A prison break brings unlikely aid to Wakanda, but is this new ally a reliable confidant? Or does the godly Moon Knight have more to offer?
Rated T+
Finally, we get to know more about Earth-6160s Sorcerer Supreme, Inan. I must admit, I was not ready for this Inans flair for the dramatics. This character will be a nice addition to the cast for contrast. Everyone is so intense and serious all the. Read Full Review
Ultimate Black Panther continues to explore the world of magic, while setting the stage for a final confrontation between Black Panther and Moon Knight. Read Full Review
Given that we are ten chapters into this storyline this causes the introduction of the Ultimate Sorcerer Supreme to come across as filler content. Read Full Review
Ultimate Black Panther #10 introduces readers to the Ultimate Sorcerer Supreme, which could be the best development we've had in months. That said, Bryan Hill's plot continues to go practically nowhere. Therefore, you get great art and the novelty of a cool new derivative character but not much else. Read Full Review
Black Panther #10 struggles to provide anything to justify its existence. The ongoing story is going nowhere, and this issue has done nothing to speed things up. On top of this, it fails to adequately showcase a new character in a memorable way. Read Full Review
Black Panther has nightmares where he beats Moon Knight but a shadow representing vibranium tells him that he is an instrument of vibranium, that all of Wakanda has been manipulated by this element. T'Challa keeps his fears about vibranium to himself until he understands what it hides.
On the other hand, Killmonger and Storm take Inan, the Supreme Sorcerer, to Wakanda on a boat. Storm asks her why she was locked up and she answers that magic is a science that no one knows and its power is unlimited, that's why she has an enemy. She clarifies that she eliminated a powerful mobster. The boat is attacked to eliminate Inan, Killmonger falls wounded.
Inan destroys the helicopter and heals Killmonger. She feels ind more
I don't mind Jonathan Hickman taking a break from Peter sometimes to focus on the supporting cast over in Ultimate Spider-Man, and I don't mind it here, either, particularly when it's good writing. Inan quickly becomes a relatively intriguing character here with an entertaining story, and I'm looking forward to her having a larger role going forward.
Great but the character reveal at the end left me feeling meh.
This book is split. Half of it is like a 6/10 and the other half is like an 8.5/10.
Black Panther himself is the most boring thing in this book and in this series. He ponders, complains, debates and occasionally does politics. His fights are short and uninspiring.
The Sorcerer Supreme is literally the only thing holding up this book. Like that is the only reason to read this book. The B plot is pushing this book forward. If that B plot ends or goes off the rails this entire series will implode. Not a good look. Hill needs to get things into action and Black Panther needs to actually do something rather than ponder. I am wearing thin of patience.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10