Powerful. Troubled. Intense. He was HELLION and she was X-23 - two kids, more similar than different, battling a cruel world. Now Julian Keller's calling himself THE KRAKOAN, the proud new face of mutant terrorism. Laura Kinney is WOLVERINE, stalking silently from the shadows trying to keep mutants safe. They're about to come face-to-face: with each other, with the past and with what they've become. And one thing is for sure: They're not kids anymore.
Rated T+
NYX #8 is a stellar character piece on the hell-raising Hellion. This comic is about communication, the violence we can do to our loved ones with words, how anger can be a mask over a cry for help. Hellion claims that he is a nail that refuses to break under the might of the world's hammer, but maybe he's learning that being broken doesn't mean losing yourself or what makes you a hero. Read Full Review