Bruce Banner is now fully locked away within the body and mind of the INCREDIBLE more than a memory of Hulk's former self. But as Charlie, increasingly violently, loses control to her skinwalker alter ego LYCANA, she finds a way to seek Banner's help within the Hulkscape. Can Banner help Charlie keep her newfound power without sacrificing her humanity? Meanwhile, Gamma-mutated people around the world are disappearing! Is ELDEST to blame? And what does this mean for the Incredible Hulk?
Rated T+
Incredible Hulk #22 begins a new chapter with a classic horror opening with a simple yet dark twist to it. The story is already exploring the ramifications of Charlie becoming a monster and how it will affect not only herself but innocent people. Then theres Bruce being stuck in Hulkscape leaving Hulk in the driver seat, the significance of which is downplayed a little too much in this comic. However, while the comic isnt the most excitable, it's still engaging all the same and sets up a new disturbing direction for the next few issues. Read Full Review
The first couple arcs of this series blew me away, and then it fell into a slump. It’s occasionally hooked me again, but this is the first issue in a while that’s come close to making me feel the way those initial issues did. Many of the previous issues have suffered from odd pacing and extreme decompression, relying solely on atmosphere to the book’s detriment. Everything clicked together again in this issue, and while I agree that Nic Klein’s incredible art is the best part of this book, that just hasn’t been a problem for me. PKJ’s storytelling in this issue has returned to its previously gripping form, but even when I found his writing lackluster, I was happy to see Klein’s beautifully horrific illustrations.
Nic Klein is carrying this series.
Cancel this crap Marvel!