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Joined: Sep 05, 2024

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Richardinho reviewed X-Factor #7 Mar 10, 2025

great action story with some smart satirical swipes

X-Factor #7

By: Mark Russell, Bob Quinn
Released: Feb 19, 2025


Angel returns to lead X-Factor, just as Emperor Doom will lead the world to glory! But, in the utopic domain of the magnanimous Doom, what could X-Factor's mission be? And what could bring them to a small nation on the island of...Genosha?!

Rated T+

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Richardinho added X-Factor (2024) to their pull list Mar 10, 2025

X-Factor (2024)

From the ashes of Krakoa, a new mutant arms race sweeps the globe! International governments are building their own mutant armies. But only America's X-Factor has the most powerful, most patriotic, most marketable mutant heroes to stem the tide and make the world safe for democracy! Join Angel, Havok, Frenzy, Feral, Pyr...

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Richardinho reviewed Wonder Woman #17 Mar 7, 2025

on the one hand, there were a lot of ideas in here that I liked, but at the same time I found it very hard to work out what was going on and which characters were on each side. there's also something obnoxious about quoting Will Smith

Wonder Woman #17

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jan 22, 2025

THE BATTLE OF WONDER BEGINS! After revealing the Sovereign and his plans to the entire nation, Wonder Woman sends in her girls to wage war against his army. Will these sidekicks have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with their mentors' most fearsome foes?

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Richardinho reviewed X-Factor #5 Jan 30, 2025

generic, but well crafted, comic book. I picked this up without expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised. enough action, drama, and plot-twists to keep the casual reader engaged. I'm always on the look out for comics that just provide non-complicated entertainment and this issue delivers. I'll be looking out for the rest of the series, hoping they can keep it up

X-Factor #5

By: Mark Russell, Bob Quinn
Released: Dec 11, 2024

•  The mercenaries called X-Term besiege the team's headquarters!
•  With mutant-human relations on the brink, X-Factor will have to choose a side...
•  And one member of the team won't survive!

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Richardinho reviewed Batman #155 Dec 15, 2024

I was enjoying the first two episodes of Dying City, but in this issue it's taken a turn that I really don't care for. the artwork is an obvious pastiche of the style David Mazzucchelli assumed in Batman Year 1. This is bad enough for me: imagine if in the 1980s, they'd had someone working in the style of Dick Sprang in the mainstream Batman comics. it would have been unthinkable, and absurd, yet more

Batman #155

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Fornes
Released: Dec 4, 2024

After the shocking events of the last issue, Batman is reeling! But the investigation isn't over just yet! The Court of Owls is intent on destroying Bruce Wayne's life, while Commander Star continues to stoke the flames of civil unrest in Gotham City! It all heats up in the unforgettable new chapter of "The Dying City"!

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Richardinho reviewed Action Comics #1074 Nov 12, 2024

the story is really shaping up well. it has the feel of a Silver-age story with Superman somehow finding himself on Krypton and meeting his birth parents. the artwork is really nice and clean and perfectly suits the story. real Superman fans shouldn't want to miss this!

Action Comics #1074

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 6, 2024

SUPERMAN BACK IN TIME?! GREAT RAO! A dying planet, a desperate scientist, a last could only mean one thing: Krypton! To uncover the secrets of the Phantom Zone, Kal-El must journey back to the days of his birth planet and into the lab of Jor-El himself. What shocking secrets will link the greatest prison known to the cosmos and the nefario...

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Richardinho reviewed Batman #154 Nov 6, 2024

this issue builds well on the previous one. it's good to see Batman actually doing some detective work again. there's a lot of different threads and is fascinating to see how they are gradually been woven together. I'm looking forward to seeing what the outcome is. I have to say that the ending was a bit confusing. I still don't understand what was going on

Batman #154

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Nov 6, 2024

Murder has rocked the heart of Gotham! Batman and Jim Gordon will have to piece together the clues and discover the truth, no matter how dark. Has the Riddler really gone legit? Is the Court of Owls involved? Meanwhile, public sentiment is turning against Wayne Enterprises' public initiatives, with new hero Commander Star sowing the seeds of discon...

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Richardinho added Kaya (2022) to their pull list Nov 4, 2024

Kaya (2022)

A jam-packed series premiere with 31 gorgeous story pages, plus bonus material and a Jack Kirby-inspired variant cover by DEADLY CLASS co-creator WES CRAIG!
After the destruction of their village, a young girl with a magic arm and a fighting spirit is tasked with delivering her little brother to a faraway safe haven. There, he's destined to dis...

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Richardinho added Redcoat (2024) to their pull list Nov 4, 2024

Redcoat (2024)

Immortal. Mercenary. Kind of a tool. Meet Simon Pure, the newest UNNAMED hero, created by comic all-stars GEOFF JOHNS and BRYAN HITCH. British redcoat and all-around rogue, Simon mysteriously became immortal in 1776 after a run-in with the clandestine cabal known as the Founding Fathers, which included George Washington, John H...

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Richardinho reviewed Redcoat #5 Nov 4, 2024

jumping on board in the middle of this arc, I'm somewhat pleasantly confused about what's going on. set in the 19th century with characters from the 18th century, and George Washington is apparently the villain. the story pulls you along grippingly enough, so I don't have any real complaint apart from the Queen Mary being portrayed as the SS Majestic, which is sure to annoy ocean liner buffs like more

Redcoat #5

By: Geoff Johns, Andrew Currie
Released: Aug 21, 2024

Immortal mercenary Simon Pure is no Einstein. Lucky for him, Simon has the real one helping him. Except this Albert Einstein is 13 years old and still discovering the revolutionary genius he'll grow up to be. But, hey, that's still a lot smarter than Simon, who needs all the brain power he can get to defeat hooded cult called The Founding Fathers. ...

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I really wanted to like this, but it's unreadable twaddle. Constantine is barely in it, and it's impossible to tell what's going on. It's a shame because it does have some potentially interesting ideas in it, but the writer seems to be trying to emulate Finnegan's Wake

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #10

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Oct 23, 2024

THE AMERICAN SUBCONSCIOUS CORRUPTED BY DREAMSAND! It's time for John Constantine to live or die in L.A....and at the rate his body has been decomposing, the smart money is on the latter. His only hope is to fulfill the mission with which Dream charged him--recover every grain of enormously powerful Dreamsand, seemingly seized by the triplicate enti...

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Jawnyblaze - Oct 25, 2024

I'm with you. I don't think my opinion is quite as harsh, but it seems stuff like this gets hyped because people don't want to admit it's messy and difficult to follow. I have liked some of this run so far but none of it strikes me as a masterpiece or classic in the making. It feels like it's intentionally obtuse and pretentious for the sake of appearing like "high literature".

Richardinho reviewed Absolute Wonder Woman #1 Oct 24, 2024

This is an interesting start, but there's not a huge amount that happens in the story. There's an attack on Gateway city, but most of the book is origin exposition. the drawings are brilliant, however. the design for Diane is fantastic and there are some great visuals, particularly early on. the colors are a bit muddy, particularly on the cover

Absolute Wonder Woman #1

By: Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman
Released: Oct 23, 2024

EISNER WINNER KELLY THOMPSON AND BREAKOUT ARTIST HAYDEN SHERMAN REINVENT WONDER WOMAN FROM THE GROUND UP! Without the island paradise...without the sisterhood that shaped her...without a mission of peace...what's left is the Absolute Amazon!

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Richardinho reviewed Action Comics #1071 Oct 16, 2024

exploring the Phantom Zone seems like a novel idea to me, so really excited about how that's going to turn out. it feels like it has a lot of potential to spawn a ton of stories in the coming years. the artwork is really nice and clean and tells the story nicely. I liked the back up feature, but the theme of exploration seemed a bit too similar to the main story.

Action Comics #1071

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Oct 16, 2024

TRAPPED IN THE PHANTOM ZONE! Investigating the ethereal prison created by his father, Superman finds himself helpless before the dreaded Phantom King. But what surprise reveal is in store for him? A clue lies in Superman's teenage years! Plus, Supergirl finds herself on trial as she comes face-to-face with the judge of the United Planets' highest c...

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Richardinho reviewed Batman #153 Oct 8, 2024

some great storylines introduced in this issue. I'm really excited to see where they will lead. the fake-out on the first two pages was very artfully done, and the story is gripping from there on in. Chip Zdarsky has taken his fair share of criticism from some quarters, and it looks like his run is going to be terminated early by the imminent return of Loeb and Lee, but if he continues like this, more

Batman #153

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 2, 2024

A BRAND-NEW EPIC BATMAN STORY ARC STARTS HERE! Batman is back with a vengeance and Bruce Wayne's new public initiatives have Gotham on the verge of finally becoming a great city! Does that bright future include the Riddler, who's seemingly gone legit? Or the new, unnerving hero, Commander Star? And can Gotham survive the shocking murder of one of i...

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Richardinho reviewed Aint No Grave #3 Oct 4, 2024

the atmosphere is great, the drawings are great, the story is intriguing but it's super hard to follow. there seems to be two parallel narratives going on and it's difficult to tell them apart.

Aint No Grave #3

By: Skottie Young, Jorge Corona
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Ryder is aboard a riverboat where she must gamble her fate against the mysterious Madam Gates. If she plays her cards right, Death will be within her sights. If not, this will be her last trip down any river.

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fzanca reviewed Superman #18 Sep 22, 2024

I enjoy seeing Superman and Zatanna together, but nothing really happens in this issue. They follow the map, only to emerge at the remnants fo the Fortress of Solitude where Lois just happens to be waiting for them, but nothing is really accomplished. I felt like I had wasted my time reading it.

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Superman #18

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Sep 18, 2024

Waller has the powerless heroes of the DC Universe on the ropes! Can the powerless Superman and Zatanna find the mystical map to the Dark Roads in time to get some major back-up?! Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Mercy, Jimmy, and Silver Banshee are on the run from the superpowered Amazos but find themselves pulled into a battle for the soul of Metropolis! D...

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Richardinho added Ultimate X-Men (2024) to their pull list Sep 30, 2024

Ultimate X-Men (2024)

Visionary creator PEACH MOMOKO (DEMON DAYS, STAR WARS) creates a new generation of X-Men for an all-new universe! Hisako Ichiki is a teenage girl who just wants to live a normal life - go to school, hang out with her friends, ignore the political strife broiling over after the events of ULTIMATE INVASION - but life has other plans for her. In Japan...

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Richardinho added Rook Exodus (2024) to their pull list Sep 29, 2024

Rook Exodus (2024)

GEOFF JOHNS and JASON FABOK, the celebrated team behind the smash hit Batman: Three Jokers, reunite for an all-new science fiction series! Hundreds of years from now, the man known as Rook was once a simple farmer who fled the crumbling Earth for a new life on the planet Exodus; a terraformed planet where all of nature, includin...

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Richardinho added Superman (2023) to their pull list Sep 21, 2024

Superman (2023)

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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Richardinho reviewed Batman #151 Sep 21, 2024

I've heard a lot of negativity about Absolute Power, but this made me want to check the rest of it out. job done, I guess! the main story was gripping, had interesting secondary characters - such as the corrupt general - and the narrative moved along swiftly from panel to panel with some good twists and turns along the way. the pencilling was strong, though perhaps the inking was a bit too stiff a more

Batman #151

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 7, 2024

A device critical to Amanda Waller’s plans is hidden on a remote, highly protected island. Batman can get there, but only one burglar has a chance of stealing the device and getting it off the island safely. But the device isn’t what they expect, and getting off the island turns out to be the least of their problems! Plus: a backup story reveal...

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024)

At last, as you demanded: The celebrated creative team of Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell have returned to Hellblazer! John Constantine has cheated death once again-but his heart’s not beating, his body is decaying, and he, his friend Nat, and his son Noah are on the run in America, wanted for murder. Naturally, it’s all John’s fault-it always...

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Tempra16v2.0Turbo reviewed Absolute Power #1 Jul 2, 2024

The art is good, but we have to wait. I didn't think it was a great start.

Absolute Power #1

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Jul 3, 2024

THE TRINITY OF EVIL HAS WON. DC's epic summer event kicks off with a bang, as the combined might of FAILSAFE and the BRAINIAC QUEEN has at last given Amanda Waller the ability to steal the metahuman abilities of every hero and villain on planet Earth. As chaos erupts in the streets and a massive misinformation campaign sways public opinion to her s...

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Costa Rica Comic Club - Jul 2, 2024

It was a great start, do not be a crying baby. the art is epic no good my friend

Richardinho added Absolute Power (2024) to their pull list Sep 20, 2024

Absolute Power (2024)

THE TRINITY OF EVIL HAS WON. DC's epic summer event kicks off with a bang, as the combined might of FAILSAFE and the BRAINIAC QUEEN has at last given Amanda Waller the ability to steal the metahuman abilities of every hero and villain on planet Earth. As chaos erupts in the streets and a massive misinformation campaign sways public opinion to her s...

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Richardinho added Transformers (2023) to their pull list Sep 20, 2024

Transformers (2023)

Superstar creator DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON (DO A POWERBOMB, Wonder Woman: Dead Earth), alongside ENERGON UNIVERSE showrunner ROBERT KIRKMAN (VOID RIVALS, INVINCIBLE), reimagines Hasbro's robots in disguise for a brand-new generation.
Optimus Prime was supposed to have led the Autobo...

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Richardinho reviewed Transformers #12 Sep 20, 2024

picked this up after reading some rave reviews. the artwork is excellent, but the story was hard to follow. granted, you might have to have read the rest of the arc first. I'm always a bit suspicious of reboots - it's like they have an unfair advantage over long running series - so it will be interesting to see how the creative team develop the title going forwards

Transformers #12

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jorge Corona
Released: Sep 11, 2024

End of Story Arc. The fate of two worlds is decided here, as the Autobots and Decepticons make choices that will change the universe forever.

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Richardinho added Batman (2016) to their pull list Sep 5, 2024

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Richardinho added Action Comics (2016) to their pull list Sep 5, 2024

Action Comics (2016)

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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Richardinho reviewed Action Comics #1068 Sep 5, 2024

The best Superman stories, in my opinion, are the Cosmic ones; where he's in outer space fighting against alien beings with powers comparable to his own. This is a good example of this. The world building with an alien race who organise gladiatorial contests involving the peoples who they conquer, is fascinating. There's lot of great moments of selfless heroism by Superman, which is is what every more

Action Comics #1068

By: Gail Simone, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 14, 2024

Things go COSMICALLY wrong as Superman ?nds himself the champion in a galactic battle between TWO alien empires! The entire EARTH is held hostage as Superman ?ghts to save CONTINENTS from utter destruction! Loads of guest stars, but as you haven’t seen them in a VERY LONG TIME! All this and LOTS MORE in part two of SUPERMAN AND THE CHALLENGE FROM...

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