"Shazam! and the Seven Kingdoms" part two! The acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham continue the first all-new ongoing SHAZAM! title in decades!
Billy Batson has uncovered a secret deep within the Rock of Eternity that sends him on his most personal mission yet-one that threatens to tear apart his family! Meanwhile, the truth behind the Rock of Eternity's purpose and its forbidden past unveils new and familiar worlds (that Dale may go mad drawing)! Plus... talking animals?!
What's not to love here? Shazam! is a charming, light-hearted adventure certain to inject a nice big helping of happiness into your weekly reading! Read Full Review
The light hearted, silver-age nature to the series is a breath of fresh air to store shelves. With secret crises around every corner of current superhero comics, this self-contained joy ride is a must buy for all readers, new and old. Johns love and affinity for these characters and this universe shine through yet again, while accompanied by a slew of talented artists at every turn, this series can do no wrong. Read Full Review
Despite the lack of action, the book was still a fun read and serves to set the series off on a promising start. I look forward to seeing the adventures this series has in store for Billy and the rest of the Shazam Family. Read Full Review
I really love this title. Its unapologetically fun and reading it feels like that excitement that came before spoiler solicitations and a more mature, cynical attitude. So far Shazam is the jolt of optimism and adventure the DC Universe needs right now. Read Full Review
Light and exciting, although not as humorous as its predecessor, Shazam! (2018-) #2 continues to impress and raises the stakes by introducing some sinister forces into the mix. Read Full Review
Shazam continues to impress as Johns builds upon the mythos of the Marvel Family. Read Full Review
This is an engaging child-friendly story filled with mystery, energy, and fun. The art creates a world that is magical, beautiful, and potentially treacherous. I highly recommend this book to fans of Shazam and DC comics. Read Full Review
With a final page reveal of a new character that promises to change Shazam lore, this is the best the character has been in decades. Read Full Review
Marco Santucci has some detailed and beautifully composed art in this issue and I enjoyed how big and detailed he got in the Funlands scenes. Read Full Review
After an incredibly fun first issue, Shazam #2 continues the trend, being very entertaining, visually vibrant, and setting up lots of compelling mysteries! The characterization here and there is going in a potentially-worrisome direction, but the comic remains a delight to experience! Read Full Review
This was a fun issue that displayed plenty of action in panels all throughout, and showcased more of those rich, kinetic colors we saw in issue #1. Johns moves the story along nicely, while peppering in bits of information necessary to understand this family, their magic, and the growing threats. With these mysterious new lands, the possibilities are endless, and the intrigue is helping to make Shazam one of 2019's DC titles to remain excited about. Read Full Review
Overall,Shazam! #2 continues Johns current run on the character and conintues to focus on the families sense of wonder and amazement at the sheer awesomeness of being freaking superheroes. Johns captures the beauty and the appeal of the characters and honestly with the film fastly approaching I think this would be a good starting point for those interested in learning a little bit about the character before it drops. Read Full Review
Shazam continues to be a fun romp full of character, heart, charm and great world-building. Hop on this train and say the magic word! Read Full Review
The Law of Conservation of Characters suggests that the villains we meet in Shazam! #2 will be at the center of things. I like the energy and enthusiasm we have here, and the ongoing sense of innocence " that these kids aren't so jaded and cynical that they expect problems around every corner. The villains are classic, and interesting and I am curious to see what they're up to. Read Full Review
Though the story might have been a little slow and didnt go much of anywhere, it was absolutely beautiful to look at. The art was incredible, with the lighting in on some of the pages feeling like it could jump right off the page. It was just stunning to look at and really reminds me as to why I love the medium so much. With a good story and amazing art, its easy to lose oneself in a comic book. Even with my complaints about the slower story, I still feel this issue deserves praise for its work, so Im giving this issue 4 stars, and look forward to seeing Johns and the rest of the team on the next issue. Read Full Review
While we have more characters than we can shake a stick at in this issue, there's a pretty decent balance to everything that's going on in this book, but I'm worried that things could get out of hand fast. I'm still having a fun time with this series and love what Marco Santucci brought to the table with his art this issue and hope to see him put life in these heroes again. Read Full Review
I like what Johns is going for here, but it still doesn't match the pure iconic fun of the Jerry Ordway run from the 1990s. Read Full Review
Incredibly paced worldbuilding and fun artwork bring out the best in this budding series. Read Full Review
There is less action and more mystery as we are given a new world of Shazam to explore. It's only the second issue, so we've a long way to go. And what's with this guy that claims to be Billy Batson's dad? Read Full Review
Bottom line? Shazam! is a magical book and a must-read. Read Full Review
SHAZAM! #2 also features an appearance by Dr. Sivana and Mr. Mind (inside the scientist's ear), who we see also has an entry in the large book which the scientist has been carrying around, likely foreshadowing his eventual run-in with the Big Red Cheese and the rest of the Marvel Family. Worth a look. Read Full Review
The second installment in the Geoff Johns Shazam re-launch has found its footing, yet hasn't exactly shown us what it wants to be quite yet. The first issue, while fun, wasn't so interested in giving us something new to bite down on and was more of a reestablishment of character, while the second issue feels far more like the slow beginning of a narrative arc. I'm excited as the next reader to see what Johns does with these characters, but lets hope the next issue gives us a little bit more insight into what that thing is. Read Full Review
All and all though, I'm intrigued enough to see where it goes. Johns is always worth following so I'm going to stick with it a bit. Hopefully, this series takes off. It certainly has the potential to. Read Full Review
The issue wraps up with a cliffhanger introduction of what is to come and leaves me wondering what is coming next. I found myself pleasantly surprised by this book. With the cover being such a festive motif I was expecting a very different issue. I'm now very much looking forward to the next issue when, hopefully, some answers are given as plans continue to progress. And perhaps we'll hear that iconic line again. Read Full Review
In conclusion, the series continues to be a lot of fun. The darker stuff is not too severe (yet) and it maintained that childlike wonder at the world. While it could've had a little more action, I still really liked it and can't wait to pick up the next one. This issue gets a hearty recommendation from me, go get it. Read Full Review
An engaging connecting story that dives into the heroes' personalities. Read Full Review
Johns has also placed significant emphasis on two of Billy's siblings: Freddy and Mary. Something tells me Mary is right to be questioning every idea Freddy proposes. Not just because they've been questionable at best, but more to do with Freddy's actions on the train. In particular, the panel where he says, "Let's do this, magic subway car!" Everyone else is freaking out while Freddy's face is covered by shadows in such a way that he appears menacing. Read Full Review
Perhaps it'll start making more sense soon, but so far, it's mostly a hodgepodge of ideas - some entertaining, some puzzling, but noneparticularly compelling. Read Full Review
This book takes you on a fun journey, but it forgets that to truly make that journey special, you first need to know the characters you're following. Read Full Review
There is... a lot happening in Shazam! #2, and it feels like none of the three stories get enough time to come fully into focus. Read Full Review