• Charles Xavier is on the run, and his first stop is New York - but there are plenty of mutants in the city who want nothing to do with the most recent master plan of the disgraced Professor X!
• Will the return of their dearly departed mentor bolster the burgeoning community that calls itself NYX or tear everything they've built apart?
• What does Xavier want from the city? What is he willing to do to get what he wants? And - perhaps most alarmingly of all - who else is waiting in the wings to strike?!
Charles Xavier has come to crash the party in NYX #9, and his bad vibes bring about the perfect opportunity for Mojo to strike. Part crossover story, part series' near-finale, the whole issue coalesces into a long hard look at Xavier. Professor X's best days inspired mutants to build communities like NYX, but the man has been rotting from the inside out for a long timeand no, I'm not referring to the tumor retcon. The mutants of NYX have weathered Xavier's latest betrayal, but none of that matters if they can't put a stop to Mojo's endgame. Read Full Review
NYX #9 had some really great moments art-wise that added a lot of depth to the storyline. With gorgeous cool toned colors throughout the fight with Kamala and Anole, juxtaposed the bright reds, it made the fight feel so much bigger. The artists of NYX continue to impress with NYX #9 and I can't wait to see what they do next. Read Full Review
NYX Issue 9 is a queasy, anxiety-inducing horror story. The issue has a heavy setup, but the rest is a sublime, sinister story that presses down on your chest. Read Full Review
Its a rocky addition to this crossover, which seems to have a rather underwhelming start to begin with. The team here seems like an afterthought, while the Mojo plot makes very little sense. The book is ending soon, so I wonder if the team will be laying the groundwork or will it be a clean break from this book to the next. Read Full Review
This comic had the strongest and most interesting concept of any of the From The Ashes titles, which has made it all the more frustrating that it's been more miss than hit in execution. I'd complain about the next-to-last issue being spent trying to simultaneously set up a finale and satisfy the demands a crossover, but it inspires some of the stronger work this team has delivered — particularly in the second-person monologue, which felt like the kind of introspective character work the X-books don't do nearly enough anymore. But then, it gets that by largely stepping away from the actual cast and focusing primarily on Xavier doing a fetch-quest that has nothing to do with this series.
The setup of this issue is puzzling, to say the least. When we last saw Prof. X, all he wanted to do was help his daughter. Now suddenly he is after the last Krakoan seed, which makes the inclusion of NYX in this crossover feel forced and unnatural. I also wondered if I had missed an issue of X-Manhunt.
Of course Kelly and Lanzing need to insert their usual moral lecturing into the plot. There's no question that Xavier is the most despicable mutant alive, and they tell you so in each and every scene. Unfortunately the art is quite good, so I can't give this issue the rating the story deserves.
Writing: 2
Art: 8
Male crossovers great again.
This was absolutely a pointless money grab.