• Silk has tried and failed to stop an evil witch from terrorizing New York.
• Now the witch is putting her grand plan into motion.
• What IS the witch's plan? And what'll happen to the city - and the world - if Silk is too late?!
Silk has evolved quite a lot over her 36 total issues thus far. Each series has been built on the one before it thoughtfully, nuancedly by every creative team. There's a real sense of continuity for Cindy and her adventures. Robbie Thompson's run on the first few series got her up and running. Maurine Goo's approach for the last series was good. Still, Kim and Miyazawa have a kind of alchemical resonance that could serve Cindy well for the next few series of chance and circumstance allow them the opportunity. Read Full Review
Another amazing volume of ‘Silk' comes to a satisfying but bittersweet conclusion that is high on character and emotion with just enough action to satisfy the needs of a superhero comic book. Marvel needs to finally give Cindy Moon another long-term ongoing series, preferably with this creative team still on board, because the character is wonderful and deserves more than just once-a-year minis. Read Full Review
Silk #5 provides a satisfying conclusion to a phenomenal series. Read Full Review
Silk #5 ends the arc the way it began with a light, airy ending that fits right in as an Afterschool Special or a Scooby Doo Mystery. The action is fine but safe, the linework is adequate, and the coloring is very good. If you want some light superhero fare for the kids, this is a solid title. If you want hard-hitting drama, look elsewhere. Read Full Review
Silk #5 comes through this week and brings Cindy Moon face to face with her heritage in the worst way. Read Full Review
this was a very solid story that I thoroughly enjoyed.
This series sails into a nice, smooth wrap-up. Although the antagonist and the plot never really sparkled (despite the last-minute addition of a nifty feminist angle here), Cindy's characterization and dialogue remain solid throughout. So does the art -- it's a very pretty comic from start to finish.
This miniseries was pretty good. Nothing special, but not bad at all.
Art, art, art, art still was amazing. Paneling was EXPERT.
This series finale lands a bit low though.
While the themes are mostly on point and I get why Silk does it, why on EARTH did she not seek help for this "battle".
It's an anticlimactic resolution to a promising new villain. Good bye mysterious, Korean witch lady. You left like you arrived: a stranger.
Something, something girl power in the past. IDK
Until next time, Silk.
Art was okay could been better like the last past issues