to temper my review and not be overwhelmed with nostalgia or let the giddy joy of having the team back cloud my critical eye.

    But overall, this preview delivers.

    I'm not one hundred percent happy with the art style as I feel it's too exaggerated and a character like the Green Lama, for example, didn't need bodybuilder legs.

    Second, pulling off a teaser or preview for a writer is not an easy task at all. The economy of story telling necessary is humbling. For me however, there was some confusion, even a more

  • 7.0
    SloboSOY Jul 5, 2018

    I was teased by the first Project Superpowers. But for some reasons I never tried it. This time I see the opportunity & take my Chance.
    I'm totally new in this univers & I had to ask for some answer to friend before tried it. Like why they use the name Death defying Devil & not Daredevil. So I enter this univers with some limited knowledge & in a way I'm happy to have some other put in it. For now I don't know how they are been released from the Pandora Box, but It's not a trouble.
    What trouble me was the fact that the outfit of the devil come to show Green Lama that one day he will become the treat. And that like he don't see the spirit of the flag he think all we be lost. And Kind of seems to accept & anticipated his fate.

  • 5.0
    Gizmo Jul 7, 2018

    Coming in as a new reader, I thought I'd give this a shot since I love Rob Williams and I'm never going to miss ten cents. Unfortunately, I found myself completely lost. I expected a promotional #0 issue to provide a foundation for new readers, but such is not the case. I'm also confused as to why the Normandy invasion is set in 1945, as it actually took place in 1944 and Rob Williams must know this, he has written other WWII based material. Is this a mistake or is the timeline in this universe skewed?

  • 7.5
    Sharp332 Jul 12, 2018

  • 7.5
    Veido Jul 4, 2018

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