Magik's hunt for the Liminal Seals takes her and Cal deep into the Tokyo underground. But who is watching Illyana from backstage? And has Cal teamed up with Earth's best chance against the demon invasion or its prophesized leader?
Rated T+
Illyana continues to serve as a really compelling character. Claremont and Buscema had clearly intended on Magik being something of a headlining character in her own right back in the earl 1980s...and certainly she had her chance with a prominent mini-series back in 1983 and 84. It might have been a bit too soon for her, though. Its nice to see her finally getting some of the recognition she deserves in a single week that sees her making appearances across at least three different titles: this one, The X-Men #11 and The Amazing Spider-Man #67 all in the same week. Read Full Review
Ashley Allen had such a strong start with Magik #1, and she continues that with the second installment. There's a lot to like about Magik #2, but I think my favorite thing is that it feels so authentic to the character and her backstory. The story itself is dark and plagued with mystery and Allen has written it flawlessly. Adding in new characters along with Magik's established lore, Allen keeps the story flowing while keeping you on the edge of your seat. Read Full Review
The quality is a pretty big drop down from the first issue because the opening scene does not work. It is clear that the main characters are in Japan because Cal figured out that's where the next seal is, and that Magik only agrees to go the concert because it became suspicious when she heard about the disappearances connected with it, but the whole process of learning about the concert and transitioning to it could have and should have been handled much better than it was. As it is, it's rushed and the entire character of Haruhi is confusing.
Thankfully, once they arrive at the concert things improve immensely. The art is just as good as issue 1, and the action is riveting and more emotional than the action scene of the previ more
This issue was quality drop from the last one. The action is good as is the art, but all the plot points are completely random and convenient. They randomly go to Tokyo and then conveniently get invited to a party at a dance club where miraculously, a demon is playing a guitar who is the previous friend of the male lead. I do like the ending. I think this entire issue wa a filler issue for no reason.
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