As with some of the other issues the panels just sometimes didnt seem to flow the story well. The art itself is once again spectacular but it is just an slightly above ok story that does confuse me a little because I always forget what happened last issue and the characters are so not well done that I keep forgetting who's who.
What the hell did I read??? They really forgot, that it's SPIDER-MAN. And NOIR. I'm just saying, that all these temples and Dora Milaje don't fit Noir universe... What's wrong with this overpowered and crazy Electro? Electro is the only thing, that reminds me, that I'm reading comics about Spider-Man. But it's not even Noir!
This issue itself is interesting and not so bad, but I don't like the idea, that it was published under the NOIR title. Also this story really doesn't belong to Spider-Man...
Why does everyone in this international cast talk like a Damon Runyon knockoff (think Ben Grimm, but awful)? Why does everyone turn into a stupid-looking monster? Why is it, when a hero finally takes charge and starts kicking butt, it's the sidekick instead of the protagonist? Why did the author think Indiana Jones + the Mummy + a brief glance at the Wikipedia article on Mesopotamian mythology would add up to a good plot? How did this title jump the shark so quick and so hard?
This is just a boring story, told with some rather trite dialogue. There's only one thing I really enjoyed here and that was Spider-Man Noir's Man-Spider design.
Ugh I had a bad time reading this.