His level of genius is matched only by his heroics, and in humanity's darkest hour, he's the hero they need the most-alas, poor humanity. Peter Cannon-the man known as Thunderbolt-is only too happy to leave civilization to face its end. Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + the Divine) teams up with powerhouse artist Caspar Wijngaard (Doctor Aphra) as he returns to the superhero genre with a dark, humorous and relentless love song to the genre.
Well, "Love Song" in a Leonard Cohen Love Song kind of way. Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt: saving a world he hates.
Peter Cannon is a bold and ambitious book that makes a thunderously striking debut. This look at superheroes and Watchmen is one you owe it to yourself to be reading. Read Full Review
In five issues, Kieron Gillen and Caspar Wijngaard present a masterpiece that celebrates and dissects comics through the legacy of one of the greatest titles in the medium. Far from merely a carbon copy of Watchmen, Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt uses its ideas and techniques to craft its own narrative that is meta, potent and trippy. Read Full Review
A superbly crafted love letter to the superhero genera! Read Full Review
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this issue. The plot and drawings blended together very well and managed to convince me to continue with this series. The ending set up an interesting villain who I'm sure will cause a lot of trouble for Peter. Other than seeing the character in theCrisis series, I don't know much about him but I'm definitely going to check out more comics on him. Read Full Review
A pithy and entertaining read with some nice throwaway commentary for much of its duration, the real promise and potential of this comic becomes clear in its final pages. For long-time students of comics as well as recent die hards whove looked back even a bit, I highly recommend giving this debut issue a shot. Read Full Review
This book is an absorbing exploration of absolute power, in a very literal sense, corrupting the very powerful. Peter Cannon is an insufferable elitist, but fortunately, his weird and wonderful counterparts from around the globe are even more interesting than he is. Read Full Review
Peter Cannon is an old school character which I enjoyed back in the 90's and is a title that I have patiently been waiting for since hearing about his return. With Superpower and Peter Cannon, it seems that Dynamite are having a go at cracking the superhero market and with books of this quality they stand a great chance. Read Full Review
If you're looking for something new to read that has a unique twist on the superhero story, then you can do a lot worse that Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #1. This book is easily my pick of the week, and has been added to my pull list going forward. Read Full Review
I enjoyed the meeting of the various characters at the beginning, but do not feel I know enough about these characters as yet to be able to care for them as I do for other comic book heroes. Hopefully, this will be addressed in the second issue because I think there is some potential there. In a small way, the other characters put me in mind of the various characters that have worked with Doc Savage over the years, but they need a bit more fleshing out in order to make me care. Read Full Review
A great continuation of what we saw in issue one with more twists and exciting action. Read Full Review
This new Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt series is shaping up to be a great read for new-comers to the character and long-term fans alike. Read Full Review
One issue into Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt and Gillen, Wijngaard et al. are already firing on all cylinders. Resurrecting an often overlooked character, one that inspired a more impactful icon at that, is not an easy task. But there is an ease to how this project fits together that bodes well for the series. It gives us an exciting second chance to appreciate a great Silver Age hero. Read Full Review
If you like punching and feeling smart because you read Watchmen that one time, Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt #1 is the comic for you. Or maybe it despises you for playing devil's advocate in the class discussion about Ozymandias or Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' portrayal of women. Read Full Review
"Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt" is a successor to "Watchmen," but at the same time, not afraid to take its own path. Read Full Review
I'd say pick this book up if your a fan of the legacy of the Thunderbolt character. Read Full Review
Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #1 introduced us to the very definition of the reluctant hero. Hard to say if this one is worth coming back for more, but definitely not without potential for where this story could go by the end of the first issue. Read Full Review
As for the art, Wijngaard provides pencils (and possibly inks) that are dynamic and are greatly enhanced by Safro’s colours. You don’t always have to overcomplicate the art, and the simplicity here is what makes this issue visually appealing. I also really enjoyed the nine-panel grids peppered throughout the issue, because that gives you a visual hint that Peter Cannon is linked to the Watchmen graphic. Read Full Review
They just totally robber Watchman and it was glorious! Read Full Review
I have limited exposure to Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt. I read a few of his DC appearances and have a copy of Peter Cannon" Thunderbolt #58 published by Modern Comics, a reprint which is an exact duplicate of the Charlton issue, but little else. That said, he was an interesting character and I always wondered what could be done with him in a different setting under the care of a really big name creative team. Now I'm finding out, and it is looking good so far. PETER CANNON: THUNDERBOLT #1 is a look at a different sort of hero, and with a writer such as Kieron Gillen at the reigns, is sure to be an exciting adventure. Read Full Review
The unfortunate effect of all the Moore homage frontloaded in this book is that Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #1 reads like a issue where the writer is upset with how Doomsday Clock has been as a Watchmen sequel and decides to try it for themselves. It's a shame because that leads to the concept being fatiguing as soon as readers figure out what is going on. It concludes uniquely enough, and in a very this-changes-everything Gillen fashion, so here's to hoping following issues elevate the series to being unique enough to warrant the talent behind the book. Read Full Review